Chinese zodiac compatibility by country

Chinese zodiac signs and compatibility of countries according to Chinese astrology
By KarmaWeather - 30 December 2024
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

What is the Chinese zodiac sign of my country?

Discover your country's Chinese zodiac animal, its annual element and compatibility with your own Chinese zodiac sign. Your country's Chinese zodiac sign is determined by the official date of birth of the state, corresponding to the first active day of the current constitution.

The purpose of this article is to enable you to apply two fundamentals of Chinese astrology, the signs of the Chinese zodiac and the five elements of Nature, to the relationship between a person and a country, or even to that which animates two countries between them.

Am I compatible with my country of birth?

In the same way that one does not choose one's family, one does not choose one's country of birth either. While most parents want the best for their children, the conditions for success are never guaranteed by the family environment, even if it seems privileged and free from financial problems. It is the same for the country of birth. In this regard, how can one not think of the old adage "No one is a prophet in one's country"?

You have the impression that everything is stagnant in your life and that it seems increasingly difficult for you to have a positive vision of your future. Despite all your efforts and even the unfailing support of your loved ones, nothing works, failure sticks to your skin.

And if you were not compatible with your country of birth? According to the Chinese horoscope, you can check your astrological compatibility with your country. To do this, look at the first of the two tables below (Chinese zodiac sign of the countries and their compatibility) and make sure that the Chinese zodiac sign of your country of birth is not incompatible with yours (right column of the table).

How to choose my country of destination?

Travel and tourism

When you decide to plan your vacation abroad, choosing the destination is as crucial as the budget you are willing to spend on your stay. Indeed, your goal may be to rest as far as possible from the hubbub of civilization, in the shade of an umbrella, your feet heated by the white sand of a beach paradise. On the contrary, you might rather want to go equipped with a backpack to discover a culture so rich that your days will not let you rest until the short restful sleep allowing you to start again at dawn. Dull but happy to be on time, inside a sputtering and dusty bus, you heroically overcome the anxieties of a chaotic ride on steep roads on the side of the valley, to finally reach the next stage of your adventure, a village of herders surmounted by medieval ruins and an active monastery, where you will spend the night.

According to the precepts of Chinese astrology, you can determine beforehand your departure for your dream destination if it is adapted to your own Chinese horoscope. Also, depending on the energy relationship between your Chinese zodiac sign and the one of the considered country, you can find out if the tourist activity that you intend to practice during your holidays is compatible with the combined energies (yours and those of the targeted country).

Let's take a concrete example: you are a Fire Ox (born between 07/02/1997 and 27/01/1998) and it's the solo adventure that attracts you this summer rather than the beach holidays with your family. Similarly, passionate about surfing (Water sport) rock climbing (Earth sport) and cycling (Metal sport), you would like to find a country of destination that will allow you to practice at least one of these two sports. How to choose the ideal country for your summer vacation? The Fire Ox is most compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and Rat countries. On the contrary, it is better to avoid the countries of the Year of the Goat (the Ox's opposite zodiac sign).

The ideal sport activities for the Fire Ox during his holidays, according to the countries that are most favorable to him, are:

  • Surf (Water) in an Ox, Snake, Rooster or Rat country whose annual element is Wood
  • Rock Climbing (Earth) in an Ox, Snake, Rooster or Rat country whose annual element is Metal
  • Cycling (Metal) in an Ox, Snake, Rooster or Rat country whose annual element is the Earth

To go further in understanding the balancing of the 5 elements of Chinese cosmology and Feng Shui, we invite you to read our article dedicated to this subject by clicking here.

Studying abroad

If you are currently a student, it is possible that your school or university gives you the opportunity to spend one of your years of study in a foreign country. This is an important decision because it is probably the first time in your life that you will be living away from your family and your group of friends for so long. How will life be there, will people be hospitable, will this experience be a real benefit from the perspective of your future career? Many questions animate you, especially since your parents do not fail to remind you of the financial investment that it represents for them. In this case, you do not want to disappoint or be disappointed yourself.

From the two KarmaWeather graphs below, the first detailing the Chinese zodiac signs compatible with each country and the second the balancing between the elements of these same countries, let's take a concrete example: you are an Earth Tiger (born between 28 / 01/1998 and 15/02/1999) and your university gives you the opportunity to complete your studies in a foreign country. How to choose your destination country? The Earth Tiger is the most compatible with the Dog or Horse country, while it is best to avoid a Monkey country. Another Tiger country is possible but less favorable, unless you are looking for adversity and challenge in order to feel better in life.

Working abroad

The same logic applies when you go to work in another country. However, when you are an employee and your company offers you a job abroad, the choice of country of destination is often limited. Therefore, in addition to checking the compatibility of your Chinese zodiac sign with that of the country concerned, you can complete your analysis by checking the compatibility of your company (whose Chinese zodiac sign is that of its lunar year of creation) with the destination country.

What is the most fortunate moment for a departure abroad?

If you have the opportunity to choose the period of your departure, choose the Chinese months (and days) most compatible with your sign, referring to the compatibility triangle of your Chinese zodiac sign. For example, if you were born in the Year of the Rabbit, an installation in a foreign country will be more auspicious if it is organized during a Rabbit, Pig or Goat Month, but also during the Dog Month (the Dog is the secret friend of the Rabbit). On the other hand, it will be advisable to avoid the Month of the Rooster, the latter being the antagonist animal of the Rabbit.

Read our daily Chinese calendar to find out the exact energetic composition of each day of the current Chinese lunar year, as well as the animal and element of the days and months of your choice.

How to approach the diplomatic relations between two countries?

According to Chinese world astrology, from the moment when you take as a point of reference the Chinese zodiac sign of a country and you confront it to another, the traditional geopolitical issues (access to resources, trade, alliances ...) illuminate things with a fresh perspective.

Indeed, the psychology and subjectivity induced by the quality of relations between political leaders is one of the fundamental keys of international relations, beyond any reality drawn from history and geography. While one must be wary of any attempt to reduce the mentality of a people to generalities, the fact remains that the idea of ​​one's own character is often based on the image that the one has of one's neighbors.

Can we similarly apply the same issues of Chinese horoscope compatibility to the relationship between two countries? Yes it's possible, if we look again at our two tables below, one based on the compatibility between the Chinese zodiac signs and the other on the compatibility of the elements. In both cases, it is, as always when we consider the philosophy of Chinese astrology, to seek to find the best balancing solutions, so that the relationship is considered rich and peaceful rather than arid and uncertain. For example, you are Argentinian and you have just been appointed consul of your country in Porto, Portugal. How will you approach your exchanges with the diplomats of your country of assignment?

For starters, we can note that given their respective constitution dates, Argentina is a Wood Dog and Portugal is a Fire Dragon. First observation: the Dog and the Dragon are two opposite Chinese zodiac signs. In Chinese astrology, they are therefore incompatible; although they may be attracted to each other (as often when two signs are antagonistic), a long-term peaceful relationship is far from guaranteed. In order to better understand the energy relationship between Argentina and Portugal, it is necessary to take into consideration their respective annual and intrinsic elements in order to identify their favorable mutual markers. The goal is for these two countries to find common ground to strengthen their ties and their economy.

It should be noted that Wood (annual element of Argentina) and Fire (annual element of Portugal) have a relationship of both creation (Wood generates Fire) and filiation (Fire is born from Wood). As a result, it is a mutually beneficial relationship (consideration and tolerance) despite a divergent initial political vision.

On the other hand, the Earth element, intrinsic secondary element present both in the Dragon and the Dog, allows the two countries to maintain harmonious diplomatic exchanges. Finally, there is also a compatibility facilitated by the relation between Metal (stable secondary element of the Dog) and Water (stable secondary element of the Dragon). The Metal and Water alliance favors the commercial, banking and fossil energy sectors.

In conclusion, from the point of view of the Chinese world horoscope, the links between Argentina and Portugal remain cordial and benevolent. Despite the incompatibility of their Chinese zodiac signs, putting into perspective their respective elements (or energy charter) allows them to consider successful transactions. In a commercial context, Portugal can benefit from the import of products related to the Earth and Metal element (minerals, fossil energies), while Argentina will benefit from the skills of the tertiary and banking sectors coming from Portugal.

Countries' Chinese zodiac animal sign and compatibility

  Country Date of birth
Chinese zodiac:
Year of the
🇦🇷 Argentina 22/08/1994 Wood Dog 🐶🐯🐴 🐲
🇦🇺 Australia 01/01/1901 Metal Rat 🐭🐲🐵 🐴
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 12/11/1995 Earth Rabbit 🐰🐐🐷 🐔
🇧🇪 Belgium 17/02/1994 Wood Dog 🐶🐯🐴 🐲
🇧🇷 Brazil 05/10/1988 Earth Dragon 🐭🐲🐵 🐶
🇨🇦 Canada 11/12/1931 Metal Goat 🐰🐐🐷 🐮
🇨🇱 Chile 11/03/1981 Metal Rooster 🐮🐍🐔 🐰
🇨🇳 China 04/12/1982 Water Dog 🐶🐯🐴 🐲
🇨🇴 Colombia 04/07/1991 Metal Goat 🐰🐐🐷 🐮
🇨🇷 Costa Rica 07/11/1949 Earth Ox 🐮🐍🐔 🐐
🇭🇷 Croatia 22/12/1990 Metal Horse 🐶🐯🐴 🐭
🇪🇨 Ecuador 20/10/2008 Earth Rat 🐭🐲🐵 🐴
🇫🇷 France 04/10/1958 Earth Dog 🐶🐯🐴 🐲
🇩🇪 Germany 08/05/1949 Earth Ox 🐮🐍🐔 🐐
🇬🇪 Georgia 17/10/1995 Wood Pig 🐰🐐🐷 🐍
🇭🇰 Hong Kong 01/07/1997 Fire Ox 🐮🐍🐔 🐐
🇮🇸 Iceland 17/06/1944 Wood Monkey 🐭🐲🐵 🐯
🇮🇳 India 26/01/1950 Earth Ox 🐮🐍🐔 🐐
🇮🇩 Indonesia 18/08/1945 Wood Rooster 🐮🐍🐔 🐰
🇮🇪 Ireland 29/12/1937 Fire Ox 🐮🐍🐔 🐐
🇮🇹 Italy 22/12/1947 Fire Pig 🐰🐐🐷 🐍
🇯🇵 Japan 03/05/1947 Fire Pig 🐰🐐🐷 🐍
🇰🇪 Kenya 27/08/2010 Metal Tiger 🐶🐯🐴 🐵
🇱🇻 Latvia 15/02/1922 Water Dog 🐶🐯🐴 🐲
🇱🇹 Lithuania 25/10/1992 Water Monkey 🐭🐲🐵 🐯
🇱🇺 Luxembourg 01/01/1842 Metal Ox 🐮🐍🐔 🐐
🇲🇾 Malaysia 27/08/1957 Fire Rooster 🐮🐍🐔 🐰
🇲🇺 Mauritius 12/07/1991 Metal Goat 🐰🐐🐷 🐮
🇲🇽 Mexico 05/02/1917 Fire Snake 🐮🐍🐔 🐷
🇳🇱 Netherlands 15/12/1954 Wood Horse 🐶🐯🐴 🐭
🇳🇵 Nepal 20/09/2015 Wood Goat 🐰🐐🐷 🐮
🇵🇪 Peru 31/12/1993 Earth Dragon 🐭🐲🐵 🐶
🇵🇭 Philippines 02/02/1987 Fire Rabbit 🐰🐐🐷 🐔
🇵🇹 Portugal 02/04/1976 Fire Dragon 🐭🐲🐵 🐶
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico 03/07/1952 Water Dragon 🐭🐲🐵 🐶
🇷🇺 Russia 12/12/1993 Water Rooster 🐮🐍🐔 🐰
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 23/09/1932 Water Monkey 🐭🐲🐵 🐯
🇸🇬 Singapore 09/08/1965 Wood Snake 🐮🐍🐔 🐷
🇸🇰 Slovakia 03/09/1992 Water Monkey 🐭🐲🐵 🐯
🇪🇸 Spain 29/12/1978 Earth Horse 🐶🐯🐴 🐭
🇨🇭 Switzerland 09/08/1965 Wood Snake 🐮🐍🐔 🐷
🇹🇼 Taiwan 18/04/1999 Earth Rabbit 🐰🐐🐷 🐔
🇹🇭 Thailand 24/08/2007 Fire Pig 🐰🐐🐷 🐍
🇹🇷 Turkey 07/11/1982 Water Dog 🐶🐯🐴 🐲
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan 18/05/1965 Wood Snake 🐮🐍🐔 🐷
🇦🇪 UAE 02/12/1971 Metal Pig 🐰🐐🐷 🐍
🇬🇧 United Kingdom 07/05/1707 Fire Pig 🐰🐐🐷 🐍
🇺🇾 Uruguay 15/02/1967 Fire Goat 🐰🐐🐷 🐮
🇺🇸 USA 17/09/1781 Metal Ox 🐮🐍🐔 🐐
🇻🇪 Venezuela 20/12/1999 Earth Rabbit 🐰🐐🐷 🐔


Elements' balancing for countries

  Country Date of birth
Chinese zodiac:
Year of the
🇦🇷 Argentina 22/08/1994 🌳 Wood Dog 💧 🔥
🇦🇺 Australia 01/01/1901 🛠 Metal Rat 🗿 💧
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 12/11/1995 🗿 Earth Rabbit 🔥 🛠
🇧🇪 Belgium 17/02/1994 🌳 Wood Dog 💧 🔥
🇧🇷 Brazil 05/10/1988 🗿 Earth Dragon 🔥 🛠
🇨🇦 Canada 11/12/1931 🛠 Metal Goat 🗿 💧
🇨🇱 Chile 11/03/1981 🛠 Metal Rooster 🗿 💧
🇨🇳 China 04/12/1982 💧 Water Dog 🛠 🌳
🇨🇴 Colombia 04/07/1991 🛠 Metal Goat 🗿 💧
🇨🇷 Costa Rica 07/11/1949 🗿 Earth Ox 🔥 🛠
🇭🇷 Croatia 22/12/1990 🛠 Metal Horse 🗿 💧
🇪🇨 Ecuador 20/10/2008 🗿 Earth Rat 🔥 🛠
🇫🇷 France 04/10/1958 🗿 Earth Dog 🔥 🛠
🇩🇪 Germany 08/05/1949 🗿 Earth Ox 🔥 🛠
🇬🇪 Georgia 17/10/1995 🌳 Wood Pig 💧 🔥
🇭🇰 Hong Kong 01/07/1997 🔥 Fire Ox 🌳 🗿
🇮🇸 Iceland 17/06/1944 🌳 Wood Monkey 💧 🔥
🇮🇳 India 26/01/1950 🗿 Earth Ox 🔥 🛠
🇮🇩 Indonesia 18/08/1945 🌳 Wood Rooster 💧 🔥
🇮🇪 Ireland 29/12/1937 🔥 Fire Ox 🌳 🗿
🇮🇹 Italy 22/12/1947 🔥 Fire Pig 🌳 🗿
🇯🇵 Japan 03/05/1947 🔥 Fire Pig 🌳 🗿
🇰🇪 Kenya 27/08/2010 🛠 Metal Tiger 🗿 💧
🇱🇻 Latvia 15/02/1922 💧 Water Dog 🛠 🌳
🇱🇹 Lithuania 25/10/1992 💧 Water Monkey 🛠 🌳
🇱🇺 Luxembourg 01/01/1842 🛠 Metal Ox 🗿 💧
🇲🇾 Malaysia 27/08/1957 🔥 Fire Rooster 🌳 🗿
🇲🇺 Mauritius 12/07/1991 🛠 Metal Goat 🗿 💧
🇲🇽 Mexico 05/02/1917 🔥 Fire Snake 🌳 🗿
🇳🇱 Netherlands 15/12/1954 💧 Water Rooster 🛠 🌳
🇳🇵 Nepal 20/09/2015 🌳 Wood Goat 💧 🔥
🇵🇪 Peru 31/12/1993 🗿 Earth Dragon 🔥 🛠
🇵🇭 Philippines 02/02/1987 🔥 Fire Rabbit 🌳 🗿
🇵🇹 Portugal 02/04/1976 🔥 Fire Dragon 🌳 🗿
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico 03/07/1952 💧 Water Dragon 🛠 🌳
🇷🇺 Russia 12/12/1993 💧 Water Rooster 🛠 🌳
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 23/09/1932 💧 Water Monkey 🛠 🌳
🇸🇬 Singapore 09/08/1965 🌳 Wood Snake 💧 🔥
🇸🇰 Slovakia 03/09/1992 💧 Water Monkey 🛠 🌳
🇪🇸 Spain 29/12/1978 🗿 Earth Horse 🔥 🛠
🇨🇭 Switzerland 09/08/1965 🌳 Wood Snake 💧 🔥
🇹🇼 Taiwan 18/04/1999 🗿 Earth Rabbit 🔥 🛠
🇹🇭 Thailand 24/08/2007 🔥 Fire Pig 🌳 🗿
🇹🇷 Turkey 07/11/1982 💧 Water Dog 🛠 🌳
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan 18/05/1965 🌳 Wood Snake 💧 🔥
🇦🇪 UAE 02/12/1971 🛠 Metal Pig 🗿 💧
🇬🇧 United Kingdom 07/05/1707 🔥 Fire Pig 🌳 🗿
🇺🇾 Uruguay 15/02/1967 🔥 Fire Goat 🌳 🗿
🇺🇸 USA 17/09/1781 🛠 Metal Ox 🗿 💧
🇻🇪 Venezuela 20/12/1999 🗿 Earth Rabbit 🔥 🛠
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