Dog: Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐶 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Dog. Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 May 2019
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Dog and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Dog, the Tiger and the Horse are part of the third compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Dog, the eleventh zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Tiger and the Horse.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) is the secret friend of the Dog. The Dog is incompatible with the Dragon.

Year of the Dog horoscope

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Dog with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Dog Rat compatibility

Dog Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Rat
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Dog and the Rat, although they are not of the same love compatibility triangle, form a harmonious couple. The key to their balance is their home. The Dog gives the Rat a protective and warm stability. The sense of insecurity of the Rat is tempered by the moral rigor and the analytical talent of the Dog. The Dog greatly appreciates the ability of the Rat to ensure the financial stability of the family. In order for their relationship to take root, the Dog must accept that the Rat needs moments of solitude and independence. The demonstrations of affection do not always make it possible to solve everything, especially since their worries (the fear of being alone for the Dog, the fear of not having any roof under his head for the Rat), if they are related, do not have the same answers. Because if they are not careful, the Dog may become compulsively jealous, while the Rat may become a stingy materialist. In friendship as in the professional setting, the Dog and the Rat understand each other and get along very well, each with their own territory. In business, the Dog is rather the one who uses his flair to determine the best commercial opportunities, while the Rat makes the capital grow.

Dog Ox compatibility

Dog Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Ox
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Dog and the Ox can form a couple cut to resist all the trials, because their respective qualities are the perfect ointments of their existential anxieties. The Dog feels immediately reassured by the quiet force and stability that emanate from the Ox. Together, they share the same taste for a comfortable, orderly and warm home, in which their family can grow and flourish serenely. The only real obstacle to their relationship in the long run is boredom, as both sometimes lack originality and are not known for their ability to take immoderate risks. In friendship, the Dog and the Ox get along perfectly, so much so that they have every interest not to make their friendship exclusive if they want to preserve it. Friendship, like love, feeds on the gift of the other as well as the preservation of a secret garden. In business, the Dog and the Ox do not need to go through big discussions to understand each other and make the right decisions.

Dog Tiger compatibility

Dog Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Tiger
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Dog and the Tiger can perfectly form a happy couple, provided that both make a great effort to accept their particularities. For if the Dog is of a faithful and jealous nature, the Tiger, on the contrary, loves adventure as much as he is reluctant to answer to anyone. Therefore, in addition to showing an unusual indulgence, the Dog in love with a Tiger and who wishes to preserve his relationship in the long term, has every interest in refraining from giving lessons of morality to his partner for a yes or a no. Similarly, the Dog must also force himself out of his comfort zone and succeed in surprising his partner. The Tiger, whose energy and endurance are legendary, does not want to be locked in a dull and monotonous relationship. It is therefore up to the Dog to make the majority of efforts if his love outweighs his nature. In friendship, the Dog and the Tiger get along perfectly, because the Dog is always ready to listens pleasantly to the story of his companion's escapades. In a professional setting, the Dog accepts with grace for the Tiger to be in command, because cautious and realistic, he is aware of the strength of the Tiger and his power to cross the walls when necessary. In return, the Dog brings to the Tiger his ability to analyze situations and his talent as an investigator, avoiding our proud feline from falling into gross traps.

Dog Rabbit compatibility

Dog Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Rabbit
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Dog and the Rabbit are secret friends in the Chinese zodiac wheel. Therefore, they get along perfectly, both in friendship and in love. In love, their relationship is harmonious, serene and pleasant. The Dog brings to the Rabbit the comfort and security of the home, necessary for his fulfillment, while the Rabbit contributes to bring a happy atmosphere, without ever taking offense at the sometimes rigid aspects of the character of the Dog. In return, the Dog puts his jealousy aside, learns to enjoy the moment and discovers with pleasure the many artistic activities that the Rabbit wishes to share with him. Together, they laugh heartily and when one sees them from afar, nothing seems able to separate them. However, the Dog must measure his gestures of tenderness for the Rabbit, because nothing is more important in his eyes than to preserve for himself a small personal space, a solitary nest, in which he can at any time indulge in the continuation of his various activities. In a professional setting, the exchanges between the Dog and the Rabbit are always productive, because they share the same taste for the analysis of situations, the first capable of infallible logical deductions, the second able to foresee complex strategies and to implement them with diplomacy.

Dog Dragon compatibility

Dog Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Dragon
(out of 5)
Love ❤️
Friendship 💛💛
Career 🏢🏢

According to Chinese astrology, the relationship between a Dog and a Dragon is not ideal, because everything seems to oppose them. The Dog is careful while the Dragon loves risk taking. The Dog is affectionate, the Dragon not that much. The Dog is willingly taciturn and pessimistic, the Dragon is overflowing with optimism. Moreover, the Dog is willingly jealous, which is not the easiest feeling to manage when living with a Dragon, for whom the desire to please is second nature. In addition, their main commonalities contribute more to put them even more in confrontation: a need for control of their environment and a fierce pride making difficult the compromise in the couple and the acceptance of their own mistakes. In business, the Dog and the Dragon can overcome their recurring disagreements, provided that their schedule does not force them to see each other every day.

Dog Snake compatibility

Dog Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Snake
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢

People born in the Year of the Snake and those born in the Year of the Dog are not a natural match. Indeed, if the Snake easily manages to use his charms successfully with the Dog, the latter quickly finds the relationship unstable and fragile. The Snake must redouble his efforts to reassure the Dog, and willingly accept his lessons of good conduct. Similarly, the Dog, although he loves to discover the mysteries and solve business, tastes little in his home that his partner Snake keeps keeping secrets, as innocent as they are. Finally, if both are of a jealous nature, the Dog is usually the most faithful of the two. In a work environment, the relation between a Snake and a Dog is usually cordial and tasteless, which is perfectly fine for interacting as colleagues.

Dog Horse compatibility

Dog Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Horse
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Dog and the Horse easily fall under the charm of each other, without this being the guarantee of a long-term peaceful relationship. At first sight, the Dog is fascinated by the nobility, humor and animated social life of the Horse, while the Horse appreciates the Dog's sense of detail, insight and comforting presence. Yet over time, the Dog, whose jealousy is still underlying, tends to find that the Horse is fickle and superficial. Outings with friends, distant travels, endless chatter, all this hardly allows the Dog to flourish, because his taste for the unexpected in the organization of his daily life is limited. In friendship, their centers of interest are too different to forge a lasting relationship. In work, they tend to match better, because they easily manage to find their marks without ever stepping on each other's territory.

Dog Goat compatibility

Dog Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Goat
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢

The Dog and the Goat, without being incompatible, do not form a perfect couple. The Dog has trouble understanding the crazy ideas and the permanent needs of adventures of the Goat. It is also difficult for the Dog to contain his jealousy at the repeated and impromptu outings of his partner. This assumed frivolity of the Goat does not help to soothe the anguish of the Dog, who may become more gloomy and short-tempered with time. He may even be tempted to believe that he can change the Goat, make him fit in the rank. The Dog would do well then to remember that nothing else can compel a Goat to stay peacefully at home except to satisfy him in all his whims. In a professional relationship, a Dog and a Goat can work together seamlessly, provided they maintain a separate territory where no direct competition can occur.

Dog Monkey compatibility

Dog Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Monkey
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

The combination of Dog and Monkey is naturally positive. As a couple, they could even be considered a winning ticket. Their love for each other is source of great energies which should in turn become very beneficial to their family. The flair and cooperative qualities of the Dog combine perfectly with the smart and social side of the Monkey. Each of them has his own territory of expression. The Monkey does not feel threatened in the expression of his teeming creativity (a Monkey can do anything when he decides). Only his facetious and materialistic side can sometimes annoy the honest and upright Dog. Actually, the Monkey can also be bored with time of this aspect of the character of the Dog. For his part, territorial and homebody, the Dog can have a hard time understanding the need for adventures of the Monkey. Both being jealous and possessive, they risk to jeopardize their relationship, unless the Dog agrees to submit to the whims of the Monkey. A friendship between a Dog and a Monkey is more likely to be beneficial in the long term, because they have no need to use their charms, nor to make the typical concessions of a life in common. In business, the Monkey's creativity and versatility combined with the dog's insatiable insight and curiosity can work wonders.

Dog Rooster compatibility

Dog Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Rooster
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢

A relationship between a Rooster and a Dog is fraught with pitfalls and missed opportunities. While they usually do not seem to notice each other's presence, they can be irresistibly attracted to each other because of their differences. The Rooster brings to the Dog his brilliance, his joie de vivre and his irreproachable taste for design and fashion, while the Dog can provide the Rooster with a soothing stability and a more balanced life. The Rooster's pleasure in partying also helps to temper the pessimistic tendencies of the Dog. In the organization of the home, it is preferable that it is the Dog who keeps the wallet, because the Rooster is always ready to spend money, as soon as an opportunity arises. Finally, if a friendship between a Rooster and a Dog is possible, a common professional activity can only be positive if they share equivalent responsibilities. Otherwise, they will find it hard to trust each other in the long run.

Dog Dog compatibility

Dog Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Dog
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

When two Dogs find themselves bound by passionate love, a kind of frivolous candor inhabits them, so that they forget the passing of time. When they finally wake up, the monotony of daily tasks quickly take over the idealization of the beloved, which can put their relationship in jeopardy. Therefore, two loving Dogs must remain anxious to maintain the flames of the sentimental parade. Similarly, they must be careful to contain their jealous temperament in order to avoid jeopardizing their relationship through unjustified challenges. Provided they manage to overcome their fatalism in the face of the vagaries of existence, two people born in the Year of the Dog can become perfect business partners. They share many common interests and understand each other easily. Two Dogs with a sense of adventure are perfectly equipped to join forces in starting a business. Their combined flair is an asset to identify, before their competitors, the good opportunities to seize.

Dog Pig compatibility

Dog Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dog Pig
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Dog and the Pig are not part of the same love compatibility triangle. When in a relationship, the Dog and the Pig, although very different in character, get along rather well. They both appreciate the protection and comfort of the home and take special care in the good upbringing of their children. The Dog, cautious, full of devotion and reserved, tempers the potential excesses of the Pig, always ready to spend more than reason and party until no time. The Pig for his part contributes with his optimism and sensuality to calm the anxiety of the Dog, always on guard. Finally, the sense of acute observation and the natural skepticism of the Dog are also very useful to the credulous Pig, who brings his joy to his partner while becoming more lucid about human nature by staying with him. If they decide to work together, the positive energy of the Pig effectively counteracts the pessimism of the Dog. In addition to complementing each other, they can form a profitable alliance.

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