Dragon: Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐲 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Dragon. Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 May 2019
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Dragon and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Dragon, the Rat and the Monkey are part of the first compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Dragon, the fifth zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Rat and the Monkey.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Rooster is the secret friend of the Dragon. The Dragon is incompatible with the Dog.

Year of the Dragon horoscope

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Dragon with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Dragon Rat compatibility

Dragon Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Rat
(out of 5)

Between the Dragon and the Rat, who are both part of the same love compatibility triangle (with the Monkey), great love is possible, as both have a heart to consider with indulgence the excesses or blunders of the other. The understanding is generally excellent between the Dragon, generous and gifted with an insolent fortune, with the Rat, sentimental and gifted for making money. The combination of their personalities and their characteristics gives them the means of their ambition. The Rat, taking advantage of the luck of the Dragon, allows the couple to obtain a financial ease that fills the Dragon with pleasure and who, in return, can achieve success in his projects, for the benefit of the whole family. The somewhat vain side of the Dragon, fascinated by his own image, does not disturb the discreet Rat, who is above all happy and proud to share his life with such a majestic being. Moreover, the authoritarian hints of the Dragon do not affect the Rat beyond measure. The latter is sufficiently aware of his own abilities not to feel abused by what he considers to be the quirks inherent in his partner's Dragon status. For his part, the Dragon is grateful to the Rat for contributing with the charm, delicacy and intelligence that characterize him, to his happiness and fulfillment. In friendship, the Rat feels somewhat neglected by the Dragon, who does not make the necessary efforts for their relationship to be based on strong and reciprocal feelings. On the other hand, in the context of a working relationship, the Dragon and the Rat form a pair that is both effective and complementary, capable of the most insolent successes.

Dragon Ox compatibility

Dragon Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Ox
(out of 5)

The Dragon and the Ox, when in love, should be able to rely on the qualities of the other to consider the future serenely. The whimsical personality of the Dragon, combined with the stability and quiet strength of the Ox, allows them, a priori, to find a modus operandi for their family. However, most of the time, their relationship is less harmonious than it seems on paper. The extravagance of the Dragon eventually repels the conservative Ox, while the regular, orderly and peaceful life of the Ox makes the Dragon yawn out of boredom. In the same way, the authoritarian tendencies of the Dragon are counterbalanced, on the part of the Ox, by pikes and reproaches on the Dragon's behavior. As vindictive as they both are, they are not the type to let it go easily, especially if they feel unfairly blamed. So that they avoid too much focus on the supposed failures of their partner, the key to the preservation of their well-being, beyond a good understanding in the bedroom which is generally maintained against all odds, is based on their ability to work together on common goals. Whether planning for a future birth (ideally, a child born during the Year of the Rat is best able to ease tensions within a Dragon Ox home), the acquisition and decor of a new house or the launch of a professional project. In friendship, the Dragon and the Ox lack too much indulgence towards each other to consider staying strong friends in the long run. At work, the Ox, more discreet and slower in his pace, tends to be overtaken by the Dragon. The latter, if he is not necessarily more competent than the Ox, climbs faster through the ranks of the company thanks to his impetuosity and his ability never to doubt himself. For his part, the Ox usually finds it hard to accept being led by anyone other than himself, let alone a Dragon. Finally, it is good to remember that the Ox has professional values very different from those of the Dragon: he is loyal, discreet and serious, while the Dragon seeks above all glory and glitter.

Dragon Tiger compatibility

Dragon Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Tiger
(out of 5)

The Dragon and the Tiger are certainly the two animals of the wheel of Chinese astrology who, with the Rooster, possess the most plume, a foolproof pride and a demonstrative charm. When they are in a relationship, the Dragon and the Tiger create a happy and lively domestic atmosphere, with disputes that have no consequences, because neither is able to dominate the other to the point of convincing him to flee the house. It's just that their authoritarian nature is stronger than their predisposition to compromise. However, they must find an agreement quickly if, after the effusions of their first passionate antics, it comes to them to share their destiny. One solution is that their mutual activities give them a space of freedom large enough so that the time of the reunion is more often an opportunity to take news of the other than to blame him. Their clashes are usually not territorial wars but rather a competition related to their need to be dressed in their finest adornment, to feel loved and recognized by those around them as by strangers. Moreover, when they argue, they are advised to find a solution quickly, because if the situation degenerates, the degree of violence they are both capable of will leave neither of them unscathed. This is why, when a Dragon and a Tiger are in a couple, they must weigh their decision carefully, because any future separation might destroy everything they have built before. In friendship, the Dragon and the Tiger are good accomplices, always ready to support each other in his adventures, even during periods of depression that may envelop him during these unpleasant periods. At work, the Dragon might be tempted to control the Tiger, who will not let it go and who will resist fiercely. The Tiger, if he feels constrained in his activities by the Dragon, even if it is his manager, will wait, like a cat watching for its prey, the best time to take revenge.

Dragon Rabbit compatibility

Dragon Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Rabbit
(out of 5)

The Dragon and the Rabbit form a couple that is a priori little equipped to form a serene and balanced alliance. This is not to say that their love affair can not work in the long run. However, both need to accept a number of pre-rules. For example, the Dragon must quickly realize that the Rabbit, despite his harmless and friendly appearance, is not ready to let himself be led or coerced, even by a Dragon. The Rabbit, meanwhile, if he wants to attract for good the fidelity and protection of the Dragon, must find ways to continue to be desired by his partner, by cultivating the mystery and making surprises. Otherwise, the Dragon, always on the alert, may be bored by the discreet and intellectual Rabbit. Those of the Rabbits who are the most adventurous and the most sporties have the best chance of making a Dragon dependent on their charm. In the professional setting, the Dragon and the Rabbit can form successful partnerships: the Dragon brings to the Rabbit his innate fortune and his communicative energy, while the latter brings his tactical sense and his diplomatic skills. If the Dragon is in a higher hierarchical position than the Rabbit, he must learn to behave with him by wearing velvet gloves, because the annoyed Rabbit does not hesitate a single second to slam the door of any adventure that displeases him.

Dragon Dragon compatibility

Dragon Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Dragon
(out of 5)

Between two Dragons, the agreement is perfect and no conflict is on the horizon, as long as the passion that brought them together initially persists. Their natural instinct, which renders them at once so majestic and presumptuous, is restricted by the presence of the other, who possesses the same brilliant attributes. If two amorous Dragon wish to further consolidate their relationship, beyond their mutual attraction and fascination, one of them must make the difficult decision to stand back from the other and accept, reluctantly, to leave him the keys to the important decisions of the home. Without the cordial domination of one over the other, they risk making each other's life impossible, each seeking to impose his will, not because it would be the best option, but for the principle to assert his determination. In friendship, two Dragons can appreciate each other, as long as their relationship remains playful and occasional and above all without commitment. In a professional context, it is better, once they recognize themselves, that two Dragons avoid each other and keep their distance.

Dragon Snake compatibility

Dragon Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Snake
(out of 5)

The love compatibility between the Snake and the Dragon is good, especially when it feeds on the long conversations at the fireside that animate their winter evenings. When in a relationship, the Dragon particularly appreciates the wisdom and self-confidence of the Snake, while the latter admires the cheerful dynamism of his partner. Together, they form a couple that succeeds most of the time in forging common goals and staying positive, even in adversity. Only the excessive jealousy from the Snake or the authoritarian temperament of the Dragon can jeopardize their relationship, for they are both whole and impulsive in the expression of the wounds of their feelings, whether they are feigned or real. In a friendly context, the resplendent dimension of the Dragon, which tends to capture all the light, is very suitable for the Snake who stands nearby, and whose charm works best in the dim light. In absolute terms, the Snake and the Dragon get along very well in all circumstances. They advise each other effectively, respect each other and enjoy the same activities, whether social or professional.

Dragon Horse compatibility

Dragon Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Horse
(out of 5)

In love, the Horse and the Dragon are able to develop a pleasant relationship, built on the foundations of an insolent passion and a sincere mutual respect. However, the balance to look for, for the relationship to continue, still requires some effort on both sides. If the Dragon considers the Horse with enough esteem to be worthy of his attentions, the Horse finds the Dragon a little too braggadocious, especially since his legendary luck allows him, most of the time, to avoid learning from his failures. On the other hand, the Horse, despite the comforting presence of the Dragon at his side, still feels a little sidelined. It is especially because the Dragon, who is self-sufficient, does not seem to listen enough to his partner. The Horse prefers, if he feels abandoned (rightly or wrongly), take off with his friends, for whom he remains the center of attention. The Dragon who wishes to please his partner Horse must make the effort to caress the fragile ego of his lover, and when they are in society, learn to value him. Since the Dragon shines effortlessly, he can gracefully share some of his brilliance to make the Horse even more majestic. In friendship, the Horse and the Dragon never feel threatened by the other. On the contrary, they are complementary and share with pleasure the same passions. At work, the Horse finds the Dragon a little too authoritarian to his taste. Moreover, less fortunate than the Dragon (like most other animals of the wheel of Chinese astrology), he feels he has to work twice as hard to achieve the same result, which can annoy him seriously in the long run.

Dragon Goat compatibility

Dragon Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Goat
(out of 5)

The Goat and the Dragon form a seemingly unlikely pair. Their agreement is mainly in the bedroom, which explains why their loves rarely exceed the time of passion. Beyond this period that usually ranges from a few weeks to two years, it is appropriate for our two lovebirds to make significant efforts if they want to start a family and spend their lives together. First, the Dragon must learn to contain his possessiveness and jealousy in view of the escapades of the Goat, always twirling right and left. Then he must accept the whims of the Goat, who upsets his habits without even apologizing. If the Dragon thinks he can control the Goat with his natural authority, he is mistaken. The Goat is not impressed by the flamboyance of the Dragon, whose theatrical dimension he can easily see. The Dragon, rather than taking offense at this apparent lack of consideration of his partner, would do well to see its assets. Indeed, if only the Dragon decided to listen to his partner, he would gain in lucidity and insight, because he too often tends to lock himself into a self-indulgence. In friendship, the relationship of the Goat and the Dragon is punctuated by regular disputes and reconciliations. They adore each other, but their relationship is unfortunately not balanced, because their respective quirks are often the source of misunderstandings and frustrations, sometimes irreconcilable. In the professional setting, it is preferable that the Goat and the Dragon avoid developing joint projects. The personal ambition of the Dragon is not really compatible with that of the Goat. The latter is yet ready to abandon its own objectives to serve the Dragon. On the other hand, he would do better not to expect too much recognition in return, because the proud Dragon is not the type to linger in outpourings of thanks.

Dragon Monkey compatibility

Dragon Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Monkey
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Dragon are part of the same compatibility triangle (with the Rat). If a love relationship between a Monkey and a Dragon is favored, that does not mean that their story is without waves. If they have all the assets to get along and build a stable and fertile relationship over the long term, the Monkey remains cautious in front of the Dragon. Indeed, he finds him a bit too authoritarian in his eyes, as he hates any constraint whatsoever. The Dragon, for his part, appreciates the fantasies and the creative energy of the Monkey, but mistakenly confuses it with an overflowing passion for him. Despite the flaws of their relationship, a Dragon Monkey couple has every interest in staying together: the Monkey is aware of the virtues that the natural good luck of the Dragon can bring him, while the Dragon, even if he remains lucid on the materialistic intentions of the Monkey, enjoys having a fun and rewarding partner. The Dragon, a complex animal par excellence, needs to be admired and always remain in the center of attention. With the Monkey, less powerful and resplendent than him, he does not feel threatened but rewarded to share his life with a being with whom he will never be bored and especially who will be able to channel him. In friendship and at work, the Monkey and the Dragon form a welded pair, knotted by strong bonds of complicity and mutual admiration, even if they tire each other a little. The Dragon avoids the Monkey from falling into the traps of his nature by reminding him that honesty also pays. The Monkey takes advantage of the Dragon's luck to accomplish projects that are as complex as they are unlikely at first sight.

Dragon Rooster compatibility

Dragon Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Rooster
(out of 5)

A love relationship between a Rooster and a Dragon is likely to be written in the long term (the Dragon is the secret friend of the Rooster). In addition to their Yin (Rooster) and Yang (Dragon) polarity, the Dragon is also the Rooster's secret friend. Similarly, in terms of elements, the Dragon's Earth feeds the Rooster's Metal, while the Metal of the Rooster comes to fill the deficiency in Metal of the Dragon: as a result, the two Chinese zodiac animals are quite complementary. However it is better to take some parameters into account for the relationship to work: The Rooster must avoid criticizing the Dragon too much. Both must from the outset delineate their respective territories. Last but not least, the Rooster and the Dragon must refrain from any demonstration of pride in front of their partner to avoid triggering a competitive atmosphere, potentially harmful in a couple. In friendship, the Rooster is proud enough of his own finery not to feel threatened by the sparkling personality of the Dragon. In addition, they have many interests in common, including a taste for fashion, although for his part, the Rooster is more in search of elegance than daring. The professional relationship between a Rooster and a Dragon is generally harmonious because they respect each other enough to always find common ground.

Dragon Dog compatibility

Dragon Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Dog
(out of 5)

According to Chinese astrology, the relationship between a Dog and a Dragon is not ideal, because everything seems to oppose them. The Dog is careful while the Dragon loves risk taking. The Dog is affectionate, the Dragon not that much. The Dog is willingly taciturn and pessimistic, the Dragon is overflowing with optimism. Moreover, the Dog is willingly jealous, which is not the easiest feeling to manage when living with a Dragon, for whom the desire to please is second nature. In addition, their main commonalities contribute more to put them even more in confrontation: a need for control of their environment and a fierce pride making difficult the compromise in the couple and the acceptance of their own mistakes. In business, the Dog and the Dragon can overcome their recurring disagreements, provided that their schedule does not force them to see each other every day.

Dragon Pig compatibility

Dragon Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Dragon Pig
(out of 5)

Even if they are not part of the same love and friendship compatibility triangle, the Pig and the Dragon form a stable and happy couple, cut for success. The Pig manages to channel the multiple ambitions of the Dragon to enable him to realize his projects successfully. As long as they share a common vision, the Dragon and the Pig form an extremely strong relationship, both in love and at work. The peaceful Pig manages to contain the warmongering of the Dragon, thus avoiding that his projects become as sparkling as fleeting, on the contrary ensuring that they are entrenched in the long term. The Dragon as the Pig are zodiacal signs endowed with a powerful vital energy. This strong character encourages them to encourage each other in their mutual projects rather than divide them. Finally, the main risk of such a relationship is related to the fact that if the Dragon decides to embark on a perilous path, the Pig will not really be able to curb his partner. Because the Pig, blinded by his love, can sometimes realize too late that the projects of the Dragon are often too grandiose to be realistic. As part of the same social circle, people born in the Year of the Dragon and those born in the Year of the Pig have cordial and festive relations. It is not rare that the Dragon and Pig cooperate as business partners to develop professional projects together.

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