28 Mansions (Lodges) of the Lunar calendar

🌙 28 mansions of the lunar calendar - Origin, Meaning, List
By KarmaWeather - 23 August 2022
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Just like the 12 Chinese zodiac animals astrology, the 28 lunar mansions are part of the Chinese divination system

The divination based on the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac is a fate calculation system that co-exists with other Chinese astrological systems, among which are the 28 Lunar mansions that you can discover in detail here. Each lunar mansion is integrated inside one of the 5 Palaces of Heaven.

➔ History of Chinese astrology

The 28 Lunar mansions

Certainly inspired by Indian astrology (Nakshatra) and Arab and eastern astrology, the system of the 28 lunar mansions (also called lodges or constellations) is one of the most popular predilection systems in the world. Even today in Asia, this astrological system is still used for divinatory purposes.

In its Chinese version, it is necessary to divide the sky into five more or less equal parts, four of which being identified by a mega-constellation, as well as a specific central zone (which includes the Great Bear* and the polar star) and serves as a temporal and seasonal landmark. The 4 groups of stars, also called palaces, correspond to the four cardinal directions, each containing 7 lunar residences called lodges (or mansions).

The most important star of each cardinal direction takes the name of one of the four important totem animals of the Chinese zodiac. Thus the North is occupied by the Black Turtle, the East by the Green Dragon, the West by the White Tiger, and the South by the Red Phoenix. The 28 lunar mansions follow the phases of the Moon and indicate, according to each day, the good actions to be accomplished as well as those that are best avoided. The first day of the cycle of the 28 lunar mansions corresponds to the first day of the new Chinese month. The number 28 is the "average" time of a complete lunar cycle. Indeed, we know that the Moon takes 27 days and 8 hours to return to the same fixed point of the sky, while it takes 29 days and a half to return to the same phase. On the basis of this observation, the number 28 is simply considered as an in-between, the average of the two increasing and decreasing lunar periods.

* The constellation of the Great Bear is of fundamental importance for the Chinese in the various systems of astrology and astronomy, as they have been developed in China for 4500 years.

🌙 28 lunar mansions - Beneficial lodges by activity

To check the lunar mansion of the day, refer to KarmaWeather's daily calendar
Note that all auspicious lodges are de facto conducive to weddings, except lodges 25 and 27
28 lunar mansions - The beneficial lodges by activity, by KarmaWeather
Moving in, Decoration Investment, Trade Education, Studies New project Agriculture Art and culture Real Estate Dating, Family
4, 12, 25, 28 4, 7, 14, 17, 25 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 22 7, 13 7, 8, 16, 22 21, 22, 27 12, 25 16, 26

The 5 Palaces of Heaven

The Oriental Palace - The Green Dragon

The Oriental Palace (Eastern Palace) represents Spring. It contains the first seven lunar mansions. It is on the equator on 77° 22'. Hum (Scorpion Alpha, Antares) is its most important star.

The 1st mansion: the Horn

The Lodge of the Horn is beneficial. Thursday, the Wood element and the planet Jupiter are symbolically attached to this house. It represents agriculture, new generations, growth and births. It favors the marriage of the eldest son of the family, but it’s also detrimental for the grounding of the deceased, where it would then be synonymous with bad luck for the family of the deceased.

The 2nd mansion: the Neck

The lodge of the Neck is unfavorable. Friday, the Water element and the planet Mercury are symbolically attached to this house. The constellation of the Neck controls disease, the release of animals, trials and punishments. Not only one should avoid getting married on that day, but one must also avoid entering into conflict or initiating new projects, at the risk of attracting bad luck. In order to stay healthy, it’s advisable to consume ginger, onions, mustard, garlic and pepper during this day.

The 3rd mansion: the Root

The lodge of the Root is unfavorable. Saturday, the Earth element and the planet Saturn are symbolically attached to this house. It announces bad weather, flu, and burglaries, especially for couples who married that day. People whose birthday corresponds to the lodge of the Root are usually introverted and suffer from communication problems. They must also avoid trades with a direct link to the sea and sea voyages in general. During this period, it’s recommended to all to take care of the elderly.

The 4th mansion: The Room

The lodge of the Room is beneficial. Sunday and the sun are symbolically attached to this house. The day is conducive to investment, development and interior decoration. Couples who choose to marry during the day of the Lodge of the Room can next expect the birth of a boy.

The 5th mansion: the Heart

The lodge of the Heart is unfavorable. Monday and the Moon are symbolically attached to this house. During the day of the 5th lodge of the constellation of the Heart, it’s absolutely necessary to avoid starting a new activity. Similarly, friends and supporters are inferior to the potential number of enemies or opponents during this day. Politicians and public figures are particularly concerned about this lodge.

The 6th mansion: the Tail

The Lodge of the Tail is beneficial. Tuesday, the Fire element and the planet Mars are symbolically attached to this house. The day of the 6th lodge of the constellation of the Tail is favorable to inheritances and education. Long disappeared objects can resurface, just as it’s possible to hope for a professional promotion. Victory and success are around the corner.

The 7th mansion: The Basket

The lodge of the Basket is beneficial. Wednesday, the Water element and the planet Mercury are symbolically attached to this house. The day of the 7th lodge of the Basket is traditionally attached to the professional world, and especially to agriculture. It's a good day for business. People wishing to change their career path are also favored. Any new initiative is potentially a source of success and gains are multiplied.

The Northern Palace - The Black Tortoise

The Northern Palace of the Black Tortoise represents Winter. It contains the lunar dwellings 8 to 14. Its position on the equator is 95° 07'. Xu (Aquarian Beta, Sadalsuud) is its most important star.

The 8th mansion: the Meridional Bushel

The mansion of the Meridional Bushel is beneficial. Thursday, the Wood element and the planet Jupiter are symbolically attached to this house. The day of the lodge of the Meridional Bushel is favorable to wine-making activities. This day is also conducive to government officials, employees and students.

The 9th mansion: the Cowherd

The lodge of the Cowherd is unfavorable. Friday, the Metal element and the planet Venus are symbolically attached to this house. The Lodge of the Cowherd has a direct link with the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver, whose union was as short as sad. It symbolizes travel, commerce and roads. Love or marital happiness is much less easy to reach for people born during the day.

The 10th mansion: the Weaver

The lodge of the Weaver is unfavorable. Saturday, the Earth element and the planet Saturn are symbolically attached to this house. The star of the Weaver (also known as the Woman or the Maid) is a warning of conflicts within the family and possible health problems.

The 11th mansion: The Void

The lodge of the Void is unfavorable. Sunday and the sun are symbolically attached to this house. It represents funerals, illnesses, family conflicts, and loss of money. The children of a marriage celebrated during this day have antisocial tendencies.

The 12th mansion: The Roof

The lodge of the Roof is neutral. Monday and the Moon are symbolically attached to this house. It’s a day for building construction and real estate trades. On the other hand, travel is to be avoided during the passage of this lodge.

The 13th mansion: the Abode

The Lodge of the Abode is beneficial. Tuesday and the Fire element are symbolically attached to this house. The initiation of new projects is successful. Family meetings and the transmission of knowledge to the youngest bring luck and harmony.

The 14th mansion: the Eastern Wall

The lodge of the Eastern Wall is beneficial. Wednesday, the Water element and the planet Mercury are symbolically attached to this house. Intellectual professions and businesses benefit most from the positive energies of the Eastern Wall Lodge. Luck and wealth are there, as well as academic and professional achievements, provided that special attention is paid to the elderly. If you celebrates your wedding on this auspicious day, the education of your children will be all the more likely to bear fruit.

The Central Palace - the Ladle (the Great Bear)

The Central Palace symbolizes the center. It indicates the hours and seasons, as well as the circumpolar stars (the constellation of the Ladle includes the polar star). No lodge is associated with the Central Palace.

The Western Palace - The White Tiger

The Western Palace, commonly known as the White Tiger, is attached to the fall season and to the Metal element. The Western Palace encompasses the lunar mansions 15 to 21. Its position on the equator extends over 83°. The constellation of the Pleiades is the most representative of the Western Palace.

The 15th mansion: the Fork

The lodge of the Fork is unfavorable. Thursday, the Wood element and the planet Jupiter are symbolically attached to this house. On a professional level, it’s preferable to avoid starting a new project during this day. As a family and as a couple, it is better to remain discreet and avoid any polemic discussion. It’s strongly advised to rest during this period. If you have a lawsuit on that day, ask your lawyer if it may be possible to adjourn it.

The 16th mansion: the Little Mountain

The Lodge of the Little Mountain is beneficial. Thursday, the Metal element and the planet Venus are symbolically attached to this house. The constellation of the Little Mountain has always been associated with crops, friendship, pleasures and wealth. Tradition also combines the 16th lodge with good health and longevity.

The 17th mansion: The Stomach

The lodge of the Stomach is beneficial. Saturday, the Earth element and the planet Saturn are symbolically attached to this house. Professionally, long-term investments and trade are favored. Influential figures protect children born from a union celebrated during this auspicious day.

The 18th mansion: the Pleiades

The lodge of the Pleiades is unfavorable. Sunday and the sun are symbolically attached to this house. Considered as the eyes and ears of the celestial vault, the constellation of the Pleiades is associated with the records of justice. In terms of health, the day of the lodge of the Pleiades is a bad omen for children and the elderly. As for the marriages celebrated during this day, they are likely to end in divorce.

The 19th mansion: the Net

The lodge of the Net is beneficial. Monday and the Moon are symbolically attached to this house. Tradition relates the constellation of the lodge of the Net with the army and military conflicts, but also with hunting. Despite the devastating effects of wars, this day is considered to be extremely beneficial. People who are lucky to be born during the 19th lodge’s period can expect to experience wealth and longevity.

The 20th mansion: the Beak of the Tortoise

The Lodge of the Beak of the Tortoise is unfavorable. Tuesday, the Fire element and the planet Mars are symbolically attached to this house. The constellation of the lodge of the Beak of the Tortoise is used to protect vulnerable people, such as children, the elderly, disabled people, as well as domestic animals. It is strongly advised to stay within the strict limits imposed by the law during this day.

The 21st mansion: Orion

The lodge of Orion is neutral. Wednesday, the Water element and the planet Mercury are symbolically attached to this house. On a professional level, jobs related to culture and communication are favored provided they are done with rigor and creativity. On the contrary, those who do trading business would do better to take a day off. It’s also best to avoid this day for the celebration of a marriage, as it would have a high probability of ending with a divorce.

The Southern Palace - The Red Phoenix

The Southern Palace (Austral Palace), commonly called the Red Phoenix, is attached to the summer season and to the Fire element. The Austral palace houses the lunar residences 22 to 28. Its position on the equator extends over 110°. The Hydra constellation is the most representative of the Southern palace.

The 22nd mansion: The Well

The lodge of the Well is neutral. Thursday, the Water element and the planet Jupiter are symbolically attached to this house. The 22nd Lodge of the Well is associated with beauty, navigation at sea and hygiene. This is a good time for students taking exams, as well as for agriculture. Labor is rewarded, while idleness is sanctioned.

The 23rd mansion: the Phantom

The Phantom (Ghost) lodge is unfavorable. Friday, the Metal element and the planet Venus are symbolically attached to this house. The 23rd Lodge of the Phantom is associated with hidden treasures, the capitalization of property and souls of missing persons. To plan a wedding on this day is strongly discouraged. A visit to the cemetery (or a ceremonial in honor of one's ancestors) is auspicious.

The 24th mansion: the Willow

The lodge of the Willow is unfavorable. Saturday, the Earth element and the planet Saturn are symbolically attached to this house. The 24th lodge of the Willow symbolizes sadness, tears and suffering. This isn’t a good time to launch new projects, at the risk of losing your investments.

The 25th mansion: the Star Bird

The lodge of the Star Bird is neutral. Sunday and the sun are symbolically attached to this house. Even though the 25th lodge of the Star Bird is favorable to real estate transactions, it isn’t advisable to choose it as the date of marriage.

The 26th mansion: the Bended Bow

The lodge of the Bended Bow is beneficial. Monday and the Moon are symbolically attached to this house. It’s a day for family reunions, celebrations, feasts and donations. The work achieved and past investments are rewarded. For those who are employees, promotion and a salary increase are possible.

The 27th mansion: The Wings

The Lodge of the Wings is neutral. Tuesday, the Fire element and the planet Mercury are symbolically attached to this house. Protector of arts and music, the 27th lodge of the Wings is nevertheless harmful to love and may be a sign of treason.

The 28th mansion: the Mobile Chariot

The Lodge of the Mobile Chariot is beneficial.Wednesday, the Water element and the planet Mercury are symbolically attached to this house. Synonymous with wealth, the 28th lodge of the Mobile Chariot is associated with the transport of tributes destined for the emperor of China. It’s beneficial to vehicles and transport, but also to marriages and births.

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