Monkey: Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐵 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Monkey. Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 May 2019
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Monkey and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Monkey, the Rat and the Dragon are part of the first compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Monkey, the ninth zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Rat and the Dragon.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Snake is the secret friend of the Monkey. The Monkey is incompatible with the Tiger.

Year of the Monkey horoscope

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Monkey with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Monkey Rat compatibility

Monkey Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Rat
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Rat are formatted to get along, especially as they are part of the same compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. In love, they manage to combine passion and complementarity. The excess of the Monkey amuses and surprises the Rat, who is accustomed to a more discreet life. The Rat impresses the Monkey with his lively intelligence and his calculating abilities. Gifted himself in any field he chooses to approach, the Monkey finally finds in the Rat a partner at the height of his ambitions. Provided they find help in managing the day-to-day business of their home, the Rat and the Monkey are able to plan for the future to ensure dazzling success for themselves and their children. In friendship, these two like to plot, discuss politics, write fiction novels or play the piano with four hands. The Rat and the Monkey always have a good time together, and it is not uncommon for their common hobbies to produce fruitful artistic collaborations. At work, the iconoclastic side of the Monkey makes the Rat forget his conservative side. The Rat in turn channels the exuberance of the Monkey's ideas into innovative creations capable of changing an entire industry.

Monkey Ox compatibility

Monkey Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Ox
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Ox, once the period of seduction has ended and when they decide to live together, have on paper all the assets to succeed as a couple in the long term. The Ox brings to the Monkey the stability that he is lacking as well as a balanced and healthy living environment, suitable for future parents. The Monkey, meanwhile, shares with his partner his flexibility and his imagination. However, the Ox is likely to be disappointed if he expects effusions of tenderness from the Monkey, because it is not in his habits to overdo it on that side. For his part, the Monkey must avoid getting formalized when the Ox seeks to give him moral lessons. When he finally understands that the Monkey always does as he pleases, the Ox will then make the decision to let him do as he pleases or to leave. In friendship, the Monkey and the Ox get on well together when they party together, but less so when they discuss politics, because their opinions are often poles apart from each other. At work, the Ox is impressed by the vivacity of the Monkey, always able to find solutions to the most difficult problems. However, he is likely to lose patience in the medium term, because the Monkey does not hold in place and often has difficulty waiting for a project to be completed to start a new adventure.

Monkey Tiger compatibility

Monkey Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Tiger
(out of 5)

No need to flee reality, the Monkey and the Tiger usually form a couple doomed to failure. In the compatibility wheel of Chinese astrology, the Monkey and the Tiger are antagonistic animals. In love, their initial mutual attraction, due to the fact that everything opposes them, quickly gives way to a characterized distrust, which is only rooted more deeply over time. The Monkey has a hard time respecting his Tiger partner, whose unmatched power spares him from resorting to the subtleties of diplomacy. As a result of which he finds the proud feline impressive but somewhat naive. However, the Monkey should restrict any temptation to manipulate the Tiger, because the latter, whole and generous when he loves, becomes unable to control his brute force when the hour of revenge has come. This advice is equally valid in love, friendship or at work. If the Monkey does not like to feel controlled, the Tiger even less. Their domineering and fiercely independent nature leaves little room for dialogue and compromise. In case of disagreement, they quickly come to blows, in which case the fate of the Monkey is quickly sealed. This is why the Monkey has every interest in exercising wisdom by keeping a reasonable distance from the Tiger, to avoid any unfortunate temptation to use him as a pawn in the service of his ambitions.

Monkey Rabbit compatibility

Monkey Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Rabbit
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Rabbit, if they are not part of the same love triangle compatibility triangle, are not insensitive to their respective charm. In addition, they have in common centers of interest as varied as their talents. Both are able to act with discretion, even if the Monkey is more facetious than the Rabbit. With a Monkey at his side, the Rabbit is never at the end of his surprises, which can be fun at first. After a while as a couple, the Monkey may find the Rabbit slightly boring while the Rabbit may feel annoyed by the Monkey's instability. As long as they manage to keep a separate territory within their home, they can flourish without taking offense at each other's fads. As friends, when they go out with their group of friends, the Monkey, more exuberant and demonstrative, tends to have the beautiful role, which does not bother the Rabbit who is perfectly satisfied with an observer position. At work, the Monkey can take advantage of the Rabbit's strategist and diplomat skills as well as his ability to stay focused on the same subject for long periods of time. As for the Rabbit, if he manages to channel the Monkey's twirling energies and keep him on the right path, he can find in him an effective partner. Finally, the Rabbit is not fooled by the shenanigans that the Monkey is capable of, which generally prevents him from being fooled while allowing the Monkey not to compromise himself in his enterprises.

Monkey Dragon compatibility

Monkey Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Dragon
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Dragon are part of the same compatibility triangle (with the Rat). If a love relationship between a Monkey and a Dragon is favored, that does not mean that their story is without waves. If they have all the assets to get along and build a stable and fertile relationship over the long term, the Monkey remains cautious in front of the Dragon. Indeed, he finds him a bit too authoritarian in his eyes, as he hates any constraint whatsoever. The Dragon, for his part, appreciates the fantasies and the creative energy of the Monkey, but mistakenly confuses it with an overflowing passion for him. Despite the flaws of their relationship, a Dragon Monkey couple has every interest in staying together: the Monkey is aware of the virtues that the natural good luck of the Dragon can bring him, while the Dragon, even if he remains lucid on the materialistic intentions of the Monkey, enjoys having a fun and rewarding partner. The Dragon, a complex animal par excellence, needs to be admired and always remain in the center of attention. With the Monkey, less powerful and resplendent than him, he does not feel threatened but rewarded to share his life with a being with whom he will never be bored and especially who will be able to channel him. In friendship and at work, the Monkey and the Dragon form a welded pair, knotted by strong bonds of complicity and mutual admiration, even if they tire each other a little. The Dragon avoids the Monkey from falling into the traps of his nature by reminding him that honesty also pays. The Monkey takes advantage of the Dragon's luck to accomplish projects that are as complex as they are unlikely at first sight.

Monkey Snake compatibility

Monkey Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Snake
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Snake can love each other with passion but do not understand each other that well. That's why a long-term relationship is not easy to envision unless strong concessions are made on both sides. First of all, it is strongly recommended that a Monkey and a Snake who share the same roof have a living space large enough to be able to spend a whole day without seeing each other. Secondly, they must be able to restrict their ability to critically analyze subjects outside the home. The Snake must rather seek to accompany the Monkey in his projects rather than discourage him by reproaching him for dispersing without succeeding. The Monkey, for his part, must overcome the Serpent's pessimistic vision and jealousy and share with him his creative enthusiasm to push him to fulfill himself. In reality, they both share the same relative incapacity to accomplish their projects. Only the reasons for their pitfalls differ. The Monkey is easily distracted and the Snake doubts too much. In the context of a friendship or a work relationship, the Monkey and the Snake do not usually have enough patience with each other to learn to know each other beyond appearances and prefer to to maintain cordial relations.

Monkey Horse compatibility

Monkey Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Horse
(out of 5)

Both Monkey and Horse share a taste for freedom. The Monkey is a brilliant jack-of-all-trades who does not get locked in any box, while the Horse can only feel at home on an adventure in distant lands that he is the first to discover. However, the passion of love between these two whole beings does not resist, with the passage of time, the pursuit of their personal desires, as basely material or wonderfully utopian as they can be. The best way for the Monkey Horse couple to consolidate their union in the long term is through the maintenance of a dose of mystery on both sides, which is not necessarily so difficult to achieve given the facetious personality of the Monkey and the repeated absences of the Horse. Finally, the Monkey and the Horse may gain more to be friends or associates in the same venture, as the cunning Monkey prevents the Horse from falling headlong into rough traps, while the Horse allows the Monkey to keep his head straight in the face of adversity.

Monkey Goat compatibility

Monkey Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Goat
(out of 5)

In love, everything becomes un game for the Monkey and the Goat. Together, they have little time to be bored, at the risk of forgetting the constraints of everyday life, which ends up catching them unexpectedly. It is at this moment that the relationship of the Monkey and the Goat can wither or on the contrary be crystallized. To maintain the harmony necessary for their development and that of their family and children, the Monkey must put aside his desires to always criticize the Goat. The latter, if he has many faults, and in particular an assumed taste for idleness, at least has the merit of not masking them. For instance, the Goat, always indulgent, does not reproach the Monkey with his approximations. For his part, the Monkey is able to help the Goat to overcome his legendary shyness to achieve his destiny. He gives the Goat useful advice and will not try to belittle him because he is sufficiently sure of his own abilities. In a friendly relationship, the Monkey and the Goat have the ability to stimulate the artistic dimension that animates them. In the context of work, if their occupation is related to the arts, design or music, their collaboration can be fruitful. The Monkey and the Goat are ready to accept the sacrifices of a work that requires rigor and organization provided that they can freely express their creative talents. Both of them have a taste for big projects that only seem possible in dreams. This does not mean that they will become discouraged because they know that the world belongs to those who dare. Finally, whatever the type of relationship they develop, the Goat must always remember that the Monkey shall always have the upper hand and that nothing is ever free for him.

Monkey Monkey compatibility

Monkey Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Monkey
(out of 5)

Two Monkeys, when in a relationship, have the merit of understanding each other and sharing the same aspirations. However, they must quickly find a modus operandi in their home if they want to avoid tearing each other apart. Indeed, two Monkeys together, sharing the same resources, are potential rivals in the making. Of course, their daily conflicts are less dangerous than the risk that two Tigers take to live together. However, in the long run, this type of relationship can exhaust the best of the initial wishes, and create a domestic war as noisy as it is smashing, to the chagrin of their neighbors. A possible solution exists to restore the peace of the households: that one of the two Monkeys accepts the domination of the other. Of course, this is certainly not won in advance ... In friendship, two Monkeys get along well and easily manage to overcome their competitive instinct. As long as they do not decide to plan together a devious plan, everything will be fine. In business, two Monkeys are not the best calibrated to work together successfully. If they are colleagues they will argue for the same crumbs; if they are partners, neither will be able to straighten the bar if the other goes adrift.

Monkey Rooster compatibility

Monkey Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Rooster
(out of 5)

The Rooster and the Monkey form a strong couple, as long as the creative harmony in the bedroom persists. Because, beyond a shared sensuality, their natural temperament hardly encourages them to build a stable home. The taste of beautiful things and refined pleasures brings them together, which does not facilitate the finances of the couple, in part because the Rooster has a hard time limiting his buying frenzies. In the same way, they are both unrepentant charmers, which hardly incites them to fidelity. To sustain their relationship, the Rooster has to put his deep nature on hold and let the Monkey dominate the relationship, which is not a pre-won game. The Monkey being potentially better armed than the Rooster to cope with the vagaries of life, the latter has every interest in relying on his skills. The Rooster, however, must remain vigilant on the major decisions that concern both of them, because the Monkey's creativity in all areas, including financial, has little limit. In friendship, the Rooster tends to take the Monkey for his alter-ego, which can be the source of bitter disappointments. Indeed, the Monkey, as smart as he is manipulator, does not hesitate to make believe to those who have good intentions towards him that the reciprocal is true. If the Monkey loves the party and delights in appearances, he still keeps a strategic vision in the long run. There are many who thought they saw a Monkey as an entertainer when they were actually pawns on his chessboard. In business, the Rooster would be better off avoiding the Monkey if he does not want to lose feathers. Because when it comes to creating wealth, the Monkey is more skilled, and his secret methods are entirely turned for his own benefit.

Monkey Dog compatibility

Monkey Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Dog
(out of 5)

The combination of Dog and Monkey is naturally positive. As a couple, they could even be considered a winning ticket. Their love for each other is source of great energies which should in turn become very beneficial to their family. The flair and cooperative qualities of the Dog combine perfectly with the smart and social side of the Monkey. Each of them has his own territory of expression. The Monkey does not feel threatened in the expression of his teeming creativity (a Monkey can do anything when he decides). Only his facetious and materialistic side can sometimes annoy the honest and upright Dog. Actually, the Monkey can also be bored with time of this aspect of the character of the Dog. For his part, territorial and homebody, the Dog can have a hard time understanding the need for adventures of the Monkey. Both being jealous and possessive, they risk to jeopardize their relationship, unless the Dog agrees to submit to the whims of the Monkey. A friendship between a Dog and a Monkey is more likely to be beneficial in the long term, because they have no need to use their charms, nor to make the typical concessions of a life in common. In business, the Monkey's creativity and versatility combined with the dog's insatiable insight and curiosity can work wonders.

Monkey Pig compatibility

Monkey Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Monkey Pig
(out of 5)

The Pig and the Monkey are not part of the same love compatibility triangle. Nevertheless, the Pig and the Monkey can, when they fall in love and decide to couple (usually very quickly), form a loving and lasting relationship, because their common points are numerous and their mutual fascination remains constant over time. However, it is fundamental that the Pig is not deceived by the innate talents of the Monkey for comedy. The Pig is ready to understand and accept the Monkey's thirst for independence, little secrets and selfishness, provided that the Monkey makes the necessary efforts to keep the home warm and comfortable. In a work setting, the Monkey and the Pig have an opposite ethic. The Monkey is always ready to make concessions to standards if it can serve his interests, while the Pig has an irreproachable moral conscience. Therefore, if they can work together occasionally, it is better that they avoid creating a business together.

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