Pig (Boar): Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐷 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Pig (Boar). Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 May 2019
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Pig and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Pig, the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) and the Goat (Sheep) are part of the fourth compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Pig, the twelfth zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Rabbit and the Goat.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Tiger is the secret friend of the Pig. The Pig is incompatible with the Snake.

Year of the Pig horoscope

Pig's compatibility

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Pig with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Pig Rat compatibility

Pig Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Rat
(out of 5)

The Rat and the Pig, if they are not part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility, are however sufficiently in harmony to be able to found a family. Indeed, the Rat and the Pig are Water zodiac signs, which makes them very attractive to each other. The Rat and the Pig share the same joie de vivre, an insatiable curiosity and an unshakable optimism, which they must however temper to avoid occasional mishaps. Thus, a man or a woman born during the Year of the Rat can couple with a Pig provided that they build their relationship on solid foundations. On a daily basis, the life of the Rat and the Pig might well be quite bland, some would even say boring. However, this lack of fun in the household is greatly compensated by their ability to feel secure together. Their house, their common bank account or the education of their children are important issues for them, as they will definitely help cement their relationship in the long run. In business or friendship, people born in the Year of the Rat and those born in the Year of the Pig get along fine, as long as they keep a shared common interest in their life.

Pig Ox compatibility

Pig Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Ox
(out of 5)

The Pig and the Ox, while not part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility, can fall in love with one another. In order to register their union in the long term, they must nevertheless put in the forefront of their relationship the acceptance of the other in his / her complexity. Indeed, the cheerful and epicurean character of the Pig is not always in perfect harmony with the conservative and hard-working character of the Ox. As friends or business partners, the Ox and the Pig tend to have a polite and peaceful relationship.

Pig Tiger compatibility

Pig Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Tiger
(out of 5)

People born in the Year of the Pig and those born in the Year of the Tiger have great synergy, whether in love or in business. Indeed, The Pig and the Tiger, if they are not part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility, are however secret friends. They can therefore fall in love with one another and develop a lasting and happy relationship. The Pig softens the fiery character of the Tiger by bringing more stability and moderation to the relationship. In business, the Tiger is a risk taker who often lacks patience when he considers that his projects are slow in coming to fruition. He has every interest in resting on the qualities of the Pig to see his great plans come true, provided he manages to refrain from his authoritarian temptations and his obsessions to want to control everything.

Pig Rabbit compatibility

Pig Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Rabbit
(out of 5)

The Pig and the Rabbit are part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility. They are perfectly calibrated to fall in love and form a happy, balanced and lasting relationship. The Pig provides increased comfort to the Rabbit's daily routine and helps him maintain his privacy and independence. The Rabbit, for his part, appreciates the fantasy that the Pig brings to his life, which, if it becomes less austere, gains much in originality and stability. There is not much shadow in a relationship between a Rabbit and a Pig, as they understand and feel each other's flaws without ever getting irritated. The Pig, sometimes gullible and naive, must however remember that the harmless-looking Rabbit actually hides a feline under his coat (in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, it is the Cat that corresponds to the zodiac sign of the Rabbit). The Rabbit, if not sneaky by nature, does not like to be fooled by anyone whatsoever and he can be more strategic than a Snake when circumstances push him there. The Pig, without worrying too much, must not forget that nothing is ever fully acquired with a Rabbit. The Rabbit is tamed as long as his living space is preserved, which is most likely to occur serenely when in a relationship with another Rabbit, a Pig, a Goat, but also a Dog (the Dog is the secret friend of the Rabbit).

Pig Dragon compatibility

Pig Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Dragon
(out of 5)

Even if they are not part of the same love and friendship compatibility triangle, the Pig and the Dragon form a stable and happy couple, cut for success. The Pig manages to channel the multiple ambitions of the Dragon to enable him to realize his projects successfully. As long as they share a common vision, the Dragon and the Pig form an extremely strong relationship, both in love and at work. The peaceful Pig manages to contain the warmongering of the Dragon, thus avoiding that his projects become as sparkling as fleeting, on the contrary ensuring that they are entrenched in the long term. The Dragon as the Pig are zodiacal signs endowed with a powerful vital energy. This strong character encourages them to encourage each other in their mutual projects rather than divide them. Finally, the main risk of such a relationship is related to the fact that if the Dragon decides to embark on a perilous path, the Pig will not really be able to curb his partner. Because the Pig, blinded by his love, can sometimes realize too late that the projects of the Dragon are often too grandiose to be realistic. As part of the same social circle, people born in the Year of the Dragon and those born in the Year of the Pig have cordial and festive relations. It is not rare that the Dragon and Pig cooperate as business partners to develop professional projects together.

Pig Snake compatibility

Pig Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Snake
(out of 5)

According to the Chinese zodiac compatibility precepts, the Snake and the Pig are incompatible and are not really made to live a harmonious relationship in the long run. If they share the same taste of carnal pleasures, their character is too different for them to understand each other and accept each other's faults. In time whenever they are together as a couple, while the Pig remains fascinated by the mysterious Snake, the Snake tends to become bored of the Pig. Consequently, the Snake would even be tempted to look at other options to spice up his life. In parallel, the potentially destructive jealousy (and often hypocritical) of the Snake pushes him to make recurring and often unreasonable reproaches to his Pig partner, helping to darken the atmosphere of the home. In business, the relation between a Pig and a Snake is never coordinated, and can even turn sour if they are not careful. The best way for the Snake and Pig to manage their social interactions is to avoid each other as much as possible.

Pig Horse compatibility

Pig Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Horse
(out of 5)

The Pig and the Horse do not have a matching personality, which does not mean that they are not able to form a happy couple and a happy family. The Pig, who thirsts for tenderness and appreciates more than anything intimate moments at home, does not find naturally in the horse a companion capable of meeting his expectations. As for the Horse, always eager for freedom and open spaces, it tends to find the Pig possessive and jealous. Concerning their work relationship, the Horse must be able to put aside his individualism to fully devote himself to the needs of the Pig, never satiated. So, both of them must accept with humility and philosophy the defects of the other. This is not impossible for them, because the Horse admires the sense of duty and the probity of the Pig, who remains fascinated by the ardor and fierce spirit of the Horse. Having different passions and concerns, they manage not to encroach on each other's territory. However, it is not advisable to start together in a professional project because they both lack prudence and foresight.

Pig Goat compatibility

Pig Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Goat
(out of 5)

Being both of the same compatibility triangle, the Pig and the Goat have a balanced, fun and sincere love life. The frivolous side of the Goat does not frighten the Pig, who willingly accepts more responsibility in the couple. It is the Pig who organizes family affairs and cements the relationship with his boundless sensuality. In the meanwhile, the Goat, feeling protected and loved, contributes with his creativity and his eclectic interests to enrich the life of the couple on a daily basis. Also, one can note that people born in the Year of the Goat and those born in the Year of the Pig share a common interest for luxury items and stylish home decoration. In friendship and work, the righteousness of the Pig fascinates the Goat. This does not mean that the Goat is ready to admit mistakes or make concessions lightly. The Pig, serious and responsible, would like to feel more supported by the Goat. The Goat, for his part, would like to feel freer.

Pig Monkey compatibility

Pig Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Monkey
(out of 5)

The Pig and the Monkey are not part of the same love compatibility triangle. Nevertheless, the Pig and the Monkey can, when they fall in love and decide to couple (usually very quickly), form a loving and lasting relationship, because their common points are numerous and their mutual fascination remains constant over time. However, it is fundamental that the Pig is not deceived by the innate talents of the Monkey for comedy. The Pig is ready to understand and accept the Monkey's thirst for independence, little secrets and selfishness, provided that the Monkey makes the necessary efforts to keep the home warm and comfortable. In a work setting, the Monkey and the Pig have an opposite ethic. The Monkey is always ready to make concessions to standards if it can serve his interests, while the Pig has an irreproachable moral conscience. Therefore, if they can work together occasionally, it is better that they avoid creating a business together.

Pig Rooster compatibility

Pig Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Rooster
(out of 5)

The Pig and the Rooster are not part of the same love compatibility triangle. Nevertheless, the Rooster and the Pig can, when they couple, form a solid relationship. To do this, and in order to overcome their differences, they must have an unfailing admiration for each other. In the same way, the Pig manages fortunately not to be offended and to ignore the continuous stream of critics and moral lessons of the Rooster. The warm and sensual character of the Pig, rather than offending the Rooster, brings an appreciable fantasy to his clean and orderly daily life. It is a relationship that has a good chance to work serenely and happily over time. Indeed, the Pig, even if he keeps a very independent mind, always remains attentive and listening to the advice of his Rooster partner. The meticulousness, the insight and the lucidity of the Rooster combined with the joy of living, the indulgence and the robustness of the Pig allow this union to face with confidence the vagaries of life. In business, the Pig tends to be wary of the Rooster because he finds him unmanageable, even if they have many values ​​in common. Both enjoying outings at the restaurant and at the theater, they are actually better calibrated to be good friends than business partners.

Pig Dog compatibility

Pig Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Dog
(out of 5)

The Dog and the Pig are not part of the same love compatibility triangle. When in a relationship, the Dog and the Pig, although very different in character, get along rather well. They both appreciate the protection and comfort of the home and take special care in the good upbringing of their children. The Dog, cautious, full of devotion and reserved, tempers the potential excesses of the Pig, always ready to spend more than reason and party until no time. The Pig for his part contributes with his optimism and sensuality to calm the anxiety of the Dog, always on guard. Finally, the sense of acute observation and the natural skepticism of the Dog are also very useful to the credulous Pig, who brings his joy to his partner while becoming more lucid about human nature by staying with him. If they decide to work together, the positive energy of the Pig effectively counteracts the pessimism of the Dog. In addition to complementing each other, they can form a profitable alliance.

Pig Pig compatibility

Pig Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Pig Pig
(out of 5)

People born under the zodiac sign of the Pig bring special attention to their appearance and their clothing style. They also favor anything that can make their home as comfortable as it is stylish. Consequently, two Pigs living together, blinded by some form of aesthetic superficiality in their daily lives, sometimes come to bury underlying conflicts rather than trying to solve them. Thus, small hassle can quickly become potential causes of break up if dialogue is not restored quickly. While in a relationship, because of their commonalities, a certain boredom may emerge within the home, it is not the same if they work together. Indeed, two Pigs are able to support each other, both by their flawless optimism and by their seriousness regarding the tasks to be performed.

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