Rat: Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐭 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Rat. Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 May 2019
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Rat and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey are part of the first compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Rat, the first zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Dragon and the Monkey.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Ox is the secret friend of the Rat. The Rat is incompatible with the Horse.

Year of the Rat horoscope

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Rat with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Rat Rat compatibility

Rat Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Rat
(out of 5)

The love compatibility of two Rats is solid, in part because the detached humor that characterizes them so well allows them never to take themselves too seriously and to relativize the importance of their occasional arguments. With their taste for discreet refinement, the house of two Rats is a succession of rare and elegant objects. In the different corners of their homes, they each have their little hiding places where they jealously keep their most precious possessions. Indeed, the Rat always needs to have provisions available in case of scarcity, because according to him, no one is ever too careful. But this doesn't mean two Rats in a relationship necessarily become stingy with those they love. As such, the Rat is rational in his decisions, especially if it's about spending money. As a result, if one does not have a strong family bond or friendship with a Rat, one should not expect him to struggle like a heck to help one. This is why in a recent friendship or occasional friendship, two Rats often prefer to keep a kind distance, so as not to have to get personally involved in the life of their companion. Everyone should take their own responsibility, thinks our rodent, who does not like to be driven despite himself in stories he does not control. In business, two Rats, thanks to their natural flair for money, are able to grow their business with the intelligence and parsimony that characterize them. When working together, two Rat have an interest in keeping their relationship with the strict professional framework. The Rat likes to compartmentalize his life: it allows him to maintain control and remain calm in the face of the unknown.

Rat Ox compatibility

Rat Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Ox
(out of 5)

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope between the 12 animals of the lunar calendar, the Ox is the secret friend of the Rat. In this case, the relationship of a Ox with a Rat is full of positive promises for their family. Among the commonalities that bring them together is the importance they attach to their home and the reasonable management of the family budget. The calm and conservative personality of the Ox pleases the Rat a lot. The latter, reassured and comforted by the organization of everyday life and the serene atmosphere created by his partner, is able to effectively consolidate the household's income. The Rat also brings his personal touch to the atmosphere, by witty words which he has the secret. He does not find the Ox way of life boring at all. On the contrary, he admires the quiet force that characterizes him and which miraculously soothes any agitation of the Rat (which usually arises when he feels that his personal safety is in danger). The Ox and the Rat have the ability to join their talents to effectively manage their personal affairs and contribute to the success of their children's education. It is this same natural harmony that can also be noted in a friendly or professional context. The Ox and the Rat never feel like competing and always find a tip or a solution to be nice to the other and make the other's presence appreciated. The Rat's lively intelligence, combined with the slow determination of the Ox, form a formidable combination when they must lead together the conquest of new trade territories.

Rat Tiger compatibility

Rat Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Tiger
(out of 5)

Unfortunately, the Tiger and the Rat have little to share. However, a romantic relationship between them is not unthinkable. To this end, the Rat must learn to trust the Tiger, whose temerity scares him, because his troubles can lead to unforeseen expenses. For his part, the Tiger, rather than finding boring the way of life and habits of the Rat, he would do well to be inspired by them to gain wisdom. On the other hand, the somewhat grandiloquent side of the Tiger is more likely to amuse the Rat than to offend him. Of a discreet and reserved nature, the Rat's life gains animation with a Tiger. However, the passion and the fascination that the Rat can feel with regard to the Tiger results mainly from his total incomprehension on his functioning. Perplexed and haggard with his Tiger partner, the Rat, although flattered to have been elected by such a noble creature, still has to reassure himself in the long term about the long-term benefits of such an association. The Tiger on his side will have difficulty not to indulge in some discreet escapades to break the monotony of his daily life. In friendship, the relationship of the Tiger and the Rat is episodic and light. They should not be asked to make commitments for each other. At work, the authority and posture of the Tiger repel the Rat who will instinctively settle in the office as far away as possible from him. Not that he feels particularly threatened, but rather to seek the calm and serenity he needs to work effectively.

Rat Rabbit compatibility

Rat Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Rabbit
(out of 5)

The Rabbit and the Rat do not form the most classic love relationship among the possible love compatibilities of the 12 animals signs of the Chinese zodiac. To tell the truth, they may have things in common, such as their taste for things of the spirit and good food, but also the fact that they willingly content with a simple and rustic comfort, as long as their safety and their tranquility is assured. A good armchair and a book by the fire are part of the simple pleasures of life that the Rabbit and the Rat enjoy to the highest degree. But these qualities, laudable as they are, are rather those that one appreciates alone. To live happily as a couple, one has to master the art of compromise and complementarity, and above all to be able to fool boredom with a renewed interest for one's partner. The Rat risks, after a certain time of life together, to find that the Rabbit lacks consistency in the organization of everyday life and is too turned on himself. In addition, the Rat has difficulty understanding that the Rabbit is able to jeopardize the financial security of the home to pursue his artistic projects, which seem to him to be chimeras. The sources of the perseverance of the Rabbit are mysterious for the Rat, he who has a much more practical and reasonable mind. It is tenderness, if it takes the relay of passion, which can be the best rampart for their relation, especially as a couple Rabbit Rat, so refined and courted, makes many people envious. In friendship and at work, the Rabbit and the Rat have a lot to offer each other, especially since they manage easily to respect the territory of each and to rely on each other's qualities. If the Rat is naturally good at managing and growing money, the Rabbit is a dreaded strategist.

Rat Dragon compatibility

Rat Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Dragon
(out of 5)

Between the Dragon and the Rat, who are both part of the same love compatibility triangle (with the Monkey), great love is possible, as both have a heart to consider with indulgence the excesses or blunders of the other. The understanding is generally excellent between the Dragon, generous and gifted with an insolent fortune, with the Rat, sentimental and gifted for making money. The combination of their personalities and their characteristics gives them the means of their ambition. The Rat, taking advantage of the luck of the Dragon, allows the couple to obtain a financial ease that fills the Dragon with pleasure and who, in return, can achieve success in his projects, for the benefit of the whole family. The somewhat vain side of the Dragon, fascinated by his own image, does not disturb the discreet Rat, who is above all happy and proud to share his life with such a majestic being. Moreover, the authoritarian hints of the Dragon do not affect the Rat beyond measure. The latter is sufficiently aware of his own abilities not to feel abused by what he considers to be the quirks inherent in his partner's Dragon status. For his part, the Dragon is grateful to the Rat for contributing with the charm, delicacy and intelligence that characterize him, to his happiness and fulfillment. In friendship, the Rat feels somewhat neglected by the Dragon, who does not make the necessary efforts for their relationship to be based on strong and reciprocal feelings. On the other hand, in the context of a working relationship, the Dragon and the Rat form a pair that is both effective and complementary, capable of the most insolent successes.

Rat Snake compatibility

Rat Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Snake
(out of 5)

The Snake and the Rat form a more adjusted couple than it seems, especially if one wanted to trust the relationship of these two animals to their equivalent in nature. However, they actually have much more in common than it seems, which allows them to consider the future as a couple, without worrying too much about the inevitable snags encountered along the way. Among the personality traits that allow them to appreciate and understand each other, the Snake and the Rat are both discreet and even secretive. In addition to respecting the need for autonomy of their partner, they compensate in many ways: the Rat does not take offense of the outbursts of the Snake, always on edge. The Rat, enlivened by the inflamed character of the Snake, finds at his side a deeper meaning to his life than the mere accumulation of wealth. For his part, the Rat pushes the Snake out of his torpor and to confront the world, to act and not just to plot. Also more reasonable, the Rat brings the Snake a welcome stability. In exchange, the Rat, who feels responsible for the well-being of the couple, is obliged to care and take care, beyond financial security, of the daily problems of their family and the education of their children. In a friendly setting, the Rat and the Snake prefer to see each other in small groups. They like to talk together about politics, culture and finance, which many of their friends would find boring. Professionally, the Rat is perfectly predisposed to finance the projects of the Snake. More daring and entrepreneur, the latter knows how to convince the Rat of the value of his project.

Rat Horse compatibility

Rat Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Horse
(out of 5)

Despite the attraction that can exist between a Rat and a Horse, these two Chinese zodiac signs are often incompatible. Very autonomous, the Rat and the Horse love above all their freedom and have trouble accepting external limitations: one does not necessarily want to follow the direction that the other wants to take. In addition, they have trouble understanding each other and tolerating each other's mistakes or failures. Similarly, the Rat, whose sense of business works in conjunction with a faculty to hoard and avoid any futile expenditure, considers that the financial deviations of the Horse are unreasonable. But let our elegant equine be reassured, for the Rat, all the other animals of the wheel of Chinese astrology are licensed wasters. The Rat likes discretion, a job well done, business well ordered. In front of the Horse, so proud to display his beauty and his talents to his extended group of friends, the Rat is necessarily perplexed. If they are friends rather than lovers, the Rat will be amused and even flattered in the presence of the Horse. In a professional relationship, the Horse is not taken seriously by the Rat, who considers that there is a lack of consistency and volatility about him which are irreconcilable with his own approach to business. The Rat, if he is the manager of the Horse, has every interest in giving him responsibilities for commercial development abroad. This in order not to send him away from the company's headquarters, but especially because the Horse will be grateful to him for allowing him to combine his passion for travel with his work, which will make him doubly more efficient and productive.

Rat Goat compatibility

Rat Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Goat
(out of 5)

The love relationship between the Goat and the Rat, if it is not discouraged, still requires adjustments on both sides. For starters, the Rat tends to require a lot of effort from the Goat. Yet, it can quickly tire our ruminant, because the Goat has to offer nothing else than himself. Unlike the Rat, the Goat prefers to spend much more than store. Rather than bringing them together, it may stress the Rat, who needs a well-filled chest to feel safe. Moreover, dreamy and distracted, the Goat is not as materialistic as the Rat, for whom money is a major objective. Their values ​​are very different, to the point that they do not understand each other. Thus, the Rat, who has a deep respect for the traditional work, easily confuses the long moments of relaxation of the Goat for laziness. However, this free way to manage his schedule is one of the particularities of the Goat, which allows him to become, when he wishes, a great artist, writer or politician. In friendship, the relationship is not ideal either. The Rat does not understand the recriminations of the Goat, and the latter has trouble supporting the remarks of his companion. In a business setting, the Rat's abilities to generate turnover and manage finances, combined with the creativity of the Goat, can be the source of fruitful associations.

Rat Monkey compatibility

Rat Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Monkey
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Rat are formatted to get along, especially as they are part of the same compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. In love, they manage to combine passion and complementarity. The excess of the Monkey amuses and surprises the Rat, who is accustomed to a more discreet life. The Rat impresses the Monkey with his lively intelligence and his calculating abilities. Gifted himself in any field he chooses to approach, the Monkey finally finds in the Rat a partner at the height of his ambitions. Provided they find help in managing the day-to-day business of their home, the Rat and the Monkey are able to plan for the future to ensure dazzling success for themselves and their children. In friendship, these two like to plot, discuss politics, write fiction novels or play the piano with four hands. The Rat and the Monkey always have a good time together, and it is not uncommon for their common hobbies to produce fruitful artistic collaborations. At work, the iconoclastic side of the Monkey makes the Rat forget his conservative side. The Rat in turn channels the exuberance of the Monkey's ideas into innovative creations capable of changing an entire industry.

Rat Rooster compatibility

Rat Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Rooster
(out of 5)

The Rooster, obsessed with details, tends to dissect every aspect of his environment. Intelligent but easily resentful, the Rat is autonomous and does not live well with the critical and bossy tendencies of the Rooster. The impulsive reactions of the Rat can surprise the Rooster and push him to his entrenchments. Indeed, the Rat is not armed for a direct confrontation with the Rooster. This is why he tends, short of solution, to retreat on himself and to take refuge in total silence, having exhausted all his cartridges (individualism, sarcasm, taunting). However, the Rat's fascination for the Rooster's flamboyance lowers most tensions the couple may have to face. Indeed, the Rat, naturally more discreet, finds pride in his partner's exuberant personality. Eventually, note that a Dragon child can help soothe a couple formed by a Rooster and a Rat: the Dragon is the secret friend of the Rooster and is part of the same compatibility triangle as the Rat. As friends, the Rat and the Rooster get on well as long as they respect a certain distance between two meetings. In a professional setting, they form an effective pair capable of achieving great success.

Rat Dog compatibility

Rat Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Dog
(out of 5)

The Rat and the Dog, although they are not of the same love compatibility triangle, form a harmonious couple. The key to their balance is their home. The Dog gives the Rat a protective and warm stability. The sense of insecurity of the Rat is tempered by the moral rigor and the analytical talent of the Dog. The Dog greatly appreciates the ability of the Rat to ensure the financial stability of the family. In order for their relationship to take root, the Dog must accept that the Rat needs moments of solitude and independence. The demonstrations of affection do not always make it possible to solve everything, especially since their worries (the fear of being alone for the Dog, the fear of not having any roof under his head for the Rat), if they are related, do not have the same answers. Because if they are not careful, the Dog may become compulsively jealous, while the Rat may become a stingy materialist. In friendship as in the professional setting, the Dog and the Rat understand each other and get along very well, each with their own territory. In business, the Dog is rather the one who uses his flair to determine the best commercial opportunities, while the Rat makes the capital grow.

Rat Pig compatibility

Rat Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rat Pig
(out of 5)

The Rat and the Pig, if they are not part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility, are however sufficiently in harmony to be able to found a family. Indeed, the Rat and the Pig are Water zodiac signs, which makes them very attractive to each other. The Rat and the Pig share the same joie de vivre, an insatiable curiosity and an unshakable optimism, which they must even temper to avoid occasional mishaps. Thus, a man or a woman born during the Year of the Rat can couple with a Pig provided that they build their relationship on solid foundations. On a daily basis, the life of the Rat and the Pig might well be quite bland, some would even say boring. However, this lack of fun in the household is greatly compensated by their ability to feel secure together. Their house, their common bank account or the education of their children are important issues for them, as they will definitely help cement their relationship in the long run. In business or friendship, people born in the Year of the Rat and those born in the Year of the Pig get along fine, as long as they keep a shared common interest in their life.

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