Rat: Combined horoscope with the 12 zodiac signs

🐭 Combined personality, career and love horoscopes of the 12 solar signs of Western astrology with the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat, first animal of the Chinese calendar
By KarmaWeather - 1 February 2016
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Dual astrology between the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat and Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Aries Rat

Thanks to the energetic strength of Aries combined with the ambition and curiosity of the Rat, the Rat-Aries is gifted with a hardworking and organized personality, in phase with his surroundings. Sharp and highly intelligent, the Rat-Aries possesses the keys to success in most professional fields of interest to his taste. Indeed, the combination of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat with that of Aries make it clear that work has a prominent place in his/her life. Sometimes a little too sensitive, the pikes of anger from a Rat-Aries are known to be terrible, which will never be to his advantage. Enjoying popularity and being in charge, the real challenge for Rat-Aries people lies in their ability to find the necessary balance between their many professional activities and their love life.

Taurus Rat

The Rat-Taurus faces without fear all truths or situations he/she's forced to confront. The perseverance, endurance and strength of the Taurus ideally combine with the ambition and drive for personal success that lie in the Rat's character. Suspicious of anything that is not part of their immediate environment, Rat Taurus people hate above all when one touches their personal belongings. Loyal as a friend, however allergic to any form of agitation in their presence, as long as they know they are loved and respected by those around them, they always give the best of themselves.

Gemini Rat

The duality and flexibility that can be observed in the Rat-Gemini personality provide the extra touch of fantasy that makes this combined sign all the more lively and curious as a person. In society, the Rat-Gemini has an open temperament, joyful and understanding. When it's in his/her interest, the Rat-Gemini is able to convince the most inflexible of his opponents. However, the apparent empathy Rat-Gemini people feel for others nevertheless hides a deep narcissism necessary for their personal development. Subtle in love as in business, the Rat-Gemini won't accept an imposed relationship, such an arranged marriage against his/her will. Locked in a romantic relationship turned sour, don't count on the Rat-Gemini to cut corners and seek compromise. Not the kind of person to collect unnecessary junk, all that could make his/her environment gloomy is destined to the bin. A good business manager, the Rat-Gemini can feel at ease as much in social and charity jobs as in trade.

Cancer Rat

The combination of Cancer zodiacal traits with the Rat's energies are the source of a secretive personality. The shy Rat-Cancer is often and wrongly perceived as distrustful. Fortunately balanced by the powerful communicative force provided by the temperament of the Rat, the Rat-Cancer is a sociable but demanding person, in need of plenty of evidence of trust before accepting anyone new among his relatives. Homebody by nature, family and property acquired during their lives occupy a pre-dominant place in the life of the Rat-Cancer. When things don't suit him, he can develop a disproportionate stress in view of a given situation, and take hasty decisions that could be dangerous for him as much as for the people he's trying to protect.

Leo Rat

Ingenious, fair, a natural born winner, it's very difficult for a Rat-Leo to envision the idea of occupying subordinate roles. Determined, good at rhetoric, the combination of the Chinese sign of the Rat with the Western astrological sign of Leo give Rat-Leo people ways and tricks to counteract most obstacles they will face during their life. Charismatic and ambitious, one could nevertheless reproach the Rat-Leo to become bossy when feeling upset. Greed, a specific trait of the Rat, is tempered by the spontaneous and generous impulses the Rat-Leo is capable of. However, whatever the purpose or nature of their actions, the Rat-Leo always wait for a return on their investment, not hesitating to use force if necessary to recover his property when feeling cheated.

Virgo Rat

Just like a researcher, a Virgo born in a Year of the Rat is full of ingenuity and practicality, which are individually located in the personality of these two zodiacal signs. Ambition, mixed with the methodical curiosity of the Rat, allow Rat-Virgo people to aim dazzling careers in fields requiring a sense of constant analysis and seamless reactivity. Allergic to any form of reproach, they're constantly struggling to cultivate patience, as they can sometimes turn impatient and intolerant. The introverted character of Virgo can also efficiently limit the boundless openness of the Rat, allowing Rat-Virgo people to be more selective and rigorous in the selection of their relationships and life options in general.

Libra Rat

The Rat-Libra manages quite easily to get the support of his/her entourage through the magic of his elusive charm. The Rat-Libra is loved by all, and when it's not the case, he withdraws voluntarily in order to preserve equity and justice, which is a key feature of the sign of Libra. Once the Rat-Libra has managed to accept his ambition and his tendency to delay things for later, he can go very far up in the business he has chosen. Furthermore, the combination of both Rat and Libra personalities are perfectly summarized under a common character trait of these two zodiacal signs: efficiency in trade and business ventures.

Scorpio Rat

The Rat-Scorpio is a magnetic-being, with an unfailing determination. The ingenuity of the Rat perfectly offsets Scorpio's hidden inhibitions, allowing the Rat Scorpio transform weaknesses into strengths. Great communicator, particularly in the political and diplomatic sphere, the Rat-Scorpio, like any self-respecting Rat, is only interested in things he can derive personal benefit from. Very observant and demanding on the details, the man or woman after this explosive combination will never really be able to engage totally in love. If betrayed emotionally, the Rat-Scorpio is able to nurture and enjoy his revenge over the long term, even if it means losing valuable energy he could have devoted instead to the positive construction of his personal life.

Sagittarius Rat

Passionate about travel and discoveries, the Rat-Sagittarius is endowed with the wisdom of Sagittarius and the opportunism of the Rat. People born under the combination of these two zodiacal signs like to give an image of themselves as persons of strong character, determined and optimistic. The combative strength of the Rat-Sagittarius, as well as his prudence in managing his finances, often leads him to occupy positions of trust and leadership. In business, faced with inaction and indecision on the part of his/her employees or colleagues, the communication skills and charisma of the Rat-Sagittarius allow him to quickly reverse the situation and help the team find new business opportunities. However, while the Rat-Sagittarius love being at the center of everything and be aware of everything around him, when in difficulty or in competition, he's capable of the best behavior as much as the worst attitude. Touched in their pride, the outcome of the relationship in question (friendly, professional or even love) depends on the degree of respectability which he deems being shown.

Capricorn Rat

The alloy of energetic flows from Capricorn and the Rat allow the Rat-Capricorn to let mundanities provide a direction to his existence. Indeed, the adventurous character of the Rat, offset by the reserves of Capricorn, gifts the Capricorn-Rat being with a balanced personality, whose aspirations in life are realistic and achievable. Less attracted by the unknown and faithful in love, the Rat-Capricorn is capable of perseverance when he decides to invest on a subject. Great collector of objects and souvenirs of all kinds, he/she's also careful on spending money, thanks to the features provided by the Rat. Wise and prudent, fearlessly strong and prepared as any Capricorn to handle the major problems he may have to face, the Rat-Capricorn is nevertheless easily irritated by small everyday worries.

Aquarius Rat

The combination of the western zodiac sign of Aquarius with the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat gratify the Rat-Aquarius with a rather eccentric and emancipated personality. The Air element from Aquarius and the Water element from the Rat put him in a perpetual state of emotional agitation. Generous but also gifted with a rather whimsical temperament, the Rat-Aquarius is tireless. If change and novelty excite the Rat-Aquarius more than anything else, for all that these passions don't lead to excessive and imprudent expenditures. The Rat-Aquarius can excel both in Art and Science jobs, provided he can focus on his objectives and manage to sequence his efforts, one task after another.

Pisces Rat

The Rat-Pisces is a good and sensible being, particularly concerned about the well-being of his family and his home. The introverted character of Pisces, sometimes resulting in a crippling shyness, allied with the personality of the Rat, allow the Rat-Pisces to be affable and open to others. Sociable and insightful like all Rats, the Rat-Pisces would rather remain in the background, as he usually avoids to be the center of the action, in order to keep a safe distance from potential disasters. Passionate in love, the Rat-Pisces is a great romantic. Literally devoted to his family, the Rat-Pisces struggles to contain his pessimism and impatience, as it may easily irritate or confuse him at times when good communication is most needed.

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