Rooster: Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐔 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Rooster (Chicken). Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 May 2019
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Rooster and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Rooster, the Ox (Buffalo) and the Snake are part of the second compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Rooster, the tenth zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Ox and the Snake.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Dragon is the secret friend of the Rooster. The Rooster is incompatible with the Rabbit (Hare, Cat).

Year of the Rooster horoscope

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Rooster with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Rooster Rat compatibility

Rooster Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Rat
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Rooster, obsessed with details, tends to dissect every aspect of his environment. Intelligent but easily resentful, the Rat is autonomous and does not live well with the critical and bossy tendencies of the Rooster. The impulsive reactions of the Rat can surprise the Rooster and push him to his entrenchments. Indeed, the Rat is not armed for a direct confrontation with the Rooster. This is why he tends, short of solution, to retreat on himself and to take refuge in total silence, having exhausted all his cartridges (individualism, sarcasm, taunting). However, the Rat's fascination for the Rooster's flamboyance lowers most tensions the couple may have to face. Indeed, the Rat, naturally more discreet, finds pride in his partner's exuberant personality. Eventually, note that a Dragon child can help soothe a couple formed by a Rooster and a Rat: the Dragon is the secret friend of the Rooster and is part of the same compatibility triangle as the Rat. As friends, the Rat and the Rooster get on well as long as they respect a certain distance between two meetings. In a professional setting, they form an effective pair capable of achieving great success.

Rooster Ox compatibility

Rooster Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Ox
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢

The Rooster and the Ox are part (with the Snake) of the same triangle of compatibility. As a result of which their romantic relationship with their character has everything to create a fertile ground for a relationship as durable as fruitful and fulfilled. The Rooster particularly appreciates the attention that the Ox brings to his home and his children. In the same way, his solidity and his endurance in view of the vicissitudes of existence reassure his feathered companion. Their understanding is such that the Rooster, full and satisfied, almost forget his adventurous nature. The Ox, if he feels a bit clumsy next to the plume of his partner, feels a certain pride to have a partner so colorful, whom he has the honor to protect and care. In friendship, the cocky side of Rooster amuses the mighty Ox. They get along without difficulty and find in their differences topics of conversation, with a sense of self-mockery that they would not share with anyone else. Finally, in the professional setting, the dazzling brilliance and bravery of the Rooster, backed by the slow and steady power of the Ox, make their association a winning combination.

Rooster Tiger compatibility

Rooster Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Tiger
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢

The Rooster and the Tiger have common points that are not necessarily the most suitable for a stable and serene relationship. As they both need to have an intense social life to flourish, this limits the time they can spend in the privacy of their homes. However, they do not need big discussions (another activity they both like) to appreciate each other. In love, the Rooster must constantly surprise the Tiger if he wants to keep his attention in the long run. Similarly, if they want to avoid clashing their egos to the detriment of their common good, concessions are needed on both sides. The friendship between a Rooster and a Tiger is easier to tie than love, as their cultural and leisure activities easily bring them together. At work, the Rooster and the Tiger, although they may have interesting complementarities, still tend to procrastinate endlessly before making a decision.

Rooster Rabbit compatibility

Rooster Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Rabbit
(out of 5)
Love ❤️
Friendship 💛💛
Career 🏢🏢

In terms of Chinese astrology, this is not an ideal situation: the Rooster and the Rabbit are incompatible. Tensions and misunderstanding are difficult to avoid, despite a possible mutual attraction. Life in common will not be easy. There is a risk of exhaustion on both sides. The Rabbit loves his tranquility and the comfort of his home, which can push him to be sometimes careless, even disordered. On the contrary, the Rooster is meticulous and has a passion for order. Similarly, the outspoken and somewhat cocky side of the Rooster does not work with the Rabbit, because the latter does not like to feel like he's being led by anyone. It takes a lot of psychology from the Rooster (work on the Water element) and a sense of organization tenfold (work on the Earth element) for the Rabbit so that the union of these two Chinese zodiac signs can work. A friendship between a Rooster and a Rabbit is possible, even if they both have the impression to make the necessary efforts alone so that their relationship does not pereclite. The Rooster must be particularly indulgent, while the Rabbit must show great patience. In the workplace, their relationship can be productive only if their respective tasks are well defined upstream and they maintain a distinct field of action.

Rooster Dragon compatibility

Rooster Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Dragon
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

A love relationship between a Rooster and a Dragon is likely to be written in the long term (the Dragon is the secret friend of the Rooster). In addition to their Yin (Rooster) and Yang (Dragon) polarity, the Dragon is also the Rooster's secret friend. Similarly, in terms of elements, the Dragon's Earth feeds the Rooster's Metal, while the Metal of the Rooster comes to fill the deficiency in Metal of the Dragon: as a result, the two Chinese zodiac animals are quite complementary. However it is better to take some parameters into account for the relationship to work: The Rooster must avoid criticizing the Dragon too much. Both must from the outset delineate their respective territories. Last but not least, the Rooster and the Dragon must refrain from any demonstration of pride in front of their partner to avoid triggering a competitive atmosphere, potentially harmful in a couple. In friendship, the Rooster is proud enough of his own finery not to feel threatened by the sparkling personality of the Dragon. In addition, they have many interests in common, including a taste for fashion, although for his part, the Rooster is more in search of elegance than daring. The professional relationship between a Rooster and a Dragon is generally harmonious because they respect each other enough to always find common ground.

Rooster Snake compatibility

Rooster Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Snake
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake and the Rooster, who are part of the same love compatibility triangle, are a great match, just as they share much in common. Both intelligent and calculating, they feel the need to prove their abilities to each other permanently, which can be exhausting in the long run. Moreover, the quality of their relationship depends a lot on their financial comfort. The Rooster woman is perfectionist and if she decides to engage in a union in the long term, it will be she who will hold the reins of the home. On the other hand, the Snake must hold the wallet because the Rooster tends to have a spendthrift nature. Likewise, the Snake must take with kindness and affection the eccentricities of the Rooster. Beware, the Snake is prone to jealousy and his possessiveness can exhaust the Rooster in the long run, because for the latter, the feeling of freedom is essential to his development. In friendship, the Rooster and the Snake easily manage to support and understand each other, without suffering the faults of the other. In business, their relationship is productive, as long as the Rooster avoids over-boasting his success, which would make the Serpent jealous, despite the fact that he has every interest in his partner succeeding.

Rooster Horse compatibility

Rooster Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Horse
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

Even if they are not part of the same compatibility triangle, the Rooster and the Horse can form a happy couple. The intrepid and adventurous Horse arouses the admiration of his companion. The latter does not hold him any rigor of his escapades, because he understands his need for freedom and open air. However, the latent selfishness of the Horse, combined with a blatant jealousy, misplaced because of his own absences, risk over time to weigh on the relationship. The Rooster's benevolent patience can only remain intact if the Horse manages to preserve the camaraderie essential to any couple wishing to write their story in the long run. In friendship, the Rooster and the Horse, who share the same taste for panache and elegance, tend to develop a constructive rivalry, made possible by the strength of their relationship. In business, the Rooster and the Horse easily find common ground. The combination of their qualities can enable them to create the conditions for a sustainable project. The sense of analysis and organization of the Rooster, combined with the international vision of the Horse, can lead them very far.

Rooster Goat compatibility

Rooster Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Goat
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢🏢

In the context of a long-term relationship, the couple formed by the Rooster and the Goat is not immune to temporary escapades. However, their relationship is balanced through their mutual admiration: the Rooster is willingly inspired by the creative fantasies of the Goat, who in turn feels supported and understood. The Goat must, however, be careful not to put the whole burden of the home on the Rooster, whose pride and self-assurance do not necessarily mean indefatigable stoicism. Moreover, the Rooster would be wrong not to push the Goat out of his entrenchments, because if he likes that be taken care of, it is for ease rather than lack of resources. The Goat is extremely resistant to adversity, despite his complaints of principle. Once pushed into action, the determined Goat becomes an impregnable base on which the Rooster can rely to lead their family by mountains and valleys. In friendship, the Rooster and the Goat are fascinated by each other. Without really understanding each other, they gladly appreciate each other. At work, the creativity of the Goat and the sense of organization of the Rooster can be decisive in the success of ambitious projects.

Rooster Monkey compatibility

Rooster Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Monkey
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛
Career 🏢

The Rooster and the Monkey form a strong couple, as long as the creative harmony in the bedroom persists. Because, beyond a shared sensuality, their natural temperament hardly encourages them to build a stable home. The taste of beautiful things and refined pleasures brings them together, which does not facilitate the finances of the couple, in part because the Rooster has a hard time limiting his buying frenzies. In the same way, they are both unrepentant charmers, which hardly incites them to fidelity. To sustain their relationship, the Rooster has to put his deep nature on hold and let the Monkey dominate the relationship, which is not a pre-won game. The Monkey being potentially better armed than the Rooster to cope with the vagaries of life, the latter has every interest in relying on his skills. The Rooster, however, must remain vigilant on the major decisions that concern both of them, because the Monkey's creativity in all areas, including financial, has little limit. In friendship, the Rooster tends to take the Monkey for his alter-ego, which can be the source of bitter disappointments. Indeed, the Monkey, as smart as he is manipulator, does not hesitate to make believe to those who have good intentions towards him that the reciprocal is true. If the Monkey loves the party and delights in appearances, he still keeps a strategic vision in the long run. There are many who thought they saw a Monkey as an entertainer when they were actually pawns on his chessboard. In business, the Rooster would be better off avoiding the Monkey if he does not want to lose feathers. Because when it comes to creating wealth, the Monkey is more skilled, and his secret methods are entirely turned for his own benefit.

Rooster Rooster compatibility

Rooster Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Rooster
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛
Career 🏢

Love between two Roosters is possible, even if it is not the most peaceful combination. The relationship between two Roosters, whether friendly or amorous, is studded with bickering and perpetual arguments. While the solutions for getting along better exist, they prefer to argue about everything and nothing, out of a pure spirit of contradiction, and never leave the last word to the other. It takes a lot of optimism, vigor and endurance to support this hellish pace of life over time. Often, this detonating association works against all odds, because boredom is never an issue between our two accomplices. The friendship between two roosters is positive, as long as the meeting opportunities are not too regular. As part of a working relationship, it is best that two Roosters avoid creating a business together. If they are colleagues, it is preferable for the social peace of the company that they are content to meet only at the coffee machine or in the meeting room, but especially never to share the same office space.

Rooster Dog compatibility

Rooster Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Dog
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢🏢

A relationship between a Rooster and a Dog is fraught with pitfalls and missed opportunities. While they usually do not seem to notice each other's presence, they can be irresistibly attracted to each other because of their differences. The Rooster brings to the Dog his brilliance, his joie de vivre and his irreproachable taste for design and fashion, while the Dog can provide the Rooster with a soothing stability and a more balanced life. The Rooster's pleasure in partying also helps to temper the pessimistic tendencies of the Dog. In the organization of the home, it is preferable that it is the Dog who keeps the wallet, because the Rooster is always ready to spend money, as soon as an opportunity arises. Finally, if a friendship between a Rooster and a Dog is possible, a common professional activity can only be positive if they share equivalent responsibilities. Otherwise, they will find it hard to trust each other in the long run.

Rooster Pig compatibility

Rooster Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Rooster Pig
(out of 5)
Love ❤️❤️❤️
Friendship 💛💛💛💛
Career 🏢🏢

The Pig and the Rooster are not part of the same love compatibility triangle. Nevertheless, the Rooster and the Pig can, when they couple, form a solid relationship. To do this, and in order to overcome their differences, they must have an unfailing admiration for each other. In the same way, the Pig manages fortunately not to be offended and to ignore the continuous stream of critics and moral lessons of the Rooster. The warm and sensual character of the Pig, rather than offending the Rooster, brings an appreciable fantasy to his clean and orderly daily life. It is a relationship that has a good chance to work serenely and happily over time. Indeed, the Pig, even if he keeps a very independent mind, always remains attentive and listening to the advice of his Rooster partner. The meticulousness, the insight and the lucidity of the Rooster combined with the joy of living, the indulgence and the robustness of the Pig allow this union to face with confidence the vagaries of life. In business, the Pig tends to be wary of the Rooster because he finds him unmanageable, even if they have many values ​​in common. Both enjoying outings at the restaurant and at the theater, they are actually better calibrated to be good friends than business partners.

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