Snake: Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐍 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Snake. Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 May 2019
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Snake and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Snake, the Ox (Buffalo) and the Rooster are part of the second compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Snake, the sixth zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Ox and the Rooster.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Monkey is the secret friend of the Snake. The Snake is incompatible with the Pig (Boar).

Year of the Snake horoscope

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Snake with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Snake Rat compatibility

Snake Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Rat
(out of 5)

The Snake and the Rat form a more adjusted couple than it seems, especially if one wanted to trust the relationship of these two animals to their equivalent in nature. However, they actually have much more in common than it seems, which allows them to consider the future as a couple, without worrying too much about the inevitable snags encountered along the way. Among the personality traits that allow them to appreciate and understand each other, the Snake and the Rat are both discreet and even secretive. In addition to respecting the need for autonomy of their partner, they compensate in many ways: the Rat does not take offense of the outbursts of the Snake, always on edge. The Rat, enlivened by the inflamed character of the Snake, finds at his side a deeper meaning to his life than the mere accumulation of wealth. For his part, the Rat pushes the Snake out of his torpor and to confront the world, to act and not just to plot. Also more reasonable, the Rat brings the Snake a welcome stability. In exchange, the Rat, who feels responsible for the well-being of the couple, is obliged to care and take care, beyond financial security, of the daily problems of their family and the education of their children. In a friendly setting, the Rat and the Snake prefer to see each other in small groups. They like to talk together about politics, culture and finance, which many of their friends would find boring. Professionally, the Rat is perfectly predisposed to finance the projects of the Snake. More daring and entrepreneur, the latter knows how to convince the Rat of the value of his project.

Snake Ox compatibility

Snake Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Ox
(out of 5)

The Snake and the Ox are both part of the same love compatibility triangle (with the Rooster). They therefore have all the cards in hand to understand and love each other, beyond the time of the passion that follows the first date. Some adjustments are of course necessary for their union to be as pleasant and beneficial as possible. Thus, the Ox, ideal for home activities, must accept the somewhat disordered side of the Snake who, as a good intellectual, easily neglects the material tasks of everyday life. The Snake quickly realizes the chance of having a partner so well prepared for family life, which helps to stabilize and domesticate him. Easily distracted by the temptations of the flesh, the Snake is at the same time very possessive and jealous, surely because he knows what he is talking about ... With the Ox, more faithful of nature but just as jealous, the subject of fidelity is the main point of contention of the couple. In friendship, the Snake and the Ox are less well matched: the Snake is a little bored in the company of the Ox, who on his side has trouble taking the Snake seriously, disconcerted by all his shenanigans. At work, the Snake and the Ox have a lot to learn from each other. Indeed, the Snake, who tends to rest too much on his intellectual faculties, at the risk of making miscalculations on the real intentions of others, must avoid confusing the slowness of the decisions of the Ox for hesitation. The Ox is thoughtful and solid, and if he takes time to act, it is because once his resolution is taken, no obstacle can stop him.

Snake Tiger compatibility

Snake Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Tiger
(out of 5)

The relationship between a Snake and a Tiger is not very relaxing. Yet on paper, everything looks simple and happy. The sensual and discreet charm of the Snake naturally attracts the proud and valiant Tiger, which usually leads them to passionate and interminable antics. Then, when the urge takes them to want to formalize their relationship and even to found a home, a form of discomfort can occasionally weaken the couple. On the one hand, the Snake realizes that the Tiger is not always in dialogue when making decisions for the family. Authoritarian and confident, the Tiger tries to impose his way of doing things on the Snake, who does not fail to grumble in return. Wounded in his pride, the Snake, who is keen on preserving the relationship, must draw on his reserves of diplomacy so that the Tiger always feels in complete control of the situation. The Tiger, reassured as the head of the household, will then tend to soften. In friendship, the meeting of the Snake and the Tiger is often electric, fusional and ephemeral, because the Tiger, who thought to have found an admirer always ready to acquiesce to his slightest remarks, quickly realizes that the Snake loves nothing more than verbal jousting and sarcasm. It is better for the Tiger that he avoids working too closely with a Snake, because they have trouble understanding each other. In particular, the Snake can be tempted to manipulate the Tiger. It would then be terrible if the Tiger realized this, for his revenge would be ruthless.

Snake Rabbit compatibility

Snake Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Rabbit
(out of 5)

The Snake and the Rabbit have many interests in common and are easily compatible in love as in friendship. Both are discreet and enjoy art and culture. They also manage easily to preserve their personal territory. The Snake, who has possessive tendencies, appreciates the Rabbit's flexibility and ability to listen. The Rabbit is perfectly able to avoid being trapped by the rings of the Snake. The Snake who feels that he does not completely dominate the relationship then blames the Rabbit for being too personal, concerned about his own comfort and not to worry enough about the daily affairs of the couple and the family. He is not necessarily completely wrong either ... As a result of which the relationship may run short if the Snake considers that the Rabbit does not make enough effort to maintain the bliss of the home. As for the Rabbit, tired of the Snake's yet legitimate remonstrances, he may want to regain the excitement of his lost independence, when he was not accountable to anyone. In friendship, the Rabbit has trouble trusting the Snake. Generous and whole with his friends, the Rabbit finds it difficult to accept the lack of delicacy and the little secrets of the reptile, which he finds futile. At work, their relationship is not better than in a friendly context, especially as they add to their relationship a fierce competition, sharpened by the talents of strategist and diplomat of the Rabbit and the Machiavelism of the Snake.

Snake Dragon compatibility

Snake Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Dragon
(out of 5)

The love compatibility between the Snake and the Dragon is good, especially when it feeds on the long conversations at the fireside that animate their winter evenings. When in a relationship, the Dragon particularly appreciates the wisdom and self-confidence of the Snake, while the latter admires the cheerful dynamism of his partner. Together, they form a couple that succeeds most of the time in forging common goals and staying positive, even in adversity. Only the excessive jealousy from the Snake or the authoritarian temperament of the Dragon can jeopardize their relationship, for they are both whole and impulsive in the expression of the wounds of their feelings, whether they are feigned or real. In a friendly context, the resplendent dimension of the Dragon, which tends to capture all the light, is very suitable for the Snake who stands nearby, and whose charm works best in the dim light. In absolute terms, the Snake and the Dragon get along very well in all circumstances. They advise each other effectively, respect each other and enjoy the same activities, whether social or professional.

Snake Snake compatibility

Snake Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Snake
(out of 5)

It is said in the Chinese tradition that two Snakes together tend to choke each other. Yet, initially, two Snakes are attracted to each other like two magnets. Their sensuality and their iconoclasm on the pillow finally find a favorable ground for the expression of their imagination. Their agreement in the bedroom is also the best cement of their couple, because in everyday life, concorde is more delicate. However, the flaws in their personality, and in particular their jealousy and almost sickly possessiveness, give them the impression of being prisoners of their love. Added to a tendency to always want to criticize the suggestion or decision of the other, their relationship is not easy. It's not that they do not like having discussions together, but their habit of always thinking that there is a hidden reason for what the other says, combined with a fierce willingness to always want to be right, does not simplify the harmony of the home. Fortunately, they are usually very good parents, dedicated to their offspring. In friendship and at work, two Snakes will always be suspicious of each other. This is not the best combination, unless their friendship does not involve responsibilities, their work together is not subject to a hierarchical context and that their exchanges remain distant.

Snake Horse compatibility

Snake Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Horse
(out of 5)

Together, the Horse and the Snake form a surprising couple. Not that they are incompatible, but let's rather say that the shock of their personalities is source of surprises, misunderstandings and intense moments. The Horse admires the analytical intelligence of the mysterious Snake, who in turn feeds readily on the Horse's energy and passion. On the other hand, the Horse, with his well-supplied social life and passion for traveling, is surprised to suddenly find himself with irons on his feet, to account for imaginary adventures. Because for the Snake, who is one of the most jealous and possessive Chinese zodiac animals, all the friends of the Horse are potential lovers. The Horse, who usually likes to talk with humor about his friendly setbacks, quickly understands that all his words can turn against him and that to preserve the peace of the households, it is better for him to run smoothly. Despite this, and despite the fact that the Snake is not necessarily the perfect homemaker or housewife, the Horse appreciates the firm but affectionate grip of the Snake, which allows him to find a welcome stability in his life. The Snake must, for his part, restrain the flow of criticism that he may be tempted to deliver, for the patience and benevolence of the Horse towards him nevertheless have limits. In friendship or in business, the Horse and the Snake are not the best companions. The Horse is quickly irritated by the reproaches of the Snake, who, for his part, finds the Horse too expansive and well-spoken, he who appreciates more than anything the discreet conversations, in the light of a candle.

Snake Goat compatibility

Snake Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Goat
(out of 5)

The Goat and the Snake both have a taste for adventure. The Snake, extremely jealous and possessive in love, risks accumulating disappointments with the frivolous Goat. Fortunately, the whimsical and voluble side of the Goat does a lot of good to the Snake, which keeps him away from pessimism and black thoughts. For his part, the Goat takes advantage of the strategic intelligence and sharp insight of the Snake, who helps him to become less credulous. However, even if they get along in the bedroom, enjoy talking together and share the same taste for art, the Snake can not help deep inside him to consider the Goat with a slight disdain. While for him the secret is the first of the virtues, the shameless side of the Goat irritates him to the highest degree. The Goat in return always feels a bit out of the mysterious life of our shiny-scaled reptile. If a friendship between them can be fruitful, they have no particular interest in working together, mainly because neither of them has a passion for keeping a budget.

Snake Monkey compatibility

Snake Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Monkey
(out of 5)

The Monkey and the Snake can love each other with passion but do not understand each other that well. That's why a long-term relationship is not easy to envision unless strong concessions are made on both sides. First of all, it is strongly recommended that a Monkey and a Snake who share the same roof have a living space large enough to be able to spend a whole day without seeing each other. Secondly, they must be able to restrict their ability to critically analyze subjects outside the home. The Snake must rather seek to accompany the Monkey in his projects rather than discourage him by reproaching him for dispersing without succeeding. The Monkey, for his part, must overcome the Serpent's pessimistic vision and jealousy and share with him his creative enthusiasm to push him to fulfill himself. In reality, they both share the same relative incapacity to accomplish their projects. Only the reasons for their pitfalls differ. The Monkey is easily distracted and the Snake doubts too much. In the context of a friendship or a work relationship, the Monkey and the Snake do not usually have enough patience with each other to learn to know each other beyond appearances and prefer to to maintain cordial relations.

Snake Rooster compatibility

Snake Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Rooster
(out of 5)

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake and the Rooster, who are part of the same love compatibility triangle, are a great match, just as they share much in common. Both intelligent and calculating, they feel the need to prove their abilities to each other permanently, which can be exhausting in the long run. Moreover, the quality of their relationship depends a lot on their financial comfort. The Rooster woman is perfectionist and if she decides to engage in a union in the long term, it will be she who will hold the reins of the home. On the other hand, the Snake must hold the wallet because the Rooster tends to have a spendthrift nature. Likewise, the Snake must take with kindness and affection the eccentricities of the Rooster. Beware, the Snake is prone to jealousy and his possessiveness can exhaust the Rooster in the long run, because for the latter, the feeling of freedom is essential to his development. In friendship, the Rooster and the Snake easily manage to support and understand each other, without suffering the faults of the other. In business, their relationship is productive, as long as the Rooster avoids over-boasting his success, which would make the Serpent jealous, despite the fact that he has every interest in his partner succeeding.

Snake Dog compatibility

Snake Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Dog
(out of 5)

People born in the Year of the Snake and those born in the Year of the Dog are not a natural match. Indeed, if the Snake easily manages to use his charms successfully with the Dog, the latter quickly finds the relationship unstable and fragile. The Snake must redouble his efforts to reassure the Dog, and willingly accept his lessons of good conduct. If both are jealous of nature, the Dog is usually the most faithful of the two. In a work environment, their relation between a Snake and a Dog is usually cordial and tasteless, which is perfectly fine for interacting as colleagues.

Snake Pig compatibility

Snake Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Snake Pig
(out of 5)

According to the Chinese zodiac compatibility precepts, the Snake and the Pig are incompatible and are not really made to live a harmonious relationship in the long run. If they share the same taste of carnal pleasures, their character is too different for them to understand each other and accept each other's faults. In time whenever they are together as a couple, while the Pig remains fascinated by the mysterious Snake, the Snake tends to become bored of the Pig. Consequently, the Snake would even be tempted to look at other options to spice up his life. In parallel, the potentially destructive jealousy (and often hypocritical) of the Snake pushes him to make recurring and often unreasonable reproaches to his Pig partner, helping to darken the atmosphere of the home. In business, the relation between a Pig and a Snake is never coordinated, and can even turn sour if they are not careful. The best way for the Snake and Pig to manage their social interactions is to avoid each other as much as possible.

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