Tiger: Chinese zodiac love compatibility

🐯 Chinese zodiac compatibility of the Tiger. Best matches for love, marriage, parenting, friendship, career
By KarmaWeather - 2 August 2021
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Love compatibility personality horoscope between the Tiger and the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Tiger, the Horse and the Dog are part of the third compatibility triangle of the Chinese horoscope. As such, the Tiger, the third zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar, has a great relationship with the Horse and the Dog.

All 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac also have a secret friend: the Pig (Boar) is the secret friend of the Tiger. The Tiger is incompatible with the Monkey.

Year of the Tiger horoscope

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, each of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has a specific relationship between them. Let's see now what is happening more specifically with regard to the Tiger with his companions of the wheel of Chinese astrology.

Tiger Rat compatibility

Tiger Rat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Rat
(out of 5)

Unfortunately, the Tiger and the Rat have little to share. However, a romantic relationship between them is not unthinkable. To this end, the Rat must learn to trust the Tiger, whose temerity scares him, because his troubles can lead to unforeseen expenses. For his part, the Tiger, rather than finding boring the way of life and habits of the Rat, he would do well to be inspired by them to gain wisdom. On the other hand, the somewhat grandiloquent side of the Tiger is more likely to amuse the Rat than to offend him. Of a discreet and reserved nature, the Rat's life gains animation with a Tiger. However, the passion and the fascination that the Rat can feel with regard to the Tiger results mainly from his total incomprehension on his functioning. Perplexed and haggard with his Tiger partner, the Rat, although flattered to have been elected by such a noble creature, still has to reassure himself in the long term about the long-term benefits of such an association. The Tiger on his side will have difficulty not to indulge in some discreet escapades to break the monotony of his daily life. In friendship, the relationship of the Tiger and the Rat is episodic and light. They should not be asked to make commitments for each other. At work, the authority and posture of the Tiger repel the Rat who will instinctively settle in the office as far away as possible from him. Not that he feels particularly threatened, but rather to seek the calm and serenity he needs to work effectively.

Tiger Ox compatibility

Tiger Ox compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Ox
(out of 5)

Between the Tiger and the Ox, one can not say that it is the ideal love match. Both powerful and authoritarian beings, their confrontation is inevitable, especially as their approach to life is very different. The Ox is slow, conservative, serious and jealous, while the Tiger is stealthy, loving freedom and willingly fickle. In daily life, the Ox seeks to coerce the Tiger, thinking that he can succeed in changing him. These attempts to take control of the Ox are very badly perceived by the Tiger who is left with two options: resistance to exhaustion or escape, usually episodic and often permanent. In a relationship, the Ox has a hard time putting himself in the Tiger's place and prefers to make his life impossible, convinced that he is acting for his own good and that of the family. The Tiger, despite his claws and dodges, is not armed to resist this pressure in the long run. In case of an argument that leads to separation, he will be tempted to take revenge, slyly. The friendly cohabitation between the Tiger and the Ox is easier to consider, because the stakes are lower and they do not have to see each other every day. The Tiger appreciates the apparent calm of the Ox, his quiet strength, while the Ox is pleasantly distracted by the insatiable energy of the Tiger. At work, the sense of organization, patience and rigor of the Ox are appreciated by the Tiger, who in return brings his bubbling ideas and his talent for human relations. The only precondition to their peaceful and effective relationship in business: strictly no hierarchical link between them. Neither the Tiger nor the Ox appreciate being given orders by anyone but themselves.

Tiger Tiger compatibility

Tiger Tiger compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Tiger
(out of 5)

If we only had to rely on the Chinese saying that when "two Tigers are under one roof, one of them must disappear", it would not leave much hope for couples who are in this situation. The love compatibility of two Tigers is actually quite strong. Lovers and enthusiasts, they start with enthusiasm in a passionate love affair, without thinking too much about the next day. It's from the moment they started to live together and share the reins of their destiny that the Tigers couple realize that their daily life will not be easy. The imperious pride, the jealousy of the other's accomplishments, the irascibility, the violent feelings, are part of the impulses to which each of the two Tigers can let themselves go if they are not careful. Because none of them can reassure or compensate for the negative aspects of their character. To succeed in the long run, a couple of Tigers must do everything to preserve both the field of action and the territory of the other. This is certainly the key to their relationship, that they avoid any attempt to control the other, however commendable. Even if it meant letting the loved one make mistakes that could impact the well-being of the home, giving the other Tiger the opportunity to take his own decisions and risk his own failures is a safe behavior. This ensures that the resulting anger in case of disappointment does not unfairly affect his partner. Of course, over time, if neither of the two Tigers can find from the other the comfort and support that would allow them to come out of the hardships of life, they must be able to challenge themselves to resume their independence. In case of sentimental failure, the Tiger, whose nature is easily resentful, would be wise to question himself first. The thirst for vengeance is often the best rampart to any constructive reflection of the springs of a situation that has unfortunately escaped one. The friendship or professional relationship between two Tigers is largely based on mutual admiration and understanding. All will go well between them as long as their territories of expression are well defined and the success of one will not overshadow the efforts of the other.

Tiger Rabbit compatibility

Tiger Rabbit compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Rabbit
(out of 5)

The Rabbit and the Tiger, it is also the Cat and the Tiger, because let's not forget that in South-East Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma ...) it is often the Cat which replaces the Rabbit in the wheel of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. The relationship between the two is therefore that of two felines, both nimble and cunning, one discreet and thoughtful, the other powerful and reckless. In order for their relationship to go beyond the passion phase, it is up to the Rabbit to ensure that the Tiger always believes that he is the one who makes the decisions and gives the main direction of the home and the family. The Rabbit knows perfectly well that any too willful action on his part would be taken as an affront to the natural authority of the Tiger. However, the Tiger, if he admires the Rabbit for his intellectual qualities and charm, could not stand that a simple Rabbit / Cat is allowed to have the affront to openly contest his prerogatives as undisputed leader. In addition, the Rabbit, thanks to his posed attitude and his simple happiness at home, helps to reduce the nervousness and anxiety of the Tiger. Moreover, in love as in friendship, the Rabbit is able to reason the Tiger in time when he is about to take an unreasonable risk. In a working relationship, everything will go well as long as the Tiger is not challenged in his authority. If the Rabbit is the manager of the Tiger, it is preferable that he gives him his instructions in the most indirect way possible, letting him believe that he is for nothing in the actions undertaken by the Tiger. The Rabbit is likely to get a slight frustration if he sees the Tiger trying to harvest alone the laurels of their success, but what is worth some honors lost for a Rabbit if in return it can preserve his serenity?

Tiger Dragon compatibility

Tiger Dragon compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Dragon
(out of 5)

The Dragon and the Tiger are certainly the two animals of the wheel of Chinese astrology who, with the Rooster, possess the most plume, a foolproof pride and a demonstrative charm. When they are in a relationship, the Dragon and the Tiger create a happy and lively domestic atmosphere, with disputes that have no consequences, because neither is able to dominate the other to the point of convincing him to flee the house. It's just that their authoritarian nature is stronger than their predisposition to compromise. However, they must find an agreement quickly if, after the effusions of their first passionate antics, it comes to them to share their destiny. One solution is that their mutual activities give them a space of freedom large enough so that the time of the reunion is more often an opportunity to take news of the other than to blame him. Their clashes are usually not territorial wars but rather a competition related to their need to be dressed in their finest adornment, to feel loved and recognized by those around them as by strangers. Moreover, when they argue, they are advised to find a solution quickly, because if the situation degenerates, the degree of violence they are both capable of will leave neither of them unscathed. This is why, when a Dragon and a Tiger are in a couple, they must weigh their decision carefully, because any future separation might destroy everything they have built before. In friendship, the Dragon and the Tiger are good accomplices, always ready to support each other in his adventures, even during periods of depression that may envelop him during these unpleasant periods. At work, the Dragon might be tempted to control the Tiger, who will not let it go and who will resist fiercely. The Tiger, if he feels constrained in his activities by the Dragon, even if it is his manager, will wait, like a cat watching for its prey, the best time to take revenge.

Tiger Snake compatibility

Tiger Snake compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Snake
(out of 5)

The relationship between a Snake and a Tiger is not very relaxing. Yet on paper, everything looks simple and happy. The sensual and discreet charm of the Snake naturally attracts the proud and valiant Tiger, which usually leads them to passionate and interminable antics. Then, when the urge takes them to want to formalize their relationship and even to found a home, a form of discomfort can occasionally weaken the couple. On the one hand, the Snake realizes that the Tiger is not always in dialogue when making decisions for the family. Authoritarian and confident, the Tiger tries to impose his way of doing things on the Snake, who does not fail to grumble in return. Wounded in his pride, the Snake, who is keen on preserving the relationship, must draw on his reserves of diplomacy so that the Tiger always feels in complete control of the situation. The Tiger, reassured as the head of the household, will then tend to soften. In friendship, the meeting of the Snake and the Tiger is often electric, fusional and ephemeral, because the Tiger, who thought to have found an admirer always ready to acquiesce to his slightest remarks, quickly realizes that the Snake loves nothing more than verbal jousting and sarcasm. It is better for the Tiger that he avoids working too closely with a Snake, because they have trouble understanding each other. In particular, the Snake can be tempted to manipulate the Tiger. It would then be terrible if the Tiger realized this, for his revenge would be ruthless.

Tiger Horse compatibility

Tiger Horse compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Horse
(out of 5)

The Horse and the Tiger are part of the same love compatibility triangle. Between them, it's total passion. They admire and understand each other, despite their strong character, and they are certainly not ready to compromise with many others among the 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope. The Tiger feeds on the cheerfulness and infectious laughter of the Horse, which helps him not to sink into a melancholy that is never far away. In parallel, thanks to the Tiger, the Horse feels taken into consideration and above all listened to. Calmer and serene, he becomes less quick to flee towards the unknown in an impromptu way, which is the Horse's usual technique to chase his anxieties. Their balanced relationship makes them even stronger, and beware of anyone who thinks they can easily bring about the separation of a Tiger Horse couple. The strength of their relationship is equally remarkable when they are friends or work together in the same company. While everyone may well fear the wrath of the Tiger or the kicks of the Horse, they rarely quarrel with each other, and always find a compromise to their differences.

Tiger Goat compatibility

Tiger Goat compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Goat
(out of 5)

In a love relationship between the Goat and the Tiger, the Tiger should be of a particularly kind and indulgent nature. Because the Tiger, who likes to shine and direct, can quickly find the Goat too dependent and tiring for his taste. It is a relationship that, even though it can work, requires the Tiger to put aside his instinct of domination to leave the Goat his own field of expression. Otherwise, the Goat, who is not able to resist the attacks of a Tiger, will do well to flee as soon as possible if he wants to avoid becoming the slave of a dissatisfied companion. However, the Tiger would be wrong to make a too quick judgment on the Goat, whose qualities do not match his apparent nonchalance, nor his tendency to be content with the available comfort. Indeed, the Goat, when he does not complain (that is when the material comfort of the home is a reality), has a funny and joyful personality, with whom one never gets bored. His creativity and especially his infallible instinct to smell the danger are assets that a wise Tiger would do well to consider. These considerations are equally valid in the context of a friendship or within a company. However, most of the time, the Goat is quickly suspicious of the Tiger within a group of friends, and at work he protects herself as much as he can, if possible by using another Tiger as a screen.

Tiger Monkey compatibility

Tiger Monkey compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Monkey
(out of 5)

No need to flee reality, the Monkey and the Tiger usually form a couple doomed to failure. In the compatibility wheel of Chinese astrology, the Monkey and the Tiger are antagonistic animals. In love, their initial mutual attraction, due to the fact that everything opposes them, quickly gives way to a characterized distrust, which is only rooted more deeply over time. The Monkey has a hard time respecting his Tiger partner, whose unmatched power spares him from resorting to the subtleties of diplomacy. As a result of which he finds the proud feline impressive but somewhat naive. However, the Monkey should restrict any temptation to manipulate the Tiger, because the latter, whole and generous when he loves, becomes unable to control his brute force when the hour of revenge has come. This advice is equally valid in love, friendship or at work. If the Monkey does not like to feel controlled, the Tiger even less. Their domineering and fiercely independent nature leaves little room for dialogue and compromise. In case of disagreement, they quickly come to blows, in which case the fate of the Monkey is quickly sealed. This is why the Monkey has every interest in exercising wisdom by keeping a reasonable distance from the Tiger, to avoid any unfortunate temptation to use him as a pawn in the service of his ambitions.

Tiger Rooster compatibility

Tiger Rooster compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Rooster
(out of 5)

The Rooster and the Tiger have common points that are not necessarily the most suitable for a stable and serene relationship. As they both need to have an intense social life to flourish, this limits the time they can spend in the privacy of their homes. However, they do not need big discussions (another activity they both like) to appreciate each other. In love, the Rooster must constantly surprise the Tiger if he wants to keep his attention in the long run. Similarly, if they want to avoid clashing their egos to the detriment of their common good, concessions are needed on both sides. The friendship between a Rooster and a Tiger is easier to tie than love, as their cultural and leisure activities easily bring them together. At work, the Rooster and the Tiger, although they may have interesting complementarities, still tend to procrastinate endlessly before making a decision.

Tiger Dog compatibility

Tiger Dog compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Dog
(out of 5)

The Tiger and the Dog can perfectly form a happy couple, provided that both make a great effort to accept their particularities. For if the Dog is of a faithful and jealous nature, the Tiger, on the contrary, loves adventure as much as he is reluctant to answer to anyone. Therefore, in addition to showing an unusual indulgence, the Dog in love with a Tiger and who wishes to preserve his relationship in the long term, has every interest in refraining from giving lessons of morality to his partner for a yes or a no. Similarly, the Dog must also force himself out of his comfort zone and succeed in surprising his partner. The Tiger, whose energy and endurance are legendary, does not want to be locked in a dull and monotonous relationship. It is therefore up to the Dog to make the majority of efforts if his love outweighs his nature. In friendship, the Dog and the Tiger get along perfectly, because the Dog is always ready to listens pleasantly to the story of his companion's escapades. In a professional setting, the Dog accepts with grace that the Tiger is at the controls, because cautious and realistic, he is aware of the strength of the Tiger and his power to cross the walls when necessary. In return, the Dog brings to the Tiger his ability to analyze situations and his talent as an investigator, avoiding our proud feline from falling into gross traps.

Tiger Pig compatibility

Tiger Pig compatibility scores, by KarmaWeather
Tiger Pig
(out of 5)

People born in the Year of the Pig and those born in the Year of the Tiger have great synergy, whether in love or in business. Indeed, The Pig and the Tiger, if they are not part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility, are however secret friends. They can therefore fall in love with one another and develop a lasting and happy relationship. The Pig softens the fiery character of the Tiger by bringing more stability and moderation to the relationship. In business, the Tiger is a risk taker who often lacks patience when he considers that his projects are slow in coming to fruition. He has every interest in resting on the qualities of the Pig to see his great plans come true, provided he manages to refrain from his authoritarian temptations and his obsessions to want to control everything.

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