Blood Types Personality & Love Compatibility Test

According to the theory of blood type personalities, the 4 blood groups A, B, O and AB correspond to specific characters that are more or less compatible with each other. Take the test!
By KarmaWeather - 20 January 2024
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This is truly a unique phenomenon in Japan and Korea! Do you want to get married in the land of the rising sun? Get ready for your future mother-in-law to ask you for your blood type before giving her final consent...

What is the meaning of this very popular belief from Japan that links an individual's personality to his or her blood type? To answer it, after a short introduction, we offer you a free love compatibility test by blood group, then we will detail the personality traits traditionally attributed to each of them. Finally, we will discuss the origins of this theory of the harmonization of blood groups applied to psychology.

Many Japanese and Koreans believe that blood type can be a reliable indicator of love compatibility between two people. According to this theory, developed in the 1920s in Japan, each blood type is associated with specific psychological characteristics. There would therefore be a genetic predetermination to certain personality traits, which would consequently make it possible to establish a complete list of compatible and incompatible blood groups. If this pseudo-scientific practice gives pride of place to the innate over the acquired in the psychological development of the individual, it does not mean that free will is no more but an illusion.

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In Japan and Korea, asking someone their blood type is above all a way of creating a first connection with a person, just as one could ask them for their astrological sign or their job. From this perspective, the blood group becomes a connector of consciences, as irrational in appearance as it is intangible, both specific to each person and shared with millions of strangers.

How it works

There are four blood type groups: A, B, O and AB.

Mirroring the medical compatibility of blood groups, the theory of personalities by type of blood group postulates that two people of the same group are more likely to be in harmony. In a way, there is a tribal dimension to this belief in extra-familial siblings based on extended blood ties.

The personality characteristics of each blood type determine the love compatibility between individuals. For example, people with blood type A are seen as reliable and organized, while people with blood type O are seen as confident and intuitive. As a couple, the two could easily benefit from the qualities of the other.

Love compatibility by blood group

Harmonization of blood groups in Japan and Korea
Blood type Compatible Incompatible
A A, AB, O B
B B, AB, O A
O A, B, O AB

Blood group personality type theory

Positive and Negative Blood Type Personality Traits
Blood type Positive traits Negative traits
A Calm, reliable, conscientious, organized Stressed, overcautious, lack of initiative
B Creative, sociable, relaxed, flexible Impulsive, selfish, reckless
O Confident, determined, courageous, willful Impatient, aggressive, stubborn
AB Mysterious, intuitive, sensitive to others, adaptability Indecisive, emotionally unstable, lack of self-confidence

💘 Love compatibility test

Please choose the two blood groups to be tested:

Psychological interpretation of blood groups

  • Type A personalities

    Personalities of blood type AThe blood type A is associated with perfection, rigor and organization. People with blood type A are often described as sensitive and caring, with such attention to detail that can become a source of anxiety.

    • Love: When it comes to love, people with blood type A can be very devoted and loyal to their partner. However, type A men and women are often too critical and rigid, which can lead to conflict in the couple. The key to a successful relationship for people with blood type A is to find a partner who can understand them and appreciate them for who they are, without trying to change them.

    • Career: When it comes to professional relationships, people with blood type A are often high achievers and results-oriented. They have a keen sense of organization and planning, which makes them excellent managers or business leaders. Conversely, their lack of flexibility and their perfectionism can sometimes cause tension with their colleagues.

    • Friendship and Family: Regarding friendships and family relationships, people with blood type A are generally very close to their friends and family. They are often attentive listeners and never miss the call when the people they love are going through difficulties. At the risk of causing tension in their personal relationships, they must constantly make an effort on themselves to restrain themselves from being too critical and demanding of those they love.

  • Type B personalities

    Personalities of blood type BPeople with blood type B, according to the Japanese theory of personality compatibility, are often considered to be creative, ambitious and independent. Their constant quest for freedom and new experiences makes them very charismatic. The two main negative aspects of their personality are impatience and selfishness.

    • Love: When it comes to love, people with blood type B can be very passionate, but they also tend to be very hard to please. They need someone who understands them without judging them while respecting their thirst for independence. Relationships with people of the same blood group are good provided they share the same interests while knowing how to preserve their freedom.

    • Career: In the professional world, people with blood group B are often considered to be excellent creative people. While they easily manage to communicate their enthusiasm for the projects they are developing, they prefer to remain discreet about the reality of their progress. Moreover, their sometimes erratic behavior is a source of concern for colleagues more accustomed to a planned organization of their tasks.

    • Friendship and Family: People with blood type B are often considered very good friends and family members. Although they are willing to be very caring and considerate with others, they above all need time for themselves. Their never-quenched thirst for adventure allows them to guard against the propensity for negativity that constantly stalks them.

  • Type O personalities

    Personalities of blood type OPeople with blood type O are considered natural, confident and determined leaders. They are people who love challenges and are always looking to achieve great things. They are often seen as people who are confident in their choices and opinions.

    • Love: When it comes to love, men and women with blood type O can be passionate and intense. They are often very determined to find the ideal person and will do anything to maintain a stable relationship. However, they can also be brash and impulsive, which can lead to disappointments in love.

    • Career: In professional relationships, people with blood type O are often leaders and natural leaders. Calm and determined, Type O people are able to make important decisions with great ease. On the other hand, they are sometimes considered too authoritarian and imperious, which can create conflicts with the other members of the team.

    • Friendship and Family: In friendly and family relationships, people with blood type O are often very present. They are often seen as loyal and reliable people who will do anything to help those they love. However, their indomitable frankness can sometimes intentionally hurt the feelings of others. Ultimately, people with blood type O are passionate, determined, and loyal people who love a challenge and are always looking to achieve great things.

  • Type AB personalities

    Personalities of blood type ABPeople with blood type AB are characterized by their complexity and mystery. According to the Japanese theory of personality compatibility, these people can be described as both calm and reflective, but also unpredictable and constantly changing. They are often considered "eternal children", with an inquisitive mind and a constant desire to learn and discover new things.

    • Love: Love is an area where people with blood type AB can be very complicated. They need a balanced and stable relationship, but also adventure and passion. The partners who can offer them this balance are those who understand and accept them as they are, with their complex and ever changing nature.

    • Career: In business, people with blood type AB are often innovative and creative leaders. They have a flexible approach and can easily adapt to new challenges and opportunities. They enjoy working in a team and their positive attitude and ability to communicate effectively can help them establish positive relationships with colleagues and build productive partnerships.

    • Friendship and Family: Friendship and family are important aspects of life for people with blood type AB. They enjoy the company of positive, nurturing people, and tend to have long-lasting, loyal relationships. With their generous nature and constant concern for harmony, people with blood type AB can be valued members of a family and loyal and devoted friends.

A bit of history: the origins of blood group harmony

The idea that love compatibility can be determined by blood type was popularized in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s. The blood type personality theory emerged in 1927, with the publication by Takeji Furukawa of his paper "Study of temperament by blood type' in the journal Psychological Research. This followed a controversial publication by Rin Hirano and Tomita Yashima in 1926 in the Japanese Army Medical Journal.

Origins of the blood group theory
The turbulent origins of the theory of the harmonization of blood groups applied to love

Remember that during the period between the wars, part of the scientific community was much more permeable than today to the belief in forms of biological determinism aimed at demonstrating the superiority of certain races over others. Open doors to an uninhibited and deadly eugenics, some of these theories did have disastrous consequences throughout Asia and in Europe throughout the Second World War, when they were used as pseudo-scientific alibis for genocidal policies on a large scale by the Axis powers.

Concerning more particularly the theory of temperaments of blood groups, this was used in the years 1920-30 by the Imperial Japanese army to organize its troops, with the neo-aristocratic justification that blood alone can be enough to distinguish officers and the elite corps of the mass of infantry.

After a period of dormancy, understandable given the murky origins of the blood type theory of temperament, the belief in a form of blood type astrology has once again become extremely popular in Japan, but also in Korea. The 1971 publication of Masahiko Nomi's bestseller "Understanding affinity by blood type" sparked the revival of this amazing practice, which now occupies a special place in Japanese women's magazines and manga.

Harmonization of blood groups seen from Japan
Love compatibility by blood groups, an essential cultural trait from Japan

Today in Japan, it's in the astrological pages of newspapers, dating apps based on love compatibility, and popular culture that blood type theory now flourishes much more innocently than it did in its infancy, even if it remains likely that some current schools, businesses and sports clubs partly use blood groups as tools for selecting their members.

What scientific value does the temperament theory of blood groups have?

Although none of the scientific studies conducted to date have succeeded in demonstrating that each blood type can be credibly associated with specific personality traits, it would be unthinkable for a Japanese or a Korean to be interested in the Chinese zodiac sign of their suitor without trying to find out their blood group at the same time.

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