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Day of the Metal Dog
Month of the Earth Tiger
Year of the Wood Snake
Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)
Characteristics of 10 February 2025
Polarity of the day: YangPolarity of the month: Yang
Polarity of the year: Yin
Marriage and love: Auspicious
Favorable directions: West Northwest
Lucky colors: Yellow
Energetic chart: Excess Earth
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The collapse
Boy’s first names: Adán, Dallas, Denver, Jasper, Landry
Girl’s first names: Ambre, Cintia, France, Nikita, Vega
Daily horoscope of 10 February 2025
Metal Dog Day
The Chinese Zodiac sign of the Metal Dog, whose energies dominate the day, creates a climate of nobility, righteousness and justice. A certain austerity fills the atmosphere. If the splinters of a party are heard in the distance, it will be an official or martial celebration, marked by the sound of the drums and the brilliance of the uniforms. At the workplace, the day is conducive to administrative and logistical activities. In love, if you're married or in a couple, the evening won't be surprising, but it doesn't really matter. The repetitive cadence of the daily tasks of the home also bring the feeling of security that we all look for to relax and flourish. If you're single, avoid planning a first romantic date during the evening, you would take the risk of getting strongly bored and watch your pretender yawn.
13th Lunar Mansion: the Abode
The Lodge of the Abode is beneficial. Tuesday and the Fire element are symbolically attached to this house. The initiation of new projects is successful. Family meetings and the transmission of knowledge to the youngest bring luck and harmony.
Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

Yi Jing hexagram of the collapse (剝, bō)
The person born under the "Yi Jing hexagram of the collapse" has a mild, cautious and little expansive temperament. Usually benevolent towards those around him, however, he chooses to develop friendships only with those who have more or less a similar character to his own. In life, he prefers to be content with events without really trying to change things. That is why it is not really his style to carry the banner of an ideological cause, no matter how noble, but which would require a contesting courage. The being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the collapse" therefore prefers to remain passive in the face of the vagaries of life and wait, until things come naturally back in order. And if one day he ever took an initiative, it would only be because he could hardly decide otherwise. Still, thanks to his prudence, the being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the collapse" stands out for the stability and security he is able to offer to his family. The main challenge that the being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the collapse" must meet is his ability to take an active and voluntary role during his life, to avoid drowning in bitter sorrows, once reached the plenitude of age.
Metal Dog's Pillar of Destiny
"The gold of ornaments and hairpins" (Yang)
The imaged destiny of the "gold ornaments and hairpins" refers, as one can easily guess, to the idea of beauty and elegance. Here, the desire to be fulfilled as a human being necessarily implies using the weapons of seduction. Pleasure is essential to maintain a dynamic of social climbing, even if it occasionally compromises the balance between passion, common sense and the ardor that can be found in the character of the Metal Dog. A beneficial pillar, it is nevertheless more suited to a prominent individual who is entrusted with negotiating responsibilities. Politician, lawyer or commercial trader are the main professional profiles that can be associated with this pillar.
In an unfavorable configuration with the other pillars, the imaged destiny of the "gold of ornaments and hairpins" indicates an opposition between two powers of the same caste or the same society. It is then a duality between two comparable symbolic forces: on the one hand that of the adornments which cover the whole body, and on the other that of the hairpins placed at the top of the head.
In a family, conflict can be fueled by mutual misunderstanding between parents and children. In world astrology, at the scale of a nation, it is rather the indicators of a power struggle between the people and an army at the service of a dominant caste, between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie, the religious and civil society.
As a pillar of the day of birth, this pillar in its Yang form is very conducive. Fortune and luck are at hand, provided you rely on the art of dialogue and the quality of oral expression.