Daily Chinese horoscope
Wednesday 16 October 2024

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 16 October 2024
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved
Chinese calendar:
Day of the Water Ox
Month of the Wood Dog
Year of the Wood Dragon

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 16 October 2024

Polarity of the day: Yin
Polarity of the month: Yang
Polarity of the year: Yang
Marriage and love: Auspicious
Favorable directions: Nord-Est
Lucky colors: Red, Pink, Orange
Energetic chart: Weakness Fire
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The overburden
Boy’s first names: Brand, Dagobert, Fulvio, Lucio, Nacho
Girl’s first names: Aurora, Fia, Nur, Sabah, Touraya

Daily horoscope of 16 October 2024

Water Ox Day

The Day of the Water Ox is conducive to work, patience and respect for the established order. The Chinese zodiac sign of the Water Ox is an ambitious esthete, capable of elaborating patient and elaborated strategies for a lasting success. In his relationship to money, the Water Ox favors trades where his probity won't be questioned. Today, you can count on the presence of your family and friends to accompany you in your administrative procedures. In the workplace, your colleagues are particularly cooperative with you, to the point of (wrongly) awakening your natural mistrust. In love, especially if your couple is recent, don't be surprised if your partner asks you to get more engaged in your relationship.

14th Lunar Mansion: the Eastern Wall

The lodge of the Eastern Wall is beneficial. Wednesday, the Water element and the planet Mercury are symbolically attached to this house. Intellectual professions and businesses benefit most from the positive energies of the Eastern Wall Lodge. Luck and wealth are there, as well as academic and professional achievements, provided that special attention is paid to the elderly. If you celebrates your wedding on this auspicious day, the education of your children will be all the more likely to bear fruit.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of disheartenment (困, kùn)

The being born under the influence of "the Yi Jing hexagram of disheartenment" is caring, determined and selfless. Always in agreement with the social norms, he evolves towards his objectives while respecting a well defined plan. Faced with delicate or complicated situations, he usually maintains his placidity, which often allows him to emerge victorious. Moreover, the glimmer of hope and optimism that animates him can helps him counter stress. He also greatly needs to reinforce his inner qualities in contact with people who have the same values ​​as him. That's why, in addition to being very attached to his principles, he is also very sensitive to his environment. However, his simple and straightforward approach to life sometimes makes him attract all kinds of parasitic and toxic spirits. Also, the presence of a defeatist or profiteer among his relatives is potentially a source of destruction for him. Therefore, the main existential challenge of the individual born under the influence of the "Yi Jing hexagram of disheartenment" is to develop his ability to sort through his friends and family, even if it means to put a distance between him and some people with whom he has a blood relationship, in order to preserve his mental health just as much as his material achievements.

Water Ox's Pillar of Destiny

"The mulberry wood" (Yin)

The imaged destiny of the "mulberry wood" in its Yin form symbolizes the meticulous work, the robustness and the will. Remember that in ancient China the mulberry tree is the tree through which the rising sun appears. In addition, note that some musical instruments are also made from this remarkable wood. It is therefore the craft or agricultural professions that are particularly valued here. However, this pillar presents some somewhat static asperities, because of a too categorical appreciation of the reality.

However, in a favorable alignment with the other pillars, it then indicates an inventive spirit that valiantly wins the battle against too much realism. But caution is needed, because stubbornness and intolerance may take over at any time. Still, the imaged destiny of the "mulberry wood" is a pillar that is perfect for artisans and all individuals who have chosen the work of the land as a trade.

As a pillar of birth day, conflict is more internalized and limited to individual boundaries. Luck will eventually give a boost to a timely moment of existence.