Daily Chinese horoscope
Thursday 17 October 2024

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 17 October 2024
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
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Chinese calendar:
Day of the Wood Tiger
Month of the Wood Dog
Year of the Wood Dragon

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 17 October 2024

Polarity of the day: Yang
Polarity of the month: Yang
Polarity of the year: Yang
Marriage and love: Inauspicious
Favorable directions: East Northeast
Lucky colors: Black, Blue
Energetic chart: Weakness Water
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The overburden
Boy’s first names: Adrián, Bilal, Cobalt, Moïse, Wade
Girl’s first names: Aquata, Kyla, Marie, Murielle,Aude

Daily horoscope of 17 October 2024

Wood Tiger Day

The Wood Tiger is certainly the most generous and the most straightforward of all Tigers. Capable of moving without getting noticed, just as he stays simple and open to others, he still manages to stay true to the main characteristics of his sign. An authoritarian, the Wood Tiger loves power as much as he hates to receive orders. His capacity for dialogue and listening are not synonymous with compromise, but are actually part of his strategy of conquering power through quiet persuasion. If he isn't as daredevil as his fellows, the Wood Tiger loves to take calculated and well-considered risks. If he finds himself in a situation where his autonomy and his capacity to lead are questioned, he doesn't hesitate to break it all, to start again from scratch if necessary. In love, the Wood Tiger is rarely ready to understand the weaknesses of his partner. He tends to idealize his couple and to make inconsiderate efforts to make his relationship perfect. He expects in return as much as what he himself gives, that is, everything; No half measure with the Wood Tiger. Today, the success of the actions you undertake depends on the quality of your commitment. Be honest and frank if you want to receive a reward commensurate with your ambition.

15th Lunar Mansion: the Fork

The lodge of the Fork is unfavorable. Thursday, the Wood element and the planet Jupiter are symbolically attached to this house. On a professional level, it’s preferable to avoid starting a new project during this day. As a family and as a couple, it is better to remain discreet and avoid any polemic discussion. It’s strongly advised to rest during this period. If you have a lawsuit on that day, ask your lawyer if it may be possible to adjourn it.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of disheartenment (困, kùn)

The being born under the influence of "the Yi Jing hexagram of disheartenment" is caring, determined and selfless. Always in agreement with the social norms, he evolves towards his objectives while respecting a well defined plan. Faced with delicate or complicated situations, he usually maintains his placidity, which often allows him to emerge victorious. Moreover, the glimmer of hope and optimism that animates him can helps him counter stress. He also greatly needs to reinforce his inner qualities in contact with people who have the same values ​​as him. That's why, in addition to being very attached to his principles, he is also very sensitive to his environment. However, his simple and straightforward approach to life sometimes makes him attract all kinds of parasitic and toxic spirits. Also, the presence of a defeatist or profiteer among his relatives is potentially a source of destruction for him. Therefore, the main existential challenge of the individual born under the influence of the "Yi Jing hexagram of disheartenment" is to develop his ability to sort through his friends and family, even if it means to put a distance between him and some people with whom he has a blood relationship, in order to preserve his mental health just as much as his material achievements.

Wood Tiger's Pillar of Destiny

"The water of the great spring" (Yang)

The imaged destiny of "the water of the great spring" in its Yang form is propitious. Here, in addition to the water that brings fertility to farmland, we find the main dynamic qualities that make possible a remarkable social climb. Only the will of the individual needs regular support to enable him to properly draw on his internal resources. Ideally, it is a pillar that suits very well those who work in contact with nature or in a profession directly related to the protection of the environment.

In an unfavorable alignment of the annual pillar with the other pillars, it may indicate the prospect of a greedy or perverse temperament. As the pillar of the birth day, only the creative impulse can give luck the breath it needs to fully manifest itself.