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Day of the Metal Tiger
Month of the Earth Rabbit
Year of the Wood Snake
Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)
Characteristics of 22 March 2025
Polarity of the day: YangPolarity of the month: Yin
Polarity of the year: Yin
Marriage and love: Inauspicious
Favorable directions: East Northeast
Lucky colors: Black, Blue
Energetic chart: Deficiency Water
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The bite
Boy’s first names: Cobalt, Ford, Haï, Maxwell, Moïse
Girl’s first names: Adriana, Fuensanta, Hali, Muriel, Ocean
Daily horoscope of 22 March 2025
Metal Tiger Day
The Metal Tiger is proud like any Tiger worthy of the name. Competitive, autonomous, very energetic, everything is due to him and nothing must resist him. His desires are orders, to the point that he doesn't hesitate to be caustic and arrogant when someone tries to resist him. As a child, the Metal Tiger is often a child-king to whom his parents tend to give in for fear of suffering his anger and his claws. Willingly opportunistic, unscrupulous when it comes to defending his interests, his unshakeable confidence in himself and his undeniable charism allows him to accomplish what he wishes without ever having to apologize, be it to a powerful or weak. Today, don't expect the discussions in which you are taking part to be constructive. Everyone will tend to impose their point of view rather than seek compromise. Regarding love, be indulgent with the whims of your partner, just as you can hope that he / she does with you. In any case, you will find an effective way to quickly consolidate again the foundations of your couple.
23rd Lunar Mansion: the Phantom
The Phantom (Ghost) lodge is unfavorable. Friday, the Metal element and the planet Venus are symbolically attached to this house. The 23rd Lodge of the Phantom is associated with hidden treasures, the capitalization of property and souls of missing persons. To plan a wedding on this day is strongly discouraged. A visit to the cemetery (or a ceremonial in honor of one's ancestors) is auspicious.
Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

Yi Jing hexagram of the gnawing bite (噬嗑, shì kè)
Honest and frank, the individual born under the "Yi Jing hexagram of the gnawing bite" has a courageous and hardworking temperament. He tends to act freely, without constraint or calculation. Endowed with a whole and transparent personality, he does not need to hide behind a hypocritical mask. Ready to fight, he considers existence as an arena in which he must constantly defend his territory at the price of fierce struggles. However, he is not very comfortable with the rules of conduct to which he must comply, even if, in fact, the just and the equitable are pillar values in his eyes. Thus, constantly torn between his reason and his intuition, the being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the gnawing bite" often leaves his will to be dominated by his instinct. Thus, to evolve in life, he often needs difficult experiences to know the path to take. His main existential struggle lies in his ability to impose self-discipline and to channel the violence that dwells in a useful way, so as never to cross a point of no return.
Metal Tiger's Pillar of Destiny
"The wood of cedar and pine" (Yang)
By virtue of this imaged destiny, the wood from coniferous trees constitutes, in the eyes of the Taoists, the symbolic ornament of the immortals. This pillar of destiny therefore directly refers to longevity. Despite this, the pillar of the "cedar and pine wood" with Yang polarity needs to be supported by the other 3 pillars that make up the individual's birth chart. Indeed, on its own, this pillar can be the expression of a passivity or a relative indifference to others and to the environment. Nonetheless, any reason nourished with enlightened prudence enables access to the path of wisdom, thus facilitating ascension and accomplishment. This is how this pillar is ideal for researchers and physicians.
As the pillar of the day, achievements can only be accomplished successfully with long patience and fierce will.