Monthly Chinese horoscope of August 2020

August 2020: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 13 August 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Water Goat (Sheep) Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Water Goat Month of August 2020, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2020 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Water Goat of the Chinese calendar starts on July 21st, 2020 and ends on August 18th, 2020. On July 20th, the new moon announces the passage in the Chinese calendar from the Water Horse Month to the Month of the Water Goat of the Year of the Metal Rat, sixth month of the Chinese Year.

August 2020 horoscope: the Month of the Water Goat

The Month of the Goat (Sheep) is always synonymous with festivities, travel, meetings and rest. This lunar month usually takes place in the middle of summer. Those who have not gone on vacation prefer activities centered around the house and the family. The heat of summer is a source of dynamism, openness to the world but also luck, sensuality and even leniency, with nuances specific to each individual, according to their position in the wheel of Chinese astrology.

The Chinese horoscope for the Month of the Goat 2020, placed under the governance of the Year of the Rat, heralds a period of gentleness, happy reunions and serene communication for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Thus, the Month of the Goat, through moments of relaxation and pleasure, offers everyone the opportunity to review the priorities of the next day with their loved ones.

The time is naturally propitious to put aside daily difficulties and free oneself from your the usual constraints of daily life. The will is thus centered on novel existential resolutions, ignored for a long time. Most zodiac signs of Chinese astrology may be less prone to criticism and judgment with their fellow humans, while being more generous and understanding in their relationships with others. However, a Year of the Metal Rat is not always well supported by the virtuoso Goat, because the relationship of these two Chinese astrological signs can also cause moments of misunderstanding and rigidity. Likewise, the emergence of new political as well as social tensions is to be expected, juxtaposing existing crises. In view of the current global health crisis, this may manifest itself as an exacerbation of divisions and rigid behavior, despite the scientific knowledge that is now accumulating. But the month of the Water Goat is able to effectively calm the moods agitated by certain opportunist political decision-makers. Because the energetic meeting of the 5 Feng Shui and Chinese elements specific to the month of August 2020 promotes and supports altruistic and protective approaches.

In addition, let us emphasize that the emergence of this tendency to want to improve human relations by being in search of the best in the other, by accepting with grace their differences, is a clear indicator of the end of July and of the month August 2020. In summary, this lunar month of the Goat is that of lucidity and materialization, nourished by a refreshing feeling of empathy.

According to the 2020 monthly horoscope for the 12 animal signs of Chinese astrology:

  • The Rat regains his balance after an uncertain period
  • The Ox is subjected to the force of compassion
  • The Tiger puts his past failures into perspective to better take advantage of the present moment
  • The Rabbit learns to draw new perspectives for his future
  • The Dragon realizes, for his great good, that he is not always right
  • The Snake grimaces at the idea of revealing his secrets
  • The Horse caresses his self-esteem and takes the time necessary for his psychological well-being
  • The Goat takes the wise decision not to give in to passion, this time at least
  • The Monkey has fun seeing his achievements bear fruit
  • The Rooster promises himself to materialize his ideas, one way or another
  • The Dog strives to understand the very essence of the things around him
  • The Pig overflows with joie de vivre and prevents melancholy from taking hold on him

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

The Metal / Water relationship of Chinese cosmology, which we observe during the passage of the Month of the Water Goat in the Year of the Metal Rat 2020, is of a balanced nature. There is no notable deficiency or excess of any of the Chinese elements during the end of July and most of August 2020.

However, even if the astrological conjuncture lends itself particularly to those who wish to agree with the tastes and feelings of the people of their choice, it is necessary to put this favorable energy situation somewhat into perspective. Indeed, it should not be forgotten that contrary to the peaceful appearances of their interactions, the Goat (of the month) under the governance of the Rat (of the year) can be synonymous with latent conflicts. A tendency to gullibility can be the source of emotional difficulties and possible breaches of confidence.

But in the event of unexpected setbacks, to which one must react fairly quickly, one should bear in mind that the energy of the Water Goat generally carries with it the happy solutions which will make it possible to relish, in the end, a great sigh of relief.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from July 21, 2020 to August 18, 2020. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from July 21, 2020 to August 18, 2020 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Clear Quartz

Money and career monthly horoscope

The Chinese horoscope for August 2020 for career and work favors creative minds. All artistic professions generally take advantage of the fruitful inspiration brought by the Goat during this lunar month. More particularly, the fields of writing, psychology, philosophy but also teaching are favored. The sea trades are also benefiting from good economic conditions, thanks to the support of the Water of the month element.

It is also possible to note that the relationship of Metal (of the year) and Water (of the month) promises to stimulate the advancement of medical and scientific research, which includes the search for effective treatments and vaccines against Covid-19.

The concordance of Chinese and Feng Shui elements should also allow large companies to stabilize their production in order to compensate for possible losses in the past months and better plan their future developments.

In addition, companies whose activity is somewhat stagnant for the moment should see their activity restart from the next lunar month, especially if they have shown enough creativity during the month of August to rethink their services in the light of the new 12-year cycle initiated by the Year of the Rat 2020. This is all the more remarkable that with the Goat as its initiator, the search for originality and innovation can provide the dynamism necessary for small businesses which seek to revive or increase their activity. Despite the relative inimity that exists between the Rat and the Goat, the economic principles which underlie the relations between savings (great specialty of the Rat) and consumption (the Goat is willing to spend) should be able to co-inhabit by feeding mutually, without necessarily colliding or limiting themselves.

As for investments, the moment is more favorable for spending than for saving. As we have just recalled, the Rat saves and the Goat spends. It is therefore better to wait until next month before making a significant and therefore risky investment. In the meantime, it is better, as far as possible in view of the summer context, to try to limit expenses as much as possible by forcing yourself to say no to certain ephemeral pleasures, always pleasant but never essential.

Love monthly horoscope


According to the Chinese horoscope for August 2020 for singles, the month of the Goat is as propitious for new sentimental adventures as it is for the bitter disappointments that can ensue. Let us remember that the energies of the Month of the Goat invite as much to gullibility as to self-giving. During a new romantic encounter, care should be taken not to camp in rigid positions with one's partner, at the risk of annoying him (her) definitively. If rigidity is certainly never welcome during a Month of the Goat, naivety is a weakness with far more devious and brutal consequences, risking for sure, in case of carelessness, to spoil a fulfilling summer. Consequently, it is advisable to limit any emotional excess, while remaining aware of the potential risks of a total confidence granted to a stranger.


According to the Chinese horoscope for August 2020 for couples, it is to be expected that honesty and loyalty will not really be on the agenda. The trials experienced in the near past will have to be digested upstream before strengthening ties once again. Partners who feel a sense of responsibility towards the partner of their choice will take care to maintain a sincere dialogue, especially in the event of opposition on important matters.

Health monthly horoscope

During a period governed by the Water Goat, you have to be extra vigilant in the face of your own excesses, especially on a sensual level. Take your precautions in all circumstances and do not hesitate to consult a specialist in case of doubt.

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from July 21, 2020 to August 18, 2020

Rat August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 7 / 10

For the Rat (Mouse) in August 2020, the situation is much better than the previous month. Things are progressing, slowly but surely. Your social circle is widening, but beware of mistakes, people are rarely what they say they are, but rather what they do. Don't be too tempted by accessory purchases. Give yourself limits if you want to keep what your possessions. Strengthen yourself.

Ox August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 5 / 10

During the month of August 2020, the Ox experiences temporary transient fatigue, mainly due to intense social activities. Monitor your health as much as your emotions and take advantage of moments of calm to consolidate your achievements. Your dedication to the causes that are dear to you acts as a protective talisman. Likewise, on a material level, everything should be fine. On the other hand, in love, it is important not to rush things too much.

Tiger August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 6 / 10

The month of August 2020 augurs a correct period for the Tiger. Do not hesitate to put all your energy into activities related to your passions, you will be rewarded in the near future. Do not neglect your family and be available for your friends. Don't be overwhelmed by events. Even if you control the situation, still avoid overly reckless actions.

Rabbit August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 7 / 10

August 2020 is a good month for the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) in terms of productivity. You have the wind in your sails, the events evolve according to your wishes. The situation is also favorable from a financial point of view, because little by little, you are going up the slope. Beware, however, of unnecessary expenses. If the Rabbit above all needs a simple but cozy comfort to be happy, he is however never immune to material temptations when he leaves his home. Stay clear and aware of certain aspects of the character of a few of your loved ones. Know the difference between toxicity and clumsiness. In the first case flee, in the second case, if you still cannot bring yourself to forgive, stay away.

Dragon August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 7 / 10

Things are gradually improving for the Dragon in August 2020, for whom it is a good period in terms of professional opportunities and good luck. Avoid rushing and get organized as best as you can before making big plans happen. Move, don't be sedentary. Anyone can make mistakes. It is time to plan the coming months, but also to consolidate what is already in place, with a demanding and perfectionist perspective.

Snake August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 6 / 10

August 2020 is a peaceful month for the Snake, who must maintain his instinctive distrust in his interactions with strangers. If you are on the move, open your horizon, look into the distance and appreciate the landscape with the analytical intensity of which you are capable, you could detect some hidden treasures. News about a loved one may surprise you more than you should. Avoid any provocation or quarrel, especially if you are not directly concerned with the subject.

Horse August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 7 / 10

August 2020 is a stable month for the Horse, which feels temporarily sheltered from the vagaries of life. However, despite a slight lack of clarity with regard to certain subjects, things stabilize in spite of everything, because your energy and your motivation regain their intensity during this summer. Likewise, an interesting reunion or meeting during a trip should further strengthen your invigorated morale. In love, you know it, forgiving yourself makes you stronger and paradoxically, this also applies to the couple.

Goat August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 7 / 10

Goat (Sheep), during the month of August 2020, although you keep the same course as the previous month, make better use of your skills. Get more involved in family and household activities. Be prepared to make concessions at work. Watch your nerves and keep smiling, the beautiful days are approaching.

Monkey August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 8 / 10

August 2020 is full of positive twists for the Monkey. Review your priorities to boost your efficiency and profitability as much as possible. Do not engage in projects that you cannot fully assume. However, you manage to make up for any delays in your previous adventures, which allows you to better plan for the future. In order to give the best of yourself, moderation and cooperation will be your two best assets during this summer.

Rooster August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 7 / 10

Rooster, in August 2020, you don't have to have an opinion on everything, it tires you more than you think. Small thoughts expressed aloud can quickly tarnish the atmosphere if you are not careful. Your multiple talents should enable you to maintain harmony in your home through activities that are much more positive than your repeated advice, however kind. Avoid piling up on new homework and responsibilities, and give yourself time to rest before you get into action again.

Dog August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 5 / 10

August 2020 is a fairly mixed month for the Dog. At work, keep your cool at all times. You don't have to share everything with your colleagues. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it, preferably from family and closest friends. Practice a relaxing activity during your free time. Within your family, everything is fine. However, don't be stingy with your availability for your loved ones these days. Courage!

Pig August 2020 horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 7 / 10

August 2020 is a good month for the Pig (Boar). You could take advantage of this clement time to prepare for the month of September,, for example by investing in training or even a sporting activity, in order to improve your professional profile as well as your physical condition. When you are on the move (on vacation or for work), watch your gluttonous impulses and allow yourself time to think calmly before jumping on the temptations that arise. In friendship, some happy reunions are to be considered. In love, a little more patience, you will know how to pick happiness as soon as it presents itself.

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