Monthly Chinese horoscope of July 2019

July 2019: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 3 July 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Metal Goat Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Metal Goat Month of July 2019, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2019 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Metal Goat of the Chinese calendar starts on July 3rd, 2019 and ends on August 1st, 2019. On July 2nd, the new moon announces the passage in the Chinese calendar from the Metal Horse Month to the Month of the Metal Goat of the Year of the Earth Pig, sixth month of the Chinese Year.

2019 Metal Goat horoscope

The Chinese monthly horoscope of July 2019 heralds a period marked by a renewed motivation of personal goals, as well as a reconsideration of material needs on a security level. Creative energies influence all the zodiac signs of the Chinese horoscope during this summer period of the year of the Pig Earth 2019, during which exchange and dialogue are at the center of the monthly dynamics.

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs of the lunar calendar gradually learn to see equivocal situations in their most favorable light. Happiness, pleasure and quality communication are within everyone's reach. July 2019 is an ideal month to analyze the results of the first part of the year, in order to redefine the organization of priorities and prepare the the summer holidays' come back in the most objective way possible. It is necessary to listen more to one's desires, while learning to communicate them clearly. At the same time, the month of July 2019 is also good for those who want to give another direction to their lives and get rid of their old habits. It may be to limit the excessive consumption of certain foods or deleterious substances for health. It may also be a good time to insert a sports program into the agendas of those who want to maintain their fitness and reveal the elegance of their slender curves on sandy beaches.

For the astrological signs of the Horse, Rabbit and Pig, the horoscope of July 2019 announces the beginning of a new period on the sentimental and romantic level. The Ox and the Dragon are less sensitive with their interlocutors and discover, in spite of themselves, the virtues of empathy. The Tiger is able to assume his actions as well as their consequences, even when they are not happy. The Dog may regret some decisions he has taken in the previous months. This is more of a question of urgently rebalancing a pernicious situation than a direct confrontation with a situation of his past. The Goat and the Monkey can rejoice to find a creative momentum hitherto held back by external conjunctures. Good luck is again on the side of the Rooster in terms of finances and investments. Meanwhile, the Rat may face some obstacles without real gravity. He learns modesty so as not to draw too much attention to him and he realizes that he still has some efforts to make before reaching the desired plenitude. Finally, the Snake finds a relative stability with regard to his material security. But above all, he feels the need to get closer to his family and take time to rest at home, because he is aware that the relative calm of the summer is short and he must take maximum advantage of it to be combative and effective in September.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

According to Chinese astrology, no deficiency or energy surplus of the 5 elements can be reported during the month of July 2019. Moreover, placed in the same triangle of compatibility, the relations of the Goat (of the month) and the Pig (of the year) are usually tinged with indulgence, fantasy and mutual admiration. The beneficial relationship of the Earth (of the year) and the Metal (of the month), reinforced by the energetic complicity of the Pig and the Goat, favor the financial actions. Still, it is good to remember that the Metal expressed by the Goat preaches loyalty, generosity and concise language. Respecting these three values can give those who pay attention, the strength to generate new constructive dynamics, both material and emotional.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from July 3, 2019 until August 1, 2019. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from July 3 to August 3, 2019 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Clear quartz

Money and career monthly horoscope

The work horoscope of July 2019 can be a source of disappointment with respect to working conditions, out of step with legitimate expectations. However, the experience of the immediate past will make it easy to adjust the day-to-day organization of the office. During the second half of the Metal Goat Month 2019, whether it is with a view to a change of position and / or a wage increase, the period is conducive to things in your favor. Thus, if the ability to convince one's interlocutor by a clear and concise verbal expression is freely expressed, along with an enhanced ability to negotiate, it is quite possible to expect positive spin-offs.

The money horoscope of July 2019 is conducive to new financial investments. However, given the astrological peculiarities of the month, it may be necessary to readjust your budget following some recent expenses, specifically on the occasion of a trip abroad or a short vacation. For those who are expecting a return on an investment, staying informed and being able to quickly adapt to changes in the event of an unexpected event will avoid any possibility of loss.

Love monthly horoscope


With Metal in active and reinforced position, the Chinese horoscope of July 2019 for the couples foresees some memorable crises of jealousy, especially for recent couples. Avoid any lapidary word to a competitor who tries to dazzle your beloved, you risk being frustrated and especially to give him / her more importance than he / she deserves.


The love horoscope of July 2019 encourages singles who initiate a new sentimental relationship to curb their instinct of jealousy if they want to give a serious chance to their nascent couple. However, this is not really the period of big encounters, even if some really have the profile. Moreover, the lack of generosity of the desired being may jeopardize an adventure yet promising. In addition, it seems best to use one's charm to a happy casual partner rather than emptying one's wallet for a never-satisfied marriage candidate.

Health monthly horoscope

Organs to watch for during the Metal Goat Month 2019

Digestive system

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from July 3 to August 1, 2019

Rat monthly horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 5 / 10

Rat, make the difference once and for all between the useful and the superficial. Material balance restored for some time. In addition, some financial opportunities will give you new energy to move forward. Regarding social relations, you could be asked to help several people at the same time. This is not the time to be absent with loved ones or to upset the generous temperament of the Pig and Goat of this period. In love, you might want to ask your partner for some clarification. However, do not look for dialogue at all costs. The explanations will eventually arrive sooner or later. Listen to be heard.

Ox monthly horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 4 / 10

Ox, it's time to bury the hatchet. You could more than ever feel the desire to belong to a group or a place. Do not be fooled by the extent of the problems to be solved, especially financially. Therefore, this is not the time to abuse your material resources for secondary things. Learn to aim just right or seek advice from a friend known for his / her keen sense of strategy to get on the right path. On the sentimental level, stay positive. No need to get carried away for so little. Basically, you know that every ailment has its remedy, just find it. Look for the right place.

Tiger monthly horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 6 / 10

Tiger, on the professional level, it will be a grayish storm or a dazzling sun according to the actions undertaken recently. Waste of money indirectly related to conflicts with people frequented daily. On a social level, avoid harboring grudges against old friendships about events you do not have all the information about. On the love side, if you were born during the night, you might miss someone who does not dare to show up for fear of your reaction. Give news of yourself and do not forget to take care of your health. Accept to be loved.

Rabbit monthly horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 7 / 10

Rabbit, the Pig allied to the Goat are in your favor and promise a radiant period of plenitude. On the professional side, because of the predominance of Metal, the moment is more opportune to fine tune the details of your project than to submit it to the public. Intellectual and creative fertility to be exploited to the fullest. In love, traveling together always makes you feel good. However, beware of excessive expenses, especially if you are in an environment where the cost of living seems cheaper than usual. Instead, prefer family fun activities in a safe place for total fulfillment. Produce as much as you can.

Dragon monthly horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 6 / 10

Dragon, it is a time when the situation seems favorable. If you have understood the lesson of the recent past, you won't be able to repeat the same mistakes anytime soon. On the social level, many meetings are in sight for a maximum of exchange and friendly discoveries. At work, you feel that you have all your physical and mental abilities to serenely attack new professional projects. On the emotional side, your generosity will be rewarded at the right time. However, watch out for language gaps. Avoid giving something if it is to brag about it later. Also, carefully measure the scope of your comments, especially if it is to comment on the life of another. Apart from these small points, it is a relatively quiet month financially and morally. Serenity found again.

Snake monthly horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 6 / 10

Snake, on the financial level things are maintained, despite some unexpected imbalances. But you, more than ever, want to know in which direction your professional investment leads you. Also, some recent and serious events or discussions strongly encourage you to make the desired change a reality. On a romantic level, do not be sad when you draw a dark picture of your past love affairs, especially if you are single. Especially since you have the feeling of not having filled all your desires of youth. Basically, you know, your enigmatic side is your worst enemy, even though it is the source of your charm and the fascination you inspire. Anyway, do not put the bar too high. Be satisfied with simple things. Introspection phase for a more serene opening afterwards.

Horse monthly horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 7 / 10

Horse, you feel the need to move and discover new horizons on a spiritual and human level. On the professional side, a bit of courage or renewed motivation gives you the strength to fight more effectively against unforeseen events. At the social level, if you have recently sorted out old relationships, it is now essential to consolidate the remaining friendships. In love, you are more and more attracted by the comforting perspective of a relationship. However, be sure to be accepted for who you really are before considering a joint installation. Do not give more importance to details than usual. Each thing evolving at its own pace, let time to time. Patience always ends up paying.

Goat monthly horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 7 / 10

Goat, it's a colorful start to the month ahead. On the financial side, watch your wallet. As you know too well, what is a luxury for others usually seems to be an absolute necessity for you. On a professional level, moderate your expectations and assume your successes as well as your failures. Use your creative genius to unpleasantly surprise anyone who does not believe in you. In this Month of the Goat and if you are single, many opportunities in love are available to you. Also, stay open to new emotional bonds, but avoid sharing all your secrets with the first comer. Moral protection on all levels.

Monkey monthly horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 6 / 10

Monkey, you are on the same dynamic as the previous month. The actions you have recently started are already beginning to bear fruit even if they are not up to your expectations. Your reunion with your friends has given you energy. The Metal element is usually in good resonance with your Chinese zodiac sign. Creativity expressed in a bargaining environment has the potential to open up new prospects for profitability. Be careful however about overconfidence. For the moment, it is better to move slowly but surely. This time you will not miss the next opportunity. Communicate further your motives, it will eventually be heard.

Rooster monthly horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 7 / 10

Rooster, good luck is on your side this year. You may have narrowly avoided the worst. That's why you prefer to leave the podium to others for the moment. On the financial side, you can expect a few incomes as welcome as unexpected. At work, stay alert and circumspect on any occasion. Follow your hunch, usually it's accurate. In love, your loved one may not always be available to take care of you. This is good because you have a thousand new activities which have been waiting for a long time. Do not look for the company of others at all costs. You know it's better to be alone than badly accompanied. Organize your time properly and do not believe in all the gossip you hear.

Dog monthly horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 5 / 10

Dog, the period is not ideal for you right now. You feel that your strengths are limited to undertake new actions. However, the financial balance is there. At work, a few regrettable postponements will prove very useful later. If you have to travel abroad, watch your stuff and leave nothing to chance. At the sentimental level, a lassitude in the couple could lead to a questioning on the conjugal future. To counter this, it is better to take things with philosophy or lightness. It is out of the question to sink into jealousy crises. Caution is needed.

Pig monthly horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 8 / 10

Pig, a wonderful summer time is waiting for you, provided you have not left anything unattended behind you. Before going on vacation, do not forget to complete all your important business. On the social side, new encounters will be enough to give you an optimistic impression of your future. If at work you feel in a hurry, nothing beats a rest cure before embarking on new professional adventures. In case of collaboration, be sure to keep your interests. In love, a lot of twists are expected throughout the summer. However, it is worth protecting yourself from excessive gluttony. Even if it's yes, be sure to say no from time to time.

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