Monthly Chinese horoscope of July 2020

July 2020: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 6 July 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Water Horse Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Water Horse Month of July 2020, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2020 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Water Horse of the Chinese calendar starts on June 21st, 2020 and ends on July 20th, 2020. On June 20th, the new moon announces the passage in the Chinese calendar from the Metal Snake Month to the Month of the Water Horse of the Year of the Metal Rat, fifth month of the Chinese Year.

July 2020 horoscope: the Month of the Water Horse

The Water Horse month 2020 of the Chinese lunar calendar begins on the summer solstice, on June 21, 2020, and lasts until July 20, 2020. With the passage of the Horse Month during the Year of the Rat, the 12 zodiac signs of Chinese astrology enter a period of polarization and persistence. The seventh sign of the animal wheel of the Chinese horoscope invites most Chinese zodiac signs to reorder their priorities, incites them to discover new horizons beyond their native backgrounds and to break a latent monotony by taking sometimes considerable risks. One should know that these necessities of establishing an evolutionary existential dynamic could be linked to a need for recognition of one's personal achievements, a search for belonging to a group or simply the will to sow the seeds of one's dreams in a more fertile soil. The energy challenge of the current month therefore resides in the ability to mark a halt to the events that are happening at full speed and to moderate the haste in which we can find ourselves drawn in spite of ourselves, in order to have a global and serene vision of actions to put in place, and assure them of a sustainable and prosperous development.

With regard to the horoscope of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs for the month of July 2020 (see at the bottom of the page for the detailed monthly Chinese horoscope for each animal sign):

  • The Rat may feel a slight drop in shape and be faced with unforeseen expenses,
  • The Ox learns to act with more precision, without forgetting this time to take into consideration the feelings of his friends and partners,
  • The Tiger may feel the duty to alleviate the torments of some of his loved ones himself by finding a solution adapted to their problems,
  • The Rabbit first thinks of cleaning his doorway before criticizing his neighbor,
  • The Dragon stops playing hide and seek with the people he secretly loves,
  • The Snake acts in silence and takes care not to let interested minds benefit from his achievements without compensation,
  • The Horse enjoys a little break and sees a glimmer of hope,
  • The Goat has fun quantifying how much he matters to those around him and better understanding the realities that once eluded him,
  • The Monkey looks behind his back to verify that he has not forgotten anything behind him,
  • The Rooster learns patience and renunciation,
  • The Dog has a salutary revelation by suddenly becoming aware of the hidden reasons for an important event,
  • The Pig quietly enjoys seeing old problems turn to his advantage.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

In Chinese astrology, the Horse and the Rat being two Chinese zodiac signs with Yang polarity, they are therefore opposite to each other. Also, the confrontation of the elements Water (intrinsic element of the Rat) / Fire (intrinsic element of the Horse) makes it more fastidious to cross this monthly period occupied by these two antagonistic Chinese astrological signs. But on the other hand, it is also good to remember that in Chinese astrology, each pair of opposite zodiac signs attract and confront each other in the same analogous dynamic. In this case, the Rat (of the year) and the Horse (of the month) follow this same rule. In addition, the relation between Metal (element of the year 2020) and Water (element of the month) is placed in a constructive interaction and this energy situation will serve more than once to calm tensions, as long as wisdom and moderation are capable of being intelligently applied to the different types of situations that can be problematic.

Furthermore, the weakness of the Wood element continues to affect the end of the first half of the Chinese year 2020 which is soon coming to an end. Consequently, essential social issues, which a priori can only be resolved by collective effort, are however the source of seemingly inextricable divisions. This is due to the fact that, placed under the governance of the Year of the Rat 2020, the monthly energies associated with the Horse are highly likely, rather than being turned towards common sense, to express themselves in a negative way, with an emphasis on individualism, lack of empathy and haste. One must therefore be careful not to let oneself be carried away by the singing sirens of Manichaeism and low-level populism, which feeds heavily on the divisions of the most fragile communities. In order to counter this energy imbalance and the negative consequences it generates, it is strongly advised to work on the Wood element. Thus, it is clearly preferable to privilege benevolent listening to blind and brutal firmness, all the more if it is a question of responding to feelings of oppression and exclusion. Reconciliation and social peace, beyond any notion of collective effort necessary for the proper functioning of the living forces of a nation, will always find it difficult to become established over time in countries where the leaders seek above all to disguise history, to curtail individual freedoms and ignore the injustices of a breathless system, which serves above all to keep them in place and protect the financial interests of their donors.

Let us not forget that the Wood element nourishes dynamic energies focused on growth, longevity and creativity. This is why optimism is one of the most significant forces in the composition of this Chinese and Feng Shui element, since it helps to look to the future with enthusiasm and serenity. In lithotherapy and during most of July 2020, it is desirable to carry out work on the heart chakra through the use of a protective stone of green color.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from June 21, 2020 until July 20, 2020. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from June 21, 2020 to July 20, 2020 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Emerald

Money and career monthly horoscope

The professional Chinese horoscope for Horse Month 2020 of the Year of the Rat, whose energy influence is therefore determined by the relationship of the Rat / Horse couple, more or less intensely affects each Chinese animal of the lunar calendar.

In terms of work, a dialogue problem can be the source of a climate of growing and seemingly impregnable tension, especially if each party stands firm on its positions. Both resignations and layoffs are on the agenda. In business, when a conflict situation has to be resolved, it is rather the remembrance of bitter decisions from the past that can prove useful and effective, much more than a classic managerial technique of team reorganization.

In terms of personal finances, unexpected expenses are to be expected, which can lead to a misguided reading of an acquisition or investment project. In the event of uncertainty regarding a large-scale financial transaction, it is better to wait until the start of the fall of 2020.

Love monthly horoscope


The Chinese horoscope for the Water Horse month for love heralds an uncertain period for singles. The periods co-governed by the Rat / Horse duo make any long-term forecast of a new romantic relationship initiated during the month of July 2020 difficult. Indeed, the astral conjuncture rather fuels feelings of rivalry and jealousy. It is better to be transparent about your intentions from the first meeting so as not to waste precious time and avoid painful emotional disappointments. In addition, the deployment of an effort of additional understanding could prove to be essential to eliminate the errors of judgments and appreciate the positive sides of the meeting. Finally, in order not to be disappointed, you must avoid placing your expectations above the realities of the moment and never believe in promises that neither can keep.


The July 2020's love horoscope for couples who are already in a conflict situation provides for sterile and intense moments, during which dialogue and communication seem useless and obsolete. If the disputes persist within the couple, it is then advisable to limit any individualist or authoritarian inclination in order to prepare a favorable ground for the return to serenity. With the Horse (of the month) placed under the dominant influence of the Rat (of the year), it is important to control any excessive emotionality, especially when it comes to experiencing a new type of communication with an annoyed partner. If the couple persists in the same incapacity to resume an effective dialogue following the Month of the Horse 2020, then there is a risk of entering a cycle of violence which will gradually but surely distance them from the deep feelings which had originally united them to the start of their relationship.

Health monthly horoscope

Unfortunately, the Metal energy of the year 2020 continues to be expressed in the form of a deadly disease which finds its way into and through the human body through the respiratory tract and lungs (which are organs associated with the Metal element in Asian traditional medicine). Also, we must continue to apply protective health measures against the virus during the Water Horse Month. For any questions related to the current situation, continue to consult the recommendations issued by the government of your country of residence.

While waiting for the creation of an effective treatment or vaccine, remember to:

  • Wash your hands at least every hour
  • Cough / sneeze into your elbow or into a disposable tissue
  • Stay at least 2 meters away from people you meet
  • Reduce your outings to make purchases of what is strictly necessary
  • Wear a mask in case of contamination and when you visit a closed place
  • Disinfect at least twice a day the door handles of your place of residence
  • Respect draconian hygiene in all circumstances
  • Reassure and take news of your loved ones by phone
  • Do exercises recommended for your health to fight against sedentary lifestyles
  • Hydrate regularly
  • Stay patient and optimistic

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from June 21, 2020 to July 20, 2020

Rat July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 5 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Rat can prepare for a month that is as complex as it is stimulating, especially with regard to his future affairs. But for his projects to be the most successful, the Rat must strive to remain calm in the face of new situations which could displease him, particularly during this month which is the least favorable for him this year governed by his sign. The Rat can count on its acute intuition and its sense of innovation to get out of dead ends. In the case of a promising new romantic story, this is not the time for the Rat to criticize his partner for the bad managing his finances. Emotional outbursts can be overcome if the Rat manages to confide in the right person. Otherwise, watch out for overflowing emotions which can be harmful in the short term. The second part of the Chinese year is favorable to the Rat, this is not the time to maintain endless anxiety phases. Stay brave!

Ox July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 5 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Ox can expect to live a stable period, even if somewhat limited in terms of outlook. In Chinese astrology, the periods influenced by the Horse don't really work for the Ox. Therefore, caution and parsimony are the two qualities that the Ox must strive to cultivate in these difficult times. Furthermore, the constraints and obligations that the Buffalo tends to establish in his family are likely to be hotly challenged. Watch out for arguments and possible slippages. The Ox needs to be pragmatic in order to resolve possible misunderstandings within his family. At work, it's time to devote yourself to preserving your skills. The Ox must remember the strength he has in him without showing domination. In terms of investments, it is better to postpone important actions to the month of September 2020. Patience.

Tiger July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 6 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Tiger can prepare to spend an eventful month, under the sign of enthusiasm and progress. The Rat / Horse conflict of the month somewhat diminishes the chance that his friend the Horse usually offers him. Also, the Tiger risks being found by mistake in the center of affairs that don't concern him, especially in the professional field. He may in this case have to justify actions for which he is not responsible, be the subject of an unfavorable report by his superiors or even be confronted with an unfortunate misunderstanding following a biased observation by a negligent colleague. He will have to maneuver daringly to leave this pressure cooker as quickly as possible. Fortunately, the Wood element, intrinsic to the Tiger's natal chart, protects him from the energy imbalance of the current month. The Tiger can therefore count on his creative spirit to create emergency exits. In love, this is not the time to look for the rare pearl. It is better to wait until the end of the health crisis to go out hunting again. A correct month.

Rabbit July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 6 / 10

As for the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Rabbit can hope to spend a relatively stable month, placed under the seal of protection. Indeed, the Wood element, intrinsic to the energy chart of the Rabbit, effectively protects him from the energy imbalance of the current month. However, the nervous side of the Horse makes him himself abrupt and impatient, especially when it comes to matters that concern his main activity. He should be particularly careful to control his impulsiveness, especially when joining meetings, both physical and virtual. The Rabbit has a taste for beautiful things. He can expect to receive a nice gift from someone close to him. In love or friendship, there is no point brooding over negative things on your own. The Rabbit has everything to gain by expressing the things that bother him before they cause anxiety or a desire for revenge. Things are moving slowly but surely.

Dragon July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 6 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Dragon can prepare for an ambivalent Horse Month, with frequent questioning. On a professional level, the Dragon may have trouble digesting an unpleasant surprise and become irritated as this situation continues. But once this bad course passed, he ends up seeing things with more perspective. However, in order to reach this level and to maintain his spiritual comfort, he may perhaps try to identify where his initial error of judgment was located. Because the more the Dragon refuses compromise and stays on his positions, the more he risks being devoured by his internal anger, or even outright, burning with anger, endangering his most precious possessions. On the social level, the ego of the Dragon often prevents him from going to those whose presence he nevertheless really appreciates. Despite his strong resistance to loneliness, the Dragon still risks going through moments during which he will find it difficult to assume this role of hermit. Fortunately, the Wood element, intrinsic to the Dragon's natal chart, somewhat protects it from the energy imbalance of the current month. And with a bit of alertness, he can also neutralize some of the negative events that lie in wait for him. The Dragon should keep his eyes open, because the Horse is not really his friend.

Snake July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 6 / 10

The Chinese horoscope for July 2020 for the Snake predicts a relatively stable month during which a drop in productivity in the workplace is to be expected. If the Snake always finds a way to avoid direct conflicts at work, this time he will not be able to avoid certain questions which will be directly addressed to him. It will be necessary to move with skill and especially not to let other people speak for him and try to take the laurels of his achievements. In the case of a project presentation, the Snake must also, as much as he can, try to delay the date of the event. In love, the main flaw of the Snake resides in his tendency to intellectualize everything, because he is gifted with an unequaled finesse of analysis. However, this can easily cause him harm if he persists in looking for logic in any event he faces. Likewise, it is not uncommon for the Snake to be devoured by his dazzling thoughts and cookie-cutter judgments. Also, during the Month of the Horse, the Snake who starts a romantic relationship must be careful not to upset his partner by too clear and radical visions of things. On the other hand, when they meet, if he shares his opinion on the subjects he considers important, the relevance of his words can easily be a source of fascination and encourage long-term attachment from his partner.

Horse July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 6 / 10

The Chinese horoscope for July 2020 for the Horse predicts a month under the seal of protection. During this month, the efforts made in the past weeks begin to bear fruit. On the professional level, business should resume with great optimism. The ambient gloom should gradually fade, leaving room for action. Hopefully, some new interesting collaborations or associations could even come to light. Friends and family of the Horse are delighted with this promising new direction. In love, great sentimental opportunities are to be expected, provided that the Horse manages to outdo his legendary individualism. Because, although he is a pleasant companion, his headlong excursions often put off his most serious contenders. The Month of the Horse remains however a ray of light in the gray sky that is the Year of the Rat for him. Let him take advantage of it.

Goat July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 7 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Goat can expect to go through a remarkable month of structuring and anchoring. The Wood element, intrinsic to the natal chart of the Goat, protects him from the energy imbalance of the current month. In addition, the Goat, during this annual period occupied by the Rat, a Chinese animal who does not really understand him, has already succeeded in expelling from his mind the negative thoughts instilled by old toxic associations. Thus, the more the Goat advances in life, the better he manages to understand the shortcomings of his impressionable personality. With regard to his romantic and friendly relationships, the individualist Horse allows him to realize the futility of paying constant attention to everyone's sensibilities. The Goat has enough treasures and strength in him to build for himself the path that will lead him to success. The Goat, contrary to what tradition suggests, does not need to be attached to a dark stake to feel reassured. Henceforth, who will live will see, that is his motto.

Monkey July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 7 / 10

In view of the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Monkey should spend a rather positive month, focused on peace and new associations. It's decided, on a professional level, the Monkey accepts the game and is preparing to put in place a winning strategy. In this perspective, he must take the time he needs. In addition, he has to face the mistakes of his past, which risk catching him surreptitiously. By trying too hard to control others, he himself risks being overtaken or even seeing his plans fail. The fact remains that, on a financial level, a gain or even a significant enrichment is possible in the second part of the Chinese month, which will give confidence boost for sure. In love, the single Monkey can count on another single friend to have a good time together, provided that clear boundaries are set up beforehand. For the Monkey as a couple, July 2020 promises to be as happy as it is peaceful. Pleasant period.

Rooster July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 5 / 10

The Chinese horoscope for July 2020 for the Rooster predicts a month driven by the same dynamics as previous periods. However, in this Month of the Horse, the Rooster must not be overwhelmed by his emotions and must try to always remain lucid no matter what. At his work, the Rooster realizes that to gain stripes and the trust of his clients as well as his colleagues, he must be able to be as efficient as patient. The Rooster must believe in his ability to communicate, even if he recognizes that he is sometimes criticized for his frank manners. This is why, in the event of disagreement within his team, he must avoid abrupt or too direct words. In terms of love, the Rooster must strive to confide only in people who have shown discretion in the past. In addition, it is better that he renounce any hint of infidelity, because this is really not the time to go astray or to jeopardize his family stability. The Rooster can live a month full of charm with controlled constraints, provided he knows how to be persistent and diplomatic.

Dog July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 8 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for July 2020, the Dog can hope to spend a quiet month, free from worries. At the professional level, one will have to be doubly subtle on divisive subjects, especially if they involve colleagues as annoyed as eager to get answers. In this type of situation, the Dog can decide to develop a strategy with a powerful ally specialized in the concerned field. In addition, many development opportunities related to his main activity present themselves to the Rooster during the Month of the Horse. These opportunities can arise during trips, professional meetings or during conversations with former colleagues. All this should brighten up the Dog's mood and get him out of his melancholy torpor of recent times. However, a personal concern that may be related to health may delay the celebration somewhat. Regarding his finances, the Dog must prioritize his significant expenses for the most ambitious of his projects, whose dividends will only be tangible in the long term. In love, an event which is a priori secondary and which does not concern him in the first place will however help him to consolidate his own sentimental relationships. Everything is fine.

Pig July 2020 horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 7 / 10

The Chinese horoscope for July 2020 announces to the Pig a prosperous and dynamic month, focused on the harmonization and improvement of his comfort of life. The Wood element intrinsic to the natal chart of the Pig protects him from the energy imbalance of the current month. At work, the Pig is finally able to find significant support to help him move forward effectively in his career. It is no longer a question of worrying about an unstable professional future but rather of deciding to move on to the implementation of large-scale projects. The only setback could possibly be purely technical. Indeed, it could be that the Pig has to solve some unforeseen dysfunctions concerning the production tools which he uses in his work. If he succeeds, the Pig could be awarded a large reward or even a bonus. In any case, the Pig is on the way to find solid support from his many friends. In terms of love, the Pig could make interesting encounters. However, he must carefully analyze the character of his suitor before moving to the next step. Because the more the Pig advances in life, the more he manages to privilege the decisions which are in agreement with his true values. As a couple, he knows that despite the criticisms that can sometimes be affectionately said to him, he too has the right to flourish and enjoy the little pleasures of everyday life. What is certain, in case of marital happiness, is that the Pig gives back a hundredfold what his partner offers him.

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