Monthly Chinese horoscope of March 2020

March 2020: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 24 February 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Earth Rabbit (Hare, Cat) Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Earth Rabbit Month of March 2020, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2020 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Earth Rabbit of the Chinese calendar starts on February 23, 2020 and ends on March 23, 2020. On February 22, the new moon announces the passage in the Chinese calendar from the Earth Tiger Month to the Month of the Earth Rabbit of the Year of the Metal Rat, second month of the Chinese Year 2020.

March 2020 horoscope: the Month of the Earth Rabbit

In the Chinese calendar, the Rabbit Months generally take place between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The Rabbit Month 2020, ruled by the Rat, the Chinese animal of the year 2020, is a paradoxical period, during which the fear of the unknown is readily fed by a search for strong sensations. But with the gradual awakening of nature in the northern hemisphere, the source of new chromatic and olfactory experiences, the position of the fourth sign of Chinese astrology in the lunar calendar is a sign of realism, hope and vitality.

Furthermore, in terms of the double solar and Chinese astrology, February 23, 2020, the beginning of the Earth Rabbit Month, coincides with the new moon in Pisces. In view of the many common points existing between the Rabbit and the zodiac sign of Pisces, it goes without saying that the underlying dynamics of the lunar month are in consonance with the attributes with which they are associated.

According to the Chinese horoscope for the Rabbit Month 2020, creative minds are particularly inspired in March 2020. It is appreciable to notice a renewed interest in artistic productions, whether in the visual arts, music, but also literature and even philosophy. One can find in both Rabbits and Pisces positive character traits such as kindness, compassion and philanthropy, which are expressed by a more marked implication and a more structured organization for matters of the mind and humanist causes. Expressed during the Year of the Rat 2020, this disposition for one to leave one's mark on the movement of the world favors those who wish to evolve socially, without however allowing their material development to be affected by the realization of their dreams. The Rabbit Month offers the possibility of beneficial meetings, whether they are people who can make a decisive contribution through their skills or their influence, or investors ready to take risks for a cause that is close to their heart.

Thus, the Lunar Month of the Rabbit and Pisces promotes new friendly meetings, creativity at work and the happiness of a serene family life, especially for those who have taken the time to open up to the world and its multiple possibilities.

According to the Chinese horoscope for March 2020:

  • The Rat resolves some misunderstandings and finds, between two trips, the opportunity to identify good possible investments,
  • The Ox (Buffalo) rearranges his house according to his tastes and appreciates for once his reflection in the mirror,
  • The Tiger recalls friends he had consciously neglected in recent months to check if they missed them,
  • The Rabbit (Hare, Cat) throws himself headlong into his work while discreetly planning his future,
  • The Dragon is preparing for a stable month free from unpleasant surprises,
  • The Snake collects good news and is careful not to share it with others,
  • The Horse learns to be satisfied with mediocre results, but keeps hope for the future,
  • The Goat (Sheep), supported by his friend the Rabbit, impatiently awaits the opportunity to finally return to the oily meadows which he particularly likes,
  • The Monkey is devoured by a desire for revenge on life, and stands ready to seize the slightest opportunity,
  • The Rooster stores his wallet at the bottom of a drawer is satisfied with judging the price and the value of things,
  • The Dog takes his three-piece suit or best dress out of the closet because he knows he is expected at an important event,
  • The Pig (Boar)rejoices as much about the good news of his family as the disappointments of his enemies.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

Concerning the energy relations which define the main monthly orientations, we can already note that the relation Earth (of the month) and Metal (of the year) places the accent on the slow but sure movement for all that relates to finances (investments) and to material possessions (real estate). In view of this good energy configuration, very good acquisition opportunities may be hidden in the most unexpected places.

But when looking at the new opportunities looming on the horizon, it is especially important to remain cautious and to have an analytical and cold look, free of any irrational feeling. For those who are not affected by an upcoming real estate purchase, the month of March 2020 heralds a period conducive to interior renovation and home decoration.

On the psychological level, the Chinese zodiac signs in conjunction with the Earth element (Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Dog) are able to exploit their resources and their intrinsic qualities in an optimal way, which enables them to obtain tangible results from their efforts. They thus manage to develop fruitful associations and to conduct advantageous negotiations, while being able to easily sort between what is essential and futile.

Finally, and for the 12 zodiac signs of Chinese astrology, a more lucid reading of original and unexpected events is at the source of new artistic trends and scientific discoveries that will mark the coming years.

In general, the relationship between Earth (of the month) and Metal (of the year) is a reminder of the need to persevere and remain optimistic despite the vicissitudes of everyday life. In order to attract more love and luck in business while countering moments of stagnation, take advantage of this good monthly situation to check the Feng Shui 2020 in your home and apply the Feng Shui cures that best suit your needs.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from February 23, 2020 until March 23, 2020. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from February 23, 2020 to March 23, 2020 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Carnelian

Money and career monthly horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope for March 2020 for career and work, the monthly astral conjecture announces a period conducive to thoughtful and discreet steps to promote personal interests. For those who played the card of analysis the previous month, it is now time to start taking action to slowly but surely approach the goal. In business, playing on your charm and sensitivity to gain acceptance for a project could prove particularly judicious, especially during the annual governance of the intuitive Rat. However, even if the implementation of professional development strategies constitute the main energy base of the current month, any mark of excessive shyness expressed by a persistent indecision will inevitably end up compromising the realization of the clearest wills.

As for the monthly Chinese horoscope of March 2020 for money and finances, those who are currently in financial difficulty can expect a helping hand from fate to restore their situation, which will change them from patronizing catchphrases and moralists of those who believe themselves protected from the pitfalls of life because their bank account is looking good. The Rat, the Ox, the Snake, the Monkey, the Rooster and the Dog will benefit more from a fortuitous help than the other signs. Finally, the months of the Rabbit under the Rat are periods conducive to investment. As mentioned above, the energy nature is conducive to real estate acquisitions as well as stock market investments.

Love monthly horoscope


The Chinese love horoscope for March 2020 encourages singles who are tired of one night's stories to find the energy of a dynamic combining charm and projection into the future. Without ever giving the impression of being drained by past disappointments, it is an opportunity for these women and men to learn to say no and to wait the necessary time before becoming intimate. To put it simply, and in order to avoid adding regret to your list of missed actions, in no case should you be distracted more than needed during a Rabbit Month, nor let yourself be lulled by illusions of a seduction phase too perfect to be natural.


The monthly love horoscope for couples gives the opportunity to remember that there is nothing more mundane than a Rabbit aware of his true desires. Couples outings are the occasion for festive meetings which can multiply during this month of March 2020 marked by the sweet frivolity of the Rabbit. However, be careful not to be indifferent to the wishes of your partner, especially in the presence of other tandems. Also, beware of hidden jealousy, as attacks can be as painful as they are unwarranted, due to the relationship of the Rat (of the year) and the Rabbit (of the month). Also, in the case of a happy couple, it is better for each partner to be careful not to display their happiness too openly in public. Concerning a couple or a family that is on the brink of breakdown, having recourse to a psychologist specialized in couple problems could prove to be very useful during this Rabbit Month.

Health monthly horoscope

Regarding the monthly Chinese health horoscope for March 2020, the Earth Rabbit, the Chinese animal ruling the lunar month from February 23 to March 23, 2020, is favorably disposed to a reorganization of interior decoration and the improvement of domestic well-being. It is an opportunity to prepare your home to welcome the good life-giving energies of the spring renewal. If you want to innovate in the way you approach your daily life at home, the time is right. Also, to optimize your personal comfort and in order to be able to better receive your friends, it is necessary to take advantage of the first fortnight of the month of March to do a big Spring cleaning and get rid of unusual objects.

Organs to watch: liver and blood system

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from February 23, 2020 to March 23, 2020

Rat March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 6 / 10

Rat, at work you somehow get around the inner workings of the system that obstinately obstruct you. Not only do you continue to project yourself to new perspectives, but you also manage to take advantage of what you have recently acquired. The change you aspire to is taking place. Your dynamic is focused on construction and nothing can distract you from your goal. However, keep in mind that very often the birth of a novelty can also imply the disappearance of what preceded it. Also, just trust what you have and don't let yourself be intoxicated by nostalgia for a bygone past. In love, your choices have been made for some time already. So go ahead without wasting time. Your future is bright as long as you accept once and for all that you cannot be loved by all.

Ox March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 7 / 10

Ox (Buffalo), at work, things have stabilized for you for some time now. So you have no reason to worry too much. However, any turnaround also has its share of additional responsibilities. Be more flexible than usual to welcome innovations that do not necessarily suit you. Without immediately perceiving it, you will learn very useful things if you remain open-minded. The dynamics are the same in love. Get out of your comfort zone to better appreciate life and understand what drives the other. Contact your friends and relatives to organize festive meetings. If you are in a relationship, gloom awaits you if you do not react in time to break the monotony of an everyday life that has become tasteless. If you find it difficult to communicate your feelings to your partner orally, do so in writing. At home or in the office, make an effort to keep your things organized right now. No need to leave valuables in plain view. Now is not the time to lose an item that is all the more important as you may need it shortly.

Tiger March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 6 / 10

Tiger, doing splits at your work to satisfy at all costs is not always effective in terms of recognition. Know how to allocate your time effectively from the start of a task or project for which you are responsible. This will help you overcome obstacles more easily. If you are at the start of a new professional adventure, be sure to define and respect the border with your private life. It really would not be prudent to organize an evening in a bar from your first day on the job and unpack all your anxieties after the third drink. Because among your new colleagues is inevitably someone who believes that he should have had your position, and who will eagerly seek your weaknesses to better exploit them at your expense. Also, stay serious and do not make waves if you want to register your new professional experience in the long term. In love and if you are single, the Month of the Rabbit allows you to live many interesting adventures. But not all romantic dates are as beautiful as their promise is full of hope. There is a good chance that you will be in a test period. So be careful where you put your feet and watch what you're getting into.

Rabbit March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 7 / 10

Rabbit, you have no reason to be pessimistic about your professional future, even if you feel like you are stagnating right now. A friendly reunion in connection with your profession will strengthen your determination and nourish your hopes for the next concretization of your efforts. However, this time it's up to you to open your ears and listen carefully to the advice given. Therefore, do not wait to search, study, learn and find ways to consolidate your skills and thereby improve your situation. The Earth element invites you to deep organization and intelligent rooting. At the money level, some financial gain is to be expected. You may even be able to pay off some of your debts. In love, control your reactions during constraining moments. For singles, this is not yet the time to flutter, but the wait will not be too long. Work, perseverance and wisdom are your watchwords during this month which is dedicated to you. Enjoy it.

Dragon March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 8 / 10

Dragon, a peaceful and assured month awaits you. At work, a stable dynamic allows you to maintain your current status. The time is right to move forward on parallel projects that have been shelved for some time. However, there is no point in going headlong and forgetting about everything else. In case of new collaboration, define from the start the duties and responsibilities of each member of the team. On the financial side please yourself because business should not go too bad. In love if you are single do not give in to temptation each time that you are paid a compliment. Ditto, as a couple make yourself a little desired from time to time. Passion will only be more inflamed.

Snake March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 7 / 10

Snake, you are particularly appreciated for your kindness and your efficiency at work. However, your sometimes moody temper which sometimes pushes you to scowl for no apparent reason is a possible source of regrettable misunderstandings. Take advantage of this Rabbit Month to better understand your emotions and control your behavior, since luck will gladly accompany you throughout the month of March 2020. By projecting a more careful image of yourself, you could even make a considerable leap forward and make up for the time lost in previous weeks. In love, if you are single, nothing forces you to persist in your sentimental endeavors with a person whose way of thinking is in total opposition to yours. However, nothing forces you to be inflexible. If you are in a couple, remember that generously granting the benefit of the doubt and the right to make mistakes to your partner is the guaranteed source of a peaceful and harmonious home. The simple and nourishing happiness is there. Grab it without suffocating it by wanting to control it too much.

Horse March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 5 / 10

Horse, the month of March 2020 heralds an average and mixed period. During the Rabbit Month, limit business trips to what is strictly necessary and watch your work station, because it could be that an unscrupulous rival is tempted by the comfort and the advantages offered by it, especially if you are absent regularly. In the event that you are held unjustly responsible for an event, do not waste your chances of defending yourself by getting angry in a disorderly manner. The Earth element of the month should allow you to considerably stabilize the negative situations that can occur throughout the lunar month. In love, if you start to feel like you are losing control, a long weekend in the great outdoors, in the countryside or by the sea can reassure and rejuvenate your couple. You will then have the opportunity to consolidate your emotional ties, in addition to regaining strength before facing the city bustle again. Remember that your worst enemies in 2020 are anger and panic. With a conscious effort of increased patience and wisdom, things will get back in order and you will eventually regain the credibility and place you can claim, without too many hindrances or losses.

Goat March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 7 / 10

Goat (Sheep), you finally realize that you tend to suffer or give too much importance to the influences of those around you, whether on a personal or professional level. Do not wait for permission from anyone before affirming your ideas and establishing your territory. At work, the areas of activity of personal services, care and aesthetics are favored during the month of March 2020. If you are in the art, it is time to take your creations out of their packaging and show them to the world, without waiting for the attention of a merchant or producer. Touching people's hearts is the best guarantee of artistic success, because it is only after having noticed the emotional and communicative dimension of a work of art that financiers, who (often) understand nothing but money, come running. Regarding your wallet, try to limit your expenses to what is strictly necessary. Nor is it a reason to deprive yourself of everything, especially during the Rabbit Month of a Year of the Rat. You could have some surprises and gain in material comfort. In love, control your enthusiasm and don't be fooled by the first smile. If you are in a couple, remember that originality does not rhyme with recklessness. Take advantage of the emerging spring under the benevolent monthly fur of your friend the Rabbit.

Monkey March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 9 / 10

Monkey, your lucky star should shine brightly during the month of March 2020. Expect to benefit from an unexpected gain, new perspectives and all kinds of pleasures. At work, it can be a promotion or a new repeat client. Marks of esteem, approval and congratulations for your decision-making and your achievements become almost trivial as they are repeated during this lunar month. It must be said that it was time for you to catch up on a somewhat disappointing recent past. You might even consider the possibility of placing some of your cash in wise investments. Your sense of commitment and your integrity are the key to your success at the moment. The period also promises to be positive in terms of love, especially if you are single, even if your new love stories could be more like a kind of collaboration than a real love tandem. Anyway, take advantage of this time to get an energetic and beauty treatment. If you are in a couple, avoid changing plans at the last minute. The Rabbit likes regularity, so try to keep your promises, both to yourself and to your partner. Besides, nobody would be stupid enough to try to provoke you for free. Smile broadly at life, but this time in a completely relaxed and sincere way.

Rooster March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 5 / 10

Rooster, the Months of the Rabbit are not always tender with you. You are entering a period where you will have to be flexible and discreet in order not to attract enmities. On a professional level, if you work with a team, know that highlighting the faults of others makes you less sympathetic to them and ends up consuming relationships from the inside at the same time as their indulgence towards you. Also, choose either to fully assume the consequences of your statements, or else strongly moderate your criticisms, even if you are convinced that they have an educational role. In terms of investments, bet only on safe values, because the Earth element will not always be able to make up for an error in assessing a risk. In love, there is no point in making sweet eyes if you have a sharp tongue. In addition, without realizing it, you often scare away potential partners when you are in your negative phase, despite the magnificence of your noble feathers. Therefore, prefer the company of your family and closest friends to spend your evenings and wait for better times to seduce. The Dragon Month follows the Rabbit Month, so be patient! If you are in a relationship, make the effort to accept compromises and seek the advice of your partner before any important decision. Finally, watch your health during this Rabbit Month because, even if you love the beginning of spring, it is also during this period that you are more prone to accidents. So be careful.

Dog March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 7 / 10

Dog, your continue to evolve on the same streak as the previous month. March 2020 is a good time to realize your aspirations. The Rabbit ruling the lunar month brings you comfort and security. At work, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your importance and your know-how within the organization or structure to which you belong. Take the trouble to carefully study all the opportunities available to you and strive to maintain an impeccable organization. It's time to take care of yourself. On the financial side, you can expect some material satisfaction. Avoid gambling, you risk losing money unnecessarily. In love, it's time to take out the big game to seduce your loved one. Your charm is increased tenfold right now. As a couple, your ability to decipher your partner's emotional turmoil allows you to be present and attentive at the right time. Happiness is accessible to your couple provided that you learn to confide more in the other.

Pig March 2020 horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 7 / 10

Pig (Boar), you know all too well, the joy of some makes the misfortune of others. Good news for you, because this time, you are on the side of those who will have a smile glued to their lips. At work, there is no shortage of twists or development opportunities. If you're unemployed, there's no point in aiming too high, especially if you feel like you've been stagnating for a while. Know how to stay active whatever happens. Do not be afraid of being faced with a lack of recognition, you are the best judge of your achievements. In addition, one job always calls for another. Also, it is by moving that you will be able to stimulate the luck offered by this Rabbit Month that is favorable for you. Regarding your finances, it may be time to put your money in something that pays off. However, always educate yourself thoroughly before signing a binding document. In love, if you are single, do not jump on all occasions. Prefer quality over quantity, especially right now. As a couple, watch out for any differences in language, because even if it's Rabbit Month, your sayings can always be turned against you. Save the frivolous things for later. You will appreciate them all the more.

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