Monthly Chinese horoscope of November 2020

November 2020: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 1 November 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Fire Dog Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Fire Dog Month of November 2020, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2020 Chinese calendar month

In 2020, the Month of the Dog lasts from October 17 to November 14, 2020

Author's preamble: We are publishing the horoscope for the Month of the Dog on November 1, 2020 when it is already well underway, since it began with the new moon on October 17, 2020. Thank you to all our readers for your infinite patience. We invite you to visit again to read the Chinese horoscope for the following lunar month on its first day, November 15.

November 2020 horoscope: the Month of the Fire Dog

According to the Chinese calendar 2020, the Month of the Fire Dog covers the period from October 17 to November 14, 2020. Placed under the governance of the Metal Rat of the Chinese year 2020, the Month of the Fire Dog offers a rather slow dynamic (sometimes even frustrating) in terms of implementing innovative ideas. Here, the energies of the Dog express themselves more in their bellicose and theatrical aspect. However, it is useful to remember that the saying "Unity is strength" takes on its full meaning during the end of October and the first half of November 2020. In parallel, the Chinese horoscope of the month timely reminds us that times ruled by the Dog are conducive to sharing, renewing relationships and altruism.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

At the level of the five elements of Wu Xing and Feng Shui, the relationship of the elements Fire (element of the month) and Metal (element of the year 2020) is overtly destructive. The passage of this negative energy altercation related to the Chinese monthly calendar could mean a hard return to the limits imposed by reality, but also to the duties and obligations that one thought one could be freed from. This particularly concerns Chinese astrological signs which do not have the Earth element as a natural correcting agent for the monthly energy situation. On a material level, the Fire / Metal relationship can also affect purchasing power and savings, which prompts the 12 Chinese zodiac signs to avoid any expense that has not been carefully prepared and anticipated in the previous weeks. Thus, concerning money, until the first half of November 2020, the Chinese zodiac signs which have the Metal element in their energy chart of birth must avoid, as much as possible, any significant or unforeseen expenditure.

In addition, it is also possible to note a weakness of the Wood element during the Month of the Fire Dog of the Year of the Metal Rat in 2020. This condition further influences the Chinese zodiac signs which have the Wood element in their energetic birth chart (in particular the Tiger, the Rabbit and to a lesser extent the Dragon, the Goat and the Pig). This can result in a lack of tolerance in their social interactions, a lack of a sense of emulation in their professional environment, and a lack of confidence in their new romantic relationships. Here, any contemptuous or hypocritical attitude will only aggravate an already fragile sentimental framework. This is why KarmaWeather recommends, during this lunar month which ends on November 14, 2020, the use of a talisman or a symbol representing the energy of the Wood element but also, in case of birth, the choice of a baby name etymologically associated with Wood. This will correct the energy hole of this 9th month of the 2020 Chinese lunar calendar.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from October 17 until November 14, 2020. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from October 17 to November 14, 2020 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Malachite

Money and career monthly horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope of the month, in the professional field, activities related to real estate, the acquisition of land for the construction of a house, the restoration of an old house as well as the design and interior decoration may experience a favorable boom during the Month of the Dog 2020. As an additional field of activity, it is the social relationships that stand out most in the astral conjuncture of the Dog (of the month) under the Rat (of the year). More precisely, it is the family, whatever its form, that takes on paramount importance and becomes the center of priorities. Also, the Chinese horoscope for the end of October and the first part of November 2020 offers a period rich in dialogues and lively discussions, even if it remains not that promising with regard to the expectations and possible prospects for the future in this troubled period for the humankind.

Love monthly horoscope

According to the monthly Chinese horoscope, with regard to new romantic relationships, the meeting of Fire (of the month) and of Metal (of the year) mostly influences the Chinese zodiac signs which are governed by the Fire element (in particular the Horse and Snake, but also the Tiger, the Goat and the Dog). For them, this can translate into a sharp increase in a feeling of frustration in their romantic relationships. A situation of compulsory distance or a temporary but unexpected estrangement can have significant repercussions in the long term. Fortunately, during this Month of the Dog 2020, the Earth element, the main intrinsic element of the eleventh sign of Chinese astrology, has the power to somewhat attenuate the deleterious effects of the Fire / Metal confrontation.

Health monthly horoscope

Organs to watch out for: throat, mouth, bone system

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from October 17 until November 14, 2020

Rat November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 6 / 10

Rat (Mouse), a few modifications to the way you work may be necessary to maintain a calm and constructive state of mind. First of all, refuse to put up with superficial situations that you don't like, but be sure to keep a touch of humor no matter what. Focus on your priorities as often as possible, and trust your inner strength when in doubt. To help you see more clearly, you may want to take time to reflect and reorganize your ideas, preferably in a calm and solitary environment. In love, happiness within a couple does not mean having good news every day. Listen to your partner.

Ox November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 6 / 10

Ox (Buffalo), your unwavering rigor and your capacity for constancy are assets that generally lead you to find success where no one expects you. You should not be overly concerned about the obstacles that may arise in front of you. Your ability to manage several projects at the same time allows you to be more alert to the unexpected. At the same time, rather than let yourself be won over by envious feelings, observing the success of others should further encourage you to question yourself and exceed your limits, even if this initially gives you the impression of losing control of events. Pay attention to good advice from your friends. On a sentimental level, if you find yourself in a phase of dissension with your loved ones, choosing a struggle through stubbornness or cold anger is not the solution. Only patience and tolerance can help you find the answers where they are hidden.

Tiger November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 7 / 10

Tiger, you know it well, you often pay the price for your daring, for better or for worse. But this time, no setback or surprise event will be able to prevent you from achieving your goals, especially if it is purely material matters. In the event of a major transaction, be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences of your past actions. In love, it is the passion communicated to you by your partner that gives you the desire and the courage to look at your future with serenity. Your charm often helps you not to find yourself alone, even if you will easily agree that it is always better to be alone than to be in bad company.

Rabbit November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 6 / 10

Rabbit (Hare, Cat), despite the fact that you feel like you are falling behind in the progress of your projects, there is little point in panicking, especially if you don't put the effort in to straighten the bar. You have the ability to find the strength within yourself to overcome your procrastination tendency. Indeed, the Rabbit does not generally need anyone to motivate himself after a period of relaxation, making himself able to face with more conviction and accuracy the imperatives put aside during a guilty time. In love, a sentimental encounter in an unexpected environment might surprise you. Likewise, beware of appearances, for what you will see in front of you may just be reflections of your own desires. Know how to appreciate things simply, without necessarily going on the irreversible path of confessing your privacy.

Dragon November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 5 / 10

Dragon, you may need to experience a small drop in fitness due to some unexpected changes in your life. If the period ruled by the Dog is not the most pleasant for your business, it is on the contrary conducive to the redevelopment of your daily life and your home. In love, approximations and little secrets upset you more than anything else. However, it is not through anger that you can extract the information you want. If you manage to wait patiently, the secrets will unfold on their own. You manage very well in times of solitude. These lulls allow you to rethink your projects in order to consolidate them. This time, it will probably be a question of checking the solidity of the foundations for the implementation of a new project. Do not leave anything to chance.

Snake November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 6 / 10

Snake, you are entering a mixed period during which you will have to show discretion and compassion, especially if you do not want to suffer unpleasant blame. This particularly concerns your work. At this time, you find it very difficult to follow advice and guidelines, especially if you are not invited to actively participate in the decision-making process. Fortunately, the time is ripe for improving on this point. In love, a few clashes within the couple will eventually bring you even closer to your partner. Be careful not to exhaust your lover with endless solicitations. For that, you just have to apply within your couple the same reserve and delicacy that you expect from others.

Horse November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 7 / 10

Horse, the Month of the Dog has a regenerating effect for you. At work, expect to have to manage a few important projects remotely, at the risk of infringing on the time you have left for your privacy. If you can choose the right organizational tools and put together a close-knit team, you can expect satisfaction in the months to come, despite some temporary difficulties. In love, there is no need to hide behind false pretenses. You are the first to know that no obstacle is more difficult to overcome than the one you set for yourself. So there is no point in rushing or wanting to believe in something that will never happen. Be content with what you have around you and know how to appreciate the love that is lavished on you without trying to transform it into something that you will not want to assume later.

Goat November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 6 / 10

Goat (Sheep), after a period of hesitation strewn with procrastination, you are finally back on the path that suits you best, endowed with a renewed faith in the future and ready, if necessary, to give the horns to those who stand in your way. However, you also know that actions initiated under the impulse of strong emotions require an extraordinary capacity of control in case of slippage. Since you don't particularly want to be forced to pick up debris from pots you've sprayed yourself, learn to move forward with your plans without anyone's help. Eventually you'll get the victory that's rightfully yours, much to the chagrin of the monsters and pests you've encountered along the way. You have the rare ability to be able to turn your weaknesses into a strength, which is also valid in your romantic and friendly relationships. Build yourself with more serenity by developing your autonomy and finding your rhythm.

Monkey November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 7 / 10

Monkey, your activities continue to progress in the direction you want. Your daring and the capacity for sociability that you demonstrate end up opening the way to success. However, to maintain your current stability, avoid changing your plans at the last minute, even if similar projects have already had a positive impact on the development of your professional career. Be as transparent as possible and keep a watchful eye on your affairs. In love, a new event could bring up to date a discordant subject in your relationship. You may have to play a psychological support role with your partner. Stay positive and avoid judgment.

Rooster November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 6 / 10

Rooster, your occasional lack of diplomacy makes you pass for a hard being and lack of manners when in reality you are a pearl of advice. At work, moderate your language with your new colleagues and instead use the hierarchical levels to get your messages across. Either way, your frankness will sooner or later be recognized for its true value, for it is your qualities of precision and devotion that will eventually take precedence over the image you project to others. Finally, do not mix courage and physical resistance, because at the moment you are subject to domestic accidents.

Dog November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 7 / 10

Dog, you are entering a short period favorable to the development of your professional career. You may have to choose a new team or a new work partner in your main area of activity. However, try to stop feeding your pessimistic side with the sad news you hear here and there, it could compromise a positive development that is underway. This is also true in your emotional relationships. Learn to detach yourself from the news in time and time to devote yourself to your family. Because some of your loved ones may need your presence at this time. Breathe and think about pleasant and optimistic things.

Pig November 2020 horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 6 / 10

Pig (Boar), your thirst for life is somewhat thwarted by the events currently unfolding, despite your willingness to move forward. On a professional level, the good news is that you've finally understood the importance of not telling people everything about yourself to people whose true intentions you don't know. Other than this, you might expect material satisfactions, especially if you have been able to intelligently divide the time spent on work and that on leisure. In the field of love, the few disappointments that you may have suffered recently have also taught you that you should never allow passion to overcome reason, especially since confidence is gained in time and action.

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