Monthly Chinese horoscope of November 2021

November 2021: Monthly forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 6 November 2021
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Monthly forecast during the Earth Pig (Boar) Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Earth Pig Month of November 2021, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Earth Pig of the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 begins on November 5, 2021 and lasts until December 3, 2021.

November 5, 2021 to December 3, 2021 horoscope: the Month of the Earth Pig

The Pig (or Boar) symbolizes success and luck in Asian culture. It also expresses appetite in every sense of the word, whether it is gluttony, sexuality or an insatiable thirst for possession. Positioned during the month of November, its astral conjuncture corresponds to the beginnings of preparations for the end-of-year festivities and the New Year 2022.

During a Month of the Pig placed under the annual governance of the Ox, it is first and foremost family activities and special time with friends that are privileged. A monthly period under the guidance of the Pig requires staying dynamic and alert, taking care of others without neglecting your own needs. Now is the time to think about gifts tailored to the needs and personalities of loved ones.

At work, the desire to resume construction of projects that have been abandoned for too long should further monopolize the attention of Chinese zodiac signs that are in close relation (compatibility) with the Ox or the Pig.

Full yearly 2022 Chinese horoscope

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021 and on an energetic level, the Chinese zodiac sign of the Earth Pig (of the month) and the Metal Ox (of the year) revive the dynamics of territoriality in the couple (jealousy, possessiveness), in parallel with small disputes and other regrettable misunderstandings. This degradation of emotional relationships could be due in large part to a notable weakness of the Fire element during this period.

The positive point of this monthly Chinese horoscope for November 2021 is in the Metal-Earth relationship. This combination is one of the energy flows that bring good luck and fortune in work and business. The likelihood that efforts will be rewarded with concrete return is particularly high.

These are the Chinese zodiac signs which intrinsically have these elements that should benefit the most from this favorable situation: Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Dog. Chinese zodiac signs of the Rat, the Rabbit, the Snake, the Goat and the Pig will also benefit from these positive energies, even if less directly. Generally, the month places the emphasis on movement for Chinese zodiac signs who seek to unblock a situation in their life or to change their anchoring point. However, one will have to be ready to go beyond the wall of conventions to move forward. Because if the Pig is readily free and spontaneous, the Ox is rigid and conservative. Also, in this month of November 2021, will triumph those who will have succeeded in ignoring the many obstacles that society so easily tends to impose, out of intellectual laziness and in the name of outdated principles, slowing down the rise and development of its most deserving members.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from November 5, 2021 to December 3, 2021. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from November 5, 2021 to December 3, 2021 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Mangano Calcite

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from November 5, 2021 to December 3, 2021

Rat, Mouse (Chinese zodiac)

Rat November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rat Rating: 6 / 10According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Rat is entering the new lunar month with the aim of channeling his relentless thirst for enrichment and an ever more exciting life. At work, he could be on the verge of establishing new alliances in order to strengthen his decision-making power within his company. The troubles of the past should not prevent him from moving forward. He could fight annoyances more effectively if he does not hesitate to ask for help from trusted partners. At the financial level, the expenses preceding the end of year celebrations should not incite him to dig into his savings. Likewise, not all investment opportunities are worth exploiting, even if the risk seems limited. As for love, the celibate Rat could very well begin a new stage in his sentimental life. For some Rats, the month of November 2021 gives them the opportunity to settle scores with former partners. Now is the time to turn the page if one was previously embroiled in a difficult and toxic relationship. The sun could dazzle him with its radiance, even in winter if he lives in the northern hemisphere, as long as he opts for choices that first protect his heart and interests.

Ox, Buffalo (Chinese zodiac)

Ox November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Ox Rating: 7 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Ox crosses the new lunar month with caution and parsimony, because he has a more realistic vision of his near future. The setbacks he may have suffered in the past month have finally given him the means to establish additional security in relation to those around him. At work, positive events await him at the turn of an ambitious project. Appreciated by his team, the relevance of his vision can help to promote him strongly to his hierarchy. May he remain in control of his actions. Regarding finances, it is a good material period with the potential for lucrative transactions. It might be time to start buying that dream home. Regarding feelings, the Ox retains his stability in his loves. Frankness is not synonymous with haste. Two-person decisions are preferred. The celibate Ox could on the other hand suffer a little rivalry within his family. A love choice could be contested. You just have to know how to set the limits without aggressiveness or move away from them, while thinking about the best option.

Tiger (Chinese zodiac)

Tiger November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Tiger Rating: 6 / 10

In regards to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Tiger enters the new lunar month with confidence and enthusiasm, without however expecting miracles. His recent risk-taking could push him to try to maintain stability within his main activity. For now, his feeling of loss or demotion should not worry him too much. Things should be back to normal very soon. In any case, the Tiger has the opportunity to lay his cards on the table and clearly express his expectations with his superiors. Unexpected news will give him the impetus he lacks to take action. It is advisable to be straight and firm in your resolutions. Regarding finances, this is not the time to play games of chance. It is essential to limit any expense that does not cover your own basic needs. As far as romantic relationships are concerned, the adage "one lost, ten found" does not really correspond to the Tiger's current reality, and all the more so since he has difficulty in sorting out the suitors who present themselves to him. The Tiger probably has something to quietly take care of before he's calm enough to think about all of this. In addition, his psychological balance strongly depends on his ability to be conscientious, both with himself and with those close to him. Otherwise, the hunter could fall prey and be swallowed raw and without warning.

Rabbit, Hare, Cat (Chinese zodiac)

Rabbit November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit Rating: 7 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Rabbit soars into the new lunar month with the intention of not letting secondary issues rob him of his precious time. The current month is auspicious for diplomacy and dispute resolution. At work, his talent and his strategic vision attract to him an ally as powerful as he is useful. However, the Rabbit should strive to attend to his own affairs as efficiently as he is able to do for others. His projects in the making should experience a new boost, provided that he really takes the trouble to optimize his schedule. In terms of finances, postponing a major investment may be necessary. Now is not the time to compromise hard-won material security. Regarding love, the celibate Rabbit shouldn't suffer too much from loneliness these days. However, his past disappointments could lead him to refuse any openness to dialogue or even exacerbate his mistrust. Only information obtained indirectly will reassure him in the prospect of starting a love relationship. Otherwise, never mind, he will wait for a more favorable and more peaceful period.

Dragon (Chinese zodiac)

Dragon November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dragon Rating: 6 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Dragon continues the new lunar month in a dynamic oriented towards the concrete and the speed. The situation is improving and he feels that his capacities are strengthening at the same time as his will to look to the future with serenity. At work, he is able to carry out beautiful projects that will have the potential to lift him to the heights to which he aspires so much. But having several activities at the same time is not always successful for him. He will have to make a choice and decide for good on which podium it is most enjoyable to shine. There is always a price to pay between the possible and the ideal. As for finances, investments may have an uncertain outcome. It is better to opt for the least risky investments. Regarding love, the celibate Dragon should not need to resort to subterfuge to seduce the coveted being. Anyway, there's no point running behind an indifferent person who in the end only seeks to flatter his ego by letting himself be desired endlessly. People who genuinely love the Dragon are often the quietest about him. A phone call is enough, if however he too manages to balance his generous ego.

Snake (Chinese zodiac)

Snake November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Snake Rating: 7 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Snake inaugurates the new lunar month in the hope of having the favors of good fortune to progress in all areas of his life. But the monthly astral situation does not give him the possibility of always ticking the right boxes. While at work, repetitive tasks might start to bother him firmly. He may need to reinvent himself to give another meaning to his professional life, especially since he has the resources within him to define new and very exciting goals. His windows of opportunity will not last forever. The Snake should be as responsive as possible. Regarding the material side of his life, he shouldn't have to worry about money at the moment and be able to deal with any unforeseen circumstances. He might even decide to make a worthwhile investment and not just a profitable one. The Earth element reminds him of the need for good preparation before making any structuring decision. As for love, the end of the year reminds him of the people he may have cherished in the past. He could even develop an indirect communication strategy with them, with the sole aim of not feeling forgotten. However, in reality, more effective means are within reach. May he take advantage of it, if he wants to taste happiness or have answers to his endless questions.

Horse (Chinese zodiac)

Horse November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Horse Rating: 5 / 10

In regards to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Horse begins the new lunar month with the possibility of taking a break and catching his breath a little. This will be of great use to him for his future bursts of discovery and productivity. Also, he should not hesitate to take advantage of the delays experienced in his main activity to reinvigorate his mind. Whether it is a participation in a yoga session or a walk in the forest, the Horse must find a way to reject all the stress that he has accumulated without even realizing it. Otherwise, fits of irascibility, followed by a momentary nervous imbalance can hardly be avoided. With rest and meditative activities, he will be better able to improve the quality of his actions, which will have a positive impact on his long-term investments. In terms of finances, no expense is unnecessary when it comes to taking care of your lifestyle. As for romantic relationships, the time is not right for a declaration of love. The message expressed could be misinterpreted. The celibate Horse will find a way to satisfy his desires for amorous conquest in the months to come. You have to know how to be patient without ruminating.

Goat, Sheep (Chinese zodiac)

Goat November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Goat Rating: 6 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Goat enters the new lunar month with enthusiasm and curiosity. He is able to explore snow-capped mountain peaks despite crevasses and dizzying slopes. He just has to believe that there is something to see out there. At work, periods in dilettante will soon give way to a welcome boost in productivity. The Goat is able to make sense of his aspirations if he acts step by step. This time, a better professional dynamic will help him to better position himself. He just needs to let go of his fears and let the parasites who imitate him without blushing revel in their own mediocrity. Regarding the material field, the approach of the end of year celebrations feed his desires for spending and consumption. Big mistake! It is imperative that he keeps his savings for real use in the course of the year 2022. Regarding his romantic relationships, the celibate Goat could have the impression of not being understood. The suitors encountered may be too awkward or lack depth. He's probably looking in the wrong place, on the wrong day, and with the wrong outfit. Or in bad company… However, the second part of the Chinese month should be more conducive to a relevant meeting. While waiting for love, let him return to his practical occupations, for he surely still has a lot to do.

Monkey (Chinese zodiac)

Monkey November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Monkey Rating: 7 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Monkey starts the new lunar month with the firm desire to consolidate his achievements. At work, if the bad news is not there, he still has to think about securing his position. Everything must be efficiently stored in its place, which also applies to co-workers. If the Monkey manages to separate his professional and private life, he will have less to worry about later. Under no circumstances should a momentary treat be able to compromise his balance. As for the material domain, the Monkey could be forced to repay an almost forgotten loan. Be careful with overdraft authorizations and their set of commissions at the bank. External financial assistance should however make it possible to pass the month without any real upheaval. No unnecessary purchases with what is supposed to be a safety cushion. As for the joys of love, the emphasis is more on casual encounters. The celibate Monkey will put in a lot of effort for not much in return. It is up to him to know what seems to him the most priority and important in his eyes.

Rooster, Chicken (Chinese zodiac)

Rooster November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rooster Rating: 7 / 10

In regards to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Rooster crosses the new lunar month with a force and a lightness pretty much in accordance with his personality. Concerns about time and space might occupy the center of his thoughts. At work, a few good prospects will help him climb one or two rungs in his hierarchy. At worst, new project ideas will motivate him to achieve his aspirations. However, overconfidence doesn't always bode well for the impatient Rooster who wants to stand on his own feet. He should not hesitate to be assisted when necessary. His clever and flexible mind will give him unsuspected powers of achievement. He just needs to believe in himself. As for finances, his accounts should be balanced. If he's having trouble, getting a small raise should get him back on his feet fairly quickly. Regarding love, his fortune is mixed for the moment. The Rooster is potentially dissatisfied with his romantic relationships, despite his efforts to believe otherwise. Sometimes it's better to let it go or let people go. If he has a prospect of conquest in progress, time will end up rewarding him for his patience.

Dog (Chinese zodiac)

Dog November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dog Rating: 8 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Dog approaches the new lunar month with the goal of completing the important actions he has recently taken. At work, the opportunities open to him will be as important as they are difficult to seize. Any time for reflection will be welcome. The obstacles or negative events suffered in recent weeks will serve as a lesson before the choices to be made. This time, it is advisable not to give way to others out of pure altruistic impulse. Regarding finances, any additional income is directly linked to his perseverance and dedication of the previous weeks. Within the framework of a company, he has the possibility of carrying out a favorable negotiation. Do not miss this opportunity! In his love life, the Dog in a relationship could be compelled by the force of events to prove his emotional support for his current partner. There may be some gray areas that need to be cleared up in the relationship. On the other hand, all will be well for the celibate Dog. Thanks to his radiant charisma, he may well succeed in attracting the previously most inaccessible suitors. You might as well not bet on the wrong tickets, which are numerous in this season.

Pig, Boar (Chinese zodiac)

Pig November 2021 horoscope

Monthly Pig Rating: 7 / 10

According to the Chinese horoscope for November 2021, the Pig begins the new lunar month in an atmosphere of peace and creative fun. At work, side activities could brighten him up for the next few weeks. No room for gloom, nor for toxic personalities who tend to want to devour him. Otherwise, favorable decisions are being put in place. The Pig must be ready to take action without deviating from his objectives if he wants to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future, for himself and his loved ones. This important turning point must be taken with strength, flexibility and determination. In case of delay on a project, he should not hesitate to get help to make up for lost time. Regarding money, the Pig enters a spending phase which he would do well to keep control to avoid possible setbacks with his bank. Indeed, if he is not careful, his tendency to taste every pleasure in life risks compromising his finances for a long time. When it comes to the pleasures of love, there is no lack of opportunities for flirtations for the Pig. However, beware of games of power and domination through cunning and emotional pressure. It is better to promote social contact with loved ones and not to lock yourself in a sentimental relationship that is not necessarily appropriate.

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