Monthly Chinese horoscope of October 2019

October 2019: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 1 October 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Wood Dog Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Wood Dog Month of October 2019, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2019 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Wood Dog of the Chinese calendar starts on September 29th, 2019 and ends on October 28th, 2019. On September 28th, the new moon announces the passage in the Chinese calendar from the Water Rooster Month to the Month of the Wood Dog of the Year of the Earth Pig, ninth month of the Chinese Year.

October 2019 horoscope: the Month of the Wood Dog

The Wood Dog Month of October 2019 heralds the melancholy and caress of a comforting home. Yet, with the autumn leaves, our regrets fly away. The ginger and tender nature calls the livid night of our shortened shadows. As the mercury falls in the northern hemisphere, the determined wind sweeps violently the hot breath of the wavering summer.

With the beginning of autumn, it is time to prepare home-made preserves in anticipation of the coming winter, to collect the nuts and to pick the last peppers, peppers and tomatoes, peas, sweet corn, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers and eggplant. It's also the time to dry mint, verbena and verbena-lemongrass, to prepare the sleep of the long winter nights with a warm and comforting herbal tea.

In Chinese astrology, the Dog stands out for his sense of justice, his loyalty and his altruism, but also for his propensity for cynicism, critical thinking and restless temperament. It is also known that the Dog has the ability to keep away from his home all harmful energy sources (hypocritical behavior, complicated situations, burglaries).

According to the Chinese horoscope of October 2019, the Dog (of the month) placed under the protection of the Pig (of the year) indicates that the time is conducive to going out, traveling and looking for new job opportunities. It is also the ideal moment of the year 2019 to start a new business (without forgetting to check in parallel the lunar mansions of the envisaged day). It is also worth remembering that during the Dog's Month, it is by joining forces with one's allies that victory becomes more tangible and stagnant projects can restart soundly. As a result, beginning in early October 2019, conditions are good for strengthening social relationships or breaking down any loneliness and isolation. The virtues such as loyalty, righteousness and courage, which perfectly embody the fundamental character of the Wood Dog, allow any individual who wishes to win the esteem and confidence of his interlocutors, to achieve his ends.

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from September 29th, 2019 to October 28th, 2019

During the month of October 2019, the Rat discovers with joy that the play activities have the surprising virtue of effectively repelling the anxiety within the couple. The Ox (Buffalo), meanwhile, is willing to shoulder a responsibility in the place of others and will tend to spend the majority of October 2019 to solve problems of a secondary nature. In October 2019, the Tiger better understands the place he occupies in his personal and professional environment, which allows him to mark a truce in his territorial wars and protect himself from loneliness. The Rabbit does his best to optimize the month of October 2019 and succeeds in overcoming the obstacles gradually, task after task.

The Dragon takes a short break that he feels well deserved. He delights without counting prohibited delicacies, in spite of the risks of intoxication in the event of excess. In October 2019, the Snake stops playing the riddle and bows out against this outburst of adversity. The Snake is now much more attentive to his small business and fiercely preserves the jealousy of others. The Horse is looking forward to a new adventure in October 2019, but before that he knows he has to put something important on a friendly note. The Goat takes advantage of the month of October 2019 to stop making whims and begins to accept for good that nothing in life can be obtained without a sustained effort. Luck is at hand provided the Goat resolves to see life with more optimism.

The Monkey is particularly cautious in October 2019 and thinks to leave nothing behind him that could compromise his reputation. He will stay away from any risky investment, because his luck is much less insolent than usual at the beginning of autumn. In October 2019, the Rooster realizes with astonishment that the simplest pleasures are often the best. Victory masks small defeats, even if they are still annoying. The Dog, in October 2019, seems less worried about his future and is preparing himself serenely to face the arrival of winter. It is with reason that he feels protected. The Dog must be wary of any delays that will give the wrong impression. Finally the Pig see life in big in October 2019. He calms his ardor to better focus on his daily tasks. Despite some disappointments, hope is still allowed.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

In October 2019, the Wood Dog (of the month) governed by the Pig of Earth (of the year) displays an energetic distribution of the 5 elements marked by sporadic episodes of weakness of the Fire element.

Let's remember now that Wood is the element of creativity, development and longevity and is the ideal nutrient for artistic and intellectual stimulation. Fire on its side symbolizes communication, ambition, the taste for adventure, action, risk, passion, but also brute force, charisma, individualism and violence. All the zodiac signs of Chinese astrology that contain the Fire in their energetic birth chart (the Chinese horoscope or Chinese astral theme), that is to say, the Tiger, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat and the Dog, are therefore more sensitive to this specific situation of Fire deficiency of the month of October 2019. They must consequently work on the qualities specific to the Wood element if they want to neutralize the deleterious effects of the monthly imbalance created by the Fire element.

On the other hand, it should also be noted that among all the destructive interactions that can be observed within the 5 elements, only the analysis of the Wood / Earth relation can be done according to a double reading. Indeed, if Wood destroys Earth, the Earth element also serves as a stabilizer and base for the Wood element, and provided that the Earth element is sufficiently nourished by Fire. Therefore, if on one hand the Wood / Earth relationship tends to be associated with financial problems, quarrels, repetitive delays and calls for patience, this energetic couple can also mean prosperity, fruiting, prosperity, as well as good understanding. In October 2019, the weakness of the Fire element indicates that it is rather the negative aspect of the meeting between Earth and Wood which predominates. However, only the days during which the Fire element is in small quantities are affected by the negative effect of the destructive cycle of Wood and Earth. The possible negative effects of these weak days in Fire element is anyway attenuated thanks to the complementarity of the Yin (of the year) and the Yang (of the month), two polarities which face each other.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from September 29th, 2019 until October 28th, 2019. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from September 29th to October 28th, 2019 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Carnelian

Money and career monthly horoscope

The Chinese money and work horoscope of the month of October 2019 announces a beginning of autumn favorable to the implementation of important actions to preserve the durability of existing projects or to launch new adventures. In the office, because of the recurring weakness of the Fire element, it is better not to express feelings to colleagues, especially if it is opinions that morality disapproves (with reason or not). Thus, the month of the Dog 2019 invites actions stimulating the group's cohesion and collective creation rather than the display of a too marked individuality, which risks being interpreted as rebellion. A state of mind consistent with this monthly precept can be the source of better prospects for success. Moreover, in double astrology, the beginning of the eleventh month of the Chinese calendar coincides with the new moon in Libra (September 28, 2019). The notions of equilibrium, justice, goodness of equity, and the gift and attraction of the arts are in perfect analogy with the month of the Wood Dog. This is why the humanitarian, associative, educational and artistic professions, as well as security jobs, are the most favored during the month of October 2019.

Regarding investments, the Chinese horoscope of October 2019 calls for a more reasoned appreciation of the resources of the company as in the home. We can note an increased sensitivity to the details of the transactions made, but also an ethical concern as to their final purpose.

Love monthly horoscope

The Chinese love horoscope of October 2019 promises an energetic period favorable to the majority of the Chinese zodiac signs.


Singles are easily surprised by the discovery of the extraordinary in the ordinary. In this month of October 2019 under the good auspices of the Wood Dog, it is good enough to bet more on the elegance of simplicity rather than the vulgarity of the ostentatious. This is in any case the attitude that will most often be successful for singles who wish to enter into a relationship in the long term. In the same way, the fact of detaching from a materialistic vision of life, where the appearance occupies a predominant place, will have the effect of forcing the lovers to reveal more quickly their deep nature.


Honesty is an astrological attribute that can be found in both the Dog and the Pig. If in October 2019 your couple is going through a tumultuous period, in case of divergence of opinion, avoid getting caught in your respective positions. Do not use rhetorical techniques with partial truths either, just to make sure you dominate the situation. On the contrary, take care to pay more attention to your partner, to his frustrations as to his desires, in order to be able to find a middle ground based on compromises. Moreover, the Wood element being the main element of the month, the general advice would be to start a creative activity with the couple, in order to renew the mutual emotional bond and take the pleasure of rediscovering each other through the exploration of new territories.

Health monthly horoscope

According to the Chinese health horoscope of October 2019, garlic and eggplant are the vegetables to favor during this early autumn. We should also remember that the WHO recommends October for raising awareness of breast cancer prevention worldwide. Finally, take special care of your joints and your knees during the month of October, especially if you practice sports that solicit them a lot, such as football, rugby, squash, tennis or jogging.

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