Monthly Chinese horoscope of October 2022

October 2022: Monthly forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 26 August 2022
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Metal Dog Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Metal Dog Month of October 2022, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Metal Dog of the Year of the Water Tiger 2022 begins on September 26, 2022 and lasts until October 24, 2022.

September 26, 2022 to October 24, 2022 horoscope: the Month of the Metal Dog

With regard to the horoscope for October 2023, it is good to remember that among the 12 animals of Chinese astrology, the Tiger and the Dog are highly compatible. These two Chinese zodiac signs embody idealism, the taste for contact and self-affirmation. They reflect the image of two united and connected spirits, who will never betray their conscience. As a result, the predominance of the Dog during the month of October 2022 encourages us to take a fresh look at the world. With the Dog (of the month), friendly and professional relationships are reassessed almost every moment. Chinese zodiac signs that have not yet honored their obligations to third parties may need to justify themselves and clarify their position. It's time to settle the accounts and debts of the past.

Full yearly 2023 Chinese horoscope

Career and money

According to the career and money horoscope for October 2022, while it may seem difficult to take a fresh look at a subject that is close to one's heart, sticking to one's positions risks misleading one irreversibly. Serious and in-depth research will help find the solution to this quest, even if it must clash with present convictions that are difficult to get rid of. To steer one's boat safely, it is essential to ensure that past agreements are respected and to accept any compromises in deadlock situations. However, it is important not to get overly enthusiastic about promises that seem too advantageous, to avoid bitter disappointments later. Activities directly linked to the Water element (reading, psychology, listening and analysis), as well as those traditionally linked to Fire (performance, speech, self-affirmation) are favored during the month of October 2022.

Regarding money, the Month of the Metal Dog during the Year of the Water Tiger offers hope for the conclusion of important lawsuits, particularly in the financial and corporate law fields. Altruistic actions could also emerge and influence the course of events in a positive way. On the other hand, superfluous expenses risk creating situations of stagnation and lead to delicate moments when unexpected needs arise.


According to the October 2022 love horoscope, outbursts of jealousy risk unnecessarily weakening the bonds that unite the most hardened couples. One has to succeed in detaching oneself from one-sided loves and not deluding oneself in front of a partner whose mind is elsewhere. This type of situation generally does not bode well in the medium term. In addition, care must be taken not to be too selfish and to control one's pride, especially for those whose relationship as a couple is in a phase of questioning. This is not the time to get carried away by whims, unless the idea of ​​returning to live with one's parents seems like a delight. At a minimum, try to defuse arguments inherited from the past month.

October 2022 Horoscope: The Month of the Metal Dog

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

During the month of October 2022, Metal, which is one of the stable elements of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Dog, is reinforced by the presence of Metal as the main element of the current month. Rising Metal warns that there is little room for jokes in private or professional dialogues. This portends a moment of intense tension and heated debate. Drastic decisions following these lively exchanges should be avoided, as the futility of these unpleasant moments is guaranteed.

Indeed, Water (element of the year 2022), foreshadows situations where the forces of expression and the intensity of the consequences will be diminished. Indeed, on the one hand, Water blunts the edge of Metal and on the other hand, the reading of the Chinese calendar emphasizes the friendly relationship of the Tiger (of the year) and the Dog (of the month), who jointly value ​​honor, altruism and fair trade.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from September 26, 2022 to October 24, 2022. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from September 26, 2022 to October 24, 2022 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Azurite

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from September 26, 2022 to October 24, 2022

Rat October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Rat Rating: 6 / 10

In October 2022, the Rat has the potential to find a satisfactory balance in his work, even if this manifests itself too timidly for his taste at the moment. The Rat must above all remain reasonable and limit his investments to the areas he already masters. In love, family disputes without consequences can still disrupt daily life.

Ox October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Ox Rating: 5 / 10

In October 2022, the Ox must avoid any hasty decision and watch his spending, even if he has reserves that provide him with a safety cushion in the event of a glitch. He must also ensure that he is as explicit as possible in the exercise of his profession, otherwise he risks being wrongly accused of misconduct. In his personal life, his family remains the pillar of his balance.

Tiger October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Tiger Rating: 7 / 10

In October 2022, the Tiger manages to avoid dispersing and to focus his energy on realistic goals. However, he must avoid making promises he cannot keep. The Month of the Dog 2022 is an ideal period for any Tiger who wishes to learn to control his impulses in order to move forward more serenely in his professional career. In love, it is a period of reconciliation, with oneself.

Rabbit October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit Rating: 6 / 10

In October 2022, the Rabbit comes out of an uncomfortable period after a month of September under the aegis of the Rooster. If the energies of the Dog are more favorable to him, he must not let go of his guard. He has income to recover, which he must not delay in billing. In love, sometimes one has to let oneself be approached. Good cooked dishes can please any suitor with a gourmet soul, which does not exempt the Rabbit from showing the same talents in the bedroom.

Dragon October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Dragon Rating: 5 / 10

In October 2022, the Dragon can indulge in melancholy and experience moments of emotional loneliness. At work, things may not go according to his plans. Talented new colleagues can put his position on the line. A sharing must take place. Some investment projects can be canceled or postponed, which in the end won't be so bad. In love, the celibate Dragon must keep hope and refrain from gripping between his claws the first who passes in front of his swollen with fatigue and boredom nostrils.

Snake October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Snake Rating: 7 / 10

In October 2022, the Snake is having a satisfying month. The Snake can, if he wishes, make an investment or even launch a new project, thanks to the valuable support of loyal partners and collaborators who will be able to support him in due time. In love, the Snake must control his impulses of jealousy exacerbated by an excess of ambient Metal to which he is very sensitive.

Horse October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Horse Rating: 7 / 10

In October 2022, the Horse can be tempted by adventure. If he wishes, the period is ideal for trying new experiences, or even trying his luck in a new professional activity. Within his family, possible disputes and disagreements are foreseeable. Running away at full gallop won't change anything.

Goat October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Goat Rating: 6 / 10

In October 2022, the Goat must protect himself from hostile and negative people, who will try by all means to delay him in his projects by making him doubt his abilities. Only unfailing perseverance can enable the Goat to realize his aspirations and achieve the material comfort to which he aspires so ardently. The Goat has no idea of ​​the beneficial effects of discretion and that is why it is time for him to learn to be silent when asked indiscreet questions.

Monkey October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Monkey Rating: 5 / 10

In October 2022, the Monkey may be faced with unpleasant situations. His quick and calculating mind, however, will allow him to turn any verbal attack he faces to his advantage. This is not a good time to make risky investments. As a family, the Monkey must be able to defuse any possible conflict in order to preserve the harmony of his home.

Rooster October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Rooster Rating: 6 / 10

In October 2022, the Rooster can boast of a positive month. Luck continues to smile on him in business, for now. At work, he has to look in the right place to find the right direction. He can find help if he wants it. A small phase of acceptance of certain personal things must be passed. Regarding finances, the Rooster can afford some unforeseen expenses. In love, intrigues can end up making him lose the trust he had given to those he loves. Beware of gratuitous gossip.

Dog October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Dog Rating: 7 / 10

In October 2022, the Dog spends a month a little less hectic than the previous Chinese month. He has the potential to do his job carefully and get payoffs accordingly. Group trips will give him new ideas about his future project. He gains strength and esteem. In case of new love, it is better to avoid expenses. If the search for a soul mate is still ongoing, now is not the time to stay warm at home, because new encounters on festive occasions will prove profitable, even for those who seek a serious relationship.

Pig October 2022 horoscope

Monthly Pig Rating: 5 / 10

In October 2022, the Pig can go through a difficult month if he lets his joy of living blind him to certain ambient realities. First, he must be wary of unscrupulous people who will not hesitate to take advantage of his credulity. He must stay sober and not make any important decisions. At the social level, he should only confide in his closest circle of friends, whose reliability has already been proven. In love, the single Pig may have to wait a little longer before being reassured about the solidity of his budding relationship. This should not take long, provided he refrains from making unrealizable promises to hide the difficulties of everyday life. Things will be much better in the months to come. Courage!

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