Monthly Chinese horoscope of September 2019

September 2019: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 1 September 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Water Rooster Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Water Rooster Month of September 2019, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2019 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Water Rooster of the Chinese calendar starts on August 31st, 2019 and ends on September 28th, 2019. On August 30th, the new moon announces the passage in the Chinese calendar from the Water Monkey Month to the Month of the Water Rooster of the Year of the Earth Pig, eighth month of the Chinese Year.

September 2019 horoscope: the Month of the Water Rooster

The beginning of September announces the end of summer holidays for most of us. The ninth month of the Gregorian calendar is synonymous with resumption of professional activity, with back to school and university. In parallel, the month of September is an opportunity to make stock up for the coming winter. There is still time to prepare canned foods, condiments and jams with fruits such as tomatoes, blackberries, figs, peaches, pears, apples, plums or grapes.

According to the Chinese horoscope of September 2019, the Month of the Water Rooster begins on August 31, 2019 and lasts until September 28, 2019. The Rooster, tenth animal of Chinese astrology, is recognized as an undisputed master of endurance (when his priorities are clear), always concerned about his elegance and loyal to those he loves. During this Chinese month under his protection, actions that deal with the collective interest are priority because they are more likely to succeed than purely individual actions.

On a personal level, the monthly energies of the Rooster provide people who seem short of ideas to change their destiny, the opportunity to rebuild a moral health to perceive with more optimism their prospects for evolution. In double astrology, the beginning of the Water Rooster Month coincides with the new moon in Virgo (on August 30th, 2019). The Rooster brings his lucidity, his sense of organization and his pragmatism to the month of September 2019. If the influence of Virgo can be at the source of temporary difficulties to accomplish the tasks of everyday life, the Rooster's almost manic sense of order should easily cancel the possible negative effects of Virgo, especially as the new moon is conducive to new beginnings and the release of the chains of the past.

Overall, the monthly horoscope of September 2019 provides great rewards for those who want to improve the quality of their lives while caring for the common good. For during this period strongly influenced by the Yin polarity, the relationship of the Rooster (of the month) and the Pig (of the year) is often the sign of a dynamic centered on the collaboration and the exchange of new and progressive ideas.

The Chinese horoscope of September 2019 encourages the Rat to keep his lucidity in the face of unfulfilled promises and to rely only on his own resources. As for the Ox (Buffalo), he must react only to concrete actions and no longer give so much importance to trivial things. The Tiger can be pushed to sharpen even more his sense of observation, to better analyze his environment and protect himself more effectively. The Rabbit, who is in an innovative construction phase, must succeed, somehow, to keep his pace. The Dragon can once again consider getting in touch with his relatives to restore a somewhat faded prestige. It is a homecoming for the Snake, who tries, by accepting his past, to better grasp the present. Change of plan for the Horse, who wants to minimize any risk of going astray. The Goat dreams of emerging from the shadows to finally reveal his creative treasures. The correction of the details of an ongoing project is gaining momentum for the Monkey, who no longer wants to risk another demoralizing failure. A reorganization of his direct environment becomes urgent for the Rooster, who wants to attack the beginning of September 2019 with more spirit and lightness. For the Dog, this is a good time for an in-depth analysis of new career prospects or the search for a new place to live. Finally, the Pig learns philosophically to give up some of his privileges to rediscover the pleasures of being content with simple things.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

On the energetic level, the month of September 2019, governed by the influence of the Water Rooster, is the continuation of a period already marked by a weakness of the Fire element. The energetic weakness of the Fire element always requires an exaltation of the Wood element, with the harmful consequences that may accompany it. In addition, the opposition of the Yin Earth of the year with the Yin Water of the month, superimposed by this weakness of the Fire element, signifies the emergence of deep disagreements within the associations anchored by material interests. Fortunately, this conflict between Earth and Water is partially offset by the abundance of the Metal element during the month of September 2019. However, it is important to note that some days of the month display an excess of Metal (see details of the energy distribution of the month for each day of September 2019 below). Remember that the Metal element represents money, duty, harvest, resistance, honesty and loyalty. But what is usually one of the founding pillars of prosperous civilizations can, in case of excess, fuel an oppressive conservatism as well as a blind faith in certain outmoded doctrines, paralyzing all harmonious and useful human exchange.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from August 31st, 2019 until September 28th, 2019. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from August 31st, 2019 to September 28th, 2019 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Fuchsite

Money and career monthly horoscope

According to the monthly career and money horoscope of September 2019, the intellectual activities are favored. During the Month of Water Rooster, special and extra support concerns the trades of translation, publishing, scientific research as well as craftsmanship. However, because of the weakness of the Fire element, the exchanges within the companies can undergo some occasional difficulties because of a bad circulation of the information. This lack of communication may generate some unforeseen delays or a relative loss of notoriety. On the other hand, some misunderstandings caused by the meeting Water / Earth can not be avoided, especially in the first 3 weeks of September 2019. This is why it is important to be as clear and precise as possible during the oral transmission of the progress of an ongoing project. In addition, it should be considered that any new collaboration within the company may require more patience than expected. It will be a question of finding the right rhythm after having crossed a few decisive stages. Moreover, it is essential to cultivate a force of anticipation and adaptability to the negative events that may occur, to smooth any pernicious irregularity that would be able to block the machine of a well-oiled project. Finally, it would be unfortunate to stand in frontal opposition to an authoritarian hierarchy, impatient and not inclined to dialogue. On the other hand, a flexible and discreet approach to the annoyances can make it possible to restore the situation rather quickly. In all circumstances, it is advisable to remain master of one's emotions in order to be more receptive to details.

Love monthly horoscope


The love horoscope of September 2019 is a source of hope for those who want to start a relationship or want to consolidate their union. On a sentimental level, the Water Rooster is often synonymous with a new beginning for those who wish to concretize a project of marriage. Because the Water Rooster comforts and gives courage to shy lovers to express their feelings clearly to the coveted.

However, in order to be sure of being well understood in particular situations that require unwavering clarity, it is best to use written or digital means, so as not to risk the deleterious effects of the weakness of the Fire element, related to oral communication.


For singles, an examination of conscience may be necessary in order to measure the scope and basis of moments spent with former casual partners. This time, one must be satisfied with the simplicity of the moment and let things evolve at one's own pace, without trying to force fate.

Health monthly horoscope

Organs to watch for during the Water Rooster Month 2019

Cardiovascular system: Monitor your cardiovascular system. Reduce your intake of butter and saturated fats. Beware of small domestic accidents due to inattention.

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from August 31st, 2019 to September 28th, 2019, 2019

Rat monthly horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 6 / 10

Rat, consolidate your achievements with prudence and determination. Some friendly meetings. Your social life is a source of happiness. An unexpected cash outflow could slightly alter the course of an ongoing project. Events stabilize during the second half of September 2019. Single Rats can expect the beginning of a new sentimental adventure. However, do not show yourself too impatient.

Ox monthly horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 7 / 10

Ox (Buffalo), your social relationships are not always a support for you. Leave the gossip in the place they deserve and take care of your business during the month of September 2019. If you have fallen behind in the execution of your projects, activate accordingly to make up the situation. Unexpected events can push you to act in a direction you did not want to start. But you are the winner in the end. Above all, be concise and do not be surprised. Keep an eye on your children if you have any.

Tiger monthly horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 5 / 10

Tiger, things are gradually improving. If you are still worried, nothing is more comforting than a meeting with your family. You might even have a proposal from someone around you who is ready to support you to help you overcome your difficulties. At work, you may want to start a project that you have been developing for some time. However, the conceptual aspect of this project may require rearrangement. In the event of a major trip, find out where you are going, especially if it is abroad. If you are single, moderate your hopes for everyone you meet and keep a healthy and responsible attitude to move serenely in your love journey.

Rabbit monthly horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 5 / 10

Rabbit, you enter the beginning of September 2019 with a lot of enthusiasm. Your need for development becomes the focus of your concerns. However, the Rooster always requires you to perform your actions as accurately as possible. Also, work on your serenity in parallel with your evolution in professional terms. In addition, avoid unnecessary expenses. You will spend some pleasant moments in the company of friends that you have not seen for a long time. Also take advantage of this period to double-check your accounting so as not to be surprised in the months to come.

Dragon monthly horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 7 / 10

Dragon, you have a wonderful opportunity to expand your professional network as part of an important event. If you have debts, whatever shape they have, it is high time to settle them. Do not rely on the outward appearance of things. Appearances may contain other truths that are very different from what you would have thought. Be as flexible as possible. Luck can smile at you again provided you do not repeat the same mistakes.

Snake monthly horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 6 / 10

Snake, you enter a month during which you may be asked to finalize a grieving work that has been sucking your energy for some time. The loss of an object or a loved one should not make you give up on pursuing your goals. In addition, you have the opportunity to turn a decisive page. Stay focused on your projects by listening to your intuition. If you have to face an inevitable confrontation, show yourself as detached as possible. If you are single, your charm is at its peak these days, even if you do not notice it. Some unexpected encounters, outside your ordinary place of life, should confirm this. However, flee any individual who primarily labels people based on their social background.

Horse monthly horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 6 / 10

Horse, in spite of your enthusiasm, the events you care most about do not really take the ideal turn you would have liked. Also, you may be forced to accept cancellations or last-minute changes. But that's not a reason to see things in black. Learn to share as often as possible with your family, especially if it's your time. You will be rewarded by the end of September 2019. If you intend to go abroad, get enough strength before you leave. Happy outcomes to recent domestic issues.

Goat monthly horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 8 / 10

Goat, in this Month of the Rooster of September 2019, pay attention to the temptations of superfluous purchases. At work, because of the lack of organization in your daily life, you probably start to get tired of postponing some of your important activities. Know how to recover and make a real break in the case where a hobby would absorb too much of your time. September is full of surprises in many areas if you know where to look for them. Go ahead, you have the wind in your sails.

Monkey monthly horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 7 / 10

Monkey, if you have financial difficulties, try to keep a savings plan with the help of a serious professional. Often the secret of success lies in slow perseverance. On a personal and professional level, you might think about including new people or collaborators in your life. If you are single, luck smiles at you in love, though you may need to change your criteria from time to time. Beware of excesses of all kinds. Your new acquaintances can turn your back fast enough if you do not take your words. Be whole but diplomatic.

Rooster monthly horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 6 / 10

Rooster, you know that you can only get satisfactory results when you are methodical. There is nothing more unpleasant than working in a mess. Only by carrying out selective sorting will you succeed in seeing more clearly in your professional career. Be careful of language differences with your employees, associates or colleagues. If you feel that you are misunderstood, use other resources besides speech to prove your sincerity, even if the situation concerns your couple.

Dog monthly horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 5 / 10

Dog, you would not like to have the unpleasant surprise that some parts of your secret project have been unveiled to your competitors. If it is not yet the case, choose with extreme care the people to whom you confide. You need to feel free. Use your logic and not your emotions to solve your problems. A small but good news awaits you. Open your ears.

Pig monthly horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 6 / 10

Pig, you might want to forgive those who once offended you. At work, do not enter into complex negotiations during the month of September 2019. Let things be done at their own pace. Mediation could be of great help to you if you experience difficulties in your relationship. If you are single, attending social or social gatherings could offer you the opportunity to make new encounters more fruitful than the opportunities offered by applications or dating sites.

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