Monthly Chinese horoscope of September 2020

September 2020: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 30 August 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Fire Ox (Buffalo) Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Wood Monkey Month of September 2020, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2020 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Wood Monkey in the Chinese lunar calendar starts on August 19th, 2020 and ends on September 16th, 2020. On August 18th, the new moon announces the passage from the Month of the Goat to the Month of the Monkey of the Year of the Rat, seventh month of the Chinese Year.

September 2020 horoscope: the Month of the Wood Monkey

According to the monthly Chinese horoscope 2020, the mischievous, funny and intelligent Monkey therefore rules this second part of the summer period of the Year of the Rat 2020. A month of the Monkey during a Year of the Rat offers many Chinese zodiac signs the possibility of finding the necessary remedies for their existential development. It is also a favorable period for the renewal of resources.

The general atmosphere during the lunar month of the Wood Monkey favors listening and creative decision-making. A lively dynamic is expressed by the strong desire to be in good shape before tackling the start of the school year and the return to work in September 2020. But above all, the time is finally right for all of those, among the 12 animal-signs of the Chinese calendar, who wish to plan their future on a material level.

The monthly energies of the Wood Monkey give the means to all the zodiac signs of Chinese astrology to get out of complicated circumstances effectively. Optimism combined with stubborn pragmatism can unlock the most inextricable situations. All current deadlocks now appear to be able to be resolved, at the same time as the horizon is revealed for all those who seek to bring down the old statues of past conformisms.

During the Month of the Wood Monkey 2020, with an open-mindedness tinged with a little moderation and caution, it is possible to regain hope for a better life, far from the daily concerns of a world obsessed with selfish profit at the expense of the human. This is how many innovative ideas that bring change can arise during the first half of September 2020.

However, the current global health context, if it exposes the flaws of contemporary society, nonetheless remains a reminder of the rough and fragile reality that assails us on an individual level. The temptation to let oneself be carried away by the capricious wind of fate, combined with the thirst for adventure and pleasures specific to summer vacations, must not give way to an amnesic neglect of the realities of a new world.

While all 12 Chinese zodiac signs are fed with mischievous vitality as autumn approaches, it's important to stay alert during these troubled times, because neither the Rat nor the Monkey like to leave things to chance. It is therefore necessary to avoid any imprudence which could jeopardize the balance necessary for the existential development of each and everyone of us.

According to the Chinese horoscope for the month of the last week of August and the first half of September 2020:

  • The Rat (Mouse) is looking forward to a reunion, even if it may not please everyone
  • The Ox (Buffalo) retains his serenity, convinced to have opted for the right decision
  • The Tiger questions how it works without finding alternative solutions
  • The Rabbit (Hare, Cat) is happy because he feels that one is watching over his well-being
  • The Dragon, happy with himself, no longer wishes to be content with his achievements
  • The Snake thinks of escaping far away to regain the soul of a fighter
  • The Horse overcomes his little discomforts and watches for the creation of a world that meets his expectations
  • The Goat (Sheep) watches his language and learns not to make promises that he will not be able to honor
  • The Monkey is delighted to see things go according to his wishes
  • The Rooster (Hen) balks with impatience because he feels that a turnaround is looming in the distance
  • The Dog avoids controversies and appreciates family joys
  • The Pig (Boar) catches up with a project that suffered an unfortunate setback while secretly savoring the delights of guilty pleasures

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Wood Monkey generally corresponds to an eventful period in terms of energy. Indeed, it is for instance possible to observe wealth changing hands, just like worries. In addition, during this lunar month of 2020 governed by the ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope, one can note days of deficiency of the element Fire in parallel with an energy surplus in Water and Metal. Therefore, luck is more accessible to Chinese zodiac signs who have the element Water and Metal in their birth energy chart. In addition, the Metal / Wood relationship indicates that the puzzles of the past can be solved, as long as one is careful. The excess of Metal and Water can encourage people to live moments of judgment, which can lead to a reorganization of established relationships. At the same time, a weakness in the Fire element can be materialized by a loss of patience and an absolute desire for domination. The rejection of realities and adherence to risky ideas are often the result of a period lacking in Fire, energy of ambition and joy.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from August 19, 2020 until September 16, 2020. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from August 19, 2020 to September 16, 2020 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Watermelon tourmaline

Money and career monthly horoscope

According to the work horoscope of the Month of the Wood Monkey 2020, it is rather at the beginning of the second part of the Chinese year that it is appropriate to analyze the professional progression achieved since the Lunar New Year's day of January 25th, 2020. During the last week of August and most of September 2020, this is the opportunity to correct route errors. In business, the time could be right to renegotiate your salary given the skills and adaptability qualities demonstrated in previous months. But it is above all the most creative of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs who can hope for a positive response to their requests, because their more marked spirit of independence offers them greater freedom of action in case of refusal. In addition, a Monkey Month is always an ideal opportunity to practice an additional professional activity allowing to vary one's sources of income.

According to the money horoscope of the Month of the Wood Monkey 2020, it is to be expected that stock market and liquidity movements will increase remarkably during this second part of the summer period. The energy configuration of the current lunar month makes it favorable for commercial transactions. A few welcome cash inflows, especially at the end of August 2020, can pleasantly fill a failing bank account. However, the Insufficient Fire element can presage potential postponements of collaborations with possible financial consequences, due to visions that are too clear-cut and not open enough to compromise. In addition, in the event of an investment, the Monkey recalls the importance of only trusting professionals who have already proven themselves in the past. In any case, it is strongly advised to refrain from any temptation to make solo acquisitions. To limit the risks, investing with associates should rather be considered during a period co-governed by the Monkey (of the month) and the Rat (of the year).

Love monthly horoscope


The love horoscope for the month of the Wood Monkey 2020 is particularly beneficial for single people whose Water and Metal elements are sufficiently provided in their birth energy chart. The desire to build their life and their family on solid and lasting foundations occupies the minds of single people in search of love. In this perspective, they are ready to make the necessary efforts to convince their sweetheart of their qualities as a serious lover.

For those who are dominated by the Fire element and who are currently in search of true love, it is rather a question of understanding with realism that there is no point in wanting to influence a possible common destiny without having first thought about a long-term vision of the couple. For singles ruled by Wood or Earth, the Metal-to-Wood relationship signals that new encounters are likely to remain on a superficial level. A weakness of the Wood element can also cause a lack of consideration on the part of the suitor and cause him / her to seek happiness elsewhere.


The love horoscope of the month of the Wood Monkey 2020 announces a serene period for already established couples. Tenderness expressed simply is always the essential ingredient to strengthen emotional ties over time. On the other hand, for couples who are already in difficulty, it is better to avoid any form of dialogue aroused by pride or vanity. In this period of Metal / Wood, loyalty, small attentions and transparency can be redeeming in the event of a relationship crisis. It is only during this process of accepting the other's difference and sorting out the couple's real priorities that the desire for appeasement can lead to concrete results.

Health monthly horoscope

Monitor the health of your mouth, digestive system, and heart.

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from August 19, 2020 to September 16, 2020

Rat September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 9 / 10

Rat (Mouse), this is an exceptional time for you. You meet interesting people on the go. Your past investments continue to pay off. It is clearly a prosperous period. You succeed in finding solutions to your various problems. Do not hesitate to share your happiness with those who have been by your side during your difficult times. Learn to give in order to receive back.

Ox September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 8 / 10

Ox (Buffalo), you have good professional prospects during this month of the Wood Monkey 2020. You can also expect some new and interesting meetings on a friendly level. Since you are so relaxed, let the fun begin! However, beware of possible breaches of trust. Do not sign anything until you have completed all the necessary checks. You have the wind in your sails.

Tiger September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 4 / 10

Tiger, prepare for a temporary dip during this Monkey Month. The weather is somewhat stormy at work. Do not hesitate to spare yourself time slots to rest and avoid clashes for the time being. As a couple, don't set the bar too high and accept criticism. In short, just live in the moment and stay cautious. Wait until the next month to move your important business forward. Stay brave!

Rabbit September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 7 / 10

Rabbit (Hare, Cat), some nice news manages to cheer your spirits. Thanks to the fruits of your labor, you have the opportunity to stabilize your financial situation. Use your persistence to succeed and do not let any envious person blind you to your own talents and abilities. In love, refrain from any form of conflicting communication. The Monkey protects you.

Dragon September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 9 / 10

Dragon, you are going through a very favorable period, especially with regard to your current projects. Whether in love or at work, everything is going for the best. Most of the obstacles are easily bypassed. At the same time, you are still waiting for signs of a profound change that is slow to manifest. Watch for important opportunities and stay alert no matter what. In love, support your partner instead of taking care of your own desires first. Your relationship will only get stronger.

Snake September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 7 / 10

Snake, you have the opportunity to breathe a little bit during this Monkey month. It is time for you to listen to your own desires. Your charm, coupled with your intellectual capacities, surprise your interlocutors. Moreover, even if the Monkey is protecting your back, save what you have to say for a next meeting. Recharge your batteries and let your loved ones take care of you.

Horse September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 5 / 10

Horse, a small temporary drop in shape can tarnish the current lunar month. What is certain is that you don't feel obligated to take on responsibilities that don't directly concern you. In love, a few unanswered questions can annoy you momentarily. Nothing serious is foreseeable, however. You just have to wait for things to settle down.

Goat September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 7 / 10

Goat (Sheep), a stable period is shaping up for you. The period is favorable for consolidating your achievements. Remember your past failures to better anticipate future obstacles. At work, think about your own interests first, instead of scrambling for others. In love, you have enough opportunities to beautify your living environment. At the financial level, a small inflow of money is expected in the second part of the month. Watch out for frivolous expenses. Smile, good news is brewing.

Monkey September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 8 / 10

Monkey, a radiant sky is announced for you. Cash flow or imminent love at first sight, anything is possible in these times conducive to personal development. At work, new collaborations can breathe new life into a pending project. Same thing in love, where a dynamic period begins. However, always remember to put your things back where they belong. Now is not the time to lose a precious object. Keep your eyes open.

Rooster September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 6 / 10

Rooster (Hen), get ready to have a mixed month in terms of expectations and prospects. At work, do not hesitate to reveal your strengths without trying to impose your ideas. The proposals will come by themselves. In addition, there is no point in getting irritated by seeing others move forward, especially if it is emotional matters. The Rooster is able to break through all obstacles if he wishes, but not at the expense of his own image. In terms of finances, it is better to moderate expenses. Patience, your turn is coming.

Dog September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 7 / 10

Dog, you are well back in shape after some emotional setbacks. The month is favorable to travel beyond the perimeter of the home. At work, a major decision can transform things radically, with the possible consequence of giving you the reins of power or on the contrary putting you on the sidelines. However, there are some new professional encounters that can help you take this step successfully. In love, a good stimulating period is within your reach. Good news about the family might take the hassle out of your mind for quite a while. Your family reunions are regenerative. Enjoy them.

Pig September 2020 horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 6 / 10

Pig (Boar), the Month of the Monkey forces you to deal with some inconvenience. You know that sometimes it's not helpful to listen to those who aren't paying attention to you. This is especially valid at work. Learn how to gather information to use it intelligently later, and be alert during your last minute trips. On the financial side, pay off your debts before committing to new expenses. In love, dispel any misunderstanding in your family and emotional environment. Save your strength and limit your gluttony. Not all fruits found in nature can be eaten, you know that well. Control your insatiable appetite.

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