Dog 2018 Chinese Horoscope - Dog 2018 predictions

🐶 Dog 2018 Chinese horoscope - 2018 Chinese Horoscope of the Zodiac sign of the Dog during the Year of the Earth Dog
By KarmaWeather - 18 June 2018
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Complete forecast for the Dog in 2018 in love, luck, money, career, health

Dog's Chinese calendar birth dates:
28/01/1922 au 15/02/1923
14/02/1934 au 03/02/1935
02/02/1946 au 21/01/1947
18/02/1958 au 07/02/1959
06/02/1970 au 28/01/1971
25/01/1982 au 12/02/1983
10/02/1994 au 30/01/1995
29/01/2006 au 17/02/2007
16/02/2018 au 04/02/2019
03/02/2030 au 22/01/2031

The Dog in short: According to the Chinese horoscope of the Dog, the 11th sign of the Chinese zodiac is sympathetic and intelligent. A person born in the Year of the Dog has a binary approach to life and his relationships with others. If you benefit from his friendship or his love, a Dog will never disappoint you.

🐶 Personality horoscope of the Dog

Chinese New Year 2018 summary for the Dog

According to the 2018 Chinese horoscope, the Year of the Earth Dog 2018 is an opportunity for the Dog to consolidate his achievements and to renew his motivation. In 2018, happiness is at the door of the Dog, and he only needs to reach out to grasp it.

Score of the Year of the Dog 2018 for the Dog: 8 / 10
Chinese New Year 2018's resolution for the Dog: A new start

Dog's amulet, colors, chakra and foods for 2018
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Foods
Tiger's eyeRed,
RootSweet potato,


2018, Year of the Earth Dog: horoscope forecast for the Dog

The Chinese New Year 2018 marks the beginning of the renewal of the astral cycle of the Dogs. In recent years, many people born during the Year of the Dog have had to face and overcome many obstacles. Whether at work or in their private life, sometimes painful situations have forged the character of the Dogs, so many of them were constrained to learn how to become less altruistic in order to preserve themselves. Unfortunately, this may also have resulted in increased loneliness, or in the loss of essential components of their living environment.

But blessed the Dog who finally sees his Chinese zodiac year. All the past disappointments and misfortunes eventually dry up. In 2018, the Dog can enjoy the protective and benevolent influence of the Year of the Dog 2018. The Dog reveals to himself the secrets of his most intimate desires, without feeling any shame. Many years of introspection and thinking have also finally begun to bear fruit, as they reveal more clearly the path of a deeper and more solid spirituality.

According to KarmaWeather's 2018 Chinese horoscope, the Dog also manages to master the many anxieties and doubts that have been plaguing him for many years and have been a source of blockage in his life. The increased maturity of the Dog will have positive effects throughout 2018, especially for his family and loved ones. Thanks to his growing aura, the Dog is listened to with much more attention by his entourage, and he doesn’t hesitate to give objective advice and effective support to those in need.

Full 2018 Chinese horoscope during the Year of the Dog

Love, marriage and birth for the Dog in 2018

For the single Dog, it’s high time to renew his wardrobe, because opportunities of gallant appointments aren’t going to be scarce during the Year of the Dog 2018. However, it’s necessary for the Dog to avoid revealing too quickly his altruism and natural kindness. The single Dog who finds a partner among Tigers, Horses or Rabbits is likely to wear an engagement ring on his ring finger before the end of 2018. The Year of the Earth Dog 2018 is indeed highly conducive period to betrothal and marriage.

From the 2018 Chinese New Year onwards, the romantic situation of the Dog in couple is slightly different. Indeed, since this is the beginning of a new cycle for Dogs, couples can be weakened by quarrels. Misunderstandings of the past could resurface, which could either result in renewed serenity and a redoubled love after some explanations have taken place, or on the contrary, lead to a total blow in the relationship, which may lead to divorce. On the contrary, the Dog in couple whose love relationship is already flourishing, can expect the couple's ties to be strengthened even more.

Is 2018 a good year to have a child for a Dog parent? The coming birth of a child in 2018 can be projected for the second half of the year. It’s also best for the Dog to pay attention to the compatibility of his partner with the sign of the Pig (2019 is the Year of the Earth Pig). For example, if the partner of the Dog is of the sign of the Snake, it’s necessary to wait until 2020 or even better until 2021, which is the Year of the Metal Ox.

Money, career and social life for the Dog in 2018

Based on the Chinese horoscope 2018, the Dog's business is doing well in 2018, just as he can expect to win a lawsuit or succeed in a contest or exam he’s been preparing for a long time. However, without becoming rich as Croesus, as the Dog shall be at the height of his capacity during the Year of the Earth Dog 2018, he should be able to serenely consolidate his place in society during this period.

But one must remain cautious: it’s ill advised for the Dog in 2018 to embark on new utopian projects, or engage in efforts well beyond his field of expertise. It’s better for him to choose professional paths where his experience and skill are paramount, or to content himself with collecting the fruits of his past investments. The Dog must also be careful to preserve a track of all his professional exchanges, especially Emails, in order to prevent himself from any future difficulties.

Health and luck of the Dog in 2018

Luck and well-being for the Dog in 2018

Most favorable periods to the Dog in 2018: Month of the Tiger (February 2018), Month of the Rabbit (March 2018), Month of the Horse (June 2018)

Least favorable period: Month of the Dragon (April 2018)

Chinese Zodiac 2018 predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Dogs

The main Element of your year of birth determines which type of Dog you are

Rat 2018 Chinese horoscope - Score and resolution for the Dog in 2018

Dog Chinese horoscope 2018 - Score and resolution for the Wood Dog, Fire Dog, Earth Dog, Metal Dog and Water Dog in 2018, by KarmaWeather
🐶 Chinese zodiac sign Birth Years Rating (out of 10) Resolution
🌳 Wood Dog 1934, 1994 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🔥 Fire Dog 1946, 2006 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Help others
🗿 Earth Dog 1958, 2018 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Listen first
🛠 Metal Dog 1970, 2030 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Great opportunities
💧 Water Dog 1922, 1982 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Open your mind

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