Dog's 2020 Chinese horoscope

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Dog, from the Lunar New Year 2020 and throughout the Year of the Rat 2020
By KarmaWeather - 1 December 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The Dog's complete predictions in 2020: love, luck, money, career and health

Dog's birth dates (Chinese calendar)

28/01/1922 au 15/02/1923
14/02/1934 au 03/02/1935
02/02/1946 au 21/01/1947
18/02/1958 au 07/02/1959
06/02/1970 au 28/01/1971
25/01/1982 au 12/02/1983
10/02/1994 au 30/01/1995
29/01/2006 au 17/02/2007
16/02/2018 au 04/02/2019
03/02/2030 au 22/01/2031

🐶 Personality horoscope of the Dog

Chinese New Year 2020 summary for the Dog

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Dogs in 2020

The Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Dog puts your year under the dynamics of learning and the transmission of knowledge. The new 12-year cycle of the Chinese calendar that begins with the Year of the Rat is a good time for a Dog who wants to change horizons, find a new home, settle in another region and discover new cultures. This year, you are keenly feeling the need to step outside your comfort zone. For that, you are aware of the efforts needed to achieve your goals, which include staying in shape to be more attractive and even why not start a family.

Thanks to the contribution of the annual energies in harmony with your Chinese zodiac sign, you should be more intuitive and gain flexibility in the management of your business. In 2020, you do not wait until the things that interest you come to you, it's you who go to them. Therefore, you have great interest in seizing the opportunities that may come your way, especially as they will be as numerous as they are promising. While you are normally of a rather worried and pessimistic nature, you may be surprised to see how much luck and fortune will come to you throughout the Chinese year 2020.

As favorable as the horoscope 2020 is for the Dog in this Year of the Rat, all your aspirations can not be realized without a real work on yourself. You must begin by correcting your bad habits and then make a lucid analysis of your life during the Chinese New Year 2020 period so you can be able to clearly redefine your priorities. Moreover, during the first quarter of the year, you realize the importance of controlling your impulses so as not to compromise the viability of what you have been able to build up to now. Finally, you will reconsider your principles and adapt your perception of things in relation to your social relations. The second half of the year 2020 is proving to be a very beneficial and rewarding period, especially if you have been able to make your choices with lucidity and wisdom during the first half of the year.

Score of the Year of the Rat 2020 for the Dog

8 / 10

Chinese New Year 2020's resolution for the Dog

Ascent and maturity

The Dog's 2020 amulet, colors, chakra and food

Amulet, colors, chakra and food for the Dog in 2020
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Food
Selenite Snow white,
Opaline green,
Pearl gray
Crown chakraBroccoli,
White mulberries


Love, marriage and birth for the Dog in 2020


The Chinese horoscope 2020 of the single Dog provides that your love life may not be as favored as your career. However, your essential qualities such as your sense of duty and fairness, your dedication and your natural charisma, often inspire your contenders to consider a serious romance with you. Expect to be the center of interest of many people at the same time. Above all, avoid committing yourself to the first proposal for a serious relationship. Before you drop your suitcases under the same roof, probe the field by indirect questions to find out if you share the same values. It turns out that Metal, the main element of the year 2020, has the capacity to make you more possessive and more closed to compromise. That is why you have every interest in being selective in the choice of your partners, in order to choose the tolerant person who will be ready to accept you with your qualities as well as your faults.


If you are in a stable relationship, get ready for a fairly balanced and fulfilling year. When you are in a relationship with someone, you know how to help him, guide him or tell him the phrases that will reassure him when he is going through difficult times. Your dedication to your spouse, family, and loved ones often commands everyone's respect. This year, you give a lot to the one who shares your life, which will be all the more beneficial thanks to the strengthening of the family that this will create. For the most peaceful harmony in your home, take regular mini-breaks with your partner to get even closer together. However, respect the rhythm and moods of your loved one if you do not want to lessen your marital happiness. Always take the time to listen to the needs of your partner and in return to express yours without restraint. You will be heard for sure.

If you are experiencing a tension phase in your relationship, avoid using language that is too dry and too direct during an argument. Because whenever you are convinced to be right, you can become hermetic to any exchange and freeze the situation instead of participating in its resolution. If you want to save your marriage, you must ban all forms of possessive and critical behavior that will only move you a little further from your goal. If absolutely nothing can improve the situation, take advantage of the wave of renewal that 2020 offers to give a second chance elsewhere to your love life. Sometimes it does not help to insist endlessly when a relationship does not work. If true happiness exists, it is most likely somewhere else and it's up to you to pick it up without delay.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Dog and the Rat: Click here to learn more about the Dog's compatibility with a Rat.

Is 2020 a good year to have a child for a parent Dog? Yes! If you are considering the next arrival of a new member in your family, know that the parent-child compatibility between a father or a mother Dog with a child "Rat" is pretty good. The dedication and tenderness of the parent Dog will fill the Rat child with happiness. Be careful however in stressful situations, because an over worried parent "Dog" can make the child Rat anguished. On the other hand, wait for the Year of the Ox 2021 (or even better the Year of the Tiger 2022) if the other parent is Horse, because a Rat child might feel frustrated and neglected by this type of parent.

Money, career and social life for the Dog in 2020

Career and work

The Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Dog foreshadows positive evolutions in the career and work of the 11th animal of Chinese astrology. Finally, you have the opportunity to advance projects that are important to you, and sometimes despite the fact that you had been starting to lose faith. If you are your own boss, any major action is to be avoided in the second during the second quarter. On the other hand, punctual partnerships with seasoned professionals can be favored in order to increase the productive capacity of your business. Even if deep inside you, you know that one is never better served than by oneself.

If you are an employee in a company, you probably suffered last year disappointments resulting from inaction or rigidity on the part of your supervisor and your colleagues. Following these tasteless experiences, you better understand in 2020 the need to have an open and capable mind, more responsive to new situations and more synthetic in the communication of ideas. Also, whether in writing or orally, the more you are able to share your goals to people who may share the same interests as you, the more you will receive help and approval. Launched in a good dynamic, the consolidation of what you build will arouse, as you advance, more enthusiasm and support from those around you. However, over time, you also understand the need to update the methods that you apply to the execution of your missions. If you have a decision-making role, prepare yourself, following a dedicated training, to initiate new processes for the proper functioning of the company. As a result of these new skills and actions, you will better justify your request for salary increase made towards the end of the Chinese year.


The Chinese horoscope 2020 provides for a year rich in financial prospects for the Dog. The echo of the Metal element of the Year and of the Rat (Chinese zodiac sign governing this year) with your energy birth chart gives you the means to be more daring in your decisions, thanks to a stable situation supported by regular additional income. Given some opportunities that will come your way, you will want to invest more than usual. You will then rely on your intuition which will not mislead you this time. However, it is better to opt for the second half of the year to seriously invest your money. In addition, be cautious in view of the accessibility and attractiveness of certain offers, especially in the real estate sector. Never let anyone hurry you to commit and take the time to think about and study the property in question before you buy it, because any hasty decision could have a disappointing aftertaste. Also, the more it will be a question of going fast, the more you will take your time, even if it might irritate your interlocutors of the moment. But in the end you will win on all fronts because you will have been able to avoid errors and detect anomalies. In addition, you understand in 2020 that what is expensive does not always have any real value. Your sense of strategy and analysis being more honed in this Metal Year, you should enrich your wealth and sometimes even be able to give expert advice to those who will share with you the same investment perspective.

Social life

The Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Dog announces a rich year on a social and family plan for the 11th zodiac sign of Chinese astrology. But first, if you have children, do not embarrass them by putting them in competition with each other's children. This year, you especially want to strengthen the bonds that unite you with your family, despite the varying affinities among its members. It is especially the money and business issues that are the main topic of conversations at family reunions. On these occasions, you may be the actor of a misunderstanding about a future legacy or acquisition. In the same way, you could let yourself be dominated by your emotions during some friendly reunions. Whether face-to-face or on the phone, conversations around existential issues may occupy an important place throughout the year. One could even ask you for a loan if you seem too comfortable financially. Be that as it may, consume, laugh, communicate, but keep your eyes wide open and do not rush before making a promise that commits you.

Health and auspicious periods of the Dog in 2020

Dog health horoscope 2020

Take a vitamin cure before starting the winter period. No need for dietary supplements: vary your diet and consume more fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrots, broccoli or artichokes. Also do writing and memory exercises. Eat regularly red fruits, dark chocolate, fish, seafood and cod liver oil. Finally, replace salt with spices and avoid sugar, industrial fruit juice and soda.

Internal organs to monitor: In 2020, in addition to strengthening your brain, take special care of your bone joints. Maintain the flexibility of your joints by being the most mobile. You can also do exercises to fit your needs and strengthen your muscles around your joints, especially in the legs and feet, taking the time to warm up beforehand. Avoid being reckless to better protect yourself from the risk of a sprain when you play sports, especially if you practice activities such as football, tennis or squash.

Good luck and well-being for the Dog in 2020

Most favorable periods: February 2020, March 2020, June 2020, October 2020

Least favorable period: April 2020


What does 2020 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2020 Chinese horoscope

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