Dragon 2018 Chinese Horoscope - Dragon 2018 predictions

🐲 Dragon 2018 Chinese horoscope - 2018 Chinese Horoscope of the Zodiac sign of the Dragon during the Year of the Earth Dog
By KarmaWeather - 4 April 2017
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Complete forecast for the Dragon in 2018 in love, luck, money, career, health

Dragon's Chinese calendar birth dates:
23/01/1928 - 09/02/1929
27/01/1952 - 13/02/1953
13/02/1964 - 01/02/1965
31/01/1976 - 17/02/1977
17/02/1988 - 05/02/1989
05/02/2000 - 23/01/2001
23/01/2012 - 09/02/2013
10/02/2024 - 29/01/2025

The Dragon in short: In the Chinese zodiac, nobody can be more stunning and flamboyant than a person born in the Year of the Dragon. Good Luck and fortune often smile at Dragons, who rarely say no to glittery parties and the comfort of an opulent lifestyle.

🐲 Personality horoscope of the Dragon

Chinese New Year 2018 summary for the Dragon

For the Dragon, the year 2018 is a perfect period to refocus on himself and to put his affective and financial life back in order.

Score of the Year of the Dog 2018 for the Dragon: 5 / 10
Chinese New Year 2018's resolution for the Dragon: Caution

Dragon's amulet, colors, chakra and foods for 2018
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Foods
Yellow citrineYellow,
Solar plexusWheat,


2018, Year of the Earth Dog: horoscope forecast for the Dragon

In the compatibility tables of Chinese astrology, the sign of the Dragon is in opposition with the sign of the Dog. Therefore, the Year of the Dog 2018 is not really giving any rest to the Dragon. He's actually rather less at ease than he was in 2017. However Earth with a Yang polarity, element of the year 2018, is in harmony with the stable element of the Dragon, which is also Earth. Because of this correspondence, he is able to face more confidently the negative events he may have to confront if he's not on his guard.

In 2018, the Dragon must not only monitor his finances, but also his loves. His projects might not be taking the direction he'd wished for them, despite all the extra efforts he will be willing to devote in order to change the situation. The Dragon shall understand the importance of useful partnerships as much as the importance of his deep convictions and choices. Old enemies or rivals may re-emerge from the past and disrupt him in his activities.

To get through the Year of the Earth Dog 2018 without too many scratches, the Dragon must learn to moderate his indomitable pride and his somewhat thickheaded character. It's by learning how to water his wine that the Dragon shall recapture some of what he risks losing in 2018.

Full 2018 Chinese horoscope during the Year of the Dog

Love, marriage and birth for the Dragon in 2018

For most of the Chinese year of the Dog 2018, the Dragon can expect to experience unpleasant situations, such as encounters that are always regretted, but usually too late.

The Dragon who is married or living as a couple can expect a multiplication of disputes and conflicts in his home, so that it's even possible that a break-up happens, and even a possible come back to the starting point: an extended stay with the parents. The Dragons in a couple must therefore be more vigilant and avoid criticizing their partner if they don't want to suffer a boomerang effect that could lead them to break-up. The betrayal of the loved one, of either one, can't be excluded during the Chinese year of the Dog 2018.

On a sentimental level, the single Dragon will do well to avoid to be a Don Juan, let alone give his heart to ready to take it. Indeed, the single Dragon may have to face a one-way love, which would then risk exhausting him greatly.

The Dragon has therefore every interest in closing the door of his rich inner world to the strangers and energy devourers who won't fail to present themselves to him.

Is 2018 a good year to have a child for a Dragon parent? Unfortunately, the Year of the Dog 2018 is hardly conducive to the Dragon, neither to marry nor to envisage a birth. Indeed, a Dog child wouldn't at all be compatible with his Dragon father or mother.

Money, career and social life for the Dragon in 2018

From a professional point of view, it seems unnecessary to continue to insist on devoting oneself to projects that don't work and which would take to much time and investment to take off. In the meantime, the Dragon will be able to try to change his orientation and to revise his ambitions downwards, at least during 2018. The Year of the Dog 2018 is an ideal time if the Dragon wants to explore new leads in order to develop one of his many talents.

In 2018, losses of money, but also the apparition of a person of great value, can occur at the most unexpected moments. A poorly committed investment could dramatically aggravate the personal situation of the Dragon, so that it's better advised to postpone any financial risk to the following year and to show exemplary patience throughout the Year of the Dog 2018. It's also the right time for the Dragon to listen with renewed attention to the wise advice of his friends, and put it into action.

However, the Dragon can still hope for a few breaths of good air during this mixed year 2018, if for example he decides to go on vacation to discover distant lands. Nevertheless, he shall be well advised to go in holidays during his lucky months, to prepare well in advance for his trip, but also to avoid any unnecessary risk by rushing on the first touristic opportunity.

Unfortunately, as the Years of the Dog are not particularly tender with the Dragons, caution, even on vacation, remains a priority all along 2018.

Health and luck of the Dragon in 2018

Luck and well-being for the Dragon in 2018

Most favorable periods to the Dragon in 2018: Month of the Dragon (April 2018), Month of the Monkey (August 2018), Month of the Rooster (September 2018), Month of the Rat (December 2018)

Least favorable period: Month of the Dog (October 2018)

Chinese Zodiac 2018 predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Dragons

The main Element of your year of birth determines which type of Dragon you are

Dragon 2018 Chinese horoscope - Score and resolution for the Dragon in 2018

Dragon Chinese horoscope 2018 - Score and resolution for the Wood Dragon, Fire Dragon, Earth Dragon, Metal Dragon and Water Dragon in 2018, by KarmaWeather
🐲 Chinese zodiac sign Birth Years Rating (out of 10) Resolution
🌳 Wood Dragon 1964, 2024 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Unexpected help
🔥 Fire Dragon 1976, 2036 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Come down to earth
🗿 Earth Dragon 1928, 1988 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Watch your back
🛠 Metal Dragon 1940, 2000 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Avoid any argument
💧 Water Dragon 1952, 2012 ⭐⭐⭐ Stay at home

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