Rabbit 2018 Chinese Horoscope - Rabbit 2018 predictions

🐰 Rabbit 2018 Chinese horoscope - 2018 Chinese Horoscope of the Zodiac sign of the Rabbit during the Year of the Earth Dog
By KarmaWeather - 25 March 2017
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Complete forecast for the Rabbit in 2018 in love, luck, money, career, health

Rabbit's Chinese calendar birth dates:
02/02/1927 - 22/01/1928
19/02/1939 - 07/02/1940
06/02/1951 - 26/01/1952
25/01/1963 - 12/02/1964
11/02/1975 - 30/01/1976
29/01/1987 - 16/02/1988
16/02/1999 - 04/02/2000
03/02/2011 - 22/01/2012
22/01/2023 - 09/02/2024

The Rabbit in short: The Rabbit, fourth sign of the zodiac in the Chinese calendar, is conservative, subtle and reserved. While he wouldn't mind finding himself at the center stage, the Rabbit is primarily a clever strategist, very good in diplomacy. Independent and attached to his home, the Rabbit isn't overly ambitious, and is capable of displaying snobbish, careless and lazy character traits.

🐰 Personality horoscope of the Rabbit

Chinese New Year 2018 summary for the Rabbit

During the Year of the Earth Dog 2018, the worries of the previous years finally dissipate, while the Rabbit begins to gather the fruit of his efforts.

Score of the Year of the Dog 2018 for the Rabbit: 7 / 10
Chinese New Year 2018's resolution for the Rabbit: The harvest

Rabbit's amulet, colors, chakra and foods for 2018
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Foods


2018, Year of the Earth Dog: horoscope forecast for the Rabbit

2018 is a very beautiful year for the Rabbit. Whether in love or in business, the Chinese Lunar year of 2018 is also an opportunity for the Rabbit to bring order to his business. The Rabbit can hope to meet success in all the areas he devotes himself to during the Year of the Earth Dog 2018. The Rabbit also manages with grace and skill to circumvent any situations of tension or crisis that he faces in 2018.

Full 2018 Chinese horoscope during the Year of the Dog

Love, marriage and birth for the Rabbit in 2018

On the emotional side, the single Rabbit can hope to fall in love at first sight in the course of the Chinese year of the Dog 2018. However, and as an indirect consequence, the Rabbit can be forced to choose between love and friendship. For even though they may wear an apparent mask of benevolence, people whom the Rabbit previously regarded as lifelong friends may actually not wish for his conjugal happiness, in order to keep him solely for them.

In 2018, the Rabbit who's only been in a sentimental relationship for a short amount of time must be careful to remain discreet, to keep a healthy distance with his entourage about his new love, and to avoid making official presentations until he has established a solid foundation for his couple. The Rabbit mustn't hesitate to awaken the Cat who also sleeps in him (the equivalent of the Chinese sign of the Rabbit is the Cat in Vietnamese astrology), giving a well-placed and proportioned paw to friends whose somewhat excessive friendship would prevent him from peacefully building his love life.

In 2018, the conjugal life of the Rabbit coupled with another Rabbit, with a Goat, a Pig or even a Dog, is a permanent source of happy and joyful moments.

Is 2018 a good year to have a child for a Rabbit parent? For the Rabbit who wishes to have a child, it's better to wait until June 2018 before he begins to fully involve his partner, so that their child is of the sign of the Pig, animal of the Lunar Year 2019, which Follows the Dog, animal of the Lunar year 2018. However, the birth of a Dog child doesn't cause any particular concern to the Rabbit parent (the Dog being the secret friend of the Rabbit), although it may possibly present difficulties of compatibility with his other parent depending on his / her sign. Generally speaking, the Rabbit must redouble in tolerance and patience in 2018 in order to preserve the harmony of his couple, especially if the annual cycle of the Chinese Year 2018 is not favorable to his spouse.

Money, career and social life for the Rabbit in 2018

From a professional point of view, projects that have begun for some time are finally starting to bear fruit. Reassured and nurtured by the benevolent energy of the Dog, animal of the year 2018, the Rabbit consolidates his achievements and can calmly build new projects if he so desires. The Year of the Dog 2018 is also a time of warm reunion with former colleagues and former associates.

The joy and prosperity patiently awaited for a long time by the Rabbit and his family are at the rendezvous. However, overcoming obstacles may occasionally disrupt this momentum of professional success. As long as he remains well accompanied and manages to camp on his positions, the Rabbit will have no trouble having the last word. In 2018, the Rabbit must avoid being blamed for, or made to doubt about his own strategic orientations, which are the fruit of a long reflection. Both in the professional field and in his private life, the Rabbit must beware of those who tend to flatter him too much and whose natural feelings can be questioned.

Health and luck of the Rabbit in 2018

Luck and well-being for the Rabbit in 2018

Most favorable periods to the Rabbit in 2018: Month of the Rabbit (March 2018), Month of the Goat (July 2018), Month of the Dog (October 2018), Month of the Pig (November 2018)

Least favorable period: Month of the Rooster (September 2018)

Chinese Zodiac 2018 predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Rabbits

The main Element of your year of birth determines which type of Rabbit you are

Rat 2018 Chinese horoscope - Score and resolution for the Rabbit in 2018

Rabbit Chinese horoscope 2018 - Score and resolution for the Wood Rabbit, Fire Rabbit, Earth Rabbit, Metal Rabbit and Water Rabbit in 2018, by KarmaWeather
🐰 Chinese zodiac sign Birth Years Rating (out of 10) Resolution
🌳 Wood Rabbit 1975, 2035 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🔥 Fire Rabbit 1927, 1987 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🗿 Earth Rabbit 1939, 1999 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Enjoy your home
🛠 Metal Rabbit 1951, 2011 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Good surprises
💧 Water Rabbit 1963, 2023 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Take care of yourself

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