Snake 2019 Chinese Horoscope - Snake 2019 predictions

🐍 Snake 2019 Chinese horoscope - 2019 Chinese Horoscope of the Zodiac sign of the Snake during the Year of the Earth Pig
By KarmaWeather - 3 September 2018
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Complete forecast for the Snake in 2019 in love, luck, money, career, health

Snake's Chinese calendar birth dates:
10/02/1929 - 09/01/1930
27/01/1941 - 14/02/1942
14/02/1953 - 02/02/1954
02/02/1965 - 20/02/1966
18/02/1977 - 06/02/1978
06/02/1989 - 26/01/1990
24/01/2001 - 11/02/2002
10/02/2013 - 30/01/2014
29/01/2025 - 16/02/2026

The Snake in short: Charming and sulphurous, perspicacious and agile, the Snake cultivates with passion his taste for the secret and the occult. Snakes are also epicureans, elegant and refined, who never doubt of themselves. Endowed with a subtle and captivating beauty, they're seldom touched by the money problems the rest of the Chinese zodiac signs have to face.

🐍 Personality horoscope of the Snake

Chinese New Year 2019 summary for the Snake

The 2019 Chinese horoscope predicts a mixed year for the Snake, during which joy and good humor are not necessarily guaranteed. A Year of the Pig is synonymous with many small annoying difficulties for the Snake, who usually prefers to have a better grip on his destiny. Many disappointments, mostly caused by the imperfections and delays he faces in his daily life, may seriously play with his nerves. As a result, the Snake has the uncomfortable feeling of being forced to redouble his efforts to maintain his position and existential balance, as nothing seems to evolve according to his plans or desires during the 2019 Year of the Pig.

Score of the Year of the Pig 2019 for the Snake: 5 / 10
Chinese New Year 2019's resolution for the Snake: In 2019, the Snake would be well advised to privilege stability and take advantage of this end of cycle to clean up his environment

Snake's amulet, colors, chakra and foods for 2019
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Foods
MalachiteLeek green,
fresh butter yellow


2019, Year of the Earth Pig: horoscope forecast for the Snake

Beginning with the Chinese New Year 2019, it is preferable that the Snake concentrate his energy on consolidating his achievements rather than starting new projects. A lucid Snake always takes care of planning many periods of rest to neutralize the negative influences of a year governed by the last astrological sign of the Chinese calendar, the Pig.

In 2019, the Snake must limit any risk taking, both professionally and personally. Indeed he must devote the Chinese year 2019 to refocus on himself to maintain his emotional balance. In all circumstances, he must strive to keep calm in situations he does not control.

In order to emerge victorious from the Year of the Pig 2019, the Snake must be able to maintain a high morale and not be touched by events that do not directly concern him. By adopting a moderate behavior, the Snake is able to lessen the deleterious effects of the Year of the Pig 2019, while taking advantage of this period of programmed fallback to reinforce his patience and his wisdom.

Full 2019 Chinese horoscope during the Year of the Pig

Love, marriage and birth for the Snake in 2019

According to the Snake 2019 Chinese horoscope, the Year of the Pig is likely to expose the sixth sign of the Chinese calendar to episodes of sentimental confrontation, due in large part to an exacerbated and uncontrolled jealousy. The Snake can also feel the frustration of being misunderstood by his partner, which can darken the couple's life.

However, a frank and measured speech can perfectly alleviate possible conflicts and spare the Snake a break-up that would be a failure of all that his couple has undertaken and built until then. Blessed is the Snake who manages to remain calm during the storm and keeps the lucidity of trusting only those who really love him. In parallel, the Snake takes care to avoid any open crisis of jealousy during a year governed by the twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac. Lies are also to be avoided during this critical period for the Snake, because this art that he masters so well in the ordinary escapes him somewhat during the year 2019.

In 2019, the unmarried or single Snake must be careful not to make hasty and cookie-cut judgments that can lead to the irreversible escape of a potential romantic relationship. An immediate open discussion can offer a healthy respite in case of mutual incomprehension. During the Year of the Pig 2019, the Snake learns with amazement that a warning given in time is worth more than gold. Finally, let us remember that a Snake who goes through a Year of the Pig without too much damage often starts the new cycle of the Chinese calendar (which begins with the Chinese New Year of the Rat) with a force and vitality increased tenfold.

Love compatibility between the Snake and the Pig: The Snake and the Pig are not part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility and are not really made to live a harmonious relationship in the long term. If they share the same taste of carnal pleasures, their character is too different for them to understand each other and accept the flaws of the other. With time, if the Pig remains fascinated by the mysterious Snake, the Snake shall get bored of the Pig and have a tendency to look elsewhere. In parallel, the potentially destructive jealousy (and often hypocritical) of the Snake pushes him to make recurring and often not very rational reproaches to his Pig partner, contributing to darken the atmosphere of the couple's home.

Snake’s wedding in 2019: The Year of the Pig 2019 is not a good time for the Snake man or woman who wants to get married. Among the 12 Chinese zodiac signs of astrology, the Snake is most likely to succeed as a couple with an Ox (Buffalo), a Rooster or a Monkey. While they are part of the same compatibility triangle, the life of a Snake paired with another Snake is not easy. Except in the case of a serious event where they form a formidable union capable of conquering an empire, their daily life is generally dominated by jealousy and control. As a result, they often have great difficulty in fulfilling themselves and in expressing the potential of their respective talents. Possessive in love, two Snakes are also in every other aspect of their partner's life, be it work, friends or family. A Snake who wishes to marry any of the 12 zodiac signs of Chinese astrology during the Year of the Pig 2019 must, in addition to avoiding if possible to marry a Pig (his opposite animal sign), give privilege to periods that are most favorable to him (see below the luckiest months for the Snake in 2019).

Is 2019 a good year to have a child for a Snake parent? No, it's not ideal. The Snake parent tends to overbear his Pig child (boy or girl), at the risk of suffocating him and curbing his aspirations. The child-parent relationship of a Snake father or mother with a Pig child can quickly become toxic to the child. Kind and caring, the Pig child can have trouble developing his character in an environment where parental love becomes synonymous with a sentimental prison in which he has no right to think for himself. A classic example of this type of relationship that can be found in the parent combination Snake and Pig child: parents who impose their child from a very young age the intensive practice of a musical instrument or a sport, under the pretext that he is gifted, whereas he is often only the instrument of their own unsatisfied aspirations.

Money, career and social life for the Snake in 2019

The Snake's money and career horoscope of 2019 foresees a period of hesitation that may result in a slight financial loss. The Snake is strongly advised to flee any risky investment and not to commit any financial imprudence all along this year 2019 which is not favorable to him. The Snake's professional horoscope of 2019 encourages him to calibrate his career strategy in order not to lose the course of his progress. Inside his company, some uncertainties about the previous year's results can darken an already dull picture. Therefore, unresolved administrative and accounting problems can catch up with the Snake and hinder his progress. Changing jobs does not bode well for the Snake during a Year of the Pig. The advice of trusted and more experienced professionals is essential if he wants to avoid mistakes of trajectory. To prevent any financial misadventure during the Year of the Pig 2019, the Snake takes care to keep his accounts up to date and to refrain from any hurried speech.

According to the 2019 horoscope, the Snake must prepare to face the consequences of past insouciances, which rise to the surface like stubborn ghosts. Indeed, a person you had lost sight of may appear again to ask for answers: the reappearance of an unresolved problem is likely to cause an exhausting conflict situation. Well aware, the Snake may be able to quickly develop a strategy of defense of his interests. However, despite the frustrations of the Year of the Pig, the lessons learned from his failures will serve as a shield of protection for years to come. Discreet and efficient communication coupled with a flawless organization can turn this delicate year for the Snake into a springboard that will help him achieve the coveted success. The cautious and well thought-out actions of the 2019 Chinese year will bear fruit sooner or later.

Health and luck of the Snake in 2019

Snake health horoscope 2019

The Snake's health horoscope in 2019 advises the sixth animal sign of the Chinese calendar to take great care of his physical condition throughout the year and to respect his sleep cycle so as not to accumulate fatigue, a source of regrettable decisions. Since the Snake must refrain from going out too often during the Year of the Pig, indoor sporting activities are to be preferred (fitness, yoga, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, etc.).

Luck and well-being for the Snake in 2019

Most favorable periods to the Snake in 2019: Month of the Monkey (August 2019), Month of the Rooster (September 2019), Month of the Ox / Buffalo (January 2020)

Least favorable period: Month of the Pig / Boar (November 2019)


Chinese Zodiac 2019 predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Snakes

The main Element of your year of birth determines which type of Snake you are

Snake 2019 Chinese horoscope - Score and resolution for the Snake in 2019

Snake Chinese horoscope 2019 - Score and resolution for the Wood Snake, Fire Snake, Earth Snake, Metal Snake and Water Snake in 2019, by KarmaWeather
🐍 Chinese zodiac sign Birth Years Rating (out of 10) Resolution
🌳 Wood Snake 1965, 2025 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hope is allowed
🔥 Fire Snake 1977, 2037 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Consolidate your achievements
🗿 Earth Snake 1929, 1989 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The big cleaning
🛠 Metal Snake 1941, 2001 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Choose your friends carefully
💧 Water Snake 1953, 2013 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hold your course

🌳 Wood Snake (born in 1965)

Predictions for the Wood Snake in 2019: In 2019, the Wood Snake must monitor his health by performing all the check-ups that his doctor has prescribed. It is better to wait for the start of the Chinese year 2020 before undertaking any major investments. Some good news can be expected despite a mediocre atmosphere.

🔥 Fire Snake (born in 1977)

Predictions for the Fire Snake in 2019: The Fire Snake can expect small fleeting annoyances in 2019. He must not make any significant change in his lifestyle. Possible reversal of situation in your favor. Friendly relationship to maintain with care.

🗿 Earth Snake (born in 1929, 1989)

Predictions for the Earth Snake in 2019: In 2019, the Earth Snake must stay calmly at home to the extent possible if he wants to prevent problems from accumulating. Otherwise, it is a stable period embellished with some pleasant little surprises.

🛠 Metal Snake (born in 1941, 2001)

Predictions for the Metal Snake in 2019: The Metal Snake can expect an unexpected income in 2019. Watch out for unnecessary and thoughtless expenses. Limiting pleasures offers the prospect of securing a better future. Protection.

💧 Water Snake (born in 1953, 2013)

Predictions for the Water Snake in 2019: In 2019, the Water Snake must manage his frustration of not seeing things move forward with increased intellectual activity. Be productive and follow a healthy diet, accompanied by moderate but regular physical activity.

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