Feng Shui 2020: Forecast, Lucky directions

2020 Horoscope, complete and 100% accurate, of the 2020 Feng Shui year, the Kua number 7's year
By KarmaWeather - 4 January 2022
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Feng Shui predictions of the year 2020, lucky (and unlucky) positions and locations for the BaGua year 7, in relation with the flying stars of 2020

With its unique, detailed illustrated table, our Feng Shui tips for 2020 are packed with useful information from which you should be able to apply a good Feng Shui to your home, garden or office.

What is the date of Feng Shui New Year 2020?

The Feng Shui New Year begins on February 4, 2020 and ends on February 3, 2021 inclusive.

Feng Shui Horoscope 2020

Element of the year of the Kua house 7: Yin Metal
Existential aspiration in 2020: The luck of a growing family

Yi Jing predictions for 2020, the year of the Kua number 7

The year Kua 7 of 2020 is associated with the Yin Metal element. This is a good time for the accumulation of new knowledge in order to consolidate the gains already in place. The Feng Shui Year 2020 is a time of happiness and prosperity, provided we keep the commitments made and the word given. In addition, the energy of the year Kua 7 allows the obtaining of material goods in reward for good actions or services rendered in the past.

Also, the material gratification and the realization of long-term aspirations are among the dominant concerns during the year 2020. The year Kua 7 also stimulates the understanding of his inner self and a better apprehension of his direct environment. In renewing its attachment to certain values, it is about affirming the serene will of a builder working for civilization. Therefore, creative thinking, motivation, logic and philosophy are valued more than usual.

Career and money horoscope of the Feng Shui Year 2020

From a professional point of view, a period governed by Kua 7 is often indicative of the emergence of new opportunities and movement in the world of work. Events that are peripheral to the award of a merit promotion or a dismissal due to an error of appreciation can be numerous. In addition, the Feng Shui Year 2020 is also beneficial to those who wish to increase their competitiveness in the market by strengthening their professional profile with one or more targeted training.

Love horoscope of the Feng Shui Year 2020

In love, the year Kua 7 of 2020 means traveling, alone or as a couple, as one of the major remedies that can regenerate a sentimental link in decline. Also, the rediscovery of oneself and the other in a context and context outside the habits of everyday life, favors the realization of the insignificance of superfluity while reminding everyone of the importance of trust and reciprocity. Experiencing meaningful experiences in parallel with openness to another culture, as well as creating strong travel-related memories, often help to ease future tensions or dissensions, which can still occur even within all the most indefectible couples. Any negative situation implies, in order to be able to defuse the resulting crisis as quickly as possible, the setting up of a reaction matured by a time of analysis and benevolent patience.

Health and dietetics horoscope of the Feng Shui Year 2020

Precautions to take during the passage of the year 2020 in the house Kua 7: At the diet level, reduce your salt intake or replace it with spices, ginger, herbs, lemon juice or even vinegar. Decrease also the place of starchy foods in your diet (bread, pasta, semolina, rice, potatoes). In case of depressive episode, it is much better to call on a health professional. 2020 is also an ideal time to quit smoking because the organs related to Metal Yin are the respiratory organs and especially the lungs.

It is advisable to people born during a Kua year 4 to redouble vigilance during the Kua year 7 of 2020 and scrupulously respect the principles of Feng Shui advised during this period.

➔ Personality horoscope of Kua number 7

Kua year 7 (2020) and Lo Shu magic square

According to the rules of Yi Jing (I Ching, 易經), every Feng Shui New Year, ie every 4th of February, the 9 flying stars change sector within the standard Lo Shu square. As a result, the central number of the magic square of the 9 flying stars in 2020 is, like that of the Kua year, the number 7.

➔ Kua number and Lo Shu square: how it works

BaGua square of 2020 and standard Lo Shu square

The numbers in the magic square of the Kua year 9 correspond to the numbers assigned to each of the 9 flying stars in 2020 (left diagram below), while the numbers of the standard Lo Shu square, always fixed, are those of each sector of the house (right diagram below). For their part, the flying stars are mobile and change sector every Feng Shui New Year, taking a new position inside of the Lo Shu magic square.

Kua Year 7 square and Lo Shu magic square, by KarmaWeather
  Kua Year 7 (2020)   Lo Shu Square  
  SE   S   SW   SE   S   SW  
    6 2 4       4 9 2    
  E 5 7 9 W   E 3 5 7 W  
    1 3 8       8 1 6    
  NE   N   NW   NE   N   NW  

Blue: Lucky flying star
Red: Unlucky flying star


Lucky directions 2020 - Feng Shui tips

How to activate or neutralize each sector of my home in 2020?

We suggest you discover below a reading grid of the BaGua year 7, by linking each sector of the standard Lo Shu square with each of the 9 flying stars, according to the positions that the latters occupy during the Feng Shui year 2020. In addition to the main characteristics associated with each sector and each flying star, you will find the resulting adapted 2020 Feng Shui tips, to activate and reinforce, or on the contrary neutralize, each zone of your house.

Kua number 7 information sheet, by KarmaWeather

Feng Shui tips 2020

Kua Year 7  
Standard Lo Shu sectors
Sector's element 🗿 🔥 🗿 🛠 🛠 💧 🗿 🌳 🌳
Lo Shu number 5 9 2 7 6 1 8 3 4
Sector's quality ⚖️ 😎 💑
Position of flying stars in 2020
Flying star Violence Disease Love, Studies Multiplier Prosperity Quarrel Good Luck Bad Luck Celestial
Star's element 🛠 🗿 🌳 🔥 🗿 🌳 💧 🗿 🛠
Star number 7 2 4 9 8 3 1 5 6
Star's effects 💥 🤕 💖
🐣 💰 🥊 🍀 👎 💼
Feng Shui cures for 2020
/ Neutralizer
+ Avoid
🔥 🗿 🗿 Avoid
🛠 Avoid

Table captions
Feng Shui tips: Captions
Quality Enhancers and neutralizing cures by element
💖  Love 🌳  Wood: Shrub, round leaves plant; Green object
💑  Couple 🔥  Fire: Electric light; Oven, fireplace; Red object
👪  Family 🗿  Earth: Globe; terracotta statue; Brown / ocher object
🍀  Good luck 🛠  Metal: Coins in a jar; Horseshoe; Metallic, white, grey or golden object
🧠  Knowledge 💧 Water: Fish picture or sculpture (main entrance); Aquarium (living room); Fountain (garden); Blue / black object
🎓  Studies  
💼  Career, leadership Defect
💰  Money, wealth 👎  Bad luck
😎  Fame, popularity 🥊  Fighting
💪  Good health 🤕  Sickness
🐣  Fertility, growth 💥  Accident
🎨 Creativity Avoid sector: Don't sleep, don't sit, don't work there

To go further on this topic

What Kua number am I?

In Feng Shui, the Kua (BaGua) number of your year of birth plays a determining role. Once you know your birth Kua number, you can fine-tune the Feng Shui energetic enhancers, cures and remedies which are best suited for your home in 2020, in relation to the lucky directions established by the flying stars of that same year.

☯ Kua number calculator

If you already know your birth Kua number and that of your home:
🍀 Choosing the best location for each room

Flying stars

The 9 flying stars are one of Feng Shui's most popular methods to determine the most auspicious yearly directions for your home. In combination with the Kua number of your year of birth, the flying stars let you decide the areas and rooms of your house which you should activate or avoid during the Feng Shui year. Lucky or unlucky directions depend on the yearly position of the flying stars (and their antagonist entities, the harmful stars). The link to the KarmaWeather article below allows you to elaborate on this topic that we started to address here.

💫 Flying stars forecast of the current year

Harmful stars

Note that we do not indicate on this page the position of the 4 harmful stars (Grand Duke Jupiter, the Year Breaker, the Three Killings, the Five Yellow). Harmful stars rarely occupy an entire area. The knowledge of their coordinates makes it possible to refine the rules of occupation of an area of your house. Indeed, if, for example, the entire South sector can be beneficial in a given year, one of the 3 zones that make up this sector can be occupied by one of the harmful stars, which consequently reduces the activation zone of this sector. Every Feng Shui year, we indicate the position of the harmful stars on our article dedicated to the annual flying stars (link above).

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