Cancer Horoscope 2021: Annual forecasts per month

♋ Cancer 2021 horoscope - Month by month predictions for the zodiac sign of Cancer, from New Year 2021
By KarmaWeather - 27 December 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Free and accurate 2021 horoscope for Cancer men and women, according to your date of birth: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year, lucky number, lucky zodiacal stone and balancing chakra.

Discover the meaning and effects of the astrological dates and events that will influence your life in 2021.

  • 📅 Cancer dates of birth range: June 22 - July 22
  • 💎 Zodiac birthstone 2021: Blue chalcedony
  • 🎨 Lucky color 2021: Azure blue
  • 🍀 Lucky number 2021: 20
  • 🧘‍♀️ Balancing chakra 2021: Throat chakra

➔ Cancer Personality Horoscope

Is 2021 a good year for Cancer?

⭐ Annual score 2021: 6 / 10

Will the year 2021 turn out to be lucky for Cancer? According to the 2021 horoscope of the astrological sign of Cancer, the latter begins the year with the satisfaction of the recognition of a job well done, although there is still a long way to go. During the winter of 2021, Cancer's joie de vivre brings happiness to his home and increases his charisma if he is single. With the approach of spring, an improvement in his finances even encourages the native of the sign of Cancer to indulge himself and finally take advantage of all the efforts of the previous weeks. Before the summer of 2021, Cancer can be made to doubt himself, or even to feel an anxiety which risks paralyzing him in his businesses. This is because Cancer will not avoid a period of reorganization of his priorities and especially of questioning some of his relationships, whether they are friendly, professional or family.

During the second part of the year 2021, the Cancer horoscope advises him to be careful in managing his finances. It is not because his loves are in good shape or that the work is going well that it is the time to embark on reckless expenses. Likewise, the existential doubts of spring will not necessarily be resolved with the onset of winter, for enforced loneliness cannot be the only antidote to possible relationship problems. It's not just about choosing your friends better, but also being able to question your own gaps. In short, for Cancer, the year 2021 is a period of reconsideration of his priorities, during which he is able to take advantage of the positive events that he is going through, as long as he manages to control the quality of his living environment.

Will Cancer get married in 2021?

💒 Best month for Cancer to get married in 2021: August 2021

Cancer: Monthly horoscope 2021

Cancer: January 2021

Cancer January 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight January 13, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The new moon is in a debilitated state of Falling in the House of Capricorn.
💼 Topic Career
The horoscope for the month of January 2021 bodes well for a good time at work, especially in intellectual, literary or university professions. It may be that one of your recent works will quickly gain success and recognition from your peers or the general public. This appreciable gain in popularity can take place alongside a move. However, it is preferable not to change your habits or your lifestyle too much, as these positive changes are fragile. Enjoy the moment, especially if it's happy, but remember that there's still a long way to go before you can afford the luxury of resting on your laurels.

Cancer: February 2021

Cancer February 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight February 11, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus and Jupiter are in the neutral aspect of conjunction in the House of Aquarius.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
The horoscope for February 2021 announces a fulfilling and happy love life, under the sign of abundance. If you are already in a relationship, you will spend a lot of quality time with your partner and will easily manage to find the right gestures to show him the purity of your feelings towards him. If you are single, you will take advantage of all the opportunities you have to party to spread your zest for life around you. During this fulfilling period, which seems blessed by the gods, your charisma attracts all the more would-be lovers the more you are also lucky in money. Take advantage of this almost ecstatic period to remind yourself that nothing is impossible for those who believe in themselves.

Cancer: March 2021

Cancer March 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight March 13, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The new moon is in Pisces. The moon is in triplicity of Water in the House of Pisces.
💰 Topic Money
According to the March 2021 horoscope, your self-confidence is high right now, and for once, that's not a bad thing. After all, you've worked hard to consolidate your finances. You feel it's time to enjoy life a little. You really want to let go and treat yourself to whatever you want: shopping, preparing a gourmet meal or participating in a party until the end of the night. Some people will be happy to say that you are selfish. They will probably be right, but you won't care. Nonetheless, in the midst of this profligacy of pleasures, still try to keep things in perspective and your wallet in check.

Cancer: April 2021

Cancer April 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight April 11, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The new moon is in Aries.
💪 Topic Health, well-being
According to the April 2021 horoscope, your anxiety level is higher than usual. This type of nervous tension can become a major problem if you don't take it seriously when you take the lead. Before wanting to see a doctor or a psychologist, try to identify the causes of your anxiety yourself. Insomnia, the sensation of having difficulty breathing associated with intermittent and mobile intercostal pain points, is often the expression by your body of a daily discomfort, whether at work or at home. If you can, start by distancing yourself from coworkers or family members who have a toxic influence on you. In your entourage, favor above all those who encourage you in your initiatives and support you in your difficulties. Finally, do not seek love or recognition from people who constantly claim to want your good when they are only destroying your ego to better value themselves.

Cancer: May 2021

Cancer May 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight May 11, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The new moon is in Taurus. The moon is in dignity of Exaltation in the House of Taurus.
💼👩‍🎓 Topic Career, studies
The May 2021 horoscope predicts good times, especially if your job involves regular business trips. If you are a student in a business school and you are planning a career in banking, finance, auditing or accounting, you are going through a fulfilling period that reassures you in the choices that led you to choose your professional path. If you are preparing a university thesis in economics or mathematics, you are now convinced that your research avenues have the potential to bring profound changes to your discipline. Despite some inevitable moments of doubt, you are going through a period conducive to consolidating your achievements and conquering new territories, whether commercial or in the field of knowledge.

Cancer: June 2021

Cancer June 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 6 / 10
📅 Highlight June 2, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Cancer. Venus is in triplicity of Water in the House of Cancer.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
According to the horoscope for June 2021, you are going through a period of questioning and reorganizing your friendships. What sometimes makes friendships complex is that it's almost impossible to distinguish a deep, caring friendship from a relationship built exclusively on jealousy. In order to avoid as much as possible the deep wounds of an infamous betrayal, it is essential to learn to differentiate true friends from sunny friends. Those who hang out with you only as a foil or to make up for their own inability to make sense of their mediocrity in their lives will sooner or later test your own humanity. Even if it is difficult to part with a person with whom you have spent so many good times, it is best to keep as a priority only those who have always accompanied you in difficult times.

Cancer: July 2021

Cancer July 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 3 / 10
📅 Highlight July 21, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Virgo. Venus is in a state of debility of Falling in the House of the Virgin.
💰 Topic Money
According to the horoscope for July 2021, you may well have to face financial difficulties. Likewise, if you are an employee, you risk receiving bad news from your boss concerning monetary matters (refusal of a raise, reduction of a budget allocated to you until now). Try to stay calm and cool in all situations. In your private life, your spending can get out of hand if you're not careful. You are therefore advised to be parsimonious with your expenses during this period. Above all, do not give in to the temptation to resort to a loan, because a debt situation is generally resolved with worse difficulties than those of the initial situation.

Cancer: August 2021

Cancer August 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight August 8, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The new moon is in Leo.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
The horoscope for August 2021 gives you the opportunity to demonstrate a renewed vitality on the social level. You are determined to make the most of your free time to spend time with your friends. Your listening skills and empathy attract new people to your side. While these friendships probably don't last all season, the positivity of these relationships helps solidify your newfound serenity. In love, your uninhibited taste for the pleasures of life and the party attracts many suitors, fascinated by so much joyful vitality. It goes without saying that singles are particularly favored, especially if they are more looking for frivolity than sincere feelings. Finally, note that the period is favorable for couples wishing to get married or who plan to have a child in the coming months.

Cancer: September 2021

Cancer September 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 6 / 10
📅 Highlight September 6, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The new moon is in Virgo.
💼 Topic Career
Based on the horoscope for September 2021, you should expect noticeable gains and unexpected successes. This will be all the more true if your work is a service profession and, in general, if you occupy a subordinate position of responsibility. Likewise, those living in coastal towns whose business is closely related to fishing or shipping should appreciate the cool breeze blowing over their community, bringing with it its share of welcome rewards.

Cancer: October 2021

Cancer October 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight October 7, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Sagittarius.
💪 Topic Health, well-being
According to the horoscope for October 2021, you are going through a phase of existential fragility that risks making you doubt everything and especially yourself. However, the fleeting dimension of existence should not hold back your aspirations. Now is definitely not the time to let yourself slip into melancholy. On the contrary, take advantage of the fact that you are in good health to enjoy every moment and bring happiness to your loved ones. Change up your routine, spend more time with your friends and visit your parents or grandparents. Be concerned with giving back in part what the people who love you the most have been able to give you so far in terms of prospects and opportunities.

Cancer: November 2021

Cancer November 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight November 19, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The full moon is in partial lunar eclipse in Taurus. The moon is in dignity of Exaltation in the House of Taurus.
💼👩‍🎓 Topic Career, studies
The horoscope for the month of November 2021 encourages students to redouble their efforts to secure their future. Success is within reach of those who realize before others that the time allotted to them is limited. If you are an entrepreneur, take advantage of your business trips to develop your company. Finally, note that women should have an advantage over men in trade negotiations, just as they will be in a better position to ensure the financial stability of the household.

Cancer: December 2021

Cancer December 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight December 11, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus and Pluto are in neutral aspect of conjunction in the House of Capricorn.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
The horoscope for the month of December 2021 puts the family at the heart of your concerns. Dialogue with your loved ones is facilitated by your ability to demonstrate self-criticism, which is all the more impressive as this is not always your forte. But it must be said that you are ready to make a lot of concessions to compensate for the emotional need that drives you these days. Therefore, you spend as much time as possible at home and make the healthy decision to disconnect your business mailbox from your mobile phone. You already spend enough time at your desk, plus you don't get paid to listen to your colleagues' sentimental issues.

➔ Read next: Free and complete 2021 annual horoscopes for the 12 zodiac signs

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