7 chakra mantra chants to activate your chakras

Chakra Mantra Meditation and Chanting - 7 mantra chants to activate your chakras
By KarmaWeather - 12 August 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Mantra meditation of the 7 chakras. Discover the mantra songs to balance and activate the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. 7 chants of chakra mantra meditation to strengthen your chakras

Mantra meditation is a form of meditation that is found in the contemplative tradition of yoga and involves the timed repetition of mantras, alone or in combination with other meditative practices (visualization, concentration on a chakra).

Why use a mantra?

To be effective, meditation, usually done in the morning before starting your day during sessions of 20 minutes minimum, should help you focus on your body and mind, which in particular involves emptying all thoughts that constantly assail us in our daily lives.

To do this, focusing on one's breath is the first exercise of meditation for the beginner, which helps one to concentrate on one single action of one's body and to prevent one's mind from wandering elsewhere than on this repetitive process to which one usually tends to give little importance, so much so that it seems instinctive.

The combination of a mantra with your meditation sessions, be it a simple syllable, a word or a sentence, add to the rhythmic of the breathing the vibratory qualities of the voice, which allows to contribute to the awakening, the healing and opening of a specific chakra. In the same way, it is not only a matter of mechanically repeating your mantra but, on the contrary, of grasping the full meaning at each repetition, according to the chosen rhythm, its combination with the inhalation and exhalation of your breath, whether it be spoken, sung, whispered or thought.

It is therefore not a question of suppressing all the thoughts that inhabit us permanently but of keeping only one, of making it grow at each repetition and during each meditation session. With practice, you will more easily reach a state of serenity of mind that will allow you to move to the murmured and then silent and slower phase of the mantra meditation, while at the beginning you will find it easier to recite your mantra speaking, louder and faster to help you eliminate any related thoughts from your mind.

The chakra mantra meditation consists in choosing the seed sound (syllable) associated with the chakra of your choice and focusing your meditation on this mantra, either alone or combined with your breathing and / or a visualization of the corresponding chakra.

Below you will find the list of 7 mantras corresponding to the 7 main chakras.

Chakra mantra meditation chant illustrations

Chakra mantra chant techniques

  • Mantra meditation of the crown chakra

  • Traditionally, there is no mantra associated with the 7th chakra, the crown chakra. However it is possible to consider as mantra equivalent the light and almost imperceptible sound of the breath of an exhalation: HA.

  • Mantra meditation of the third eye chakra

  • The mantra meditation adapted to the third eye chakra is to sing, to pronounce aloud, to murmur or to think (depending on your personal level and your choice) the mantra OM or KSHAM, in a sequence that you can associate if you wish with the rhythm of your breathing and / or visual or mental focus on the image and symbols specific to the third eye chakra.

  • Mantra meditation of the throat chakra

  • The mantra meditation adapted to the throat chakra is to sing, pronounce out loud, murmur or think (depending on your personal level and your choice) the HAM mantra, in a sequence that you can associate if you wish with the rhythm of your breathing and / or visual or mental focus on the image and symbols specific to the throat chakra.

  • Mantra meditation of the heart chakra

  • The mantra meditation adapted to the heart chakra is to sing, pronounce loudly, murmur or think (depending on your personal level and your choice) the YAM mantra, in a sequence that you can associate if you wish with the rhythm of your breathing and / or visual or mental focus on the image and symbols specific to the heart chakra.

  • Mantra meditation of the solar plexus chakra

  • The mantra meditation adapted to the solar plexus chakra is to sing, say out loud, murmur or think (depending on your personal level and your choice) the RAM mantra, in a sequence that you can associate if you wish with the rhythm of your breathing and / or visual or mental focus on the image and symbols specific to the solar plexus chakra.

  • Mantra meditation of the sacral chakra

  • The mantra meditation adapted to the sacral chakra is to sing, to pronounce aloud, to murmur or to think (depending on your personal level and your choice) the VAM mantra, in a sequence that you can associate if you wish with the rhythm of your breathing and / or visual or mental focus on the image and symbols specific to the sacral chakra.

  • Mantra meditation of the root chakra

  • The mantra meditation adapted to the root chakra is to sing, pronounce out loud, murmur or think (depending on your personal level and your choice) the LAM mantra, in a sequence that you can associate if you wish with the rhythm of your breathing and / or visual or mental focus on the image and symbols specific to the root chakra.

Mantra chants meditation list

Mantra chants meditation, by KarmaWeather
Chakra Mantra chant
7 Crown OM or ANG
6 Third eye OM, AUM or KSHAM
5 Throat HAM
4 Heart YAM
3 Solar plexus RAM
2 Sacral VAM
1 Root LAM

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