Sacral Chakra - Meaning, Color, Healing, Meditation

Sacral Chakra - Meaning, Color, Foods, Herbs, Essential oils and Crystal healing, Yoga and Meditation
By KarmaWeather - 10 April 2018
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The sacral chakra (Svadhistanha) is the second chakra of the Hindu tradition and of the tantric and yoga doctrines

Complete guide to the sacral chakra

Meaning, main qualities, properties, test, symptoms of openness and blockage, activation and balancing through diet, aromatherapy, lithotherapy, meditation.

According to the Hindu tradition and the doctrine of yoga, the sacral chakra, which is located at the level of the genitals and the sacrum, is the energetic center of sensuality and creativity. Its fundamental role in the expression of sexuality and binding between the feminine and the masculine makes the sacral chakra an important key of Tantric yoga.

Main qualities and properties of the sacral chakra

Sacral Chakra glass jar candleThe sacral chakra is symbolized by the crescent moon, which represents, like the element Water, the feminine and the connection with the subconscious. The orange color emphasizes the vital impulse of the sacral chakra, expressed by creativity, sensuality and sexuality.

The main qualities of the sacral chakra are the expression of creative potential and healthy sexuality. The opening of the sacral chakra supposes indeed that one managed to release rather than to repress his emotions and his passions. The second chakra is also the symbol of the harmony between the masculine and the feminine, between the moon and the sun, the night and the day.

Sacral chakra’s influence on personal development

A work of opening of the sacral chakra allows the vital energy to spread harmoniously within the body. When the sacral chakra is balanced, our relationship to sexuality and our relationship with our partner is much healthier and quieter. An acceptance of our own look at our body, with its flaws and weaknesses, is one of the symptoms of the opening will of the second chakra.

In parallel, a stable sacral chakra means that we have managed not to be guided by our impulses, because it is by channeling our emotions that our creativity and our sexuality can manage to flourish freely.

Sacral chakra stone list

Healing gemstones, precious stones and crystals of the sacral chakra

Lithotherapy - Natural healing stone list for the sacral chakra: carnelian, citrine, Dalmatian jasper, golden topaz, moonstone, golden rainbow fluorite, silver rutilated quartz, tiger's eye, orange amethyst, orange aventurine, orange calcite, amber

Lithotherapy list of the sacral chakra stones
Natural stones list for chakra healing, harmonization and color therapy:
Sacral chakra stones

Sacral chakra: Characteristics, properties, symbols, colors

2nd chakra Svadhistanha
Name Sacral chakra
Deity Vishnu, Rakini
Mantra VAM
Vowel O closed
Petals 6
Location Genitals
Color Orange
Symbol Crescent moon
Element Water
Yoga Position of the crocodile
Sense Taste
Nature Water, moonlight
Planet Venus
Animal Fish, crocodile
Qualities Sexuality, fertility, creativity
Organs Genitals, bladder, kidneys, blood circulation, body fluids
Positive Passion, happiness, body awareness
Negative Obsessive jealousy, guilt, sexual dependence, aggressive behavior

How to activate the sacral chakra with foods and herbs?

Sacral chakra Healing foods
Protein Soy, melon, carrots, pumpkin
Protein Milk, fish, tofu
Seeds, oil Rice, sunflower seeds, peanut oil, grape seed oil
Dried fruit Nuts
Aromatic herb Parsley, nettle, yarrow
Fruit Pineapple, orange, tropical fruits
Spices, tea Garlic, star anise, vanilla
Fragrance, essential oil Sandalwood, orange, myrrh, pepper

Sacral chakra balancing with herbs and essential oil
Chakra harmonization with aromatherapy and foods:
Sacral chakra balancing with herbs and essential oils

How to harmonize and balance the sacral chakra?

Opening symptoms of the sacral chakra

An individual who has managed to balance the energy flow of his sacral chakra is able to fully express his creative potential, but also to have a healthy and intense sex life with his / her partner. The opening of the sacral chakra, while it allows to irrigate the whole body of vital energy, also revives self-confidence, charisma and joie de vivre, all qualities that contribute to making one more attractive or simply more friendly.

A fulfilling sexuality going hand in hand with a balanced sacral chakra, it is important not to neglect the possible negative symptoms associated with it in order to elevate one's consciousness even higher in the chakra ladder.

Sacral chakra blocking symptoms - Is my sacral chakra closed or too open?

When the sacral chakra is blocked or closed, that is to say, it is inactive or undeveloped, the symptoms that are associated with the deficiency or the poor circulation of its subtle energy are manifested by the fear of confronting life and that can go up to bitterness in view of those who are fully accomplished, as well as persistent sexual frustration.

When the sacral chakra is too open, that is to say, it is too active or overdeveloped, it can result in sexual addiction, obsessive jealousy, impulsive behavior and even potentially violent behavior.

Sacral chakra test

Perform the free test of your sacral chakra to balance it if necessary, taking into account the blocking symptoms you have identified. Think of privileging the balancing of your chakras in a graduated way, starting with the first chakra (root) towards the seventh chakra (crown)

Healing gemstones, precious stones and crystals of the sacral chakra

Lithotherapy stones list for the sacral chakra: Carnelian, Citrine, Dalmatian Jasper, Golden Topaz, Moonstone, Rainbow Fluorite, Silver Rutilated Quartz, Tiger's Eye

Yoga exercises for the sacral chakra

The most beneficial yoga position to practice for activating the sacral chakra is the position of the crocodile.

Sacral chakra balancing with yoga
Sacral chakra harmonization and opening with yoga poses:
Crocodile position
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