Yoga Benefits of Chakras: 7 yoga & mudra poses

Yoga Benefits of Chakras - 7 yoga and mudra poses for your Chakras: the benefits of daily chakra meditation
By KarmaWeather - 4 April 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Discover the meditation exercises that will allow you to harmonize your 7 chakras, thanks to yoga poses, mudras and mantras best adapted for the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras.

How to use yoga and mudra poses to strengthen your chakras?

Yoga is a pre-Vedic Indian philosophy whose components are both physical and spiritual. The branch of yoga that focuses on a system of physical exercises is called hatha yoga, whose founder Matsyendranath (10th century AD) is a yogi revered by both Hindus and Buddhists.

Many hatha yoga schools have developed in the West since the second half of the 20th century, with such success that the practice of yoga outside of Asia is now closely associated in the collective imagination with exercise sessions based on series of physical postures called "asanas".

Below, we associate a yoga position and a mudra with the chakra with which they are traditionally associated. A mudra is a ritual position that can include the whole body but is most often performed with the hands and fingers.

In hatha yoga, the mudras are performed in conjunction with breathing exercises to facilitate the circulation of "prana" (the vital energy in the Vedic tradition, which corresponds to the Qi of Chinese cosmology).

Each hatha yoga session should be preceded by a warm-up of a few minutes, during which you relax, shake / stretch your arms and legs and carry out alternate breathing exercises.

Yoga and mudra exercises for each of the 7 chakras

Chakra balancing with yoga
Chakra balancing with yoga: Open and harmonize your 7 chakras with yoga positions © KarmaWeather®
  • Crown chakra - Yoga pose and mudra

  • The crown chakra yoga exercise consists of starting with the quadruped position by performing 7 times the cat-cow pose, followed by the position of the mountain. The mudra which consists of gathering the hands in prayer, interlacing the fingers except for the little fingers that meet and point upwards, associated with the syllable OM or ANG are also to be considered in parallel with breathing and meditation exercises (the hands at the level of the stomach).

  • Third eye chakra - Yoga pose and mudra

  • The yoga exercise for the third eye chakra is to begin with the quadruped position by performing 7 times the cat-cow pose, followed by the fetal position. The mudra which consists of grouping the closed fingers of each hand and unfolding and joining by their point only the indexes, thumbs at the chest, associated with the syllable OM, AUM or KSHAM are also to be considered in parallel breathing and meditation exercises (hands at the chest).

  • Throat chakra - Yoga pose and mudra

  • The yoga practice for the throat chakra is to begin with the quadruped position by performing 7 times the cat-cow pose, followed by the position of the prayer. The mudra which consists of touching the ends of the two thumbs up by interlacing the other fingers, associated with the syllable HAM are also to be considered in parallel with breathing exercises and meditation (the hands at the level of the stomach).

  • Heart chakra - Yoga pose and mudra

  • The yoga exercise for the heart chakra is to start with the quadruped position by performing 7 times the cat-cow pose, followed by the position of the cobra. The mudra which consists of placing the right hand at the level of the heart, the index finger and the thumb touching at the level of the contact with the heart, associated with the syllable YAM are also to be envisaged in parallel of exercises of breathing and meditation (the left hand applies the same mudra but rests on the knee).

  • Solar plexus chakra - Yoga pose and mudra

  • The yoga exercise adapted to the solar plexus chakra consists of starting with the quadruped position by performing 7 times the cat-cow pose, followed by the oblique position. The mudra that consists of grouping the hands in prayer, the palms at the level of the plexus and the fingers turned towards the front, associated with the syllable RAM are also to be envisaged in parallel of exercises of breathing and meditation (the hands at the level of the chest).

  • Sacral chakra - Yoga pose and mudra

  • The yoga exercise for the sacral chakra is to begin with the quadruped position by performing 7 times the cat-cow pose, followed by the position of the crocodile. The mudra, which consists of touching your two thumbs upwards and grouping the left palm over the right palm, associated with the syllable VAM is also to be considered in parallel with breathing exercises and meditation (hands on the knees).

  • Root chakra - Yoga pose and mudra

  • The root chakra yoga exercise consists of starting with the quadruped position by performing 7 times the cat-cow pose, followed by the position of the crow. The mudra which consists of opening the hands to the outside and touching the thumb with the index finger, associated with the LAM mantra are also to be considered in parallel with breathing exercises and meditation (right arms, hands on the knees).

Chakra yoga poses and mantra meditation chants

Chakra yoga and mantras, by KarmaWeather
Chakra Yoga position Mantra chant
7 Crown Mountain OM or ANG
6 Third eye Fetal OM, AUM or KSHAM
5 Throat Prayer HAM
4 Heart Cobra YAM
3 Solar plexus Oblique RAM
2 Sacral Crocodile VAM
1 Root Crow LAM

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