5 good Feng Shui guiding rules for the house

Detailed Feng Shui guide to harmonize the energies of your home according to the best practices of the Chinese tradition
By KarmaWeather - 17 September 2022
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that means "wind and water". In the Asian tradition, it is the conjunction of wind and water that carve nature, from the rivers to the mountains. Feng Shui also incorporates other traditions of Chinese culture to provide the most accurate lighting possible for those who wish to apply it in their daily lives, at home or at work. In this case, as for Chinese astrology, Chinese cosmology is an integral part of Feng Shui, because of the fundamental role played by the flow of energy flows of the 5 elements of Nature. Yin and Yang, positive (masculine) and negative (feminine) polarity, attributes derived from Chinese folklore and mysticism, or even the 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope, also play a role in reading and writing interpretations of Feng Shui.

Rules and principles of Feng Shui

The laws of Feng Shui primarily serve to discern the beneficial or harmful nature of a place, especially if the construction of a house or a building is planned on this site. In a second step, Feng Shui determines the ideal direction of the house or building (the main entrance and the center of the building constituting key landmarks). Finally, within the building itself, each apartment, each living room, each office, has its specific qualities and flaws with regard to Feng Shui, which should be corrected. Of course, most of us do not have the opportunity to settle in the house we built.

That's why Feng Shui is mostly a fix tool when it comes to pre-existing architecture. Similarly, the construction of a a house, a commercial or a residential area requires upstream to take into account the topography of the site (edge ​​of a lake, mountainside, position in the city ...) and the weather in the region (humidity, wind, temperatures ...).

How to attract wealth with Feng Shui?

A good Feng Shui is synonymous with prosperity, wealth, fertility, good health and fortune, while a bad Feng Shui can be the source of multiple misfortunes, loss of money, degraded health and 'infertility. It is therefore essential to understand the ins and outs of practicing Feng Shui in order to improve one's home and workplace to ensure a good Feng Shui. To do this, it is necessary to recognize the favorable energy lines ("the breath of the Dragon"), represented by specific objects placed in certain zones of the analyzed place, and the harmful energy lines ("the breath that kills"), also represented by symbolic objects that we detail below in the article.

Feng Shui guide of the house, step by step

We will now take a concrete example so that you can carry out your own Feng Shui analysis, identify the issues to be solved during the current Feng Shui year, and finally implement the most appropriate Feng Shui cures. In order to establish the Feng Shui diagnosis of a home, we will answer each of the following questions using a typical situation, whose protagonist would be called Julie.

  1. What is my Kua number?

  2. Julie is a woman born on June 8, 1979. Thanks to KarmaWeather's Kua number calculator, she discovers that the number 3 corresponds to her BaGua birth year.

    Interpretation: isolated, the Kua number makes it possible to attribute a personality to an individual, similar to the character that is associated with an astrological sign or a Chinese zodiac sign. In Feng Shui, the Kua number serves in particular to understand the compatibility of a person with his / her house and all the rooms that compose it, according to both intrinsic characteristics and the current Feng Shui year (compass school).

  3. What is the date of construction of the house?

  4. With her husband and two children, Julie has just moved to a new apartment, on the 6th floor of a building that was built in March 1991, in the center of a residential area of ​​a large city, by the sea. Again using the Feng Shui BaGua calculator, Julie can assign the number 9 to her building. The Kua number for a house is its construction year, which in Feng Shui is the equivalent of the year of birth of a male individual.

    Interpretation: the Kua number of the house allows Julie to check her Feng Shui compatibility with her building. In this case, the Kua numbers 3 and 9 are compatible for friendship, which is positive.

  5. How to determine the Feng Shui direction of the house?

  6. What is the orientation of the main entrance door of my building?

    From the back-up plan on the ground floor, Julie was able to determine the center of her building, which is located at the elevator. From the elevator shaft and using the compass of her smartphone, she was able to measure that the main entrance of the building is facing south.

    Interpretation: Thanks to the Feng Shui directions' graph, Julie finds that her Kua number is synonymous with money and success when correlated with the south. Her building, in addition to being compatible with her, can even contribute to the financial success of her family.

    Sometimes the front door of a detached house or a building does not face the street and is on the side. The front door is often used as a landmark to determine the general orientation of a house or building. However, if the main entrance door of your house is in a quiet and discreet zone (on the side for example and not facing the main street), it is rather necessary to take into consideration the most "Yang" zone of the house (street side, noisier, brighter) as the landmark determining its main orientation.

    If Julie lived in a house, she would not need to worry about the next question. Indeed, it is only when living in an apartment that the front door of the building and the door of the house can both be taken into consideration, in which case the main entrance of the flat takes precedence over the main door of the building block.

    What is the orientation of the main entrance door of my apartment?

    Once home, Julie discovers the center of her home thanks to the plan on her lease. To make sure she's not mistaken, she uses a meter to measure the total length and width of her home. Positioned now in the center of her apartment, which is at the fridge in the kitchen, Julie opens the compass application of her smartphone and spots the direction of the front door. It is oriented full east.

    Interpretation: again, thanks to the chart of the lucky directions of Feng Shui, Julie finds that her Kua number is favorable to spirituality when it is correlated with the east. Her building is therefore beneficial for her finances, while her flat is beneficial to her on a spiritual and intellectual level.

    Starting from the center of the house, what are the directions of each room?

    Positioned now in the center of her apartment, which is next to the fridge in the kitchen, Julie opens the compass application of her smartphone again and identifies the direction of the living room, the dining room, the office, the kitchen, of the parental room, the children's room, the bathroom, the toilets and the closet. With a sheet of paper, Julie reproduces the plan of her apartment by adding directions (north, east, south, west).

    Interpretation: The compass school is now taking over, which links Julie's personal information (her Kua number) with the directions of her apartment and the flying stars of the year. By reading KarmaWeather's article about the flying stars of the current year, Julie is able to apply the most appropriate Feng Shui cures to every room in her home.

    Starting from the center of each room, what are the directions of each wall?

    Julie applies the same technique as for her building and her apartment. Once she has determined the center of each room, she positions her compass to associate a direction to the four walls and their adjoining area. Using a sheet for each room, Julie notes the position of the center of the room and the directions of each area.

    Interpretation: the identification of the directions specific to each room of a house makes it possible to refine the results and to bring Feng Shui cures even more adapted. For example, Julie sees, always by consulting the flying stars of the current year, that the room devoted to the office is located in the southwest. Unfortunately, in 2019, the flying star No. 5 (the star of bad luck) is positioned in the southwestern sector.

    Julie has 3 possible options to remedy this situation, which mainly depend on the available space in the rest of the apartment:

    • Totally avoid using this room in 2019
    • Use this room as little as possible, for example by using it as a storeroom
    • Continue to use this room as an office, but adapting the position of the furniture, decoration and objects used

    If Julie opts for the third option, she applies the same cures as for the rooms of the apartment, but this time for each area of ​​the office space. The south and south-west directions needing to be avoided in 2019, she is particularly concerned to empty this part of the office of any furniture or object (piece of furniture, printer, computer, chair, lamp, plant, sculpture, painting) that could inconveniently activate this area.

  7. How do air currents behave in the house?

  8. Feng Shui meaning "wind and water", the air quality and good circulation are essential to a good Feng Shui. Irreproachable cleanliness, regular aeration of the home, natural light favored (large windows), form the basis of the good environmental Feng Shui of a place of life. On the contrary, the energetic circulations of places of water, and more specifically toilets, must be blocked, to avoid misfortunes and financial losses. This is why in Feng Shui, it is always recommended to systematically close the toilet seat.

    Regarding Julie, her apartment is located on the 6th floor of a building in town but by the sea (Yang Water element), the ventilation of her apartment is healthy. However, she must also take into consideration the salt (Metal element) of the sea breezes that rise up to her house to adjust if necessary the energetic balance of the rooms of her house.

  9. How to discover the "poisoned arrows" of my house or office?

  10. Poisoned arrows are all sharp angular objects that may be present in a house. If they can not all be removed, as much as possible should be moved or covered, so that their "poisoned arrows" do not send their harmful energies to one of the family members. For example, one corner of Julie's son's work table creates a line of harmful energy in the direction of his sister's bed. The room is small, Julie has no place to move neither the bed nor the table. She then uses a piece of scruffy cloth to cover the poisoned arrow and turn it off its harmful energies.

More information on home decoration in Feng Shui:
☯ Feng Shui tips for your house

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