Kua number 8 - Personality horoscope, Calendar

☶ Feng Shui Kua number 8: Kua calendar, personality horoscope (love, fortune, career), information chart (color, direction) and Bagua trigram symbol
By KarmaWeather - 9 June 2017
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

In this article, you will find out more on the precepts of the Book of Changes (Yi Jing, I Ching, 易經) related to Kua number 8, in association with a man, woman or child: trigram, direction, element, season, organ and Yin Yang of course, but also in terms of the personality and role in society of people born during Kua 8's years.

What Kua number am I?

In Feng Shui, the Kua (BaGua) number of your year of birth plays a more determining role than your Chinese zodiac sign. Indeed, once you know your personal Kua number, it becomes easier for you to fine-tune the Feng Shui enhancers, cures, remedies of your home.

☯ Kua number calculator

Kua 8 Birth Calendar (1918 - 2038)

The table below displays the Feng Shui years of birth (always from February 4th to February 3rd of the following year) of Kua number 8. Also note that your Kua number of birth differs depending on your gender. This is why men and women who share the same Kua number are born in different years. For its part, your house or office's Kua number, which corresponds to the year of the start of the building's construction, is the same as the Kua year of birth of men.

Kua 8 Birth Calendar for men and women, by KarmaWeather

Kua 8 Calendar

Kua 8 Year
(Man, House)
Kua 8 Year
Polarity, element
1920 1918, 1921 Yin Earth
1929 1927, 1930 Yin Earth
1938 1936, 1939 Yin Earth
1947 1945, 1948 Yin Earth
1956 1954, 1957 Yin Earth
1965 1963, 1966 Yin Earth
1974 1972, 1975 Yin Earth
1983 1981, 1984 Yin Earth
1992 1990, 1993 Yin Earth
2001 1999, 2002 Yin Earth
2010 2008, 2011 Yin Earth
2019 2017, 2020 Yin Earth
2028 2026, 2029 Yin Earth
2037 2035, 2038 Yin Earth

📅 Yearly Feng Shui horoscope and lucky directions:

Kua Year n°8 Feng Shui horoscope

Personality horoscope of Kua number 8

Kua number 8 is related to the "Ken" (Gen) trigram of Yi Ching

Kua 8's personality horoscope

The individual linked to the Ken trigram is a profoundly maternal being and concerned for the well being of the people around him. He usually has no difficulty in putting himself in others' shoes, so that the sense of empathy he sometimes shows goes beyond the imagination. Always ready to help or give advice to the most needy, he needs strong moral support, which he finds within the framework of a social foundation patiently set up. Not attracted by material things, he seeks balance and justice in all forms of human and spiritual interaction.

Kua 8's love and career horoscope

Disinterested, sober and malleable, the Ken individual is just as meticulous in his approach to his private life as his career. Yet even the courage with which he manages to cope with the vagaries of life is not always enough for him to reach his ideals. Fortunately, he is also capable of a strong capacity for concentration and objective reflection in the face of improbability, which helps him to look at things philosophically. In addition, his deep nature always encourages him to trust his premonitions before undertaking any major action. Therefore, his penchant for mysticism or spirituality remains largely significant in his character. Also, the Ken individual usually finds his way in the intellectual trades that requires compassion, good organization as well as a pronounced attraction for the transmission of knowledge.

Information chart on Kua number 8

Kua number 8 information sheet, by KarmaWeather
Kua number 8
Name "Ken" (Gen)
Character The Level-headed
Family role Third son
Element Earth
Polarity Yin
Color Yellow ocher
Physiological attribute Young adult 17 - 25 years old
Social behavior Rigor, cohesion, calm, solidity, solitude
Anatomy Spleen and hands
Season Second half of winter
Natural image Mountain
Cardinal direction Northeast
Other signifiers Dwarf
Other role The Employee


Yi Jing trigram of Kua number 8

Trigram of Kua number 8

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