Almandine garnet, grounding stone

User guide of the birthstone and healing crystal of Almandine garnet
By KarmaWeather - 25 June 2018
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Discover the meaning and uses of the gemstone of Almandine garnet, its association with your zodiac sign and Chinese zodiac sign, and its applications as a chakra stone and as a protective power stone.

Almandine garnet: Technical sheet and uses

Healing crystal: Almandine garnet

Related chakra: Root chakra (n°1)

Meaning and properties: Almandine garnet, in lithotherapy, is a grounding stone

Power: 3.5/5

Hardness: 6.5 - 7.5

Deposit: Brazil, India, Austria, Afghanistan, Slovakia, Czech republic, Sri Lanka

Color: Red, black

Chemical composition: Silicate of aluminum and iron

Cleansing, purification: Clear water, salt water, incense, earth

Activation, charging: Quartz clusters, sunlight

Psychological benefits: Gives will and endurance

Energy healing benefits: Contributes to spiritual elevation

Lucky zodiac stone for: Scorpio, Aries, Taurus

Chinese zodiac sign (fortifying crystal): Horse, Snake

Chinese zodiac sign (corrective stone): Wood Rooster, Metal Rabbit

Chinese corrective element: Fire, Water

Vedic element: Earth

Jobs: Worker, handler, soldier, policeman

Birthstone: Almandine garnet is the zodiacal birthstone of January

Almandine garnet

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