Gold: A Metal of Spiritual Awakening and Energetic Power

Practical guide to using gold in lithotherapy and Feng Shui
By KarmaWeather - 15 December 2024
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

A precious metal universally admired, gold is a symbol of purity, wealth, and spirituality. In lithotherapy, it transcends its decorative role to become a powerful tool for spiritual awakening and energy alignment. Whether used for meditation, as a protective amulet, or in Feng Shui, gold enhances self-confidence and invites a deeper understanding of oneself.

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Gold, a metal of spiritual awakening, is associated with the crown chakra and promotes clarity, optimism, and serenity. Used for millennia across cultures for its symbolic and energetic qualities, it is now prized in lithotherapy for its stabilizing and energizing properties. Its brilliance and purity also make it a key element in Feng Shui practices.

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General Properties of Gold

  • Name: Gold
  • Associated Chakra: Crown (n°7)
  • Colors: Gold, imperial yellow, orpiment, lemon yellow, straw yellow
  • Hardness: 2.5 - 3 on the Mohs scale
  • Chemical Composition: Pure gold
  • Sources: Canada, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Russia, United States

Using Gold at Home

  • In Feng Shui spaces: Place a gold object or golden stone in areas associated with prosperity (Southeast sector) to attract wealth and positive energy.
  • On a personal altar: Use a gold jewel or artifact to amplify spiritual intentions and meditation rituals.
  • Energetic lighting: Position golden elements in dim rooms to brighten and balance the energy.

Gold in a Feng Shui setting
Gold, a symbol of purity and spirituality, brings confidence and serenity

Using Gold on Oneself

  • Jewelry: Wear gold jewelry to enjoy continuous energetic protection and boost your self-confidence.
  • Amulets: Use a gold coin or talisman to attract luck and ward off negative energies.
  • Meditation: Hold a fragment or golden stone in your hands during meditation to promote mental clarity and chakra alignment.

Lithotherapy Applications

  • Spiritual awakening: Gold is renowned for stimulating the crown chakra, facilitating spiritual insight and clarity.
  • Optimism and serenity: It helps cultivate a positive outlook on life and overcome doubts or fears.
  • Energy reinforcement: Ideal for periods of fatigue or low motivation, it acts as a natural energizer.


  • Avoid chemicals: Clean gold objects only with clear water to preserve their shine.
  • Prolonged exposure: Do not expose gold to extreme temperatures for extended periods to prevent tarnishing.
  • Conscious energy: Gold amplifies intentions—use it with a positive mindset to avoid enhancing negative energies.

Astrological Uses

  • Lucky stone for: Leo, Scorpio
  • Fortifying crystal for: Monkey, Rooster
  • Corrective stone for: Water Tiger, Fire Dragon, Water Goat
  • Activated Chinese element: Metal
  • Vedic element: N.A.
  • Career: Suitable for all professions


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