Septarian: A Stone of Grounding and Emotional Stability

A practical guide to using septarian in lithotherapy and Feng Shui
By KarmaWeather - 25 October 2024
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Septarian, nicknamed the dragon stone, is a unique gemstone with fascinating natural patterns. Known for its grounding and stabilizing properties, it is perfect for those seeking a deeper connection with the earth and their inner self. With its gentle yet effective vibrations, it helps you find balance and serenity in your daily life.

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As a go-to stone for emotional stability, septarian plays an essential role in lithotherapy practices. Associated with the root chakra, it enhances your grounding while creating a strong connection between the body and the earth. Its unique patterns, formed millions of years ago, also make it a highly valued decorative object in Feng Shui practices.

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General Properties of Septarian

  • Name: Septarian (Dragon Stone)
  • Associated Chakra: Root (n°1)
  • Colors: Yellow, orange, brown, beige, gray
  • Hardness: 3 on the Mohs scale
  • Chemical Composition: Silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate
  • Sources: United States, Madagascar

Using Septarian at Home

  • In the living room: Place septarian on a shelf or table to promote an atmosphere of balance and calm.
  • In meditation areas: Position it near your mat or meditation cushion to strengthen your focus and grounding.
  • In Feng Shui: Place it in corners or zones associated with the Earth element to enhance stability and prosperity energies.

Septarian in a Feng Shui setting
Septarian, the dragon stone, promotes grounding and serenity

Using Septarian on Oneself

  • Jewelry: Wear it as a bracelet or pendant to benefit from continuous emotional support and improved self-confidence.
  • Tumbled stone: Carry it in your pocket or bag for a stabilizing effect while on the go.
  • Meditation: Hold it in your hands to strengthen your connection to the earth and calm intrusive thoughts.

Lithotherapy Applications

  • Emotional balance: Septarian helps stabilize emotions, especially during times of stress or uncertainty.
  • Energetic grounding: It fosters a deep connection between the body and the earth, perfect for regaining a sense of security.
  • Confidence building: Its gentle vibrations enhance self-confidence and encourage personal expression.

Precautions for Use

  • Regular cleaning: Purify it with clear or salt water, or use incense to maintain its properties.
  • Sun exposure: Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight to preserve its colors.
  • Handle with care: Due to its low hardness, septarian can easily scratch or get damaged.

Astrological Uses

  • Lucky stone for: Leo, Virgo
  • Fortifying crystal for: Ox, Snake, Monkey, Dog
  • Corrective stone for: Fire Pig
  • Activated Chinese elements: Earth, Metal
  • Vedic element: Earth
  • Career: Suitable for all professions


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