Year of the Ox: Horoscope Predictions 2025, Personality
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The Year of the Ox
Year of the Ox's Chinese horoscope and meaning: exact birth dates and elements, characteristics and personality traits, love compatibility and zodiac lucky stonesA quiet strength radiates from the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox. Endowed with unwavering determination and unshakable self-confidence, they move steadily toward their goals without distraction. Powerful and balanced, they demonstrate remarkable endurance, always finding the energy to overcome obstacles. Capable of carrying heavy burdens without faltering, they embody resilience and perseverance. Tireless, they climb the mountains of life with exemplary fortitude, protecting those they love from the storms of fate.
📅 2025 & 2026 Chinese zodiac predictions for the Year of the Ox:
Year of the Ox: Personality horoscope
Strong, reliable, and persistent, the Ox is the architect of the Chinese zodiac. Nothing stops them once they have set their sights on a goal: they advance with the patience of a sculptor shaping marble, rejecting haste. They dislike randomness and improvisation, preferring to rely on solid foundations and well-thought-out strategies. Their exceptional stamina allows them to weather storms without wavering, impressing others with their ability to endure in silence. But beware: just because they remain quiet doesn’t mean they forget. If pushed too far, their rare but devastating anger leaves lasting marks.
In the workplace, the sign of the Ox is a model of discipline and reliability. They neither count their hours nor shy away from hard work, refusing shortcuts that could compromise quality. Self-disciplined and meticulous, they excel in professions requiring patience and perseverance, from craftsmanship to leadership roles. However, they struggle with authority and prefer working independently or being their own boss. The idea of answering to a superior irritates them deeply: they move at their own pace and despise being rushed.
Financially, the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox is cautious, even distrustful. Wastefulness and high-risk ventures have no place in their life: they favor slow, steady accumulation over reckless speculation. Their relationship with money is rooted in common sense and pragmatism. They invest in lasting value and secure their future with the same meticulous care they apply to all aspects of their life. Though sometimes conservative, their economic approach ensures long-term stability.
In relationships, the Ox is loyal and steadfast. In love and friendship alike, they do not form attachments easily, but once committed, they are unwavering. They dislike half-measures or superficial connections: if they open their heart, it’s for the long haul. However, they can be jealous and possessive, especially in romantic relationships. Their need for control and fear of betrayal make them protective, sometimes overly so. They demand absolute respect for their values and cannot tolerate disloyalty. At home, they are a pillar of strength, always present and ready to do whatever it takes to ensure the happiness and security of their loved ones.
Physically, those born under the sign of the Ox often possess a robust build, with broad shoulders and strong bones. Their physical endurance mirrors their mental resilience: they take life’s hardships in stride, pressing forward no matter the obstacles.
Despite their sometimes rigid nature, the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox exudes a quiet power that commands respect. Their sense of duty and integrity make them someone you can always rely on. They build, protect, and endure, never seeking recognition or glory. They are an unshakable force, but those who try to exploit or betray them should beware: beneath their calm exterior lies a formidable strength capable of sweeping everything away in its path.
The Ox man is a tireless worker, a builder of his own destiny who moves forward with unshakable determination. His discreet charisma is based on his seriousness and reliability rather than mere appearances. As a partner, he is stable and reassuring, though sometimes a bit too rigid. In love, he seeks a sincere and lasting relationship, avoiding games and uncertainty. Methodical and persevering, he is drawn to careers where effort and discipline are rewarded, preferring to climb the ranks at his own pace rather than take shortcuts.
The Year of the Ox woman is a pillar of strength, endowed with patience and unwavering endurance. She builds her life with wisdom and determination, refusing to be swayed by trends or fleeting impulses. In love, she seeks a partner who is reliable and authentic, someone who understands her need for stability. She is deeply protective of her loved ones and remains fiercely loyal. In the professional world, she commands respect through her rigor and perseverance, thriving in environments where her dedication is valued.
🐮 Which kind of Ox are you?
Positive and negative personality traits of Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Oxen
Ox Type | Birth Year | Characteristics (Man & Woman) | |
🌳 | Wood Ox | 1925, 1985 | Honest, powerful, protective, reliable, harsh, relentless, obtuse, intolerant |
🔥 | Fire Ox | 1937, 1997 | Observer, idealist, constant, tenacious, critical, authoritarian, brutal, selfish |
🗿 | Earth Ox | 1949, 2009 | Robust, methodical, stable, patient, misanthropic, agoraphobic, lazy, conformist |
🛠 | Metal Ox | 1961, 2021 | Independent, loyal, parsimonious, discreet, jealous, vindictive, intransigent, insincere |
💧 | Water Ox | 1973 | Placid, quiet, unfazed, balanced, slow, bad player, resentful, disconcerting |
Also read the Ox's combined personality horoscope with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Year of the Ox's birth dates
🐮 Ox calendar years
Years and elements of birth for the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox
Birth Year | Date range | Chinese Year |
1925 | 25/01/1925 - 12/02/1926 | Yin Wood Ox Year |
1937 | 11/02/1937 - 30/01/1938 | Yin Fire Ox Year |
1949 | 29/01/1949 - 16/02/1950 | Yin Earth Ox Year |
1961 | 15/02/1961 - 04/02/1962 | Yin Metal Ox Year |
1973 | 03/02/1973 - 22/01/1974 | Yin Water Ox Year |
1985 | 20/02/1985 - 08/02/1986 | Yin Wood Ox Year |
1997 | 07/02/1997 - 27/01/1998 | Yin Fire Ox Year |
2009 | 26/01/2009 - 13/02/2010 | Yin Earth Ox Year |
2021 | 12/02/2021 - 31/01/2022 | Yin Metal Ox Year |
Chinese zodiac Ox's best jobs and careers
Archeologist, politician, economist, teacher, cook
Year of the Ox: Fortune
Lucky Colors of the Ox
Green, black
Lucky Numbers of the Ox
2, 6, 10
Ox (zodiac) eminent personalities
Celebrities born in the Year of the Ox
Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Barack Obama, David Hockney, Peter Paul Rubens, Vincent Van Gogh, Cédric Villani, Sergey Brin, Bernard Arnault, Diana Princess of Wales, Walt Disney, King Henri IV of France, Napoleon I, Larry Page, Albert Camus, Marc Lévy, Mylène Farmer, Wengie, Eugene Lee Yang, Bruno Mars, Michael Phelps, Dominic Sandoval, Wayne Rooney, Toby Turner, Chris Paul, Keira Knightley, Arden Cho, Jungkook (BTS member)
Year of the Ox: Love compatibility
The Ox's Chinese zodiac compatibility triangle
The Ox (Buffalo), the Snake and the Rooster (Chicken) are part of the second compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. Indeed, the Ox (Buffalo), second sign-animal of the zodiac in the Chinese calendar, gets along naturally with the Snake and the Rooster.
All 12 zodiac signs of the Chinese horoscope also have a secret friend: the Rat is the secret friend of the Ox. However, also note that the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Ox is incompatible with the Goat (Sheep).
Today's Chinese Horoscope for the Ox
KarmaWeather's Free Daily Ox Horoscope offers unique and accurate predictions for the 2nd Chinese zodiac sign. To better understand his Chinese daily horoscope, regardless of the specific interpretation of the consulted period of the current Chinese year, the Ox must monitor the days and months governed by the energetic influence of the Goat (in particular, avoid any trip, operation or signature of contract). On the other hand, the days of the Ox, the Snake, the Rooster and the Rat are lucky days for the Ox.
Year of the Ox: Birthstones
Ox Chinese zodiac lucky stones: Black noble opal, black tourmaline, bronzite, carnelian, cat's eye, chrysoberyl, citrine, Dalmatian jasper, eudialyte, hawk's eye, golden rutilated quartz, golden topaz, moonstone, rainbow fluorite, septaria, silver rutilated quartz, starry obsidian, tiger iron, white noble opal, yellow citrine, silver
Chinese Horoscope 2025 for the Ox
Chinese Horoscope for the Ox during the Year of the Snake 2025: Love, Career, Health, Luck, Studies, and Travel
In 2025, the Ox finds itself in fertile ground, ready to enjoy a year that promises both inspiration and energy. With the guidance of the Year of the Snake, this is a time for the Ox to strengthen its roots while keeping a curious eye on the horizon. The balance between quiet reflection and bold projects makes this year a rewarding one for growth and steady progress. The Ox just needs to set its pace, enjoy the journey, and let itself be surprised by unexpected touches of novelty in everyday life.
Career, Money, and Studies: In career matters, the Ox may find itself balancing unexpected opportunities with the steady progress of long-term projects. This year, hard work alone won’t suffice—an extra dash of creativity and a willingness to take small risks will prove invaluable! Perhaps it's time to consider further training or widen its network over a casual coffee with a newfound mentor. Financially, a cautious approach will serve the Ox well, while staying open to new investment ideas. Students will benefit from a year geared toward skill-building, with tangible rewards to follow from dedication and focus.
Love, Family, and Friendship: In love, the Ox may see its routines pleasantly disrupted by the energy of the Snake. Couples will rediscover spontaneity through surprise getaways or an intimate dinner cooked at home—just because! Single Oxen could find themselves intrigued by new faces and stimulating exchanges; even a shared smile on a busy street might spark something beautiful. Among family and friends, the Ox’s steady presence is a pillar of comfort, yet it may surprise its loved ones with fresh ideas and a newfound openness to discussions. All in all, this year promises engaging connections and memorable conversations.
Luck and Health: 2025 invites the Ox to leave a little room for surprises in its life. Not everything needs a plan—some of life’s best moments come unannounced, bringing laughter and success alike. Health-wise, a gentle and steady approach will keep the Ox feeling its best; yoga, nature walks, or meditating at sunrise are simple but powerful habits that will help it stay balanced. And let’s not forget to listen to the body’s signals—sometimes, a well-timed break is worth more than an extra mile.
🧧 Read the full and free Chinese horoscope for 2025
Lucky Talismans for the Ox in 2025
Annual Rating | ★★★★★★★★★☆ |
Resolution for the Year | Move forward with balance and openness, savor each step, and stay grounded in what truly matters. |
Most Auspicious Months | December 20, 2025 - January 19, 2026 (Month of the Rat), April 28, 2025 - May 26, 2025 (Month of the Snake), September 22, 2025 - October 20, 2025 (Month of the Rooster), January 19, 2026 - February 16, 2026 (Month of the Ox) |
Least Auspicious Period | June 25, 2025 - August 22, 2025 (Double Month of the Goat) |
Lucky Colors 2025 | Prussian Blue, Coral Red |
Protective Stone 2025 | Lapis Lazuli |
Corrective Element 2025 | Water, Fire |
Chakra 2025 | Sacral Chakra |
Tarot Card 2025 | Strength - Courage, Endurance, Self-Control |
Rune 2025 | Uruz - Vitality, Inner Strength, Growth |
Food and Drinks 2025 | Red berries, fatty fish, whole-grain rice, chamomile tea |
Flowers and Oils 2025 | Lavender, rosemary, peppermint essential oil |
Chinese Horoscope for Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Oxen
Below, in accordance with the Chinese horoscope, you will find a detailed description of the personality and specificities of the 5 existing types of Ox, which associate the terrestrial branch of the Ox with the 5 Yin celestial trunks of WuXing and Feng Shui (Yin Wood, Yin Fire, Yin Earth, Yin Metal, Yin Water). Indeed, the Ox being a Chinese astrological sign with Yin polarity, the elements of Nature to which he can be connected are always in their Yin form. Likewise, for each Ox associated with his celestial trunk (Wood Ox, Fire Ox, Earth Ox, Metal Ox, Water Ox), discover the pillar of destiny he is associated with and its meaning, in relation to its imaged destiny.
🌳 Wood Ox
Characteristics: You’re a Wood Ox if you’re born in 1925 or 1985. In 2024, you’re 99 or 39 years old. Your Totem Number is 2.
Personality: Attached to traditional values just like his congeners, the person born in the Year of the Wood Ox is a bit more sociable than them. In a perpetual analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of his direct environment, he is a formidable businessman. Great worker, the Wood Ox won't hesitate to sacrifice his pleasure if necessary, social success being such an absolute life goal for him. Clever and independent, his remarkable honesty doesn't prevent him from rallying the majority opinion, rather than defending his own ideas, especially when he feels that he risks not benefiting from a given situation. The Wood Ox is also not the kind to weep for the bad fate that can happen to others, so that one can sometimes find him insensitive and even rigid. Finally, the Wood Ox has a much better team spirit than the others of his kind, with the only condition, of course, to be the captain of the ship.

Wood Ox's Pillar of Destiny
Imaged destiny: "The gold at the bottom of the ocean" (Yin)
Meaning of the Wood Ox's birth pillar: Accurate analysis and lucidity, relentless will, ambition sometimes difficult to control, lack of patience.
🐮🌳 Learn more about the Year of the Wood Ox
🔥 Fire Ox
Characteristics: You’re a Fire Ox if you’re born in 1937 or 1997. In 2024, you’re 87 or 27 years old. Your lucky number is 14.
Personality: The fame and recognition the native of the Year of the Fire Ox can get from social networks exposure are very important to his well-being. Dynamic and productive, the Fire Ox must however ensure that his pride doesn't lead him to making bad decisions against people who love and support him. The quicker he succeeds in respecting and accepting the differences of others, the more notoriety and legitimacy to match his ambition.

Fire Ox's Pillar of Destiny
Imaged destiny: "Water that penetrates and fertilizes" (Yin)
Meaning of the Fire Ox's birth pillar: Transmission of knowledge (school and university education), fertility rooted in tradition and concrete reality, slow but constant ascent.
🐮🔥 Learn more about the Year of the Fire Ox
🗿 Earth Ox
Characteristics: You’re an Earth Ox if you’re born in 1949 or in 2009. In 2024, you’re 75 or 15 years old. Your lucky number is 26.
Personality: The person born in the Year of the Earth Ox doesn't like to express his feelings. Patience, stability and perseverance give the Earth Ox efficiency in action, despite a tendency to persist even when it's time to give up and move on, and a rather slow work rate.

Earth Ox's Pillar of Destiny
Imaged destiny: "The fire of lightning" (Yin)
Meaning of the Earth Ox's birth pillar: Acute intelligence and understanding of the vagaries of the soul, ability to reach the heights of success, lucidity at the risk of paralyzing concrete actions, risk of introversion.
🐮🗿 Learn more about the Year of the Earth Ox
🛠 Metal Ox
Characteristics: You’re a Metal Ox if you’re born in 1961 or in 2021. In 2024, you’re 63 years old or 3 year old. Your lucky number is 38.
Personality: Tireless worker, the native of the Year of the Metal Ox rarely thrives in occupations where hierarchy is too strong, or to his disadvantage. Stingy with his words, when he speaks, it's usually with great clarity. When it comes to convince someone about a fundamental issue, the Metal Ox is ready to bluntly deploy an intense and direct energy.

Metal Ox's Pillar of Destiny
Imaged destiny: "The earth of the wall" (Yin)
Meaning of the Metal Ox's birth pillar: Protection and consolidation of the home and the family, patient and persevering pursuit of the objectives to be achieved, insightful analysis of the situations, lack of flexibility and tendency to repeat.
🐮🛠 Learn more about the Year of the Metal Ox
💧 Water Ox
Characteristics: You’re a Water Ox if you’re born in 1973. In 2024, you’re 51 years old. Your lucky number is 50.
Personality: The person born in the Year of the Water Ox may well be ambitious, opportunistic and calculating, he nevertheless remains endowed with a deep moral sense. His respect for the established order, as well as his patience and righteousness, greatly back up his reputation for being a pleasant and effective partner/collaborator. The Water Ox is also the less stubborn of his fellows.

Water Ox's Pillar of Destiny
Imaged destiny: "The mulberry wood" (Yin)
Meaning of the Water Ox's birth pillar: Natural aptitudes for patient and meticulous work (crafts, agriculture), fierce will, possible difficulties in apprehending the unknown and the new, risk of intolerance.
🐮💧 Learn more about the Year of the Water Ox
Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox
Main characteristics of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Oxen
Chinese zodiac elements, Birth Years and Hours of the Chinese calendar, lucky directions, zodiacal compatibility, pillar of destiny and planet for natives of the Year of the Ox (Buffalo)