Chinese horoscope 2021 - Year of Ox, 12 Animals Forecast
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Chinese horoscope for 2021, the Year of the Metal Ox, from Lunar New Year
2021 annual forecast for the 12 zodiac signs of Chinese astrology
What is the date of Lunar New Year 2021?
The 2021 Chinese New Year's day is February 12, 2021. According to the Chinese horoscope 2021, the Ox (Buffalo) is the governing zodiac animal sign from Lunar New Year 2021's day and during the entire Chinese lunar year, which ends on January 31st, 2022. The Metal element, this time in its Yin form, continues to be the main source of energy in the Chinese calendar throughout 2021.
The Year of the Metal Ox 2021 follows the Year of the Metal Rat 2020 (the start of a new 12-year cycle of the Chinese calendar), thus contributing favorably to the effort to build and consolidate the achievements of the 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope, initiated with the previous Chinese New Year.
The Year of the Metal Ox 2021
According to the 2021 Chinese horoscope, the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 is synonymous with hard work, discipline, loyalty and a fair appreciation of tangible reality. On its advent, from the Chinese New Year 2021 onwards, the characteristics and dynamics that gain influence are constancy, a taste for traditions, but also the internalization of feelings, the sense of savings and the attraction for discipline.
In 2021, the annual energies of Wu Xing and Feng Shui promote stability and prosperity for short-term projects. Before launching any project in 2021, it is therefore essential to plan carefully the architecture of each stage, so as not to compromise the viability of the operation, even if this takes a little more time than expected. Such an attitude, prudent and lucid, will ultimately have a positive and lasting effect, necessary for the just realization and consolidation of the structural projects of all 12 Chinese zodiac signs.
📅 Chinese New Year 2021 and Feng Shui New Year 2021 dates, calendar, holidays and charms for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs
Chinese Year 2021: The year of hard work
According to the Chinese horoscope for 2021, even if a year governed by the Ox is often synonymous with prosperity and consolidation of gains, it nevertheless presents its share of obstacles to overcome. So this year, KarmaWeather advises the 12 Chinese zodiac signs to progress with rigor and determination on the path they will have traced for themselves. This is why in 2021, and in order to anticipate the difficulties to be overcome without giving up on your dreams, it is good practice to focus more on what is real and concrete to avoid getting lost in illusions as desirable as their taste is potentially bitter. To be clearer, it is essential in 2021 to first prove yourself in the desired field of activity in order to be able to earn or keep your position.
Metal Ox: Influence on the 12 the Chinese zodiac signs in 2021
In traditional Chinese astrology, the Metal Ox refers to patriarchy, ethics, righteousness, construction, frankness, intuition, versatility, hard work and respect for others. With the Metal Ox, the spirit prevails over the heart. Faced with this slow rise in rigorism, it is a question of finding the right strategy to succeed in the game. Nevertheless during the Year of the Ox 2021, the majority of Chinese zodiac signs will be able to adapt to the multiple interaction situations that do not necessarily suit them. In terms of social relationships, it is also during the Ox Years that excess anger causes the most irreversible damage. The Chinese zodiac signs with Yang polarity (in particular the Tiger, the Horse and the Dog), but also the Goat (Yin Chinese animal antagonistic of the Ox), must be particularly vigilant on this trait of character specific to the Yin Metal, the main element of the lunar year 2021. In the case of a possible slip, it may be a question of loss of experience or breakup with collaborators, due to an uncontrolled impulsive attitude. In addition, the Chinese zodiac signs with Yin polarity which are fed totally or partially by the energy of the Wood element, such as the Rabbit (Hare, Cat), the Goat (Sheep) and the Pig (Boar) are brought, willy-nilly, to somewhat reduce the profusion of their creativity and to express more the flexible and orderly aspect of their temperament. However, even if the dynamics are more oriented towards method, order and consistency, a few prosperous periods conducive to creative renewal will still mark their seal on the overall atmosphere of the year of the Metal Ox 2021.
Yin Metal: Chinese element of 2021
According to the precepts of Wu Xing and Feng Shui, the 2021 Chinese zodiac element, Metal, is synonymous with duration, resistance and loyalty. It also designates teamwork and interest in the community. In Chinese cosmology, it is associated with the planet Venus, with Autumn (the harvest season) and drought. Metal also corresponds to the West direction, in symbolic association with the sunset. At the level of the human body, in a Chinese medicine and food approach, Metal is linked to the lungs, to the white color and to the pungent taste and flavors. If the Yang Metal is a sign of hardness and sharpness, like a sword used to protect one's home or a scythe essential to collect crops, Yin Metal rather corresponds to a metal ornament whose object is to embellish or even a table instrument (spoon, fork), whose function is to satiate appetites.
🛠 Metal: Meaning and personality
Lucky colors of the year 2021: Green and Red
According to KarmaWeather's 2021 Chinese horoscope, the colors to favor this year in order to balance the energy flows of the 5 elements of Chinese cosmology and Feng Shui are Green (Wood element) and Red (Fire element). To increase your luck in 2021, you can consider using a green wallet (with a touch of red only *) or also wear clothes, accessories or amulets incorporating a combination of red and green.
On an energy level, the Wood / Fire generation cycle brings the possibility of increasing the quality of social interactions and allows a more determined self-assertion. Used under the domination of Yin Metal, the Wood / Fire couple also gives the means to obtain more luck with a view to renewing contracts, better management of investments and more effective planning of collective projects.
🎨 Lucky colors of the year 2021
Chinese zodiac lucky birthstone 2021:
💎 Fuchsite
Lifestyle and health in 2022
The 2021 Chinese horoscope for the Year of the Ox advises you to favor the fresh air of the countryside or the mountains to recharge your batteries and stay healthy. As the Metal element refers directly to the lungs, beware of respiratory infections.
Money, career and fortune in 2021
By 2021, those who conduct their business with seriousness and commitment will be able to receive appreciation for their respective environments. At work, all Chinese zodiac signs go through a more lucid and methodical phase of reconsidering their priorities. Remember that the energetic nature of the Ox, animal of the Chinese year 2021, makes it more difficult for new products to emerge, especially in the professional field. This is why companies are advised to capitalize on their intrinsic qualities in order to guarantee the efficiency of their production as well as their communication. To the wise: this lack of latent creativity in 2021 is not synonymous with a door open to all behavior, especially during a year inspired by the righteousness and thoroughness of the Ox. Indeed, those who practice theft of intellectual property as if it were a legitimate commercial practice will always find themselves lagging behind the real creators, in addition to attracting unwavering bad luck for themselves.
In medium and large companies, it is also advisable to be particularly honest and transparent when interacting with colleagues, particularly with managers. The key to virtuous behavior is a promotion or precious support at a critical time (managerial renewal, end of year bonus, distribution of dividends). Thus, the qualities of initiative circumscribed to the values of loyalty and perfectionism, themselves nourished by an exacerbated realism, are likely to be the most coveted professional assets in 2021. Agriculture, agribusiness and all the sectors associated with them are the activities most conducive to dazzling successes during the Year of the Ox 2021.
Society and politics in 2021
The world Chinese horoscope for 2021 continues to emphasize the importance of the means provided for the development of renewable energies and the protection of the environment. Countries lagging behind in the treatment of plastic waste are finally starting to implement effective national policies, with an emphasis placed on raising awareness in the same way as the ban on plastic objects of current consumption for single use. The regions of the world which are affected by drought actively seek to maintain efficient agricultural production, thanks to initiatives which include permaculture in particular, the principle of which is based on the exploitation of local ecosystems while preserving available resources. Large-scale tree planting initiatives are also increasing, especially since forests not only help to absorb part of the excess CO2 released into the atmosphere, but also act positively and sustainably on soil quality and local climate.
At the political level in 2021, the general trend is towards conservatism (patriotism, preservation of traditional values) rather than openness to novelty and diversity, in addition to concerns for the environment which can no longer be ignored. In addition, newcomers on the national and world political scene and who generously have the Metal element in their energy birth chart, may feel the pressing need to put themselves forward, even if it means shamelessly transforming reality for their benefit, sometimes even brutally, since the Ox is also recognized for its latent authoritarianism. These politicians can be capable of anything to achieve their goals, even to break completely from the beliefs they had proudly displayed until then. Uninspired and slightly panicked by the rapid changes brought about by today's society, they seek to grab hold of the train of an era that will not hesitate to leave them on the platform if they do not make real and profound arrangements at serving their fellow citizens, and no longer just for the benefit of a few influential lobbies.
In this perspective, among the measures taken to preserve democracy in the world, the candidates who are most likely to be elected are those who will be keen to fight for:
- A radical reform of the funding of political parties,
- Increased protection for journalists and their sources
- Increased participation by citizen-consumers in the preservation of their rights (processing of personal data, provenance, quality and labeling of products, etc.).
😎 Celebrities born in the Year of the Ox
Love, friends, family and births in 2021
The Chinese love horoscope of 2021 heralds the primacy brought to the family, in particular the well-being and education of children. Indeed, the Metal Yin element of the Chinese year 2021, associated with the second animal of Chinese astrology, are clear indicators of the sentimental and family priorities of the Year of the Ox.
💖 Chinese zodiac compatibility
In 2021, the conservative spirit of the Ox promotes family environments with traditional values. A request for material support from a child who wishes to marry religiously will receive warm and unconditional support, while another whose life choices are incomprehensible in the eyes of his / her parents risks being confronted with a wall of intolerance. But much more than possible questions of morality, any manifestation of generosity in 2021, whether family or friendly, will only become reality as soon as it takes root in the recognition of quantifiable merit. Also, the deep motivations of applicants for donation or credit will be analyzed and discussed in order to identify the value of their individual journey. As a result, only those who have shown courage and stability in the past can hope to obtain the financial support they lack.
The fact remains that respect for others, for their ideas as well as their values, remains the main foundation of any quality relationship, whether in the context of assistance or the initiation and preservation of a friendly or professional relationship. The Year of the Ox 2021 therefore particularly encourages skeptical and pessimistic minds to have more confidence in life and in their neighbor, with the constant concern of maintaining a rigorous discipline, essential according to them to the good evolution of each human being.
Is the year 2021 a good year to have a baby?
In the Asian tradition, the Years of the Ox are considered to be good years to contemplate a new birth in the family. With the exception of the Goat, all the Chinese zodiac signs can calmly contemplate the birth of a baby, girl or boy, during the Year of the Ox 2021. The most favored Chinese zodiac signs for having a baby in 2021 are the parents, father or mother, born during the Years of the Ox, the Snake, the Rat and / or the Rooster.
👶 Boy or girl? Chinese calendar baby gender 2021
Chinese New Year and horoscope 2021: In short
According to the Chinese horoscope 2021, the year of the Metal Ox 2021 promotes family contacts and the strengthening of material security, thanks to the establishment of an effective professional discipline. To maximize your potential for success within your company, you will need to demonstrate regularity and ethics, while strengthening your competitiveness through a deeper understanding of the requirements specific to your sector of activity. Finally, remember that the Ox (Buffalo) is also the symbol of spring. The tale of the Milky Way separating the two lovers, the Weaver and the Herdsman, is directly attached to its legend. By extension, during the course of 2021, love affairs at a distance or couples who cannot get together will find annual energetic ground favorable to the peaceful preservation of their romantic relationships.
Chinese horoscope 2021, sign by sign
Is 2021 a lucky year?
The 4 most fortunate Chinese zodiac signs in 2021: According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2021 is more of a lucky year for men and women born in the Year of the Ox, the Year of the Snake, the Year of the Rooster, and the Year of the Rat.
Rat's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat (Mouse) if you were born during the Year of the Rat 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 or 2020
The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Rat announces to the natives of the first zodiac sign of Chinese astrology a serene year, in the same dynamics as the previous year. It is a stable period which is announced for the Rat, during which he shall consolidate his position in a progressive and controlled way. In love, the prospect of a life together becomes perceptible and even attainable for the most impatient of single people. At worst, the single Rat can expect to live moments as unexpected as they are appreciable with partners who will leave him with fond memories. In 2021, couples made up of at least one native of the Year of the Rat can decide to improve the comfort of their family by drawing on the resources saved during the Year of the Rat 2020. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Rat
Ox's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox (Buffalo) if you were born during the Year of the Ox 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 or 2021
The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Ox augurs for the natives of the second animal sign of the Chinese zodiac who cross their own year, of a prosperous period focused on construction, material stability and the strengthening of emotional unions. In love, the importance given to family and traditions have a beneficial effect on emotional and social relationships. Some interesting opportunities in this area could even cheer up the atmosphere, especially for singles. Furthermore, the fact that nothing substantial can be accomplished without effort during the year 2021 should in no way worry the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox, whose endurance is legendary. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Ox
Tiger's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Tiger if you were born during the Year of the Tiger 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010
The 2021 Chinese Horoscope for the Tiger promises natives of the third zodiac sign of Chinese astrology a somewhat difficult year. It is above all the challenges he will have to face that will be the source of his satisfaction and the eventual guarantee of his psychological and material balance. In love, nothing exceptional will fill an emotional deficit this year. An obstinacy in the field of love could even make the Tiger live an unfortunate adventure with a taste of deja-vu. In 2021, it will take a lot of courage and patience for the Tiger who wishes to maintain his stability and overcome the obstacles that will take malicious pleasure in testing his agility. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Tiger
Rabbit's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) if you were born during the Year of the Rabbit 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011
The Chinese horoscope for 2021 of the Rabbit predicts to the natives of the fourth animal sign of the Chinese zodiac a moderately good year, during which, if he wishes to maintain his stability, it would be very beneficial not to seek to modify his existence in depth. At work, these may be moments when he will have to adapt to new and surprising situations. With a little strategy, conclusive results will come soon. In love, this is not the time to change your style of love conquest either. In 2021, the single Rabbit is better off letting things come to him, at first. This should allow him to take the time to calmly analyze the opportunities presented to him. In general, the Rabbit should still enjoy the joys of life in 2021, but with more parsimony than usual and by always remaining alert, especially in places or environments that it does not have used to visit. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Rabbit
Dragon's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Dragon if you were born during the Year of the Dragon 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012
The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Dragon presages for the natives of the fifth zodiac sign of Chinese astrology a moderate year in terms of expectations and prospects, even if however placed under the sign of protection. You should know that the Ox is never impressed by the Dragon and that in return the Dragon does not support the authoritarian tendencies of the Ox. In 2021, we will have to be somewhat careful when it comes to taking new actions and be careful to remain calm in order to overcome obstacles effectively. In love, the Dragon must beware of inappropriate and often unfounded jealousy attacks, which risk compromising the balance of his couple. Even if it's a year conducive to marriage, single dragons will still wait a while before putting their engagement ring on their finger. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Dragon
Snake's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Snake if you were born during the Year of the Snake 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 or 2013
The 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Snake reveals to the natives of the sixth animal sign of the Chinese zodiac an oscillating but dynamic year, during which one should not trust too much his intuition and continue to capitalize on pre-existing achievements. At work, it is better to avoid confrontation with colleagues in case of opposition on the right strategies to adopt. In love, the single Snake would do well not to suffocate his partner by wanting to tighten him with too much love and protection. He will gain in shared serenity. The same goes for the Snake already in a relationship. In 2021, the Snake must achieve an essential and necessary thing to preserve the harmony of his home: the fact that he decides on his choices while others sleep does not in return give him the right to meddle in their choice, as laudable and thoughtful as his intentions may be. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Snake
Horse's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Horse if you were born during the Year of the Horse 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 or 2014
The Chinese horoscope 2021 for the Horse announces to the natives of the seventh zodiac sign of Chinese astrology a better year than the previous one, however marked by a certain ambivalence, more oriented on the professional evolution than the blooming in love. Indeed, if the year 2021 should be satisfactory in financial terms for the Horse, it risks being much less good as regards its romantic relationships. Regarding his work, so that the Horse can optimize its chances of success, it will nevertheless have to avoid burning the steps necessary for the success of its entrepreneurial adventure. On the other hand, for those who are still hesitant, changing their field of activity could also prove more profitable. In love, the Horse learns to moderate its expectations vis-à-vis his potential partners so as not to be disappointed. In a relationship, a disagreement about an ex-partner or an extramarital affair risks compromising a relationship that had hitherto been perfectly stable. The Horse must contemplate its long-term interests before any important decision is made. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Horse
Goat's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Goat (Sheep) if you were born during the Year of the Goat 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 or 2015
The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Goat promises to the natives of the eighth sign of the Chinese zodiac a year of step back during which it is good that they protect themselves from surprises by being as careful and as economical as possible. Whether at work or in private, it is better for the Goat to refrain from insisting when confronted with situations which escape reason. In addition, it is necessary that the Goat prepares to defend his rights as his assets and that he takes care that others do not come to profit with impunity from his own creations. It is in 2021 that the Goat is finally able to realize the advantages of saying no to certain hazardous solicitations. In love, a single Goat would be well advised to be discreet and not to abuse the generosity of his pretenders, at the risk of scaring them off. On the financial side, the Goat must make great efforts to avoid any temptation to spend outside planned budget. In 2021, patience is the watchword of the Goat, as is prudence. The best is that he does not stray too far from those who love him and who will know how to put him back on the right path in the event of a misstep. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Goat
Monkey's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey if you were born during the Year of the Monkey 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 or 2016
The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Monkey announces to the natives of the ninth zodiac sign of Chinese astrology a hectic and sometimes annoying year, with happy ends preceded by a few tumultuous episodes. At work, the Monkey is advised to keep his timetable up to date, in order so as not to miss any interesting opportunities. On the financial side, several unexpected expenses should not cause him to panic unnecessarily. The Metal of the year 2021 is in good harmony with the material expectations of the Monkey. Indeed, his efforts to save money in 2021 should be able to provide him with great psychological comfort and dispel many of his worries. But the Monkey will only be able to maintain his financial equilibrium if he learns to watch his language and avoid making promises that he cannot keep. In love, single Monkeys should succeed in forging long-lasting emotional ties thanks to their kind sense of humor. Those who are in a relationship will first ensure that their bank account is generously credited before investing in a common property. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Monkey
Rooster's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rooster (Chicken) if you were born during the Year of the Rooster 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 or 2017
The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Rooster presages for the natives of the tenth animal sign of the Chinese zodiac of a year of recovery, opportunity and material gain, for the happiness of all his family and his closest friends. At work, it is time for the Rooster to clearly display his ambitions and set out to conquer new career prospects, with the active and benevolent support of a trusted professional entourage. Financially, the Rooster can expect in 2021 to reap the fruits of his past actions. In love, there is an opportunity for him to loudly affirm his desire to begin to form a stable sentimental bond. The spring of 2021 is also favorable for the Rooster who would like to marry or enlarge his family by conceiving a future baby. The Rooster in couple must devote his efforts to preserving the harmony of his home. Finally, in 2021, the Rooster is called upon to be particularly wary of sharp objects if he wants to avoid injuring himself inadvertently. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Rooster
Dog's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Dog if you were born during the Year of the Dog 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 or 2018
The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Dog reveals to the natives of the eleventh zodiac sign Chinese astrology a year placed under the sign of rigor and agitation, whose complexity will be expressed more on the plan of his career and on the emotional level. Also, the Dog in 2021 has an interest in exercising restraint and caution in these two important areas of his life. On the professional side, it is not yet time to start new important projects, better wait until next year. As for the Dog already in post, he must take care not to reduce his pace of work too much if he wants to maintain his position. In love, it is better that the single Dog keeps his habits without trying to force fate. He will feel much better in the end if he humbly realizes that there must be a reason for the lack of enthusiasm of the desired being and that it is perhaps better not to insist. For his part, the Dog already in couple must avoid criticizing his partner all the time, at the risk of being confronted in return with a wall of prejudice that might be difficult to overcome thereafter. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Dog
Pig's 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig (Boar) if you were born during the Year of the Pig 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 or 2019
The 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Pig bodes well for the natives of the twelfth animal sign of the Chinese zodiac of a year in which good professional prospects offset a relative slowdown in love. At work, the Pig manages to silence his least well-intentioned colleagues by adapting effectively to all new situations. His intuition also helps him make the right choices at critical moments. This has the effect of consolidating his reputation and filling his wallet. It is only in love that the events do not meet the expectations of the single Pig. To avoid frustration, the Pig must know how to give up on certain occasions, despite their undeniable appeal. As a couple, beware of secrets that have been hidden for too long. Finally, in 2021, the Pig must become more aware of his character flaws to better correct them and gain serenity. ➔ Read the complete 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Pig