Wood Ox's Chinese calendar (1925, 1985)
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If you were born in 1925 or 1985, the annual pillar of the Wood Ox corresponds to your main Chinese zodiac sign.
Let us remember in preamble that the Chinese lunisolar calendar being based on the lunar cycles, the dates of the Year of the Wood Ox are different from a year of the Gregorian calendar (see below the exact dates of the Wood Ox Years).
In Chinese astrology, your date of birth can be broken down into four pillars of destiny (四柱 命理 学) or Ba-Zi (八字). Each pillar of destiny is associated with an animal and a Chinese element and corresponds to one of the periods of your birth (year, month, day and hour). If you were born at a Ox Hour, a Wood Ox Day or during a Wood Ox Month, each of these periods also corresponds to a pillar of destiny. The four pillars of the Wood Ox share the same imaged destiny, which you can discover further down the page.
Furthermore, if your year of birth is 1925 or 1985 and the Wood Ox is therefore your 1st pillar of destiny (your main Chinese zodiac sign, which is the one corresponding to your personality and your relationship to the world and with others), then all Wood Ox Days and Months, as well as the Chinese Hour of the Ox, are lucky times for you.
Find below the list of the annual and monthly dates of the Wood Ox's Chinese calendar, as well as the hours ruled by the Ox. Then discover the personality and characteristics of the Wood Ox , his lucky talismans (color, number, stone, fragrance), his Chinese birth chart (energy composition) and his love compatibility with the 12 animal signs of Chinese astrology. See also the traditional Chinese method that parents use to choose the birth name of a Wood Ox child, as well as the list of ideal trades supplemented by a list of celebrities born during the Chinese Year of the Wood Ox.
Wood Ox's Chinese calendar
Annual Calendar of the Wood Ox
What is my Chinese zodiac sign if I was born in 1925?
According to Chinese astrology, Lunar New Year 1925 is a Year of the Wood Ox that begins on January 25, 1925 and ends on February 12, 1926. In 1925, the animal that governs the Chinese year is the Ox (Terrestrial Branch) associated with the Yin Wood element (Celestial Trunk). The Feng Shui Year 1925 (from February 4 1925 to February 3, 1926) corresponds to the Kua year n°3.
What is my Chinese zodiac sign if I was born in 1985?
According to the Chinese horoscope, Chinese New Year 1985 is a Year of the Wood Ox that begins on February 20, 1985 and ends on February 8, 1986. In 1985, the Chinese zodiac sign that governs the Lunar year is the Ox (Terrestrial Branch) associated with the Yin Wood element (Celestial Trunk). The Feng Shui Year 1985 (from February 4 1985 to February 3, 1986) corresponds to the Kua year n°6.
🐉 What is my Chinese zodiac sign?
Monthly Calendar of the Wood Ox
Wood Ox Month dates from 1970
If you are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Ox, that is to say that you were born during the Year of the Wood Ox (1925, 1985), then these periods are your lucky months. Furthermore, if you were born during one of these periods, then your 2nd pillar of destiny is the pillar of the Month of the Wood Ox (relationships with family and ancestors).
Chinese Lunar Calendar of the Wood Ox Months |
Year | Beginning of the Wood Ox Month | End of the Wood Ox Month |
1973 | 24/12/1973 | 22/01/1974 |
1978 | 30/12/1978 | 27/01/1979 |
1984 | 03/01/1984 | 01/02/1984 |
1989 | 08/01/1989 | 06/02/1989 |
1994 | 12/01/1994 | 10/02/1994 |
1999 | 17/01/1999 | 16/02/1999 |
2003 | 23/12/2003 | 22/01/2004 |
2008 | 27/12/2008 | 26/01/2009 |
2014 | 01/01/2014 | 31/01/2014 |
2019 | 06/01/2019 | 05/02/2019 |
🌙 Chinese horoscope of the month
Daily Calendar of the Wood Ox
Wood Ox Days from 1970 to 2043
If you are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Ox, that is to say that you were born during the Year of the Wood Ox (1925, 1985), then these days are your lucky days. Furthermore, if you were born one of the days below, then your 3rd pillar of destiny is the pillar of the Day of the Wood Ox (the second chance in life, active from about 30 years old).
Chinese Lunar Calendar of Wood Ox Days |
14/02/1970 | 15/04/1970 | 14/06/1970 | 13/08/1970 | 12/10/1970 |
11/12/1970 | 09/02/1971 | 10/04/1971 | 09/06/1971 | 08/08/1971 |
07/10/1971 | 06/12/1971 | 04/02/1972 | 04/04/1972 | 03/06/1972 |
02/08/1972 | 01/10/1972 | 30/11/1972 | 29/01/1973 | 30/03/1973 |
29/05/1973 | 28/07/1973 | 26/09/1973 | 25/11/1973 | 24/01/1974 |
25/03/1974 | 24/05/1974 | 23/07/1974 | 21/09/1974 | 20/11/1974 |
19/01/1975 | 20/03/1975 | 19/05/1975 | 18/07/1975 | 16/09/1975 |
15/11/1975 | 14/01/1976 | 14/03/1976 | 13/05/1976 | 12/07/1976 |
10/09/1976 | 09/11/1976 | 08/01/1977 | 09/03/1977 | 08/05/1977 |
07/07/1977 | 05/09/1977 | 04/11/1977 | 03/01/1978 | 04/03/1978 |
03/05/1978 | 02/07/1978 | 31/08/1978 | 30/10/1978 | 29/12/1978 |
27/02/1979 | 28/04/1979 | 27/06/1979 | 26/08/1979 | 25/10/1979 |
24/12/1979 | 22/02/1980 | 22/04/1980 | 21/06/1980 | 20/08/1980 |
19/10/1980 | 18/12/1980 | 16/02/1981 | 17/04/1981 | 16/06/1981 |
15/08/1981 | 14/10/1981 | 13/12/1981 | 11/02/1982 | 12/04/1982 |
11/06/1982 | 10/08/1982 | 09/10/1982 | 08/12/1982 | 06/02/1983 |
07/04/1983 | 06/06/1983 | 05/08/1983 | 04/10/1983 | 03/12/1983 |
01/02/1984 | 01/04/1984 | 31/05/1984 | 30/07/1984 | 28/09/1984 |
27/11/1984 | 26/01/1985 | 27/03/1985 | 26/05/1985 | 25/07/1985 |
23/09/1985 | 22/11/1985 | 21/01/1986 | 22/03/1986 | 21/05/1986 |
20/07/1986 | 18/09/1986 | 17/11/1986 | 16/01/1987 | 17/03/1987 |
16/05/1987 | 15/07/1987 | 13/09/1987 | 12/11/1987 | 11/01/1988 |
11/03/1988 | 10/05/1988 | 09/07/1988 | 07/09/1988 | 06/11/1988 |
05/01/1989 | 06/03/1989 | 05/05/1989 | 04/07/1989 | 02/09/1989 |
01/11/1989 | 31/12/1989 | 01/03/1990 | 30/04/1990 | 29/06/1990 |
28/08/1990 | 27/10/1990 | 26/12/1990 | 24/02/1991 | 25/04/1991 |
24/06/1991 | 23/08/1991 | 22/10/1991 | 21/12/1991 | 19/02/1992 |
19/04/1992 | 18/06/1992 | 17/08/1992 | 16/10/1992 | 15/12/1992 |
13/02/1993 | 14/04/1993 | 13/06/1993 | 12/08/1993 | 11/10/1993 |
10/12/1993 | 08/02/1994 | 09/04/1994 | 08/06/1994 | 07/08/1994 |
06/10/1994 | 05/12/1994 | 03/02/1995 | 04/04/1995 | 03/06/1995 |
02/08/1995 | 01/10/1995 | 30/11/1995 | 29/01/1996 | 29/03/1996 |
28/05/1996 | 27/07/1996 | 25/09/1996 | 24/11/1996 | 23/01/1997 |
24/03/1997 | 23/05/1997 | 22/07/1997 | 20/09/1997 | 19/11/1997 |
18/01/1998 | 19/03/1998 | 18/05/1998 | 17/07/1998 | 15/09/1998 |
14/11/1998 | 13/01/1999 | 14/03/1999 | 13/05/1999 | 12/07/1999 |
10/09/1999 | 09/11/1999 | 08/01/2000 | 08/03/2000 | 07/05/2000 |
06/07/2000 | 04/09/2000 | 03/11/2000 | 02/01/2001 | 03/03/2001 |
02/05/2001 | 01/07/2001 | 30/08/2001 | 29/10/2001 | 28/12/2001 |
26/02/2002 | 27/04/2002 | 26/06/2002 | 25/08/2002 | 24/10/2002 |
23/12/2002 | 21/02/2003 | 22/04/2003 | 21/06/2003 | 20/08/2003 |
19/10/2003 | 18/12/2003 | 16/02/2004 | 16/04/2004 | 15/06/2004 |
14/08/2004 | 13/10/2004 | 12/12/2004 | 10/02/2005 | 11/04/2005 |
10/06/2005 | 09/08/2005 | 08/10/2005 | 07/12/2005 | 05/02/2006 |
06/04/2006 | 05/06/2006 | 04/08/2006 | 03/10/2006 | 02/12/2006 |
31/01/2007 | 01/04/2007 | 31/05/2007 | 30/07/2007 | 28/09/2007 |
27/11/2007 | 26/01/2008 | 26/03/2008 | 25/05/2008 | 24/07/2008 |
22/09/2008 | 21/11/2008 | 20/01/2009 | 21/03/2009 | 20/05/2009 |
19/07/2009 | 17/09/2009 | 16/11/2009 | 15/01/2010 | 16/03/2010 |
15/05/2010 | 14/07/2010 | 12/09/2010 | 11/11/2010 | 10/01/2011 |
11/03/2011 | 10/05/2011 | 09/07/2011 | 07/09/2011 | 06/11/2011 |
05/01/2012 | 05/03/2012 | 04/05/2012 | 03/07/2012 | 01/09/2012 |
31/10/2012 | 30/12/2012 | 28/02/2013 | 29/04/2013 | 28/06/2013 |
27/08/2013 | 26/10/2013 | 25/12/2013 | 23/02/2014 | 24/04/2014 |
23/06/2014 | 22/08/2014 | 21/10/2014 | 20/12/2014 | 18/02/2015 |
19/04/2015 | 18/06/2015 | 17/08/2015 | 16/10/2015 | 15/12/2015 |
13/02/2016 | 13/04/2016 | 12/06/2016 | 11/08/2016 | 10/10/2016 |
09/12/2016 | 07/02/2017 | 08/04/2017 | 07/06/2017 | 06/08/2017 |
05/10/2017 | 04/12/2017 | 02/02/2018 | 03/04/2018 | 02/06/2018 |
01/08/2018 | 30/09/2018 | 29/11/2018 | 28/01/2019 | 29/03/2019 |
28/05/2019 | 27/07/2019 | 25/09/2019 | 24/11/2019 | 23/01/2020 |
23/03/2020 | 22/05/2020 | 21/07/2020 | 19/09/2020 | 18/11/2020 |
17/01/2021 | 18/03/2021 | 17/05/2021 | 16/07/2021 | 14/09/2021 |
13/11/2021 | 12/01/2022 | 13/03/2022 | 12/05/2022 | 11/07/2022 |
09/09/2022 | 08/11/2022 | 07/01/2023 | 08/03/2023 | 07/05/2023 |
06/07/2023 | 04/09/2023 | 03/11/2023 | 02/01/2024 | 02/03/2024 |
01/05/2024 | 30/06/2024 | 29/08/2024 | 28/10/2024 | 27/12/2024 |
25/02/2025 | 26/04/2025 | 25/06/2025 | 24/08/2025 | 23/10/2025 |
22/12/2025 | 20/02/2026 | 21/04/2026 | 20/06/2026 | 19/08/2026 |
18/10/2026 | 17/12/2026 | 15/02/2027 | 16/04/2027 | 15/06/2027 |
14/08/2027 | 13/10/2027 | 12/12/2027 | 10/02/2028 | 10/04/2028 |
09/06/2028 | 08/08/2028 | 07/10/2028 | 06/12/2028 | 04/02/2029 |
05/04/2029 | 04/06/2029 | 03/08/2029 | 02/10/2029 | 01/12/2029 |
30/01/2030 | 31/03/2030 | 30/05/2030 | 29/07/2030 | 27/09/2030 |
26/11/2030 | 25/01/2031 | 26/03/2031 | 25/05/2031 | 24/07/2031 |
22/09/2031 | 21/11/2031 | 20/01/2032 | 20/03/2032 | 19/05/2032 |
18/07/2032 | 16/09/2032 | 15/11/2032 | 14/01/2033 | 15/03/2033 |
14/05/2033 | 13/07/2033 | 11/09/2033 | 10/11/2033 | 09/01/2034 |
10/03/2034 | 09/05/2034 | 08/07/2034 | 06/09/2034 | 05/11/2034 |
04/01/2035 | 05/03/2035 | 04/05/2035 | 03/07/2035 | 01/09/2035 |
31/10/2035 | 30/12/2035 | 28/02/2036 | 28/04/2036 | 27/06/2036 |
26/08/2036 | 25/10/2036 | 24/12/2036 | 22/02/2037 | 23/04/2037 |
22/06/2037 | 21/08/2037 | 20/10/2037 | 19/12/2037 | 17/02/2038 |
18/04/2038 | 17/06/2038 | 16/08/2038 | 15/10/2038 | 14/12/2038 |
12/02/2039 | 13/04/2039 | 12/06/2039 | 11/08/2039 | 10/10/2039 |
09/12/2039 | 07/02/2040 | 07/04/2040 | 06/06/2040 | 05/08/2040 |
04/10/2040 | 03/12/2040 | 01/02/2041 | 02/04/2041 | 01/06/2041 |
31/07/2041 | 29/09/2041 | 28/11/2041 | 27/01/2042 | 28/03/2042 |
27/05/2042 | 26/07/2042 | 24/09/2042 | 23/11/2042 | 22/01/2043 |
23/03/2043 | 22/05/2043 | 21/07/2043 | 19/09/2043 | 18/11/2043 |
📅 Chinese horoscope of the day
Hour of the Ox
The Hour of the Ox lasts from 01:00 to 02:59 (local hour).
Personality and characteristics of the Wood Ox
Qualities of the Wood Ox: Honest, powerful, protective, reliable
Defects of the Wood Ox: Harsh, relentless, obtuse, intolerant
Imaged destiny of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Ox
Pillar of destiny of the Wood Ox
"Gold at the bottom of the ocean"
Polarity: Yin
Wood Ox's talismans and lucky charms
- Lucky color (protection): Red, carmine red
- Lucky number: 2
- Protective stone: Carnelian
- Essential oil, fragrance: Rose
Birth chart, baby names and love compatibility
Chinese astrology chart of the Wood Ox
Intrinsic Chinese elements (birth chart): Earth, Wood
Energy balancing elements for the Wood Ox
Corrective Chinese elements: Fire
☯ Harmonization of the 5 Chinese elements and Feng Shui
Birth names of the Wood Ox
The ideal first name of a baby of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Ox, boy or girl, must contain symbolically or etymologically one or more of its corrective elements. The first names associated with the Fire element are the most suitable for restoring or strengthening the energy balance of the baby Wood Ox.
👶 List of baby names according to Chinese astrologyLove and lucky wedding match of the Wood Ox
Love compatibility of the Wood Ox, man or woman
Chinese years of birth most compatible with the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Ox:
Best love match for a Wood Ox born in 1925: 1921, 1924, 1925, 1929
Best love match for a Wood Ox born in 1985: 1981, 1984, 1985, 1989
💘 Love compatibility of the Ox with the 12 Chinese zodiac signs
Ideal jobs for the Wood Ox
Patron, cook, sportsman, designer, entrepreneur, politician, scientist
💼 Jobs Chinese zodiac compatibilityStars, celebrities and eminent personalities
Famous people born in the Year of the Wood Ox 1925
Robert F. Kennedy, Jack Lemmon, Robert Altman, Peter Brook, Pierre Boulez, Ethel Kennedy, Rod Steiger, Malcom X, Pol Pot, Barbara Bush, Bill Haley, Mahathir bin Mohamad, Yasushi Akutagawa, Jacques Delors, Ted Lindsay, David A. Huffman, Oscar Peterson, Włodzimierz Kotoński, Alain Peyrefitte, Laurent de Brunhoff, Peter Sellers, B.B. King, Margaret Thatcher, Phillip Tobias, Angela Lansbury, Art Buchwald, Roger Hanin, Johnny Carson, John Pople, Ritwik Ghatak, Michel Jouvet, Poncke Princen, Hernando da Silva Ramos, Paul Greengard
Famous people born in the Year of the Wood Ox 1985
Mohammed bin Salman (Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia), Michael Phelps, Joakim Noah, Megan Rapinoe, Emile Hirsch, Keira Knightley, Miss Fame, Rudy Fernández, Saad Lamjarred, Yamashita Tomohisa, Hitomi Yoshizawa, Jeísa Chiminazzo, Benjamín Rojas, Elena Temnikova, Gal Gadot, Lily Allen, Shoko Nakagawa, Chien-Ming Chiang, Lukas Podolski, Sonam Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Anja Rubik, Lana Del Rey, Jamie Cook, Akira Tozawa, Nelson Piquet Jr., Yū Aoi, Camile Velasco, Luka Modrić, Bruno Mars (Peter Gene Hernandez), Sherlyn González, Wayne Rooney, Ciara, Carly Rae Jepsen, Kaley Cuoco, R. P. Singh, Jakub Błaszczykowski