Wood Tiger's Chinese calendar (1974)

🐯🌳 The Year of the Wood Tiger in Chinese astrology: Calendar dates and Wood Tiger Chinese zodiac characteristics
By KarmaWeather - 6 June 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

If you were born in 1974, the annual pillar of the Wood Tiger corresponds to your main Chinese zodiac sign.

Let us remember in preamble that the Chinese lunisolar calendar being based on the lunar cycles, the dates of the Year of the Wood Tiger are different from a year of the Gregorian calendar (see below the exact dates of the Wood Tiger Years).

In Chinese astrology, your date of birth can be broken down into four pillars of destiny (四柱 命理 学) or Ba-Zi (八字). Each pillar of destiny is associated with an animal and a Chinese element and corresponds to one of the periods of your birth (year, month, day and hour). If you were born at a Tiger Hour, a Wood Tiger Day or during a Wood Tiger Month, each of these periods also corresponds to a pillar of destiny. The four pillars of the Wood Tiger share the same imaged destiny, which you can discover further down the page.

Furthermore, if your year of birth is 1974 and the Wood Tiger is therefore your 1st pillar of destiny (your main Chinese zodiac sign, which is the one corresponding to your personality and your relationship to the world and with others), then all Wood Tiger Days and Months, as well as the Chinese Hour of the Tiger, are lucky times for you.

Find below the list of the annual and monthly dates of the Wood Tiger's Chinese calendar, as well as the hours ruled by the Tiger. Then discover the personality and characteristics of the Wood Tiger, his lucky talismans (color, number, stone, fragrance), his Chinese birth chart (energy composition) and his love compatibility with the 12 animal signs of Chinese astrology. See also the traditional Chinese method that parents use to choose the birth name of a Wood Tiger child, as well as the list of ideal trades supplemented by a list of celebrities born during the Chinese Year of the Wood Tiger.

Wood Tiger's Chinese calendar

Annual Calendar of the Wood Tiger

What is my Chinese zodiac sign if I was born in 1974?

According to Chinese astrology, Lunar New Year 1974 is a Year of the Wood Tiger that begins on January 23, 1974 and ends on February 10, 1975. In 1974, the animal that governs the Chinese year is the Tiger (Terrestrial Branch) associated with the Yang Wood element (Celestial Trunk). The Feng Shui Year 1974 (from February 4 1974 to February 3, 1975) corresponds to the Kua year n°8.

🐉 What is my Chinese zodiac sign?

Monthly Calendar of the Wood Tiger

Wood Tiger Month dates from 1970

If you are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Tiger, that is to say that you were born during the Year of the Wood Tiger (1974), then these periods are your lucky months. Furthermore, if you were born during one of these periods, then your 2nd pillar of destiny is the pillar of the Month of the Wood Tiger (relationships with family and ancestors).

Chinese Lunar Calendar of the Wood Tiger Astrological Sign Months, by KarmaWeather

Chinese Lunar Calendar of the Wood Tiger Months

Year Beginning of the Wood Tiger Month End of the Wood Tiger Month
1973 03/02/1973 04/03/1973
1978 07/02/1978 08/03/1978
1983 13/02/1983 14/03/1983
1988 17/02/1988 18/03/1988
1993 23/01/1993 21/02/1993
1998 28/01/1998 27/02/1998
2003 01/02/2003 03/03/2003
2008 07/02/2008 08/03/2008
2013 10/02/2013 12/03/2013
2018 16/02/2018 17/03/2018

🌙 Chinese horoscope of the month

Daily Calendar of the Wood Tiger

Wood Tiger Days from 1970 to 2043

If you are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Tiger, that is to say that you were born during the Year of the Wood Tiger (1974), then these days are your lucky days. Furthermore, if you were born one of the days below, then your 3rd pillar of destiny is the pillar of the Day of the Wood Tiger (the second chance in life, active from about 30 years old).

Chinese Lunar Calendar of the Days of the Wood Tiger Zodiac Sign, by KarmaWeather

Chinese Lunar Calendar of Wood Tiger Days

04/04/1970 03/06/1970 02/08/1970 01/10/1970 30/11/1970
29/01/1971 30/03/1971 29/05/1971 28/07/1971 26/09/1971
25/11/1971 24/01/1972 24/03/1972 23/05/1972 22/07/1972
20/09/1972 19/11/1972 18/01/1973 19/03/1973 18/05/1973
17/07/1973 15/09/1973 14/11/1973 13/01/1974 14/03/1974
13/05/1974 12/07/1974 10/09/1974 09/11/1974 08/01/1975
09/03/1975 08/05/1975 07/07/1975 05/09/1975 04/11/1975
03/01/1976 03/03/1976 02/05/1976 01/07/1976 30/08/1976
29/10/1976 28/12/1976 26/02/1977 27/04/1977 26/06/1977
25/08/1977 24/10/1977 23/12/1977 21/02/1978 22/04/1978
21/06/1978 20/08/1978 19/10/1978 18/12/1978 16/02/1979
17/04/1979 16/06/1979 15/08/1979 14/10/1979 13/12/1979
11/02/1980 11/04/1980 10/06/1980 09/08/1980 08/10/1980
07/12/1980 05/02/1981 06/04/1981 05/06/1981 04/08/1981
03/10/1981 02/12/1981 31/01/1982 01/04/1982 31/05/1982
30/07/1982 28/09/1982 27/11/1982 26/01/1983 27/03/1983
26/05/1983 25/07/1983 23/09/1983 22/11/1983 21/01/1984
21/03/1984 20/05/1984 19/07/1984 17/09/1984 16/11/1984
15/01/1985 16/03/1985 15/05/1985 14/07/1985 12/09/1985
11/11/1985 10/01/1986 11/03/1986 10/05/1986 09/07/1986
07/09/1986 06/11/1986 05/01/1987 06/03/1987 05/05/1987
04/07/1987 02/09/1987 01/11/1987 31/12/1987 29/02/1988
29/04/1988 28/06/1988 27/08/1988 26/10/1988 25/12/1988
23/02/1989 24/04/1989 23/06/1989 22/08/1989 21/10/1989
20/12/1989 18/02/1990 19/04/1990 18/06/1990 17/08/1990
16/10/1990 15/12/1990 13/02/1991 14/04/1991 13/06/1991
12/08/1991 11/10/1991 10/12/1991 08/02/1992 08/04/1992
07/06/1992 06/08/1992 05/10/1992 04/12/1992 02/02/1993
03/04/1993 02/06/1993 01/08/1993 30/09/1993 29/11/1993
28/01/1994 29/03/1994 28/05/1994 27/07/1994 25/09/1994
24/11/1994 23/01/1995 24/03/1995 23/05/1995 22/07/1995
20/09/1995 19/11/1995 18/01/1996 18/03/1996 17/05/1996
16/07/1996 14/09/1996 13/11/1996 12/01/1997 13/03/1997
12/05/1997 11/07/1997 09/09/1997 08/11/1997 07/01/1998
08/03/1998 07/05/1998 06/07/1998 04/09/1998 03/11/1998
02/01/1999 03/03/1999 02/05/1999 01/07/1999 30/08/1999
29/10/1999 28/12/1999 26/02/2000 26/04/2000 25/06/2000
24/08/2000 23/10/2000 22/12/2000 20/02/2001 21/04/2001
20/06/2001 19/08/2001 18/10/2001 17/12/2001 15/02/2002
16/04/2002 15/06/2002 14/08/2002 13/10/2002 12/12/2002
10/02/2003 11/04/2003 10/06/2003 09/08/2003 08/10/2003
07/12/2003 05/02/2004 05/04/2004 04/06/2004 03/08/2004
02/10/2004 01/12/2004 30/01/2005 31/03/2005 30/05/2005
29/07/2005 27/09/2005 26/11/2005 25/01/2006 26/03/2006
25/05/2006 24/07/2006 22/09/2006 21/11/2006 20/01/2007
21/03/2007 20/05/2007 19/07/2007 17/09/2007 16/11/2007
15/01/2008 15/03/2008 14/05/2008 13/07/2008 11/09/2008
10/11/2008 09/01/2009 10/03/2009 09/05/2009 08/07/2009
06/09/2009 05/11/2009 04/01/2010 05/03/2010 04/05/2010
03/07/2010 01/09/2010 31/10/2010 30/12/2010 28/02/2011
29/04/2011 28/06/2011 27/08/2011 26/10/2011 25/12/2011
23/02/2012 23/04/2012 22/06/2012 21/08/2012 20/10/2012
19/12/2012 17/02/2013 18/04/2013 17/06/2013 16/08/2013
15/10/2013 14/12/2013 12/02/2014 13/04/2014 12/06/2014
11/08/2014 10/10/2014 09/12/2014 07/02/2015 08/04/2015
07/06/2015 06/08/2015 05/10/2015 04/12/2015 02/02/2016
02/04/2016 01/06/2016 31/07/2016 29/09/2016 28/11/2016
27/01/2017 28/03/2017 27/05/2017 26/07/2017 24/09/2017
23/11/2017 22/01/2018 23/03/2018 22/05/2018 21/07/2018
19/09/2018 18/11/2018 17/01/2019 18/03/2019 17/05/2019
16/07/2019 14/09/2019 13/11/2019 12/01/2020 12/03/2020
11/05/2020 10/07/2020 08/09/2020 07/11/2020 06/01/2021
07/03/2021 06/05/2021 05/07/2021 03/09/2021 02/11/2021
01/01/2022 02/03/2022 01/05/2022 30/06/2022 29/08/2022
28/10/2022 27/12/2022 25/02/2023 26/04/2023 25/06/2023
24/08/2023 23/10/2023 22/12/2023 20/02/2024 20/04/2024
19/06/2024 18/08/2024 17/10/2024 16/12/2024 14/02/2025
15/04/2025 14/06/2025 13/08/2025 12/10/2025 11/12/2025
09/02/2026 10/04/2026 09/06/2026 08/08/2026 07/10/2026
06/12/2026 04/02/2027 05/04/2027 04/06/2027 03/08/2027
02/10/2027 01/12/2027 30/01/2028 30/03/2028 29/05/2028
28/07/2028 26/09/2028 25/11/2028 24/01/2029 25/03/2029
24/05/2029 23/07/2029 21/09/2029 20/11/2029 19/01/2030
20/03/2030 19/05/2030 18/07/2030 16/09/2030 15/11/2030
14/01/2031 15/03/2031 14/05/2031 13/07/2031 11/09/2031
10/11/2031 09/01/2032 09/03/2032 08/05/2032 07/07/2032
05/09/2032 04/11/2032 03/01/2033 04/03/2033 03/05/2033
02/07/2033 31/08/2033 30/10/2033 29/12/2033 27/02/2034
28/04/2034 27/06/2034 26/08/2034 25/10/2034 24/12/2034
22/02/2035 23/04/2035 22/06/2035 21/08/2035 20/10/2035
19/12/2035 17/02/2036 17/04/2036 16/06/2036 15/08/2036
14/10/2036 13/12/2036 11/02/2037 12/04/2037 11/06/2037
10/08/2037 09/10/2037 08/12/2037 06/02/2038 07/04/2038
06/06/2038 05/08/2038 04/10/2038 03/12/2038 01/02/2039
02/04/2039 01/06/2039 31/07/2039 29/09/2039 28/11/2039
27/01/2040 27/03/2040 26/05/2040 25/07/2040 23/09/2040
22/11/2040 21/01/2041 22/03/2041 21/05/2041 20/07/2041
18/09/2041 17/11/2041 16/01/2042 17/03/2042 16/05/2042
15/07/2042 13/09/2042 12/11/2042 11/01/2043 12/03/2043
11/05/2043 10/07/2043 08/09/2043 07/11/2043 06/01/2044

📅 Chinese horoscope of the day

Hour of the Tiger

The Hour of the Tiger lasts from 3:00 a.m. to 4:59 a.m. (local hour).

Personality and characteristics of the Wood Tiger

Qualities of the Wood Tiger: Generous, courageous, passionate, enterprising
Defects of the Wood Tiger: Rebellious, inflexible, reckless, impatient

Imaged destiny of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Tiger

Pillar of destiny of the Wood Tiger

"Water from the great spring"
Polarity: Yang

🐯🌳 Learn more about the Wood Tiger

Wood Tiger talismans and lucky charms

  • Lucky color (protection): Golden, azure blue, light blue

  • Lucky number: 51

  • Protective stone: Blue calcite

  • Essential oil, fragrance: Chamomile

Birth chart, baby names and love compatibility

Chinese astrology chart of the Wood Tiger

Intrinsic Chinese elements (birth chart): Wood

Energy balancing elements for the Wood Tiger

Corrective Chinese elements: Metal, Water

☯ Harmonization of the 5 Chinese elements and Feng Shui

Birth names of the Wood Tiger

The ideal first name of a baby of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Tiger, boy or girl, must contain symbolically or etymologically one or more of its corrective elements. The first names associated with the Metal and Water elements are the most suitable for restoring or strengthening the energy balance of the baby Wood Tiger.

👶 List of baby names according to Chinese astrology

Love and lucky wedding match of the Wood Tiger

Love compatibility of the Wood Tiger, man or woman

Chinese years of birth most compatible with the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Tiger:
Best love match for a Wood Tiger born in 1974: 1970, 1971, 1974, 1978

💘 Love compatibility of the Tiger with the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

Ideal jobs for the Wood Tiger

Stuntman, paratrooper, gallery owner, adventurer

💼 Jobs Chinese zodiac compatibility

Stars, celebrities and eminent personalities

Famous people born in the Year of the Wood Tiger 1974

Leonardo DiCaprio, Joaquin Phoenix, Christian Bale, Robbie Williams, Jimmy Fallon, Ryan Phillippe, Penélope Cruz, Alanis Morissette, Kelly Jones, Victoria Beckham, Andrei Medvedev, Tim Henman, Olivia Colman, Ariel Pestano, Konrad Gałka, Olaf Lindenbergh, Steve Nash, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo (member of Daft Punk), Ulises de la Cruz, Kimbo Slice (Kevin Ferguson), Ivri Lider, Elizabeth Banks, Jaroslav Špaček, Mahershala Ali, Kaoru, Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Ophelie Winter, Iván Campo, Kyoko Nagatsuka, James Blunt, Lee Carsley, Ariel Ortega, Kevin Connolly, Eva Mendes, Fotini Vavatsi, Paula Garces, Mark King, Stefan Olsdal, Sandra Völker, Wu Jing, Uhm Tae Woong, Kabir Khan, Xu Jinglei, Anggun, Miguel Cairo, Benoît Magimel, Laura Pausini, Jewel Kilcher, Charlie Yeung, Mónica Naranjo, Jang Jin-young, Vijay, Karisma Kapoor, Moon So-ri, Márcio Amoroso, Zé Roberto, Chot Ulep, Alexis Tsipras, Hilary Swank, Emilia Fox, Angie Cepeda, Kily González, Kajol Mukherjee, Iván Hurtado, Maxim Vengerov, Huang Bo, Hicham El Guerrouj, Yoo Chae-yeong, Harumi Inoue, Claudia Elena Vasquez, Paco León, Heather Headley, Koji Murofushi, Kieren Hutchison, Julio Ricardo Cruz, Natalie Maines, Ariel Levy, Peter Svensson, Seishi Kishimoto, Alessandro Del Piero, Lin Chi-ling, Anke Huber, Cristian Castro, Meg White (member of The White Stripes), Tony Kanaan

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