Capricorn 2025 Horoscope, Personality Traits, Sign Dates

♑ Capricorn horoscope - Capricorn dates of birth, personality traits, love compatibility, lucky numbers, colors and zodiac birthstones
By KarmaWeather - 5 November 2024
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Capricorn dates of birth range: the Sun crosses the zodiac constellation of Capricorn from December 22nd until January 20th
Symbol: a mountain goat
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Capricorn zodiac birthstones by date: If you were born between between December 22nd and January 20th, your Capricorn lucky stone names are Amethyst, Black Noble Opal, Black Tourmaline, Blue Chalcedony, Cacholong, Clear Quartz, Chrysoberyl, Dalmatian Jasper, Diamond, Emerald, Hawk's Eye, Purple Fluorite, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Pearl, Malachite, Manganocalcite, Moonstone, Rainbow Obsidian, Peridot, Pink Quartz, Rainbow Fluorite, Silver Rutilated Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Starry Obsidian, Watermelon Tourmaline, White Calcite, White Noble Opal

📅 2025 zodiac predictions for Capricorn:

House (constellation) of Capricorn

Zodiacal House number: 10
Astrological House in opposition with Capricorn: 4 (Cancer)
Meaning of the House of Capricorn: "I lead", career, reputation and honors, group action, maternal home. In world astrology, the House of Capricorn concerns royal or presidential palaces, power and memory.

Capricorn personality traits and qualities

Ambitious, patient, meticulous, gifted with a high level of concentration, the native of the zodiac sign of the Capricorn tends to accomplish himself in the second part of his life. Skeptical or even indifferent to religion, the person born during the crossing of the sun with the constellation of Capricorn is a thinker, even sometimes a philosopher, who greatly appreciates long walks along the river or in the forest. Similarly to the plants he likes so much and whose growth is slow and deserve care and attention, his rise in life seems slow and difficult.

As he shows little about his feelings, his appearance seems somewhat cold, when in reality a Capricorn is highly sensitive. As he revels in solitude, he actually rarely seeks the company of others.

The pessimism and sometimes cynical worldview of the person born under the protection of the tenth sign of the western zodiac sometimes makes him unsympathetic in appearance. Consistent in his opinions and faithful in friendship, he can also be harsh and suspicious with his relatives and friends, just as one should note that his grudge is tenacious.

Knowing how to carry out his initiatives, he succeeds through his personal merit, patience and perseverance. The setbacks he suffers are almost always due to bad luck.

Often single, when a Capricorn finally marry, it is usually a marriage of convenience or an arranged marriage, since the romantic disappointments of his youth have generally turned him cautious on the potential benefits of true love.

Capricorn lucky numbers and colors

Lucky number: 4
Lucky color: brown, black, spotted gray

Capricorn love compatibility

Capricorn is the most compatible with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

The Western zodiac sign of Capricorn is the closest to the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox (Buffalo). Indeed, the lunar calendar dates of the Month of the Ox correspond roughly to the solar calendar dates of the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

On an individual level, if you want to know the personality of Capricorn with the character of your Chinese zodiac sign, check if necessary your Chinese zodiac sign with the free calculator and click on the link below that best suits you.

Dual (combined) horoscope of Capricorn with the 12 Chinese zodiac signs:
Capricorn RatCapricorn OxCapricorn Tiger
Capricorn RabbitCapricorn DragonCapricorn Snake
Capricorn HorseCapricorn GoatCapricorn Monkey
Capricorn RoosterCapricorn DogCapricorn Pig

Ideal jobs for Capricorn

Architect, scientist, gardener, farmer, philosopher, politician, designer, music artist, writer, actor

Celebrities - Famous Capricorn and eminent personalities

Famous Capricorn celebrities include: Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Jack London, Henri Matisse, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mao Zedong, Elvis Presley, Anwar Sadat, Martin Luther King Jr., Muhammad Ali, Isaac Asimov, Stephen Hawking, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Hayao Miyazaki, David Bowie, Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Rowan Atkinson, Kate Moss, Michelle Obama, Joan Baez, Mary J. Blige, Kevin Costner, Dido, Umberto Eco, Ralph Fiennes, James Earl Jones, Juan Carlos of Spain, Diane Keaton, Jude Law, Stan Lee, Jared leto, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Zayn Malick, Park Jae-Sang, Emily Watson

Capricorn Horoscope 2025 – Stability and Expansion

The year 2025 brings a period of stabilization and gradual expansion for Capricorn. With Saturn in Pisces influencing your emotional sphere, you’ll be encouraged to explore your deeper desires and fortify your foundations. Meanwhile, Jupiter entering Gemini in June will energize your professional ambitions and open up fresh opportunities to broaden your horizons.

2025 will be a year of structure and maturity, where you’ll need to balance your ambitions with emotional needs. This is not just a time to climb higher, but also to strengthen the foundations that support your ascent. With celestial influences promoting patience and perseverance, every sincere effort you make in 2025 will bear lasting fruits.

🪐 Discover more predictions for 2025 here: Grand Horoscope 2025

Key Points for Capricorn in 2025

Capricorn's Fortune in 2025
Yearly Rating ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Annual Resolution Build on solid foundations while seizing growth opportunities.
Lucky Numbers 4, 8, 17
Lucky Colors Charcoal gray and emerald green
Protective Stone Black Onyx (for inner strength and resilience)
Chakra Root Chakra (for stability and grounding)
Foods Lentils, mushrooms, and nuts (for endurance and energy)
Herbs and Oils Sage (for cleansing) and Patchouli (for balance)
Flowers Cedar (for resilience) and Ivy (for perseverance)
Rune Eihwaz – Symbolizes transformation and endurance, reminding you to persevere through challenges.
Tarot Card The Hierophant – Represents tradition and core values, guiding you toward thoughtful decisions.

Monthly Forecast for Capricorn in 2025

  1. January:
    • Love: Start the year with a focus on stability in your relationships. Couples strengthen their foundations, and singles may meet someone serious.
    • Work: Past efforts begin to pay off. A professional project could draw attention.
    • Health: Prioritize stress management; incorporate breaks into your daily routine.
  2. February:
    • Love: Communication and listening will be key to maintaining harmony. Embrace spontaneity in your relationships.
    • Work: A mentor or authority figure may offer valuable advice or an opportunity.
    • Health: Reintroduce regular physical activity to boost your energy levels.
  3. March:
    • Love: An ideal time to plan joint projects with your partner. Singles feel more confident in their romantic pursuits.
    • Work: Strategic adjustments in your career bring rewards. Trust your instincts.
    • Health: Meditation and relaxation will help you avoid burnout.
  4. April:
    • Love: Emotional stability brings newfound serenity. Enjoy sincere and intimate moments.
    • Work: A collaboration could prove particularly fruitful. Invest in teamwork.
    • Health: Maintain a balanced diet to support your vitality.
  5. May:
    • Love: Deep conversations strengthen bonds. Singles may encounter someone who shares their values.
    • Work: Time to finalize pending projects. Your precision and diligence stand out.
    • Health: Pay attention to joints and muscles; incorporate gentle exercises like yoga.
  6. June:
    • Love: Communication becomes a vital asset in your relationships. Misunderstandings can be resolved with patience.
    • Work: Jupiter in Gemini brings new opportunities. Prepare to expand your influence.
    • Health: Energy levels rise. Take advantage by adopting a regular fitness routine.
  7. July:
    • Love: A month for introspection. Reflect on your expectations to build meaningful relationships.
    • Work: Challenging yet rewarding. Pay attention to details in your projects.
    • Health: Watch for mental fatigue. Dedicate time to unplug and recharge.
  8. August:
    • Love: Travels or getaways with a partner deepen emotional connections. Singles may experience an unexpected encounter.
    • Work: A leadership opportunity arises. Embrace it confidently.
    • Health: Stay hydrated and consume mineral-rich foods.
  9. September:
    • Love: Relationships take a serious turn. Loyalty and commitment come to the forefront.
    • Work: A pivotal time to restructure your plans. Promotion could be on the horizon.
    • Health: Engage in relaxation practices to maintain inner balance.
  10. October:
    • Love: Honest discussions help resolve latent tensions. Be attentive and empathetic.
    • Work: Launch an ambitious project. Your discipline will be a key asset.
    • Health: Watch your posture at work to avoid muscle strain.
  11. November:
    • Love: Family moments and connections with close friends bring warmth and reassurance.
    • Work: A professional cycle concludes. Celebrate your achievements while planning for the future.
    • Health: Creative or artistic activities can help reduce stress.
  12. December:
    • Love: The year ends with strengthened bonds and long-term commitments. Honesty will be your best ally.
    • Work: Reflect on accomplishments and set goals for 2026. This is a great time to prepare for inspiring new projects.
    • Health: Fatigue may set in. Rest well and adopt self-care rituals to start the new year feeling rejuvenated.

Zodiac birthstones of Capricorn

Capricorn zodiac birthstones infographic
Capricorn lithotherapy:
chakra balancing with precious and semi-precious stones

What essential oils are good for Capricorn?

Capricorn zodiac oils infographic
Capricorn Aromatherapy:
balancing of the crown chakra with myrrh and patchouli perfumes and essential oils

Reproduction strictement interdite sans accord préalable. Toute infraction fera l'objet d'une demande DMCA auprès de Google.Veuillez noter que l'utilisation de plantes médicinales, sous quelque forme que ce soit, doit toujours être envisagée après consultation d'un médecin, en particulier pour lesfemmes enceintes ou allaitantes, ainsi que pour les jeunes enfants. De la même manière, les cristaux et les pierres ne peuvent être considérés que comme un support pour untraitement médical et jamais comme une substitution. Ils sont communément appelés cristaux de guérison pour leur action sur les chakras, sachant que ceux-ci n'ont aucuneapplication dans la médecine moderne.