Taurus 2025 Horoscope, Personality Traits, Sign Dates

♉ Taurus dates of birth, annual horoscope, personality traits, love compatibility, lucky numbers, colors & zodiac birthstones
By KarmaWeather - 19 September 2024
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Taurus sign: Dates & main characteristics

Taurus dates of birth range: the Sun crosses the zodiac constellation of Taurus from April 21st until May 20th
Symbol: the bull
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Taurus zodiac birthstones by date: If you were born between between April 21st and May 20th, your Taurus lucky stone names are Alexandrite, Almandine Garnet, Aventurine, Bronzite, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Dalmatian Jasper, Diamond, Heliotrope, Herkimer Diamond, Pearl, Malachite, Manganocalcite, Moss agate, Rainbow Obsidian, Peridot, Pink Quartz, Pink Topaz, Rainbow Fluorite, Smoky Quartz, Tiger Iron, Watermelon Tourmaline, Tsavorite Garnet

📅 2025 zodiac predictions for Taurus:

House (constellation) of Taurus

Zodiacal House number: 2
Astrological House in opposition with Taurus: 8 (Scorpio)
Meaning of the House of Taurus: "I have", the acquisition and possession of wealth including real estate, trade and food. In world astrology, the House of Taurus deals with the stock markets, private and public banks as well as commercial relations.

Taurus personality traits and qualities

The second zodiac sign of the solar calendar, Taurus is traditionally associated with plowing, when the reading of constellations of Western astrology was still closely related to agriculture, the main activity of humanity for thousands of years.

Since these old days and after the industrial and technological revolution took over, we quickly came to forget our direct link and heritage with nature.

Taurus is physically strong, loyal and ambitious. If they have a materialistic and sometimes stubborn mind, it doesn't mean they are careless with their friends and family, quite the contrary. The slow pace of the May zodiac sign, combined with their taste for hard labour, allows them to stick to their goals and lead them to financial success in their business ventures, never mind how long it takes them to patiently build their wealth.

The patience and stability of Taurus are a great asset to raise a family, even though Taurus is not traditionally considered to be parent of a great number of children.

Taurus lucky numbers and colors

Lucky number: 6
Lucky color: white, pink

Taurus love compatibility

Taurus is the most compatible with Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.

The Western zodiac sign of Taurus is the closest to the Chinese zodiac sign of the Snake. Indeed, the lunar calendar dates of the Month of the Snake correspond roughly to the solar calendar dates of the zodiac sign of Taurus.

On an individual level, if you want to know the personality of Taurus with the character of your Chinese zodiac sign, check if necessary your Chinese zodiac sign with the free calculator and click on the link below that best suits you.

Dual (combined) horoscope of Taurus with the 12 Chinese zodiac signs:
Taurus RatTaurus OxTaurus Tiger
Taurus RabbitTaurus DragonTaurus Snake
Taurus HorseTaurus GoatTaurus Monkey
Taurus RoosterTaurus DogTaurus Pig

Ideal jobs for Taurus

Farmer, agricultural engineer, lumberjack, carpenter, musician, artist

Celebrities - Famous Taurus and eminent personalities

Famous Taurus celebrities include: Albrecht Dürer, Catherine II of Russia, Alphonse Daudet, Charlotte Bronte, Calamity Jane, Alexander Pope, Andrei Sakharov, Almeida Junior, Aaron Spelling, Grace Jones, Aaron Yoo, Ahmad Javad, Audrey Hepburn, Barbra Streisand, Al Pacino, Adele, Azim Azimzade, Bernardino Rivadavia, Donatella Versace, Joana Lumley, Mallika Sarabhai, Maria Gaetana Agnesi

Taurus Horoscope 2025 – Stability and Growth

2025 promises Taurus a year of stability and expansion, bringing growth opportunities in all areas of life. Love, career, and health will benefit from favorable astral influences, supporting mature decisions and lasting bonds. Discover the astrological insights to make this year truly yours.

For Taurus, 2025 will be marked by consolidation and progress. With Jupiter moving into Gemini in June, finances and personal growth are favored. Saturn in Pisces provides emotional grounding and clarity in friendships and partnerships, while Venus, your ruling planet, retrogrades in Leo, encouraging you to revisit relationships.

🪐 Learn more about the year’s forecasts: Annual Horoscope 2025

Key Highlights for Taurus in 2025

Fortune for Taurus in 2025
Overall Rating ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Annual Resolution Build solid foundations and embrace the expansion of your horizons.
Lucky Numbers 5, 14, 21
Lucky Colors emerald green and beige
Protection Stone Rose quartz (for self-love and harmony)
Chakra Heart Chakra (for love and emotional stability)
Foods apples, quinoa, and nuts (for stability and sustainable energy)
Herbs and Oils Chamomile (for relaxation and calm), Peppermint (for mental clarity)
Flowers Lily (for peace and balance) and Peony (for luck and prosperity)
Rune Ingwaz – Symbolizes growth and connection to nature, encouraging Taurus to focus on personal flourishing.
Tarot Card The Empress – Represents growth, abundance, and nurturing energy, urging Taurus to care for projects and relationships with devotion.

Monthly Forecasts for Taurus in 2025

  1. January: Love: Family and friendships strengthen under Saturn's grounding influence in Pisces. Work: Stability at work with opportunities for learning. Health: Take time to relax and start the year with balance.
  2. February: Love: Couples will find a peaceful harmony, perfect for planning shared projects. Work: Good time for collaboration. Health: Stay active to maintain balance.
  3. March: Love: Singles may experience memorable encounters. Work: Attention to detail boosts success. Health: Choose gentle activities to relieve stress.
  4. April: Love: Couples enjoy mutual understanding, ideal for future planning. Work: Past efforts begin to pay off. Health: Self-care is essential; prioritize relaxing routines.
  5. May: Love: Trust and affection deepen, especially for those in relationships. Work: New projects begin; be methodical. Health: Avoid excess and adopt a balanced diet.
  6. June: Love: The period favors adventures and new connections. Work: Jupiter in Gemini opens unexpected doors. Health: Stay hydrated and active.
  7. July: Love: Venus retrograde in Leo encourages relationship introspection. Work: Good time to evaluate professional goals. Health: Rest to avoid burnout.
  8. August: Love: Possible family tensions; communication and patience are key. Work: Ideal for continued education or personal skill development. Health: Outdoor activities are recommended for balance.
  9. September: Love: Emotional stability is crucial to deepen connections. Work: Reflect on long-term investments. Health: Balance work and leisure to maintain energy.
  10. October: Love: Harmonious phase in romantic relationships. Work: Growth opportunities await at work. Health: Relaxation is essential; consider practices like yoga.
  11. November: Love: New enriching connections are ideal for expanding your social circle. Work: Teamwork and collaboration are emphasized. Health: Prioritize restorative sleep; take care of yourself.
  12. December: Love: Perfect time for family and romantic celebrations. Work: Set your goals for the coming year. Health: Avoid excess to start the new year on the right foot.

Zodiac birthstones of Taurus

Taurus zodiac birthstones infographic
Taurus lithotherapy:
chakra balancing with precious and semi-precious stones

What essential oils are good for Taurus?

Taurus zodiac oils infographic
Taurus Aromatherapy:
balancing of the solar plexus chakra with rose and cardamom perfumes and essential oils

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