Monthly Chinese horoscope, April 12 to May 11, 2021

April, May 2021: Monthly forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 13 April 2021
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Monthly forecast during the Water Dragon Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Water Dragon Month of April and May 2021, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Water Dragon begins on April 12, 2021 and ends on May 11, 2021.

April 12 to May 11, 2021 horoscope: the Month of the Water Dragon

According to the Chinese horoscope for April and early May 2021, with the arrival of the fantastic Dragon under the governance of the traditionalist Ox, complicated things suddenly seem more accessible on a daily basis, just as the simplest things can bring their share of difficulties. In short, during this third month of the Year of the Ox 2021 under the influence of the Dragon, one should not expect tremendous progress in most areas of existence, just as we must find the ability to resist one's whims. Learning to say no is a virtue that one must know how to cultivate, particularly in an astral situation marked by the relationship of the Ox (of the year) to the Dragon (of the month).

Also, the horoscope of the Month of the Water Dragon in the Year of the Metal Ox requires flexibility, clairvoyance and a temporary capacity for renunciation. Both individuals and communities need to be oriented towards work and construction, at the expense of leisure and pleasure.

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

Money and Career monthly horoscope

Career ambitions can be fostered provided one maintains a clear direction and a sustained pace. In the context of new projects in the making, discretion is essential before any product or service launch, especially with the circle of closest friends. On a daily basis, it is advisable to listen with interest to the negative opinions of your colleagues, without giving them disproportionate credit. Salaried workers can consider renegotiating their working conditions with their employer. However, it is essential to be well prepared for this type of interview so that the request (increase in salary, increase in skills) appears legitimate and justified in the eyes of the management of the company.

Love and Friendship monthly horoscope

In love, the 12 Chinese zodiac signs of astrology can be faced with moments of questioning and transient stress, due to the weakness of the Fire element during this month of the Chinese calendar 2021. In this energetic context, the shock of novelty, arising in the flatness of everyday life, risks destabilizing existing emotional relationships. The phases of misunderstanding and quiproquo can be overcome with the ability to maintain intact self-esteem and overcome any fear of being wrongly judged by others.

Monthly influence of the 5 elements on the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

  • The Water Chinese zodiac signs (Rat, Pig) should not experience any particular difficulties and even, on the contrary, gain clarity, which will allow them to better anticipate the course of things.
  • Chinese zodiac signs influenced by the Fire energy (Horse, Snake) could well go through delicate moments accentuated by a feeling of loneliness. They will have to be patient and wait until the summer of 2021 before events finally take a positive direction.
  • The Earth Chinese zodiac signs (Ox, Dragon, Goat, Dog) could experience a very appreciable little professional development in their main activity. Good organization always pays off.
  • Metal Chinese zodiac signs (Monkey, Rooster) shouldn't need to change their plans or schedule, for the moment. They need to build on what has already proven effective.
  • Chinese zodiac signs dominated by Wood (Tiger, Rabbit) are enjoying a favorable month for their creative activities. In addition, they will be more comfortable than usual in finding the personal and professional supports they may need.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from April 12, 2021 until May 11, 2021. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from April 12, 2021 to May 11, 2021 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Pink Quartz

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from April 12, 2021 to May 11, 2021

Rat, Mouse (Chinese zodiac)

Rat April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rat Rating: 8 / 10The Rat kicks off the Chinese New Month with the chance to make some promising improvements to his ongoing life plans. At work, the ingenious solutions that he is able to find within projects where he occupies an important place can earn him success and recognition in the short term. This good dynamic could push the Rat to develop new projects or to bring out some forgotten dreams from the drawers. The Rat shouldn't be overly worried about finances at this time. In love, listening to the needs of one's partner always plays an important role in defining one's relationship. It is simply important not to forget that awkwardness loves to feed on laudable initial intentions.

Ox, Buffalo (Chinese zodiac)

Ox April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Ox Rating: 6 / 10

The Ox begins the Lunar New Month with the goal of being faster and more efficient in the projects he has promised himself to accomplish. The surprise changes in his news should in no way move him away from his real target. At work, in the event of a decline in the company's productivity, he could take the opportunity to restore order in his affairs. On the financial side, he may be requested for a loan or a co-investment. The outcome of this transaction, if it takes place, can be all the more favorable for the Ox, as it should allow him to increase his circle of influence. In love, it is better to wait until next month for important statements. In the event of disagreement within the relationship, it is better to put an end to it without too much delay. Reconciliation is possible on condition of fully accepting the difference of one's partner. Some certainties do not deserve to be upset.

Tiger (Chinese zodiac)

Tiger April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Tiger Rating: 5 / 10

The Tiger enters the Chinese New Month with the firm intention of conserving his strength for causes that are truly worth it. At work, he can expect some unexpected events. It can be a change of position, responsibilities or the arrival of new employees. For the Tiger, it's time to show off his quiet strength. Likewise, it is preferable to manage one's relations with the hierarchy with flexibility, in order to be able to fall back on one's feet in case of unforeseen circumstances. If he manages to put his pride aside, the Tiger will luckily be able to count on the support of a loved one. Regarding his money, all options must be carefully analyzed to avoid falling into the trap of an expensive investment. In love for the single Tiger, the emotional impetus could come from the opposite camp. It is advisable to identify what is wanted early on, whether it is his beating heart or his full wallet.

Rabbit, Hare, Cat (Chinese zodiac)

Rabbit April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit Rating: 6 / 10

The Rabbit begins the Lunar New Month with the intention of not changing his current rhythm of life. To maintain his material gains, he must follow his intuition and keep the focus on his priorities. At work, he might retrace his steps in order to make some useful modifications to the medium-term development of his main project. He may also find support from other professionals in order to optimize the management of his businesses. When it comes to finances, now is not the time for big spending. In his daily life, the Rabbit will be right to limit himself to the essentials. In love, if there is nothing new for the Rabbit in a relationship, the single Rabbit could take the opportunity of a chance meeting following a banal trip. Just keep your eyes open.

Dragon (Chinese zodiac)

Dragon April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dragon Rating: 6 / 10

The Dragon starts the Chinese New Month with strong resolutions for his near future. Ideas germinate, opportunities present themselves, but the Dragon grows impatient. At work, this may be the time to review the strategy in place, especially if he has the persistent impression that he is not getting a satisfactory return on his investments. He may have to help convey the ideas of others first before his own are finally heard. Regarding his money, the Dragon is able to maintain his financial stability, provided he succeeds in taming his impromptu urges for futile spending. In love, a stroke of fate risks modifying a sentimental situation already in place. It is the attitude held during the preceding months which will determine which side the scales will tip.

Snake (Chinese zodiac)

Snake April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Snake Rating: 7 / 10

The Snake confronts the Lunar New Month with a view to continuing to focus on the concrete, for more solid and anchored achievements. At work, he finally has the opportunity to improve his reputation with his professional entourage, thanks to the constancy of his personal investment in the projects for which he is responsible. This directly impacts his romantic relationships, because aware that he is realizing himself little by little, he enters a less aggressive and more attentive period, open to sharing with his partner. It is also the perfect time for the single Snake who wishes to break the enmity and the old resentments to go on the hunt with serenity and a renewed charm. Finally, regarding his wallet, the Snake must not let his enthusiasm die off because of an awkward expenditure. With a little patience, things should stabilize shortly.

Horse (Chinese zodiac)

Horse April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Horse Rating: 5 / 10

The Horse goes through the Chinese New Month in the hope of optimizing his comfort of life and not to repeat the mistakes made previously. At work, his ability to exploit all types of situations and turn them to his advantage might provide him with temporary satisfaction. But it is not yet the moment for the Horse to show off his success. It is better to first consolidate the actions taken by trying to find areas for improvement. In terms of finances, it will be a double-edged sword. Sometimes refusing is not an option but a necessity. In love, nothing is more difficult for a Horse than having to stay locked up or have a feeling of frustration with his partner. During this lunar month, many subjects will benefit from being discussed in depth, in order to avoid feeding regrettable misunderstandings. Finally, the Horse must ensure that the efforts made are evenly distributed with his partner, in order to avoid any unnecessary frustration.

Goat, Sheep (Chinese zodiac)

Goat April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Goat Rating: 6 / 10

The Goat begins the Lunar New Month with the goal of not letting events that do not concern him steal his precious time. This is especially valid in the context of his work. During this lunar month, with the help of increased concentration, the Goat is able to improve his professional situation. He will even be able to seize a few windows of interesting financial opportunities. In love, the Goat must constantly remember that a temporary renunciation in no way means the complete abandonment of the things or the people which give him his joy of living. The Goat in a relationship has the capacity to come out even stronger from the negative tests which he could have to undergo. It is this unsuspected strength that he carries within him that tends to disturb his detractors. And that's good for him.

Monkey (Chinese zodiac)

Monkey April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Monkey Rating: 7 / 10

The Monkey starts the Chinese New Month with a dynamic geared towards achievement and success. Decisions and initiatives taken at work will pay off sooner or later. In addition, in business, an opportunity for career development is offered to the Monkey, as a reward for his dynamism and his sagacity. In terms of finances, an important transaction is to be expected. Nothing should be left at the last minute. An impeccable organization is essential before launching headlong into new projects. As for emotional ties, single Monkeys eventually regain their morale, through new encounters and seduction. However, in his own interest, it is better for him to distance himself from any development in a romantic relationship that does not provide him with the feelings of security and trust that he aspires to.

Rooster, Chicken (Chinese zodiac)

Rooster April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rooster Rating: 8 / 10

The Rooster embarks on the Lunar New Month with the firm attention to regain his material comfort and spiritual well-being. The few annoying worries that had occupied his mind so far should gradually dissipate over the course of the month, leading to good news and positive developments in all aspects of his life. In business, the realization of new partnerships could give new impetus to the career of the Rooster. Now is the time to be inventive and create new opportunities for growth. As for his finances, the consolidation of the material comfort of the Rooster will depend closely on the behaviors and decisions taken in the previous weeks. If he adds a sense of timing to the prudence of his past observations, a wise investment could significantly improve the state of his finances in the long run. In the event of inaction, in the absence of a notable progression, the Rooster should easily be able to maintain a stable situation during this lunar month. In love, some sentimental overtures are possible towards the end of the lunar month. However, things should seem easier to the single Rooster, as the latter has finally decided to shake off the rough edges of his character.

Dog (Chinese zodiac)

Dog April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dog Rating: 5 / 10

The Dog begins the Chinese New Month with the awareness that he may have to make difficult choices. It is a month of questioning certain decisions or even old friendly and professional relations. The Dog should never be in the spotlight at this time. On the contrary, his discretion may be the source of the support and consideration he deserves. Generally speaking, this is not the time for the Dog to fundamentally change his existence. Beware of sharp value judgments that can backfire in a parallel and unforeseen context. Regarding his finances, there is probably a restraint effort to be made before finding a healthy and reassuring situation. In love, a small momentary break in the effusions of love would allow the next month to begin with more serenity while guaranteeing the meeting of quality people.

Pig, Boar (Chinese zodiac)

Pig April-May 2021 horoscope

Monthly Pig Rating: 6 / 10

The Pig begins the Lunar New Month with the objective of consolidating his achievements and no longer having anyone make decisions for him. Reinvigorated by his past trials, the Pig enjoys the present moment without expecting more from life than he is able to offer. At work, it is important to stay focused on the goals of the moment. For the Pig, this is not the time to disperse his energy, and all the more so as a sudden ordeal could very well tire him out for a few days. On a material level, the Pig should not doubt his ability to make the right decisions at the right time. Also, small sporadic financial discrepancies should not worry him too much. In love, beware of vindictive lies. The Pig is ready to forgive but certainly not to forget. If the pleasure is not there, it is necessarily somewhere else.

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