Monthly Chinese horoscope of January 2020

January 2020: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 1 January 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Fire Ox (Buffalo) Month of the Chinese calendar

Daily and monthly predictions for each day of the Fire Ox Month of January 2020, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

Dates of the 2020 Chinese calendar month

The Month of the Fire Ox of the Chinese calendar starts on December 27th, 2019 and ends on January 24th, 2020. On December 26th, the new moon announces the passage in the Chinese calendar from the Fire Rat Month to the Month of the Fire Ox of the Year of the Earth Pig, twelfth month of the Chinese Year.

January 2020 horoscope: the Month of the Fire Ox

According to the 2020 horoscope for January 2020, most of January 2020 is governed by the Fire Ox. Last step before starting the new 12-cycle with the year of the Metal Rat, it is a period influenced by the characteristics granted to the Ox, which are qualities of constancy and fierce independence.

Thus, endurance during effort and the optimization of personal budget management coupled with a good sense of savings are among the main intentions of this last month of the Chinese year of the Earth Pig. Furthermore, realism in the face of existence, which succeeds in balancing intolerance and rigidity vis-à-vis the unusual, constitute the main dynamics that punctuate the first month of the Gregorian year 2020.

Consequently and for all of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, the Fire Ox in January 2020 indicates the possibility of maintaining a more measured and objective mindset regarding the supervision of projects in progress. Its passage in the Chinese calendar also makes the period conducive to renewal or preparation of ground for ideas that have already proven themselves in the past. With the Ox, what may seem slow and disabling at first glance will always prove useful and beneficial thereafter.

In summary, during the month of January 2020, the Rat gains in serenity thanks to the lightening of some of his responsibilities while the Ox learns to accept with more grace the setbacks that he undergoes in the advancement of his projects. The Tiger realizes that it is sometimes better not to expect much to avoid being disappointed and the Rabbit appreciates with optimism the unblocking of a situation which was close to his heart. The Dragon thinks more and more of choosing another direction which can lead him to blooming and the Snake judges with more discernment the reliability of his next collaborator. The Horse already feels that his actions risk losing efficiency if he does not respect the right timing and the Goat has the ambition to be reborn from the ashes through renunciations and resolutions. The Monkey decides to prioritize his own well-being and the Rooster accepts that betrayal is part of the human's mindset. The Dog receives with joy the help that is brought to him and finally the Pig seizes a new professional opportunity.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

Concerning the 5 elements, the year 2020 starts in a more or less balanced way in terms of energy. First of all, the Fire element which accompanies the Ox of the month recalls the need to preserve traditions and consolidate old relationships. All the celebrations and collective rituals that take place around this pivotal period often evoke to man his interest in not remaining alone in life, in addition to the psychological benefits of dialogues and quality exchanges. Fire collects, warms and renews tarnished relationships. But it can also consume and destroy mutual trust when it is excessively present. Whether at work with colleagues or in a private circle with friends, it is advisable for one to pay close attention to the tone of one's speech. In addition, with the influence of the Ox, the accent of conversations could be put more on subjects which relate to the material success. The Chinese zodiac signs that have the Fire element in them may need to assert their professional success with their interlocutors (Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Dog). However, what can be appreciated in a balanced relationship can quickly become unpleasant for the Chinese zodiac signs which are mainly governed by the Metal elements in its Yang polarity (Monkey, Dog). To avoid this it would be more appropriate not to draw the conversation on oneself but to be more interested in the paths of one's interlocutors. The work on the Earth element is a source of moderation which is essential to maintain a serene course. Finally, the month of January 2020 is particularly suitable for burying the hatchet or marking a lasting truce with one's rivals. Indeed, let us remember that the end of the Month of the Ox 2020 marks the end of the 12-year cycle of the Chinese calendar.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from December 27th, 2019 until January 24th, 2020. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from December 27th, 2019 to January 24th, 2020 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Septaria

Money and career monthly horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope of January 2020 for work and money, the creative interaction of Fire-Earth promotes the multiplication of moments of happiness, prosperity and ensures the longevity of the steps taken. The Chinese zodiac signs that are directly influenced by the beneficial Fire-Earth relationship are the Snake and the Goat because of their Yin character. The Tiger, the Horse and the Dog also benefit from this energy situation, but the dynamics generated risk being more internalized and polarized. On a professional level, the month of the Ox encourages the return of material problems partially resolved in the past. In business, it could be a question of renovating or renewing equipment directly related to productivity. Negotiations to determine priorities can be initiated with the participation of employees. The desire to go faster than the allotted time can be observed on the part of company executives. The hints of authoritarianism of the latter, fed by the desire to finish projects without delay, should not worry too much their employees, because the Ox (of the month) under the influence of the Pig (of the year) is much more lenient than usual. If you intend to present a project to your colleagues, choose your contacts carefully. Do nothing without having proof that the ideas you are presenting are yours. The Chinese zodiac signs concerned by the risks of theft of ideas are the Goat, the Horse and the Rooster.

Same thing if you are self-employed. However, know that the Ox, dedicated and tireless, considerably supports individual professional approaches. If you hesitated until today before taking the act to create your business, the time may have come! Likewise, if you have been persistent throughout the Year of the Pig, expect to reap the rewards of your labor during the month of January 2020.

Love monthly horoscope

Regarding romantic relationships, all the significant impulses of the month of January 2020 will mark the course of events to come with their influence.


If you have been in a relationship for some time, the month of the Fire Ox invites you to appreciate more what unites you within your romantic relationship. Any crisis of jealousy or excessive distrust towards your partner is to be avoided. Improve the state of your communication thanks to a better understanding of your respective habits. The Fire element promotes outings to public places that offer cultural activities such as concerts, shows and theater. A transparent attitude towards one's partner always consolidates the cement of emotional union. Reject the lies and be as honest as possible.


If you are single, do not expect to be understood by your suitor from the first meetings. A straightforward attitude can help build trust more strongly than frivolous and convoluted behavior. The field is favorable to exchanges on subjects that affect the family. With the Ox, you should not expect a lot of diversity when forming new couples. Thus, during the month of January 2020, those who belong to the same social category have a better chance of turning their love story into serious relationship.

Health monthly horoscope

To optimize a month of January 2020 which is so interesting and rich in material concretizations, it is highly advisable to introduce in your daily routine exercises which promote the development of cerebral capacities.

For example, fun activities such as Sudoku, Go or Chess, which require analysis and memorization, can be practiced diligently. Likewise, learning a new language or moving to a new city or region can significantly help improve cognitive abilities. On the contrary, eating, sleeping or doing the same exercise every day at the same time and at the same pace, would rather help reduce the efficiency of the brain. In summary, a comfortable life, without constraints and devoid of small difficulties to solve, makes the human brain less productive and less able to handle crisis situations. Strengthen the maintenance of your brain by also respecting a diet rich in omega 3, antioxidants, crucifers, legumes, cereals and starchy foods. Foods that contain iron and vitamins B and B1 are particularly useful for the proper maintenance and strengthening of mental capacity.

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from December 27th, 2019 to January 24th, 2020

Rat January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rat rating: 7 / 10

Rat, you are on the same dynamic as the previous months. You continue to see interesting opportunities in the professional field. If you are still hesitant to take the plunge, do not take too long to make a decision. In case you still prefer to wait, take care to let someone else take advantage of your opportunity so as not to create a situation of obstruction. Your flexibility and diplomacy are rightly recognized at the right time. On a sentimental level, do not be disappointed to see that some of your hopes are still long in coming true. Don't expect anything on the other side if you don't want to be disappointed. During the month of January 2020, it is your sense of devotion and your vision of the family that are most appreciated. If you are fully responsible for your actions, no one can resist your charms for a long time, especially since your year is near (the Year of the Rat is January 25, 2020). Therefore, it is you who are in priority to receive this new beneficial energy flow. Know how to channel it while remaining very lucid in the face of events if you do not want future interesting opportunities to escape your foolproof intuition.

Ox January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Ox rating: 8 / 10

Ox, prepare to enter a period that is highly beneficial to you in multiple areas. Whether for a wedding project or a departure for a new business, you are on the rise. To this is added family rejoicing, whether it is a reunion or the imminent arrival of a baby. If you are still determined to get what you have been wanting for a while, you may want to consider taking it to the next level. In love, learn to innovate to maintain the admiration of your partner. Do not be saddened to see your first attempts fail, because in the end you will manage to rekindle the flame of love for your beloved. In parallel, do not hesitate to share your feelings if an element disturbs you within your couple. The Fire-Earth relationship promotes constructive dialogues and helps to dispel misunderstandings. Take the opportunity to improve your emotional ties.

Tiger January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Tiger rating: 6 / 10

Tiger, a long period of splendor is slowly coming to an end. Take a last look before going into hibernation. The Ox Month in a Year of the Pig encourages you to finalize your actions in progress. Consolidate the foundations of your life before embarking on the new 12-year cycle that begins on January 25, 2020 with the Chinese New Year of the Year of the Rat. The rivalries you regularly face in your work should not take precedence over your private life. In terms of love, your moods are the source of persistent hesitation. If you've recently made important decisions about your future, don't go back. If your family or friends misunderstand you, show them that you are in control of your decisions. During this last month of the Chinese year, take double care of your body and your mind. Rest regularly and avoid the negative, while appreciating the simplicity of relationships with disinterested people. You have everything to gain, starting with a newfound serenity.

Rabbit January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit rating: 6 / 10

Rabbit, despite the Pig of the year ending, which places itself as protector of your Chinese astrological sign, you may have to undergo some small disappointments vis-à-vis your recent business endeavours. Your problem stems from your tendency to want to do everything at the same time. So, either you scatter or you do nothing. You could take advantage of January 2020 to reorganize your main occupation. You need to redefine your goals. A few timing errors should not discourage you. If you are in a relationship, you may have to take on a responsibility that weighs on you. However, know how to listen to your partner with a kind ear. There is no point in stressing if you are unable to accept the few compromises that one tries to suggest to you. Time is the best medicine to relieve tension. If you are single, there is no point in chasing after a pretender who plays cat and mouse with you. Keep in mind that if someone is really interested in you, you will not have much effort to do to establish quality communication. Rather, use your most formidable weapon: move on to something else without anyone even having had time to notice it.

Dragon January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dragon rating: 6 / 10

Dragon, you are in a hurry to enter the New Year of the Rat which starts on January 25, 2020. You are right, because 2020 reserves you a lot of pleasant surprises, if however you can provoke them. But for now, you still have the Month of the Ox to get through. You are one of the most sensitive Chinese zodiac signs facing the austerity of the Ox. Nothing bores you more than a monotonous and repetitive life. However, those times when you have trouble finding joy in expressing yourself also serve as protection against negative events. The Ox, despite its rigidity, is a formidable protective shield for the Dragon. Also, whether in love or on a professional level, and even if it is not particularly advisable to embark on tumultuous adventures, you can take advantage of this period to find friends, consolidate your professional base and redesign your action plan for the things that matter to you. In short, nothing very exciting for you during this Month of the Ox, but a lot of calm and reflection that will be used to plan your new approaching life.

Snake January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Snake rating: 6 / 10

Snake, the periods influenced by the Ox are generally beneficial to you. On a professional level, if you have a managerial position in your company, know how to distribute the tasks fairly within your team. In case you are in a silent conflict with a colleague, use your sense of strategy to resolve the problem. Use deterrence tactics to succeed. In love, this is not yet the time to take too important initiatives towards your partner. Prefer simplicity at all costs if you are at the start of a new relationship. You still have a few weeks to go before coming out of this Year of the Pig which tended to destroy your enthusiasm. You have certainly learned useful things during this year. They will serve as a bulwark in the near future. Be patient in the meanwhile, things will take shape soon enough.

Horse January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Horse rating: 5 / 10

Horse, you are staying on the same dynamic as the previous month. However, you notice some small improvements here and there. At work, you end up feeling like you are in control of events. The end of the Chinese years are not always refreshing moments for you. Also, avoid putting all of your energy into tasks that are not urgent. Make sure you always top your priorities before you take care of the rest. In love, seduce your partner with your zest for life. If you participate in conversations on serious subjects, do not camp on your positions. It is by trying to see what motivates the other that you will be able to be more understood in your vision of things. If you have children, be extra vigilant with them. When it comes to finances, be sure to spend your money with care. Now is not the time to get into debt.

Goat January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Goat rating: 6 / 10

Goat, January 2020 is a return to calm after a short period of refreshing adventure. You might need to take a long vacation or simply want to withdraw from the world of men for a while. However, the hour of deserved rest has not yet arrived. You are your worst enemy during times influenced by the Ox. Also, avoid any grievance, especially at work. If you can keep your pace and be consistent, you will eventually get the reward you want. In the meantime, work without complaining too much. In love, it's a safe bet that ad hoc adventures tempt you more and more. But don't confuse true love with your need for recognition. Remember that in a relationship, whether friendly or in love, each partner must receive as much as they give. To love and to be in an emotional union with someone should not mean forgetting yourself or abandoning your interests.

Monkey January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Monkey rating: 5 / 10

Monkey, you are tired of this Year of the Pig and the Month of the Ox does not improve your emotional state. If you have the impression that as soon as you have solved a problem, another problem arises immediately, it may be because lately, you have tended to do things only halfway. Obviously, it is not at all like you because you are the example of efficiency. However, know how to fight with the right tools before you decide to overcome an obstacle. In love, watch out for anger peaks on insignificant subjects. Breaking to rebuild better, yes, you can, but that is not how you are advised to act at the moment.. In the meantime, it is best for you to take time for reflection, especially before doing something important. Take care of your health, in particular your respiratory tract.

Rooster January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Rooster rating: 6 / 10

Rooster, you like lively debates and exchanges. This is great, because you have many opportunities to assert your ideas during the month of January 2020. If you feel physical discomfort at the moment, rest assured, you will quickly end up feeling much better. At work, you should be able to regain control of an unstable situation. It is only by relying on your own abilities that you will achieve a favorable result. In love, if you are at the beginning of a relationship, do not skip the steps, especially if you are planning a long-term union. If you are single, expect to receive what you give. You know it more than anyone: a truth remains a truth, even if it is badly spoken. Also, take height and avoid being overly sensitive. At home, watch out for small common injuries and watch where you step. Financially, appreciate what you already have instead of being constantly on the lookout for the latest opportunity.

Dog January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Dog rating: 5 / 10

Dog, the last month of the Chinese year 2020 is not really relaxing for you. However, the Fire element of the month is in direct resonance with your Chinese zodiac sign. The moments of communication should be as rich as hectic. At work, if you participate in a meeting, be careful that your comments are not distorted. You risk being discredited if you remain too passive. Always keep it as simple and as explicit as possible and make sure that the information reaches its main recipient intact. In love, seek happiness outside of material possessions. You do not need to accept certain compromises if it depresses you afterwards. Assert your will without trying to impose it at all costs.

Pig January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Pig rating: 7 / 10

Pig, in many areas things will be better than the previous month. At work, put water in your wine and do not run blindly behind an ideal that loves to run away from you, especially at this time. However, if you manage to be more lucid, you will have the ability to catch sight of interesting opportunities. By dint of playing hot and cold between your homework and your desires, you will end up compromising the comfort in which you have managed to settle in for some time. Learn to effectively give up things that are not available to you. Do not be obstinate, it tires you more than anything else. In love, if you are just starting a relationship, beware of excess confidence and lies that often announce the imminent arrival of a betrayal. Take the time to discover your partner before taking important initiatives.

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