Monthly Chinese horoscope of January 2021

January 2021: Chinese monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 27 December 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Earth Rat Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Earth Rat Month of January 2021, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

In 2020, the Month of the Rat lasts from December 15, 2020 to January 12, 2021.

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

January 2021 horoscope: the Month of the Earth Rat

The Month of the Earth Rat begins on December 15, 2020 and ends on January 12, 2021. Depending on the year and the position of the Earth's hemisphere, the periods between December 20 and 23 generally signal the winter or summer solstice of the solar calendar. According to the Chinese horoscope, Christmas Day (December 25, 2020) and New Year's Eve (December 31, 2020) occur during the 11th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, in this case, the Month of the Earth Rat.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

The Month of the Rat in the Year of the Rat heralds a period of fruitful collaborations, savings, success in business and promotion at work. Men and women whose birth energy chart is dominated by the Metal element are particularly favored if they wish to invest during this Chinese month.

As for the others, they will have to remain cautious or even parsimonious in the way they manage their savings. In addition, the weakness of the Fire and Wood elements during the Month of the Rat foreshadows possible obstacles in romantic and family relationships, as well as breakdowns in creativity in the workplace.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from December 15, 2020 until January 12, 2021. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

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Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from December 15, 2020 to January 12, 2021

Rat January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rat Rating: 8 / 10

The Rat starts the Chinese New Month with the enthusiasm and curiosity that characterize him. He can actually expect a period of good luck and prosperity. More than satisfactory results may also result from a change or an important resolution concerning his main professional activity, especially since the creativity of the Rat is on the rise during one of the annual periods of the year 2020 which is the most favorable to him. Concerning his wallet, money should not be a major problem as long as the savings previously made are still available. In love, it is better for the Rat to avoid making promises if in return he is hesitant to provide full support to his partner in all walks of life.

Ox January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Ox Rating: 8 / 10

The Ox engages in the new Chinese month with the aim of maintaining the stability of his daily life. He finally feels the satisfaction of having succeeded in progressing in his professional field. A few promising avenues on an international or inter-regional level could help him to further improve his turnover. In fact, financially, everything should go well in the coming weeks. Now is even a good time for a long-term investment. However, it is always advisable to obtain an informed opinion before any major transaction. In love, the Ox is currently not very much concerned with his emotional state, because that is not what guides him in his everyday life. However, the single Ox enters a phase during which he can potentially find a partner who can meet his expectations. Good surprises can happen at the most unexpected times and places. To optimize his chances, the Ox must make sure not to leave any stone unturned.

Tiger January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Tiger Rating: 5 / 10

The Tiger begins the Chinese New Month with caution and a salutary step back, as some of his relationships have tended to disappoint him recently. Nothing new at work, except the emergence of a desire to want to make things happen to his profit. However, it may not yet be the time to embark on overly ambitious projects. On the other hand, the Tiger can take advantage of this period to design and plan his actions for the coming year. On the financial level, the Tiger has the possibility of simplifying the management of his budget. He will wisely avoid all expenses that seem unreasonable. On the sentimental level, the single Tiger may once again be disappointed. However, he won't dwell on his hurt feelings for too long as he has more important things to do for now. Finally, the Tiger should not neglect his immediate family, especially if he has children.

Rabbit January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit Rating: 7 / 10

The Rabbit begins the new Chinese month invigorated by the technical advances and intellectual feats he was able to achieve during the previous lunar month. In his work, he has the possibility of maintaining his rhythm and controlling his upward evolution. Since consistency is there, now is the time to take advantage of it. In terms of his finances, the Rabbit manages to remain cautious and limit his expenses. Either way, it's high time for him to save some money. In the event of a romantic encounter, the single Rabbit should not hesitate to curb his enthusiasm and avoid sharing his private life too much. The Rabbit knows it well inside him, appearances are often deceptive and behind each amorous smile can in reality hide a dubious motivation.

Dragon January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dragon Rating: 8 / 10

The Dragon opens the Chinese New Month with courage and optimism that allow him to look to the future with confidence. Gradually, isolation and professional hesitation give way to a welcome feeling of solidity and anchoring. It will be more a feeling of legitimate belonging to a group than an improvement in one's skills. Regarding his finances, the worries of the previous months are finally dissipating. It is only in love that the Dragon could be made to want to listen only to himself, despite the actual circumstances in which he finds himself. It is his capacity for tolerance and acceptance that will be most in demand during this lunar month. It is up to the Dragon to find the moderation and the adequate sensitivity that will allow him to avoid being wrongly accused of superficiality.

Snake January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Snake Rating: 7 / 10

The Snake begins the new Chinese month with the firm intention of being now more productive and efficient in the daily practice of his work. The New Year 2021 gives the Snake the opportunity to have the courage to make important decisions that will influence his affairs in the short term. All his commitments will be influenced by long introspective moments that will provide him with the lucidity and wisdom necessary for the success of his projects. However, the Snake will have to take the trouble to listen primarily to his own intuitions and not to the cookie-cutter advice that one will gladly lavish on him in parallel. On the financial side, this is not the time to lend money to third parties. For large investments, it is better to wait until the following month. In love, peace within the couple will always require a fair compromise. Excessive jealousy, especially in a new relationship, is often corrosive and ends up creating deep wounds.

Horse January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Horse Rating: 4 / 10

Unfortunately, the Horse starts this new month of the Chinese calendar without benefiting from positive astral energies. He could be faced with a series of stressful annoyances, especially if he doesn't bother to analyze his actions well before taking them. The Horse's strong will, admired by all his colleagues, as well as his propensity to respect his agenda meticulously, could help him maintain a somewhat vacillating professional stability. When traveling for work, the Horse is advised to stay away from activities that could be detrimental to his well-being, both physical and mental. On the financial side, the time is not conducive to investments. It may be the right time for him to sort out his priorities before considering embarking on new large-scale projects. In addition, some unexpected expenses or the loss of a strategic partner are to be considered. Fortunately, things return to normal in the following months. Towards the end of the lunar month, the Horse realizes that a little regular cleaning in his professional relations gives him a lightness of movement which suits him perfectly. In love, if in a new relationship, the Horse must under no circumstances be deluded and take the necessary time to get to know his partner well. In a couple, it is an excess of individualism that could compromise an already well established stability. Too much rigidity would risk bringing important topics that had been shelved back into the spotlight.

Goat January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Goat Rating: 6 / 10

The Goat begins the new Chinese month with the prospect of better organization of his affairs. In the context of teamwork, the Goat must be careful not to express his frustrations in broad daylight, because the exposure of his weaknesses can be used against him subsequently. The Goat must realize that he is entering a mixed period, during which it is better to consolidate his achievements by showing exemplary discretion. Regarding his money, the Goat must focus on unforeseen expenses in order to be able to save. However, a few lucky Goats can try their luck at the lottery during this lunar month. In love, social interactions are favored for the single Goat. However, one should be careful of possible futile quarrels with strangers. The Goat would do well not to forget that everyone has their own tastes, surprising as it may seem. It's just that sometimes it's better not to linger too long.

Monkey January 2020 horoscope

Monthly Monkey Rating: 9 / 10

The Monkey begins the Chinese New Month with renewed confidence and enthusiasm. This is a positive period for any Monkey who aspires to drastically improve his working conditions. The Monkey can expect to profit from the favorable outcome of a previously negotiated agreement. It is just important to avoid lacking delicacy or transparency when discussing the implementation of this contract. At the sentimental level, the single Monkey will be able to seize his chance on the occasion of informal meetings following New Year's Eve 2020. The Monkey in a relationship is happy and fulfilled. If there is no wave on the horizon, that is no reason to take risks.

Rooster January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rooster Rating: 6 / 10

The Rooster approaches the Chinese New Month with a desire to preserve his professional and private balance. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, the Rooster must keep in mind that he will not always be able to provide an effective solution to people who request his know-how. If his will to appear irreproachable in the eyes of those around him is one of his major concerns, the Rooster must, for his own good, be able to accept his limits and his faults with humility. Same thing in love; overwork is not recommended for any Rooster who wishes to maintain the stability of his current romantic relationship. Before embarking on important new projects, it would be better to wait until the New Year 2021, because from the point of view of the Chinese horoscope the second part of the lunar month will be much more favorable to the Rooster. The good news is on the money side. Indeed, the energetic situation is favorable to the Rooster who wishes to strengthen his finances. Unexpected cash inflows are even predictable.

Dog January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dog Rating: 7 / 10

The Dog begins the Chinese New Month with similar prospects to the previous month. In his work, he may be led to explore new territories that will require skills that he does not necessarily master. Fortunately, if he calls on associates or collaborators who are experts in the fields he lacks, the Dog will be able to take on these responsibilities successfully. On the financial side, it is advisable not to create debts at this time. It is preferable that the Dog decides to invest without having to resort to any loan. It is even better to postpone a possible acquisition in case of weakness in his accounts. In love, no extraordinary event should surprise the single Dog during this lunar month. He risks struggling unnecessarily in the hope of the hypothetical return of a disappointed love that is not necessarily worth it. In the case of a family with children, the Dog will gladly accept the task of keeping a vigilant eye on them during the holiday season.

Pig January 2021 horoscope

Monthly Pig Rating: 4 / 10

The Pig is going through the Chinese New Month in an atmosphere full of uncertainties. At work, even if he is very motivated, the Pig realizes that he still has to come a long way before reaching the security he aspires to. This awareness can be induced by a canceled project against one's will. Parsimony is also recommended in terms of spending, despite the end of the year holiday season looming, especially if he wants to be able to thwart any possible unforeseen deviation. Beware of holiday scams. In love, the single Pig could experience moments of frustration caused by emotional situations incompatible with his real expectations. An imminent choice between solitude or compromise could be the order of the day. In a relationship, it is the routine that dominates. During this lunar month, the priority should be given more to the conservation of the existing rather than to the satisfaction of the exploratory desires of new love horizons. Despite a relatively rough month, the Pig must in no way give reason to the gloomy prognoses of his resentments. The obstacles will seem less difficult to overcome if he remains confident in his future, because the sky will eventually clear up again.

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